

George, wake up. 佐治 起床了
It's Saturday. 今天是星期六
I know, but it's the first day of soccer. It's our first game. 我知道 今天是足球赛的第一天 我们的第一场比赛
Soccer? 足球?
I can't today. I caught a cold while sleeping. 今天不行 我觉得我好像感冒了
You'll be fine. 你会好的啦
Come on, come on, it'll be great. 走嘛 一定会很棒
We're going to play like Brazilians. 我们会像巴西队一样棒
Here you go. -Thanks, Mom. 你的早餐 -谢谢妈
Stuart , don't forget your water bottle. George.... 史都华 别忘了带水壶 小治....
Don't forget your cleats . 别忘了钉鞋
cleats:n.楔子; v.装上栓;
You look especially beautiful today. 你今天看起来特别美丽动人
Some people just know how to wear oatmeal . 吃麦片的女人最美
Okay, open up. 好了 张开嘴
Did you hear that? She said " blah-blah ." 你听到了吗? 她说叭叭
I can't believe it. 我真不敢相信
Her first word. 她说的第一句话
Where's the baby book? I'm writing it down. 宝宝记事本呢? 我要写下来
I'm not sure that's technically a word. 我不肯定那能算是一句话
Of course it is. 当然算了
But your Uncle Crenshaw says that every Little starts talking by nine months. 康夏叔叔说李家人 都是九个月大就会说话了
In Uncle Crenshaw's case, never stops. 康夏叔叔就从此唸个不停
Are you both coming to the game? 你们要来看球吗?
Wouldn't miss it. 当然会了
Frederick... 爸爸...
...this soccer game's making me very.... 这场足球赛让我非常...
Proud? -Anxious. Especially about.... 骄傲? -担心 尤其是那个...
I'm fine. -He's fine. 我没事 -他没事的
All those boys stomping around with cleats. 一堆小男生 穿着钉鞋到处踢
What if someone.... 万一他被...
What if:如果…怎么办?
Oh, honey. He's a Little. All Littles are natural athletes . 亲爱的 他是李家人 我们天生就是运动健将
Littles:adj.小的;很少的;短暂的;小巧可爱的;adv.完全不;n.少许;没有多少;短时间; athletes:n.运动员;身强体健的人(athlete的复数形式);
Do you need.... -Could you? 你需要... -你可以吗?
Okay, that's it for you. 好了 你吃得够多了
Snow, food. 雪铃 吃饭啰
Food? Is it tuna? Or herring ? 吃饭 是鲔鱼吗? 还是鲱鱼?
Or, dare I say it, is it lox? 还是我最想吃的 超赞腌鲑鱼?
Oh! Please be lox! 拜托是腌鲑鱼
That's for you. 你的饭
Boys, are we ready to play some soccer? -You bet , Dad. 孩子们 准备大显身手了吗? -当然啰
Oh, great. It's glop . 棒透了 一坨浆糊
Look what I'm reduced to. I'm a Handi Wipe with hair. 看我变得多悲惨 被当成了猫拖把
Wallace! Get up! There we go! 小胖 加油...
That's right! Dig! Dig! Go downfield ! Downfield! 很好... 冲...冲过中场
You guys, spread out ! Spread out! 小朋友 散开
spread out:冒火;喷火;
Well, George is getting a workout . 你看小治跑得好帅哦
What bothers me is that every kid has had a chance to play except Stuart. 可是史都华一直没机会上场 让我觉得有点难过
bothers:n.麻烦; v.给(某人)造成麻烦(或痛苦); (bother的第三人称单数和复数)
There's plenty of time. 时间还多的是
Plenty of time? There's 40 seconds. 多的是? 拜托 只剩下40秒了
He did an excellent job of handing out the orange slices . 他分柳橙片也很好
That's not as easy as it looks. 那可不是件容易的事
Okay, I'm glad he's not in the game. I don't want him to get hurt. 我很高兴他没上场 我不希望他受伤
It's Pee-Wee soccer. Nobody gets hurt. 这是小学球赛 不会受伤的
Irwin, are you okay? 你没事吧? 厄文
Are you all right, lrwin? 你没事吧? 厄文