

My name is Stuart Duncan, but I'm actually probably better known online as "AutismFather." 我叫斯图尔特·邓肯, 但实际在网络上, 我更为人熟知的身份是“自闭症之父”。
That's me on the internet. 这就是我在网上的形象。
I know the resemblance is uncanny . 我知道很难把我和网上那个形象联系起来。
resemblance:n.相似;相似之处;相似物;肖像; uncanny:adj.神秘的;离奇的;可怕的;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But I'm going to talk a little bit today about Minecraft. 不过今天我要谈谈一款游戏叫“我的世界(Minecraft)”。
That's my Minecraft character. 这是我在这款游戏中的形象。
If you don't know the game very well, don't worry too much about it. 如果你对这款游戏不太了解,这没关系。
It's just the medium that I used at the time to fill a need. 它只是我用来满足特定需要的平台。
And what I want to talk about applies to pretty much every situation. 而我今天想讲的内容是具有普遍性的。
So about four years ago, I started a Minecraft server for children with autism and their families, and I called it "Autcraft." 大约四年前,我创建了一个Minecraft服务器, 专为自闭症儿童及其家人提供帮助, 因此,我称之为“自闭创世神“ (Autcraft。)
And since then, we've been in the news all around the world, on television and radio and magazines. 自此,我们的事迹见诸于出现在了世界各地的新闻报道、 电视、广播以及杂志上。
Buzzfeed called us "one of the best places on the internet." Buzzfeed(美国新闻网站)称我们创建的平台 是“互联网上的乐土”之一。
We're also the subject of an award-winning research paper called " Appropriating Minecraft as an Assistive Technology for Youth with Autism." 有一篇屡获殊荣的研究论文 就是以我们为主题,叫 《“我的世界”--电脑辅助技术帮助自闭症儿童》。
award-winning:adj.应获奖的;优等的;备受赞誉的; Appropriating:v.盗用;占用;侵吞;拨(专款等)(appropriate的现在分词) Assistive:辅助的; Technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
It's a bit of a mouthful. 这标题听起来有点绕口,
But you get the idea, I think. 但我想你们能猜到这篇论文的大意了。
So I want to talk a little bit about that research paper and what it's about, but first I have to give you a little bit of history on how the server came to be. 所以,我想谈谈这篇论文, 以及论文中探讨的问题, 但在此之前,我先来讲些背景信息, 关于Atucraft这个服务器是如何建立的。
Back in 2013, everybody was playing Minecraft, kids and adults alike, with and without autism, of course. 2013年的时候, “我的世界”风靡网络, 无论儿童还是成人, 当然也不管有没有自闭症, 大家都在玩。
But it was the big thing. 不过,自闭症是一件需要重视的事。
But I saw parents on social media reaching out to other parents, asking if their autistic children could play together. 然而我在社交平台上看见 一些自闭症儿童的父母联系有类似遭遇的父母, 询问是否他们的孩子可以在一起玩,
media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; autistic:adj.[心理][内科]孤独症的;孤僻的;n.孤独症患者(常指儿童);
And the reason is that when they tried to play on public servers, they kept running into bullies and trolls . 因为当他们的孩子在公共服务器上玩游戏时, 他们总会遇到欺凌者和恶意的人。
bullies:n.仗势欺人者;横行霸道者;v.恐吓;伤害;胁迫;(bully的第三人称单数和复数) trolls:n.山精,巨怪;v.曳绳钓(鱼);拖钓;搜查;(troll的复数和第三人称单数);
When you have autism, you behave a little differently sometimes, sometimes a lot differently. 因为如果你患有自闭症的话, 有的时候你的行为会有一点点反常, 有的时候则完全异于其他人。
And we all know a little bit of difference is all you really need for a bully to make you their next target. 总所周知,对于一个霸凌者来说, 仅仅一点点不同就足够 使你成为他的下一个欺凌对象了。
So these terrible, terrible people online, they would destroy everything that they tried to make, they would steal all their stuff , and they would kill them over and over again , making the game virtually unplayable. 因此,网上的那些心怀恶意的人, 会在游戏中蓄意破坏 这些自闭症儿童努力搭建的东西, 偷窃他们的道具, 甚至一遍一遍地 攻击杀害他们游戏中的形象, 让这些自闭症患者 无法继续玩下去。
stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本: over and over again:adv.一再地;反复不断地; virtually:adv.事实上,几乎;实质上;
But the worst part, the part that really hurt the most, was what these bullies would say to these kids. 但最糟糕,最伤人的是 这些网络上的霸凌者 会告诉这些自闭症儿童,
They'd call them rejects and defects and retards . 他们是被抛弃的、 有缺陷的、 或是弱智的人。
rejects:n.不良品; v.拒绝; defects:n.缺点;瑕疵;不合格品(defect的复数);v.叛变(defect的三单形式); retards:n.阻碍;减速(retard的复数);v.阻碍,减缓(retard的单三形式);
And they would tell these kids, some as young as six years old, that society doesn't want them, and their own parents never wanted a broken child, so they should just kill themselves. 这些人甚至对那些年仅六岁的孩子说, 这个社会厌恶他们, 他们的父母永远不会爱一个残缺的孩子, 因此他们应该自我了断生命。
And of course, these kids, you understand, they would sign off from these servers angry and hurt. 而你知道的,这些自闭症儿童 会十分生气、伤心地退出服务器。
They would break their keyboards, they'd quite literally hate themselves, and their parents felt powerless to do anything. 他们会砸坏键盘,甚至直接说厌恶自己, 而他们的父母则感到无能为力。
So I decided I had to try and help. 于是,我决定试着帮助这些孩子和家庭。
I have autism, my oldest son has autism, and both my kids and I love Minecraft, so I have to do something. 我也有过自闭症, 我的长子也患有自闭症, 而我的孩子和我都 非常喜欢玩“我的世界”这个游戏。 所以,我得做点什么来改变这一状况。
So I got myself a Minecraft server, and I spent some time, built a little village with some roads and a big welcome sign and this guy and a lodge up on a mountaintop , and tried to make it inviting. 于是,我自己建立了一个“我的世界”服务器, 然后我花了点时间, 建了一个有道路穿过的小村庄, 一个巨大的欢迎标志和山顶上的城堡, 我试图使它变得吸引人。
lodge:n.传达室; v.(向公共机构或当局)正式提出(声明等); mountaintop:n.山顶;
The idea was pretty simple. 我的想法非常简单。
I had a white list, so only people that I approved could join, and I would just monitor the server as much as I could, just to make sure that nothing went wrong. 我有一个白名单,只有得到我的允许, 玩家才能加入, 因此我尽可能地监督服务器的运营使用, 以确保没有恶性事件发生。
approved:adj.被正式接受的,被正式认可的; v.赞成; (approve的过去分词和过去式)
And that was it, that was the whole promise: to keep the kids safe so they could play. 这就是我的初衷,也是我的承诺: 确保孩子的安全, 于是他们就可以尽情享受游戏的欢乐了。
When it was done, I went to Facebook and posted a pretty simple message to my friends list, not publicly. 当我建成这个服务器时, 我在Facebook上面向好友发了一条信息, 并没有所有人公开。
I wanted to see if there was any interest in this, and if it really could help. 因为我想试运营一下, 看看大家对它有没有兴趣, 以及到底有没有用。
Turns out that I greatly underestimated just how much this was needed, because within 48 hours, I got 750 emails. 结果我发现, 我彻底低估了大家对它的需要程度, 因为仅在两天之内, 我就收到了750申请加入的邮件。
greatly:adv.很,大大地;非常; underestimated:v.低估;对…估计不足;轻视(underestimate的过去分词和过去式)
I don't have that many Facebook friends. 而我在Facebook上的好友都没有750个。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Within eight days, I had to upgrade the hosting package eight times, from the bottom package to the most expensive package they had, and now, almost four years later, 八天之内,我就升级了主机程序包八次, 从最普通的主机包升级成最昂贵的那种, 而如今,差不多四年后,
upgrade:v.使升级;提升;改良品种;n.升级;上升;上坡;adv.往上;adj.向上的; hosting:v.主办,主持;主持;做东;(host的现在分词)
I have 8,000 names on the white list from all around the world. 我的白名单上有8000名来自世界各地的用户。
But the reason I'm up here today to talk to you isn't just because I gave kids a safe place to play. 但是,我今天站在这里演讲的目的 并不是告诉大家 我给孩子提供了一个安全的游戏环境。
It's what happened while they played. 我想谈的是一件 发生在他们游戏过程中的事。
I started hearing from parents who said their children were learning to read and write by playing on the server. 我开始倾听家长们的意见, 他们说自己的孩子在服务器上 学习读写。
At first they spelled things by sound, like most kids do, but because they were part of a community , they saw other people spelling the same words properly and just picked it up. 起初,这些孩子 只是像大多数孩子一样按发音拼单词, 但由于他们身处Autcraft社区之中, 当他们看到其他人能准确地拼出一样的单词, 自己也就学会了。
I started hearing from parents who said that their nonverbal children were starting to speak. 家长们还告诉我 他们沉默寡言的孩子 开始讲话了。
They only talked about Minecraft, but they were talking. 虽然他们只聊“我的世界”,但这也是讲话啊。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Some kids made friends at school for the first time ever. 有些孩子第一次在学校交到了朋友。
Some started to share, even give things to other people. 有些则开始与他人分享, 甚至送给其他人东西。
It was amazing. 这真的很棒。
And every single parent came to me and said it was because of Autcraft, because of what you're doing. 每一位单亲家庭的父母都告诉我说, 这都是Autcraft的功劳, 多亏了我所做的一切。
single parent:n.单亲;
But why, though? 不过,为什么会促成这种改变呢?
How could all of this be just from a video game server? 为什么一个视频游戏服务器 能带来如此巨大的改变?
video game:n.电子游戏;
Well, it goes back to that research paper I was talking about. 这个问题得回到我刚刚提过的那篇论文。
In it, she covers some of the guidelines I used when I created the server, guidelines that I think help encourage people to be their very best. 在这篇论文中,作者谈到了 我在创建这个服务器时所参考的一些理念, 在我看来, 这些理念可以帮助用户成为最好的自己。
I hope. 我希望能如此。
For example, communication. 拿交流举个例子。
It can be tough for kids with autism. 对于自闭症儿童来说,交流是很困难的。
It could be tough for grown-ups without autism. 对于患有自闭症的成年人而言也不例外。
But I think that kids should not be punished, they should be talked to. 但我认为,这些孩子不该 因此被处罚, 我们应该坚持努力与他们对话。
Nine times out of ten, when the kids on the server act out, it's because of something that's happened in the day at school or home. 每次孩子们在服务器上吵架了, 十有八九都是因为 一些在家或学校发生的事。
Maybe a pet died. 比如有一只宠物死了。
Sometimes it's just a miscommunication between two kids. 或者有时候只是因为 两个孩子之间的相互误解。
One doesn't say what they're about to do. 其中一个孩子不知道要怎么处理,
And so we just offer to help. 这时我们就会伸出援手。
We always tell the children on the server that we're not mad, and they're not in trouble; we only want to help. 我们总是对服务器上的孩子们说, 我们没有生气, 他们也不会有麻烦。 我们只是想帮帮他们。
And it shows that not only do we care, but we respect them enough to listen to their point of view . 这体现了我们不仅关心他们, 而且我们尊重他们, 愿意倾听他们的想法。
point of view:观点;见地;立场;
Respect goes a long way. 尊重对他们十分有益。
Plus, it shows them that they have everything they need to be able to resolve these problems on their own in the future and maybe even avoid them, because, you know, communication. 此外,尊重还传递给他们一个信念: 他们未来会完全具备独立处理这些问题的能力, 甚至会通过沟通完全避免这些问题。
resolve:vt.决定; vi.解决; n.坚决;
On most servers, as video games are, children are rewarded , well, players are rewarded , for how well they do in a competition , right? 在大多数游戏服务器上, 孩子们及其他玩家获得多少奖励 都是看他们在竞赛中表现如何,对吧?
rewarded:v.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬;(reward的过去分词和过去式) competition:n.竞争;比赛,竞赛;
The better you do, the better reward you get. 你在游戏中表现得越好,奖励越丰厚。
That can be automated; the server does the work, the code is there. 这种奖励模式是自动的,是通过程序设置的。
On Autcraft, we don't do that. 但在Autcraft上,我们不是这样做的。
We have things like "Player of the Week" and "CBAs," 我们设置了“每周玩家之星”和“CBAs”,
which is "Caught Being Awesome ." CBAs 就是“表现杰出玩家”的缩写。
(Laughter) (笑声)
We award players ranks on the servers based on the attributes they exhibit , such as the " Buddy " rank for people who are friendly towards others, and " Junior Helper" for people that are helpful towards others. 我们的积分奖励是基于玩家展现的品质的, 例如对他人友善的玩家会达到“好帮手”等级, 乐于助人的玩家则是“少年小帮手”,
attributes:v.把…归因于; n.属性; (attribute的第三人称单数和复数) exhibit:v.展览;表现;展出;n.陈列品;(在法庭上出示的)物证; Buddy:n.伙伴,好朋友;密友;小男孩;v.做好朋友,交朋友; Junior:n.青少年;职位较低者;adj.青少年的;地位低下的;
We have " Senior Helper" for the adults. 而成年玩家则可以得到“高级助手”的称号。
But they're obvious , right? 不过,这些都很明显。
Like, people know what to expect and how to earn these things because of how they're named. 例如,人们通过他们的称号, 就能知道自己能获得什么,以及如何获得。
As soon as somebody signs onto the server, they know that they're going to be rewarded for who they are and not what they can do. 只要玩家在服务器上注册, 他们就知道自己的积分奖励 是根据他们的人格确定的, 而不是他们的水平。
As soon as:一…就;
Our top award, the AutismFather Sword, which is named after me because I'm the founder , is a very powerful sword that you can't get in the game any other way 游戏中的最高级别的奖励是“自闭症之父的宝剑”, 这是根据我来命名的, 因为我是服务器的创始人。 这把剑拥有非凡的能力,
than to show that you completely put the community above yourself, and that compassion and kindness is at the core of who you are. 而这种奉献的热情和善良 是你人格中最重要的特质。
compassion:n.同情;怜悯; core:n.核心;要点;果心;[计]磁心;vt.挖...的核;
We've given away quite a few of those swords, actually. 事实上,已经有很多玩家获得宝剑奖励了。
quite a few:不少,相当多;
I figure, if we're watching the server to make sure nothing bad happens, we should also watch for the good things that happen and reward people for them. 我认为,如果我们对服务器进行监督, 确保没有恶性事件发生, 那我们也不能对那些正能量视而不见, 我们也得予以奖励。
We're always trying to show all the players that everybody is considered to be equal, even me. 我们一直努力, 确保每一位玩家,甚至我, 都处于平等地位。
But we know we can't treat people equally to do that. 但我们知道, 不同孩子得用不同的方式对待。
Some of the players get angry very easily. 有些玩家很容易变得暴躁生气。
Some of them have additional struggles on top of autism, such as OCD or Tourette's. 有些除了自闭症以外, 还在与其他一些疾病作斗争, 例如强迫症或图雷特综合症等。
So, I have this knack of remembering all of the players. 因此,我有一个特殊的本领, 就是能记住所有玩家。
I remember their first day, the conversations we've had, things we've talked about, things they've built. 我记得第一天和他们的谈话, 记得谈话的内容,记得他们搭建的东西。
So when somebody comes to me with a problem, 所以,每当他们有遇到困难向我求助时,
I handle that situation differently than I would with any other player, based on what I know about them. 我会回答得更加个性化, 根据我对他们的了解。
For the other admins and helpers , we document everything so that, whether it's good or bad or a concerning conversation, it's there, so everybody is aware. 对于其他管理员和助手来说, 我们会记录下每一个细节, 因而无论对话的内容是积极的、消极的 还是令人担忧的, 都会被记录下来,因此我们都会知情。
helpers:n.辅助物体;助理工人(helper的复数); concerning:prep.关于;涉及;v.影响,牵涉(某人);与…有关;涉及;(concern的现在分词)
I want to give you one example of this one player. 我想谈谈一位这样的玩家的案例。
He was with us for a little while, but at some point he started spamming dashes in the chat, like a big long line of dashes all the way across the screen. 他加入Autcraft才不久, 但有时在聊天过程中, 他会突然发一连串的破折号, 就像屏幕上出现了一长串的破折号。
A little while later, he'd do it again. 过了一会儿,他又会这样做。
The other players asked him not to do that, and he'd say, "OK." 其他玩家让他不要这样做, 他说“好的”。
And then he'd do it again. 可是过会儿,他又这样做了。
It started to frustrate the other players. 这让其他玩家觉得很烦。
They asked me to mute him or to punish him for breaking the rules, but I knew there had to be something more to it. 他们让我给他设置禁言模式, 或者因为他违反规则惩罚他, 但我知道,他行为背后一定有特殊的原因。
So I went to his aunt, who is the contact that I have for him. 因此,我向他的阿姨寻求帮助, 她是这位孩子的联系人,
She explained that he had gone blind in one eye and was losing his vision in the other. 他阿姨解释道, 这位孩子有一只眼睛失明, 而另外一只眼睛的视力也在不断衰退,
So what he was doing was splitting up the chat into easier-to-see blocks of text, which is pretty smart. 他之所以这样做是为了 把聊天文本划分成一块一块的, 这样看起来更轻松, 这种做法非常机智。
So that very same night, I talked to a friend of mine who writes code and we created a brand-new plug-in for the server that makes it so that any player on the server, including him, of course, 因此当天晚上, 我和一位写代码的朋友讨论了这个问题, 我们给服务器开发了 一种全新的插件, 这种插件能使每一位用户, 当然也包括那位孩子,
brand-new:adj.崭新的;最近获得的; plug-in:n.插件程序,插件法;
could just enter a command and instantly have every single line separated by dashes. 只需按一下command键, 每一行就会立刻被破折号分开。
Plus, they can make it asterisks or blank lines or anything they want -- whatever works best for them. 此外,他们也可以设置成星号、空行, 或者其他任何他们想要的分行方式, 只要是他们喜欢的都可以。
We even went a little bit extra and made it so it highlights your name, so that it's easier to see if somebody mentions you. 我们甚至还做了一点小修改, 突出显示聊天中提到的人名, 这样如果有人提到你, 就能一眼看见。
extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: highlights:n.拔萃,集锦; v.使突出(highlight的三单形式);
It's just one example of how doing a little bit extra, a small modification , still helps everybody be on equal footing, even though you did a little extra just for that one player. 这仅仅是其中的一个例子, 从此可见,一点点小改进, 就能帮助每个人处于平等地位, 即使你只为某一个人 做了一点点。
The big one is to be not afraid. 更重要的一点在于是,让孩子不要感到恐惧。
The children on my server are not afraid. 在我建立的服务器上玩的孩子们
They are free to just be themselves, and it's because we support and encourage and celebrate each other. 他们可以自由地畅享自我, 因为我们相互支持、鼓励, 祝贺彼此取得的每一点进步。
We all know what it feels like to be the outcast and to be hated simply for existing, and so when we're together on the server, we're not afraid anymore. 我们都知道被抛弃是什么感觉, 仅仅因为存在就被人厌恶是什么感觉, 所以,当我们相聚在服务器上时, 我们无所畏惧。
For the first two years or so on the server, 大概在服务器建成的头两年中,
I talked to two children per week on average that were suicidal . 我平均每周都和 两个有自杀倾向的孩子谈心。
But they came to me because I'm the one that made them feel safe. 不过,他们对我敞开心扉仅是因为 我让觉得他们有安全感。
They felt like I was the only person in the world they could talk to. 他们觉得我是世界上唯一可以谈心的人。
So I guess my message is: whether you have a charity or some other organization , or you're a teacher or a therapist or you're a parent who is just doing your very best, or you're an autistic, like I am, no matter who you are, 因此,我猜想我的经验是: 无论你管理的是一个慈善组织, 还是其他什么组织, 无论你是一名老师,治疗医师, 还是一名含辛茹苦的家长, 还是像我一样是一名自闭症患者, 不论你是谁,
charity:n.慈善;施舍;慈善团体;宽容;施舍物; organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; therapist:n.临床医学家;治疗学家;
you absolutely must help these children strip away those fears before you do anything else, because anything else is going to feel forced unless they're not afraid. 你都必须要帮助这些孩子远离恐惧, 这是其他一切行动的前提, 因为除非他们有安全感,不再害怕, 否则对他们来说, 其他任何事都有一种强迫感。
absolutely:adv.绝对地;完全地; strip:n.带; v.夺; adj.脱衣舞的;
It's why positive reinforcement will always do better than any form of punishment . 这就是为什么积极强化 总是比其他任何惩罚都要好。
positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片; reinforcement:n.加固;增援;援军;加强; punishment:n.惩罚;严厉对待,虐待;
They want to learn when they feel safe and happy. 当他们有安全感,觉得心情愉悦, 他们就愿意学习。
It just happens naturally; they don't even try to learn. 这是自然而然的, 他们都不需要努力尝试。
These are words from the kids on the server to describe the server. 在Autcraft上的孩子 是用这些词来描述这个服务器的
The one thing I would hope that you could take away is that no matter what somebody else is going through in life right now, whether they're being bullied at school or at home, 我希望你们能从演讲中明白, 无论其他人在生活中经历着什么, 无论他们是在学或在家被欺负,
no matter what:不管什么…; bullied:v.恐吓;伤害;胁迫;(bully的过去分词和过去式)
if they're questioning their sexuality or even their gender , which happens a lot in the autism community, if they're feeling alone or even suicidal, you have to live your life in such a way that that person feels like they can come to and tell you. 无论是被质疑性取向、甚至是性别, 这些在自闭症患者中时常发生, 也无论他们是觉得孤单还是想自杀, 你得在生活中帮助他们, 让他们觉得你值得信任, 愿意对你敞开心扉。
sexuality:n.[胚]性别;性欲;性征;性方面的事情(比如性行为或性能力); gender:n.性别;
They have to feel perfectly safe in talking to you about it. 在与你谈这些话题的时候, 得确保他们有十足的安全感。
If you want to see a group of autistic children -- kids who society wrongly things are supposed to be antisocial and lacking in empathy -- if you want to see them come together and build the most compassionate 如果你想结识一群患有自闭症的孩子, 他们有时会表现出反社会的举动, 缺乏共情心, 如果你愿意见证他们共同建设一个
wrongly:adv.错误地;不恰当地;不公正地; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) antisocial:adj.反社会的;扰乱社会的;不爱交际的;n.违背社会公德的人;反社会者; empathy:n.神入;移情作用;执着; compassionate:adj.慈悲的;富于同情心的;vt.同情;怜悯;
and friendly and generous community you've ever seen, the kind of place that people would write about as one of the best places on the internet, they'll do that. 你所见过的最热情、友好、慷慨的社区, 让它成为网络上 人人眼中的那片净土, 他们正在朝着这个方向努力,
I've seen it. 我见证着,
I'm there every day. 我每天都身处这片净土。
But they have some huge obstacles that they have to overcome to do that, and it would be really helpful to have somebody there who could help to show them that the only thing they really have to fear is self-doubt . 但他们仍有一些阻碍需要克服, 如果有人愿意伸出援手, 如果有人能帮助他们认识到, 他们唯一需要畏惧的东西就是 自我怀疑。
obstacles:n.障碍;障碍物;阻碍;(obstacle的复数形式) overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜; self-doubt:n.自我怀疑;缺少自信;
So I guess I'm asking you to please be that person for them, because to them, those kids -- it means everything. 那么,我恳求你们成为这样的人, 去帮助他们, 因为对他们而言, 这些患有自闭症的孩子, 意味着一切。
Thank you very much. 感谢你们的聆听。
(Applause) (掌声)