

Something is coming. Something hungry for blood. 它要来了 它渴望鲜血
A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness. 它在你背后的墙上投下影子 将你吞入黑暗之中
It is almost here. - What is it? 它就要来了 -是什么
What if it's the Demogorgon? 会不会是魔王
What if:如果…怎么办?
Oh, Jesus , we're so screwed if it's the Demogorgon. 天呐 如果是魔王我们就完蛋了
Jesus:int.上帝啊:天哪:n.耶稣:耶稣基督: screwed:v.用螺丝固定;旋紧;拧紧;拧上去;(screw的过去分词和过去式)
It's not the Demogorgon. 不是魔王
An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber ! 一支鹪鹩大军冲入了大堂
troglodytes:n.鹪鹩(属)(Troglodyte的复数形式); chamber:n.(身体或器官内的)室,膛; adj.室内的; vt.把…关在室内;
Troglodytes? - Told ya. 鹪鹩 -我说了吧
Wait a minute. 等等
Did you hear that? 你听到了吗
That... that sound? 那声音
That didn't come from the troglodytes. No, that... 那不是鹪鹩发出的声音 那是...
That came from something else. 那是别的东西发出的
The Demogorgon! 是魔王
We're in deep shit. - Will, your action! 我们惨了 -威尔 你出招
I don't know! - Fireball him! 我不知道 -冲他扔火球
I'd have to roll a 13 or higher! 我得掷出13点以上
Too risky. Cast a protection spell. 太冒险了 施个保护咒
Don't be a pussy . Fireball him! - Cast Protection. 别犯怂 丢火球 -施保护咒
The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering ! 魔王厌倦了你们人类愚蠢的争吵
It stomps towards you. 它在大踏步冲你走来
Fireball him! 拿火球攻他
Another stomp, boom ! - Cast Protection. 又迈了一步 -施保护咒
He roars in anger! 他发出了怒吼
Fireball! 火球
Oh, shit! - Where'd it go? 该死 -哪去了
Where is it? - I don't know! 哪去了 -我不知道
Is it a 13? - I don't know! 是13点吗 -我不知道
Where is it? - Oh, my God! 哪去了 -天呐
Mike! - Oh, my God! Oh, my God! 迈克 -天呐 天呐
Mike! - Can you find it yet? 迈克 -你找到了吗
No, I can't find it! 没有 我找不到
Mike! - Oh, my God! Oh, my God! 迈克 -天呐 天呐
Mom, we're in the middle of a campaign! 妈妈 我们正打着仗呢
You mean the end? Fifteen after. 打完了吧 都过15分钟了
Oh, my God! - Freaking idiot ! 天呐 -你个白痴
Freaking:adj.该死的,他妈的;v.(使)强烈反应,畏惧;(freak的现在分词) idiot:n.笨蛋,傻瓜;白痴;
Why do we have to go? 我们为什么非得走
Mom, wait, just 20 more minutes! 妈妈 再等个20分钟
It's a school night, Michael. 明天还上学呢 迈克尔
I just put Holly to bed. You can finish next weekend. 我刚哄霍莉睡下了 你下周末再玩完吧
But that'll ruin the flow! - Michael-- 我玩得正顺手呢 -迈克尔
I'm serious, Mom. 真的 妈妈
The campaign took two weeks to plan. 这场仗花了我两周来策划
How was I supposed to know it was gonna take ten hours? 我怎么知道会玩10个小时
You've been playing for ten hours? 你都玩了10个小时了
Dad, don't you think that 20 more- 爸爸 你不觉得再玩20分钟...
I think you should listen to your mother. 我觉得你该听你妈的
Dang dumb piece of junk . 破烂玩意
Dang:int.讨厌;见鬼(等于damn); dumb:adj.哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的; piece of junk:没用的废物;
Oh, I got it! 我找到了
Does the seven count? - It was a seven? 7算吗 -是7吗
Did Mike see it? Then it doesn't count. 迈克看到了吗 那就不算
Yo, hey, guys. 伙计们
Does anyone want this? - No. 还有人要吗 -不要