

So if you live on planet Earth and you're one of seven billion people that eats food every day, 如果你生活在地球上, 并且是每天需要食物 的 70 亿人中的一员,
I need you to pay attention, because over the next three decades, we will need to address one of the most critical global challenges of our generation. 我需要你注意, 因为在接下来 30 年, 我们将必须应对 我们这个时代最重要 的全球挑战。
critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
And I'm not talking about climate change. 我不是在说气候变暖,
I'm talking about food and agriculture. 我在讨论食物和农业。
In 2050, our global population is projected to reach 9.8 billion, with 68 percent of us living in urban city centers. 2050 年,全球人口预计 将达到 98 亿人, 68% 的人将生活在城市里面。
In order to feed this massive population, we will need to increase our agricultural output by 70 percent over current levels. 为了养活这么大规模的人口, 我们需要把现有的农业产出规模 增加 70%。
massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; agricultural:adj.农业的;农艺的; output:n.(人、机器、机构的)产量;输出;输出功率;输出量;v.输出;
Just to put this number into perspective , we will need to grow more food in the next 35 to 40 years than the previous 10,000 years combined. 为了让你们对这个数字有个概念, 这相当于在未来 35-40 年, 需要增加的食物将会超过 过去 1 万年的总和。
perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前;
Put simply, not only is our global population becoming bigger, but it's also getting denser , and we will need to grow significantly more food using significantly less land and resources . 简单来讲,我们的 全球人口不仅变得更多, 也变得更密集, 并且我们必须用 更有限的土地和资源 去种植更多的粮食。
denser:adj.密集的; (dense的比较级) significantly:adv.意味深长地;值得注目地; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
Complicating our current efforts to address these major demographic shifts are the challenges facing the agricultural industry today. 当前农业面临的挑战 使我们当前应对 这些重大人口变化 的努力复杂化了。
Complicating:v.使复杂化;(complicate的现在分词) demographic:adj.人口统计学的;人口学的; shifts:n.转移; v.转移; (shift的第三人称单数)
Globally, one third of all the food that we produce is wasted, acquitting to 1.6 billion tons of food that spoiled on the way to the market or expired in our refrigerators 从全球来看,我们生产的 食物有 1/3 被浪费了, 相当于 16 亿吨的食物 在运往市场的途中烂掉, 或者躺在我们的冰箱里过期,
acquitting:v.宣判无罪;表现;完成;使(某人)卸去(责任,义务等);(acquit的现在分词) spoiled:v.破坏;搞坏;毁掉;溺爱;宠坏;善待;(spoil的过去分词和过去式) expired:adj.过期的;v.失效,期满,去世(expire的过去分词和过去式)
or were simply thrown out by supermarkets and restaurants at the end of the day. 又或者被超市和餐饮 在每天打烊时 丢弃掉。
Every single year, up to 600 million people will get sick eating contaminated food, highlighting the challenge that we have of maintaining global food safety. 每年,多达 6 亿的人 因为吃被污染的食物而患病, 凸显了我们维持全球 食品安全的挑战。
contaminated:v.污染;玷污,毒害(人的思想或品德);(contaminate的过去分词和过去式) highlighting:n.增强亮度;突出性,醒目性;v.使…显著;以强光照射(highlight的ing形式); maintaining:n.维护;保养;v.维持;保养;(maintain的现在分词)
And, maybe unsurprisingly , the agricultural industry is the single largest consumer of fresh water, accounting for 70 percent of global usage . 此外,大家不难想象, 农业产业 是最大的单一淡水消费领域, 占全球使用量的 70%。
unsurprisingly:adv.不出所料的;不出奇的;意料中的; consumer:n.[经]消费者;[生,生态]消费者; usage:n.使用;利用;利用率;惯用法;
Now, you'll be relieved to know that the agricultural industry and that the global movement by universities, companies and NGOs is putting together comprehensive research and developing novel technology to address all of these issues . 听到下面的消息 你可能会感到轻松一些: 农业产业 以及由大学,公司和 非营利组织发起的全球运动 正在推动全面的研究 和开发新的技术 来解决这些问题。
relieved:adj.释然的; v.缓解; comprehensive:adj.综合的;广泛的;有理解力的;n.综合学校;专业综合测验; novel:adj.新奇的;异常的;n.小说; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
And many have been doing it for decades. 很多机构已经 致力于这个领域长达几十年。
But one of the more recent innovations in food production being deployed in industrial parks in North America , in the urban city centers of Asia, and even in the arid deserts of the Middle East is controlled environment agriculture. 但最近有一个食物生产方面的创新 被部署在了北美的工业园区, 在亚洲的城市中心, 甚至是中东干旱的沙漠中, 那就是可控环境农业。
innovations:n.创新(innovation的复数);改革; deployed:v.部署(deploy的过去式);展开; industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; North America:n.北美洲; arid:adj.干旱的;不毛的,[农]荒芜的; Middle East:n.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部);
Controlled environment agriculture is actually just a fancy way of saying weather- or climate-proof farming, and many of these farms grow food three-dimensionally in vertical racks , as opposed to the two dimensions of conventional farms. 可控环境农业是 对不受天气或者环境影响 的农业的花俏叫法, 与传统的二维农场不同, 许多这样的农场 在垂直的架子上 立体地种植粮食作物。
fancy:n.幻想; adj.想象的; v.想象; vertical:n.垂直线;垂直位置;adj.竖的;垂直的;直立的;纵向的; racks:n.货架; v.折磨; opposed:adj.强烈反对; v.反对(计划、政策等); (oppose的过去分词和过去式) dimensions:n.规模,大小; conventional:adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的;
And so this type of food production is also referred to as indoor vertical farming. 所以这种类型 的食物生产模式也叫做 室内垂直农场。
referred:v.提到;引用;认为;指示;涉及;(refer的过去式和过去分词) indoor:adj.(在)室内的;在户内进行的;在室内用的;
I've been involved in the indoor vertical farming space for the past five and a half years, developing technology to make this type of food production more efficient and affordable . 在过去 5 年半的时间里, 我一直涉足 室内垂直农场领域, 开发能让这种类型的食物生产 更加高效和低成本的技术。
involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的; affordable:adj.负担得起的;
This picture was taken outside of a decommissioned shipping container that we converted into an indoor farm and then launched into the heart and the heat of Dubai . 这张照片是在一个废弃 的集装箱外面拍的, 我们把它改造成了一个室内农场, 然后把它运到迪拜的中心 和高温地区。
decommissioned:v.正式停止使用(武器、核电站等);(decommission的过去分词和过去式) converted:adj.修改的;改变信仰的;v.转变;改变信仰(convert的过去式和过去分词形式); launched:v.发射;发起;开展;开始;(launch的过去式和过去分词) Dubai:n.迪拜(阿拉伯联合酋长国的酋长国之一);
Indoor vertical farming is a relatively recent phenomena , commercially speaking, and the reason for this is that consumers care more about food safety and where their food comes from, 从商业角度讲,室内垂直农场是 最近才出现的现象, 原因在于消费者 越来越关注食物安全 和他们食物的产地,
relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; phenomena:n.现象(phenomenon的复数); commercially:adv.商业上;通商上; consumers:n.消费者;顾客;用户;(consumer的复数)
and also, the necessary technology to make this possible is more readily available and lower cost, and the overall cost of food production globally is actually increasing, making this type of food production more competitive . 并且让这一切成为可能的必要技术 也已经变得更容易获取,更廉价; 另外,全球食物生产 的成本其实在增加, 使得这类食物生产更具竞争力。
readily:adv.容易地;乐意地;无困难地; overall:v.全部; n.外套; adj.全面的; competitive:adj.竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的;
So if you want to build an indoor vertical farm, you will need to replace some of the conventional elements of farming with artificial substitutes , starting with sunlight . 所以如果你想要建造 室内垂直农场, 你将需要用人工替代品 取代传统的农场元素, 从阳光开始。
elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的; substitutes:n.替代品; v.用…代替; sunlight:n.日光;
In indoor vertical farms, natural sunlight is replaced with artificial lighting like LEDs . 在室内垂直农场, 自然光源由 LED 这样 的人工光源代替。
While there are many different types of LEDs being used, the one that we decided to install here is called "full spectrum LEDs," 虽然有许多不同类型 的 LED 被使用, 我们决定安装在这里的 叫做“全光谱 LED”,
install:v.安装;设置;安置;建立(程序); spectrum:n.光谱;频谱;范围;余象;
which was optimized for the type of vegetables that we were growing. 专门针对我们种植 的蔬菜进行了优化。
Also, in order to maximize production for a given space, indoor vertical farms also utilize and install racking systems to grow vegetables vertically , and some of the biggest facilities stack their production 14 to 16 floors high. 同时,为了在给定空间中 最大化产出, 室内垂直农场也会 利用和安装货架系统 来立体种植蔬菜。 有些最大的设施 把它们的产品排布到 14-16 层楼高。
maximize:vt.取…最大值;对…极为重视;vi.尽可能广义地解释;达到最大值; utilize:v.利用;运用;使用;应用; racking:n.推压动作; adj.拷问的; v.折磨; vertically:adv.垂直地; facilities:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;(facility的复数) stack:n.堆栈;一摞;大量;许多;v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞,一堆);
Now most of these farms are hydroponic or aeroponic systems, which means that instead of using soil, they use a substitute material like polyurethane sponges , biodegradable peat moss and even use inorganic materials like perlite and clay pellets . 这些农场大多 是水培或气培系统, 这意味着使用的不是土壤, 而是聚氨酯海绵, 可生物降解的 泥煤苔之类的替代材料, 甚至是无机材料, 如珍珠岩和粘土球团。
hydroponic:adj.水栽的,水耕法的; polyurethane:n.聚氨酯;聚亚安酯; sponges:n.[无脊椎]海绵(sponge的复数形式); v.用海绵擦拭,吸收掉,抹掉(sponge的第三人称单数形式); biodegradable:adj.生物所能分解的,能进行生物降解的; peat:n.泥煤;泥炭块;泥炭色; moss:n.苔藓;泥沼;vt.使长满苔藓; inorganic:adj.[无化]无机的;无生物的; perlite:n.珍珠岩;珠光体; clay:n.黏土;陶土; pellets:n.芯块,小球(pellet的复数);靶丸;v.使形成小球(pellet的第三人称单数);
Another unique aspects about these farms is that they use a precise nutrient formula that is circulated and recycled throughout the facility , and this is pumped directly to the vegetables' root zone to promote plant growth. 这些农场的另一个独特之处是 它们使用的精准养分配方 在整个设施内不断被循环和回收, 并直接输送到蔬菜的根部 来促进植物的生长。
unique:adj.独特的,稀罕的;[数]唯一的;n.独一无二的人或物; aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数); precise:adj.准确的;确切的;精确的;明确的; nutrient:n.营养物;滋养物;adj.营养的;滋养的; formula:n.公式; adj.(赛车)方程式的(指赛车要符合规定的体积,重量及汽缸容量等); circulated:v.(液体或气体)环流,循环;传播;流传;散布;(circulate的过去式和过去分词) recycled:n.再生纸;回收站;adj.[环境]回收利用的;可循环再造的; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; facility:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;天资; pumped:adj.紧张的; v.用泵输送; (pump的过去分词和过去式) directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; promote:v.促进;推动;促销;提升;晋升;
And lastly, these farms use a sophisticated monitoring and automation system to significantly increase productivity , efficiency and consistency , and these tools also provide the added benefit of producing food that is more traceable and safe. 最后,这些农场使用 复杂的监控和自动化系统, 显着提高了产量, 效率和一致性, 这些工具也会给生产的食物带来 更容易追踪和更安全的额外好处。
sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的; automation:n.自动化;自动操作; productivity:n.生产力;生产率;生产能力; efficiency:n.效率;效能;功效; consistency:n.[计]一致性;稠度;相容性; traceable:adj.起源于;可追踪的;可描绘的;
Some of the obvious benefits of growing food in this way is that you have year-round vegetable production, you have consistent quality and you have predictable output. 这种方式培育粮食作物 的一些明显的好处是, 你全年都可以生产蔬菜, 且品质一致, 你还可以预测产出。
obvious:adj.明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的; year-round:adj.(开放,使用或运转等)一年到头的;整年;全年;全年的; consistent:adj.始终如一的,一致的;坚持的; predictable:adj.可预言的;
Some of the other major benefits include significant resource use efficiencies , particularly water. 其他一些主要好处 包括显着的资源利用效率, 尤其是水。
efficiencies:n.效率(efficiency的复数); particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地;
For every kilogram of vegetables grown in this way, hundreds of liters of water is conserved compared to conventional farming methods. 以这种方式种植的每公斤蔬菜, 与传统的耕作方法相比, 可以节省数百公升的水。
liters:n.(计量)公升(容量单位)(liter的复数) conserved:adj.保守的;v.保存;保全(conserve的过去式); compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
And with the water savings come similar savings in the use of fertilizer . 在省水的同时, 化肥的使用也有所下降。
savings:n.节省物;节省;节约;储蓄金;存款;(saving的复数) fertilizer:n.[肥料]肥料;受精媒介物;促进发展者;
One of the highest-yielding farms grows over 350 times more food per square meter than a conventional farm. 一个产量最高的农场 每平方米种植的粮食比 传统农场高 350 多倍。
And weatherproofing means complete control of incoming contaminants and pests, completely eliminating the need for the use of chemical pesticides . 耐候性 意味着完全控制 外来的污染和害虫, 完全不需要使用化学杀虫剂。
weatherproofing:adj.防风雨的;不受天气影响的;vt.使…能耐风雨;n.雨衣; incoming:n.进来;收入;adj.新当选的;新任的; contaminants:n.[环境]污染物;污垢物(contaminant的复数); eliminating:v.排除;清除;消除;淘汰;(eliminate的现在分词) chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的; pesticides:n.[农药]农药;[农药]杀虫剂(pesticide的复数);
And not to be mistaken , these farms can produce enormous amounts of food, with one of the biggest facilities producing 30,000 heads of vegetables a day. 需要澄清的是, 这些农场可以生产大量的食物, 最大的一个工厂 每天可生产 3 万颗蔬菜。
mistaken:adj.错误;不正确;被误解的;v.弄错;误解;误会;(mistake的过去分词) enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的;
However, as with any new technology or innovation, there are some drawbacks . 然而,跟任何新的 技术或创新一样, 这项技术也存在一些不足。
As you would imagine, growing food in this way can be incredibly energy-intensive . 你应该可以想象, 以这种方式种植食物 会消耗大量的能量。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; energy-intensive:un.能源消耗量大的;能量密集的;
Also, these farms can only produce a small variety of vegetables commercially and the overall cost of the production still is quite high. 此外,这些农场只能商业化 生产少量品种的蔬菜, 且整体的生产成本仍然相当高。
And in order to address these issues, some of the biggest and most sophisticated farms are making significant investments , starting with energy efficiency. 为了解决这些问题, 一些最大、最先进的农场 做了大规模的投资,从能源效率开始。
In order to reduce the high energy usage, there are efforts to develop higher-efficiency LEDs, to develop lasers optimized for plant growth and using even fiber-optic cables like these 为了降低过高的能源消耗, 人们尝试着开发更高效的 LED, 开发适合植物生长的激光器, 并且使用像这样的光纤电缆
fiber-optic:纤维光学; cables:n.缆绳;钢索;电缆;电报;v.发电报;(cable的第三人称单数和复数)
to channel sunlight directly into an indoor vertical farm during the day to reduce the need for artificial lighting. 在白天将阳光直接 导入室内垂直农场 以减少对人工照明的需求。
Also, to reduce the labor costs associated with hiring a more sophisticated, more urban and also more high-skilled labor force, robotics in automation is used extensively in large-scale facilities. 同样,为了降低因雇佣更加熟练, 更城市化和拥有更高技能的劳动力 所带来的高成本, 机器自动化在大型设施中 得到了广泛应用。
associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式) robotics:n.机器人学; extensively:adv.广阔地;广大地; large-scale:adj.大规模的,大范围的;大比例尺的;
And you can never really be too resource-efficient. 你永远不可能实现 资源的真正高效利用。
Building indoor vertical farms in and around urban city centers can help to shorten the agricultural supply chain and also help to maintain the nutritional content in vegetables. 将室内垂直农场建在 都市或都市周边 可以帮助缩短农业供应链, 并维持蔬菜的营养含量。
shorten:vt.缩短;减少;变短;vi.缩短;变短; supply chain:n.供应链; nutritional:adj.营养的;滋养的; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足;
Also, there are food deserts in many countries that have little to no access to nutritious vegetables, and as this industry matures , it will become possible to provide more equitable access to high-quality , highly nutritious vegetables in even the most underprivileged of communities . 此外,在很多国家 都存在食物沙漠地区, 那里的人没法得到有营养的蔬菜, 随着这个行业的成熟, 即便是最贫穷的社区 也能够得到高质量, 高营养的蔬菜供应。
nutritious:adj.有营养的,滋养的; matures:成熟; equitable:adj.公平的,公正的;平衡法的; high-quality:adj.高质量的; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; underprivileged:adj.贫困的;被剥夺基本权力的;社会地位低下的; communities:n.社区;社会;团体;共有(community的复数)
And finally , and this is really exciting for me personally , indoor vertical farming can actually be integrated seamlessly into the cityscape to help repurpose idle , underutilized and unused urban infrastructure . 最后,也是我个人尤为兴奋的一点, 室内垂直农场可以与城市景观 进行无缝融合, 来帮助重新利用闲置、未充分利用 和未使用的城市基础设施。
finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; personally:adv.个人;亲自;本人;就本人而言; integrated:adj.综合的; v.整合; (integrate的过去式和过去分词) seamlessly:adv.无缝地; cityscape:n.都市风景;城市风光; repurpose:vt.改换意图;重新目的化; idle:adj.闲置的;懒惰的;停顿的;v.无所事事;虚度;空转; underutilized:vt.未充分使用(underutilize过去式); unused:adj.不用的;从未用过的; infrastructure:n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造;
In fact, this is already happening today. 事实上,目前这样的事 已经在发生了。
Ride-sharing services have taken hundreds of thousands of cars off the road and they have significantly reduced the need for parking. 共享汽车服务减少了 数百万辆汽车的出行, 并且显着减少了对停车空间的需求。
This is a farm that we installed in central Beijing in an underutilized underground parking structure to grow vegetables for the nearby hotels. 这个我们在北京市中心安装的农场 位于一个未被充分利用 的地下停车场, 用于为附近的酒店种植蔬菜。
installed:v.安装;设置;使就职(install的过去分词和过去式) nearby:adj.附近的,邻近的;adv.在附近;prep.在…附近;
Underutilized infrastructure is not simply limited to large-scale civil engineering projects, and they can also include smaller spaces like idle restaurant corners. 未充分利用的基础设施 不仅限于大型土木工程项目, 它们也可以包括较小的空间, 如空闲的餐厅角落。
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式) civil engineering:[建]土木工程;
This is an example of a farm that we installed directly into the partition of a hotel entrance in order to grow fresh herbs and microgreens on-site for the chefs. 这是一个我们直接安装在 酒店入口隔墙的农场, 用来给厨师们现场提供 新鲜的香料和蔬菜。
partition:n.划分,分开;[数]分割;隔墙;隔离物;vt.[数]分割;分隔;区分; on-site:adj.现场的;
Honestly, if you look around, you will find underutilized space everywhere, under, around and inside of urban developments. 老实说,如果你环顾四周, 你会发现到处都是未被 充分利用的空间—— 城区的地下,周围和内部。
This is a farm that we installed into an empty office corner to grow fresh vegetables for the employees in nearby cafes . 这是我们安装在 空置的办公室角落 来为附近咖啡馆的员工 种植新鲜蔬菜的农场。
I get to be a part of all these cool projects and working in the agricultural industry to improve access and affordability to fresh and nutritious produce, hopefully soon by anyone anywhere, 我有幸成为了农业产业中 这些超酷项目的一员, 协助提高新鲜营养农产品 的普及度和可负担性, 希望很快能惠及任何地方的任何人。
improve:v.改进;改善; affordability:n.支付能力;负担能力;可购性;
has been the greatest joy and also the most humbling and intellectually challenging thing I've ever done. 这是我所做过的最快乐, 也是最谦卑和最具挑战的事情。
humbling:adj.令人羞辱的;v.羞辱(humble的ing形式);使…谦恭;使…卑贱; intellectually:adv.智力上;理智地;知性上;
And now that I've convinced you that agriculture can be quite sexy, you'll be surprised and shocked to know that I still have trouble fully articulating how and why I decided to work, and continue to work, in the agricultural industry. 现在我已经证明了 农业也可以非常性感, 但你们也会很惊讶, 甚至很震惊的发现, 我仍然很难去 充分阐明我是如何,以及 为什么决定在农业产业工作, 并将持续工作下去。
convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式) articulating:v.清晰地发(音); adj.发音清晰的;
But a couple of years ago, I found a rather unique answer hiding in plain sight. 但在几年前,我无意间找到了 一个相当独特的答案。
You see, I read an article about how your name, particularly your last name , can have a strong influence on everything from your personality to your professional career . 我阅读过一篇文章, 是关于你的名字, 尤其是你的姓氏, 如何对你的性格, 你的专业领域等一切事情 产生强大的影响。
last name:n.姓;姓氏; influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变; personality:n.性格;个性;人格;魅力;气质;名人;特色; professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员; career:n.职业;事业;生涯;经历;
This is my Japanese last name: 这是我的日语姓氏:
Oda. Oda.
And the characters translate literally into "small farm." 这个词在字面上的翻译是 “小农场”。
translate:v.翻译;被翻译;被译成;(使)转变; literally:adv.按字面:字面上:确实地:
(Laughter) (笑声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (鼓掌)