

(Music) (音乐)
? It's all there in gospels ? ? 都写在福音书上 ?
?A Magdalene girl comes to pay her respects ? ? 抹大拉的女孩来看墓 ?
? But her mind is awhirl ? ? 但她一阵天旋地转 ?
? When she finds the tomb empty ? ? 发现坟墓是空的 ?
? Straw had been rolled ? ? 草巾卷在一旁 ?
Straw:n.稻草; adj.稻草的;
? Not a sign of a corpse ? ? 尸体无处可见 ?
? In the dark and the cold ? ? 又黑又冷 ?
? When she reaches the door ? ? 她走到门边 ?
? Sees an unholy sight ? ? 看见一幅鬼景象 ?
? There's a solitary figure and a halo of light ? ? 有个孤单的身影,戴着神圣的光环 ?
solitary:adj.孤独的;独居的;n.独居者;隐士; halo:n.光环;荣光;v.使有晕轮;围以光环;成晕轮;
? He just carries on floating past Calvary Hill ? ? 他已漂过各各他 ?
? In an Almighty hurry ? ? 以全能的速度 ?
? Aye, but she might catch him still ? ? 遵命,但她或许能赶上他 ?
? Tell me where are you gone, Lord ? ? 告诉我你去了哪里,主 ?
? And why in such haste ? ? ? 为什么要这么匆忙 ?
? Oh don't hinder me, woman ? ? 喔不要拦阻我,妇人 ?
? I've no time to waste ? ? 我不能浪费时间 ?
? For they're launching a boat on the morrow at noon ? ? 因为明天中午船要下水 ?
launching:n.发射;开办;起飞;v.开始从事,发起,发动;(launch的现在分词) morrow:n.次日;(重大事件后)紧接着的时期;晨间;
? And I have to be there before daybreak ? ? 我得在破晓前到达 ?
? Oh I cannot be missing ? ? 喔我不能不去 ?
? The lads'll expect me ? ? 大家都在等我 ?
? Why else would the Good Lord Himself resurrect me? ? ? 否则还有甚么理由我主祂自己要让我复活 ?
? For nothing'll stop me. I have to prevail ? ? 没有甚么能阻挡我我得乘上风 ?
? Through the teeth of this tempest ? ? 顶着这风暴 ?
? In the mouth of a gale ? ? 在强风巨噬下 ?
? May the angels protect me ? ? 求天使保护我 ?
? If all else should fail ? ? 如果一切终将失败 ?
? And the last ship sails ? ? 最后方舟出航 ?
? Oh the roar of the chains ? ? 喔轰鸣的船链 ?
? And the cracking of timbers ? ? 霹啪作响的船横 ?
cracking:n.破裂;开裂;adj.裂解的;分裂的; timbers:n.[木]木材;[木]木料(timber的复数);v.以林木覆盖(timber的三单形式);
? The noise at the end of the world in your ears ? ? 世界尽头的声音在你耳中回响 ?
? As a mountain of steel makes its way to the sea ? ? 如山的钢铁驶向海洋 ?
? And the last ship sails ? ? 最后方舟出航 ?
So I was born and raised in the shadow of a shipyard in a little town on the northeast coast of England. 我出生及成长 在造船厂的暗影下, 位于英格兰东北海岸的一个小镇。
shipyard:n.造船厂;船坞;修船厂; northeast:adj.东北的;来自东北的;n.东北;adv.向东北;来自东北;
Some of my earliest memories are of giant ships blocking the end of my street, as well as the sun, for a lot of the year. 我有些最早的记忆, 是巨大的船 挡住我的街尾, 也在一年大部分的时间挡住阳光。
giant:n.巨人;伟人;巨兽;adj.巨大的;特大的 as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
Every morning as a child, 小时候每天早上,
I'd watch thousands of men walk down that hill to work in the shipyard. 我看着成千上万的人走下那座山丘 去造船厂工作。
I'd watch those same men walking back home every night. 我也看着这同一批人 每天晚上走路回家。
It has to be said, the shipyard was not the most pleasant place to live next door to , or indeed work in. 一定要说一下,造船厂并不是 令人愉快的好邻居, 也不是工作的好地方。
next door to:几乎;与…相邻;
The shipyard was noisy, dangerous, highly toxic , with an appalling health and safety record. 造船厂很吵,很危险 具高毒性, 有着骇人听闻的健康及安全记录。
highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; toxic:adj.有毒的;中毒的; appalling:adj.可怕的;令人震惊的;v.使惊愕;惊吓;(appal的现在分词)
Despite that, the men and women who worked on those ships were extraordinarily proud of the work they did, and justifiably so. 尽管如此,这些男人女人 这些在造船厂工作的人, 对于他们的工作仍非常自豪, 的确也合情合理。
Despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; extraordinarily:adv.非常;格外地;非凡地; justifiably:adv.言之有理地,无可非议地;
Some of the largest vessels ever constructed on planet Earth were built right at the end of my street. 几艘有史以来 在地球上造出的最大的船, 就在我的街尾制造出来。
vessels:n.血管(vessel的复数);船舶;容器; constructed:v.修建;建造;组成;编制,绘制;(construct的过去分词和过去式)
My grandfather had been a shipwright , and as a child, as there were few other jobs in the town, 我的祖父是个船台木工, 而我小时候, 镇上没有什么其他的工作,
I would wonder with some anxiety whether that would be my destiny too. 我带着几分焦虑,不知道 那会不会也是我的命运。
anxiety:n.焦虑;渴望;挂念;令人焦虑的事; destiny:n.命运,定数,天命;
I was fairly determined that it wouldn't be. 我下定决心不要如此。
fairly:adv.相当地;公平地;简直; determined:adj.决定了的:v.决定;(determine的过去分词和过去式)
I had other dreams, not necessarily practical ones, but at the age of eight, 我有其他的梦想, 不见得很实际, 但在八岁的时候,
necessarily:adv.必要地;必定地,必然地; practical:adj.实际的;真实的;客观存在的;n.实习课;实践课;
I was bequeathed a guitar. 我得到一把遗赠的吉他。
bequeathed:v.(在遗嘱中)把…遗赠给; (bequeath的过去式和过去分词)
It was a battered old thing with five rusty strings , and was out of tune , but quickly I learned to play it and realized that I'd found a friend for life, an accomplice , a co-conspirator in my plan to escape from this surreal industrial landscape . 这个破旧的东西 有五根锈掉的弦,完全走音, 但我很快地就学会怎么弹它, 也领悟到,我找到了一个一辈子的朋友, 一个同伙,一个同谋 在我的计划中要一同逃出这超现实的 工業景观。
battered:adj.破旧不堪的;受到重创的;v.连续猛击;殴打;(batter的过去分词和过去式) strings:一串,悬挂(string的第三人称单数和复数) out of tune:走调;不协调;(对某事)没有兴趣; accomplice:n.同谋者,[法]共犯; co-conspirator:n.共谋人,同谋者; surreal:adj.超现实主义的;离奇的;不真实的; industrial:adj.工业的,产业的; n.工业股票; landscape:n.景观;乡村风景画;(文件的)横向打印格式;v.对…做景观美化;美化…的环境;
Well, they say if you dream something hard enough, it will come to pass . 唔,大家都说如果你够努力梦想, 它就会实现。
come to pass:实现;发生;
Either that, or I was extremely lucky, but this was my dream. 大概吧,要不然就是我非常幸运, 但这是我的梦想。
I dreamt I would leave this town, and just like those ships, once they were launched , I'd never come back. 我梦想着要离开这个小镇, 就像那些船只, 一但下水,就再也不回头。
I dreamt I'd become a writer of songs, that I would sing those songs to vast numbers of people all over the world, that I would be paid extravagant amounts of money, that I'd become famous, that I'd marry a beautiful woman, have children, raise a family, buy a big house in the country, keep dogs, grow wine, have rooms full of Grammy Awards, platinum discs, and what have you. 我梦想着我要成为写歌的人, 我要唱那些歌 给全世界广大的人群听。 我可以因此赚超大的一笔钱, 我会因此成名, 而且我还要娶一位美丽的女人, 生小孩,养家, 在乡下买一栋大房子, 养几条狗,种点葡萄酿酒, 几个房间里摆满了葛莱美奖的奖杯、 白金唱片,诸如此类。
extravagant:adj.奢侈的;浪费的;过度的;放纵的; Grammy:n.留声机(等于gramophone);(外)祖母;老太太(等于grandmother); platinum:n.[化学]铂; adj.唱片集已售出100万张的;
So far, so good, right? (Laughter) 到目前为止都还不错,是吧?(笑声)
And then one day, the songs stopped coming, and while you've suffered from periods of writer's block before, albeit briefly , this is something chronic . 然后有一天,我再也没有灵感写歌, 尽管你以前曾经历过 作家的创作瓶颈,尽管很短, 那其实是长期的现象。
albeit:conj.虽然;即使; briefly:adv.简要地;简短地;暂时地; chronic:adj.慢性的;长期的;习惯性的;
Day after day , you face a blank page, and nothing's coming. 日复一日,你面对空白的乐谱, 什么都写不出来,
Day after day:日复一日;
And those days turned to weeks, and weeks to months, and pretty soon those months have turned into years with very little to show for your efforts. No songs. 几天变成几个礼拜,几个礼拜变成几个月, 很快地那些月份 就累积成几年, 你的努力一点成果都没有。没有歌。
So you start asking yourself questions. 所以你开始问你自己问题。
What have I done to offend the gods that they would abandon me so? 我做了什么得罪了神, 要如此遗弃我?
offend:v.得罪;犯罪;违背(人情); abandon:n.狂热;放任;v.遗弃;放弃;
Is the gift of songwriting taken away as easily as it seems to have been bestowed ? 那收回写歌的天份 是否就跟赏赐一样容易?
songwriting:n.作曲;作词; bestowed:vt.使用;授予;放置;留宿;
Or perhaps there's a more -- a deeper psychological reason. 或是,也许还有别的—— 更深沉的心理因素。
It was always a Faustian pact anyway. 始终都是浮士德的魔鬼契约吧。
You're rewarded for revealing your innermost thoughts, your private emotions on the page for the entertainment of others, for the analysis , the scrutiny of others, and perhaps you've given enough of your privacy away. 你得了报应,因为透露了 你内心深处的想法, 你把私人的情感搬上舞台 为了愉悦别人, 让别人分析檢阅, 而或许,你也给了够多 你自己的隐私给别人。
rewarded:v.奖励;奖赏;给以报酬;(reward的过去分词和过去式) revealing:adj.暴露的;发人深省的;v.揭示;露出;显示;展示;(reveal的现在分词) innermost:adj.内心的;最里面的,最深处的;秘密的; emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数) analysis:n.分析;分解;验定; scrutiny:n.详细审查;监视;细看;选票复查; privacy:n.隐私;秘密;隐居;隐居处;
And yet, if you look at your work, could it be argued that your best work wasn't about you at all, it was about somebody else? 可是,如果你看看你的作品, 难道不能说你最好的作品 根本与你自己无关, 却是关于别人的?
Did your best work occur when you sidestepped your own ego and you stopped telling your story, but told someone else's story, someone perhaps without a voice, where empathetically, you stood in his shoes for a while or saw the world through his eyes? 难道你最好的作品 不是出产在你放下自我, 不再讲述你的故事, 却去诉说别人的故事时, 或许是个没有声音的人, 而你以同理心设身处地 一阵子,或是以他的眼看世界时?
occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在; sidestepped:v.回避,规避(问题等);侧移一步闪过;(sidestep的过去分词和过去式) ego:n.自我;自负;自我意识; for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时;
Well they say, write what you know. 大家都说,写你知道的事。
If you can't write about yourself anymore, then who do you write about? 如果你再也写不出自己的故事, 那你还能写谁的?
So it's ironic that the landscape 所以讽刺的是,那片景观,
I'd worked so hard to escape from, and the community that I'd more or less abandoned and exiled myself from should be the very landscape, the very community I would have to return to to find my missing muse . 那片我辛辛苦苦想要逃离的景观, 还有那可说是被我遗弃了 从中自我放逐的社区, 就是那片景观, 就是那个社区是我必须回去 找回失去的灵感的地方。
community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; more or less:或多或少; abandoned:adj.被抛弃的放纵的;v.抛弃;丢弃,离开;放弃;(abandon的过去分词和过去式) exiled:v.流放;放逐;(exile的过去分词和过去式) muse:n.沉思;冥想;vt.沉思;沉思地说;vi.沉思;凝望;
And as soon as I did that, as soon as I decided to honor the community 当我这么做的时候, 当我决定要榮耀我出身的社区,
as soon as:一…就;
I came from and tell their story, that the songs started to come thick and fast. 并说出他们的故事的时候, 歌曲又开始快速大量地涌现。
I've described it as a kind of projectile vomiting , a torrent of ideas, of characters, of voices, of verses , couplets , entire songs almost formed whole, materialized in front of me as if they'd been bottled up inside me for many, many years. 我曾形容就像是噴吐出来似的, 洪流般的点子、人物、声音、 独唱、主歌、整首歌 几乎整体形成, 在我面前具体化, 好像它们在我体内按捺了 好多好多年似的。
described:v.描述;形容;把…称为;做…运动;(describe的过去分词和过去式) projectile:adj.抛射的; n.射弹; vomiting:v.呕吐(vomit的现在分词); torrent:n.奔流;倾注;迸发;连续不断; verses:诗; couplets:n.对联(couplet复数); materialized:使成真;实现;使物质化,使具体化(materialize的过去式和过去分词);
One of the first things I wrote was just a list of names of people I'd known, and they become characters in a kind of three-dimensional drama , where they explain who they are, what they do, their hopes and their fears for the future. 我最先写下的只是一串 我认识的人的名字, 然后他们变成像是 三度空间戏剧里的角色般, 在里面解释他们是谁,他们从事什么, 他们的希望他们对未来的恐惧。
three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的; drama:n.戏剧;戏剧艺术;戏剧文学;戏剧性事件;
This is Jackie White. 这位是杰基?怀特。
He's the foreman of the shipyard. 他是造船厂的领班。
My name is Jackie White, and I'm foreman of the yard, and you don't mess with Jackie on this quayside . 我的名字是杰基?怀特, 我是厂里的领班, 你不要在这个码头惹毛杰基。
mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺; quayside:n.码头周围地区;
I'm as hard as iron plate, woe betide you if you're late when we have to push a boat out on the spring tide . 我就跟铁板一样刚硬, 大祸要临头了!如果你迟到, 在我们趁大潮推船出去。
woe:n.麻烦;问题;困难;痛苦;苦恼;悲伤; betide:vt.预示;降临于,发生于;vi.发生; spring tide:n.大潮;
Now you can die and hope for heaven, but you need to work your shift , and I'd expect you all to back us to the hilt , for if St. Peter at his gate were to ask you why you're late, why, you tell him that you had to get a ship built. 现在你可以去死了,盼望去天国, 但你得轮完这班, 而且我要求你们尽全力支援我们, 因为如果圣彼得在天堂的门口 问你为什么你迟到了, 哦,你告诉他你得把船造完。
shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换; hilt:n.刀把,柄;
We build battleships and cruisers for Her Majesty the Queen, supertankers for Onassis, and all the classes in between, 我们造战舰及巡洋舰 为了女王陛下, 为欧纳西斯造超级油轮,还有各个阶级的人,
battleships:n.[船][军]战列舰;战舰棋,海军棋; cruisers:n.[船][军]巡洋舰;[船]游艇;警察巡逻车(cruiser的复数); Majesty:n.威严;最高权威,王权;雄伟;权威; supertankers:n.巨大油轮;[船]超大型油轮;
We built the greatest ship in tonnage what the world has ever seen 我们要造大吨位的船, 是这世界前所未见。
? And the only life worth knowing is in the shipyard ? ? 唯一值得体验的生活是在造船厂 ?
? Steel in the stockyard , iron in the soul ? ? 堆场有钢,灵魂是铁 ?
? Would conjure up a ship ? ? 要变出船 ?
conjure up:想起,使在脑海中显现;用魔法召唤;
? Where there used to be a hull ? ? 从空空的船壳中 ?
? And we don't know what we'll do ? ? 我们不知道还能做什么 ?
? If this yard gets sold ? ? 如果船厂被卖了 ?
? For the only life worth knowing is in the shipyard ? ? 因为唯一值得体验的生活是在造船厂 ?
(Applause) (掌声)
So having decided to write about other people instead of myself, a further irony is that sometimes you reveal more about yourself than you'd ever intended . 所以在决定了要写关于其他人, 而不再写自己的故事之后, 更讽刺的是,有时候你反而显露出 更多的自我,比你打算的还多。
irony:n.讽刺;反语;具有讽刺意味的事;adj.铁的;似铁的; intended:adj.预定的;计划的;v.打算;计划;想要;(intend的过去分词和过去式)
This song is called Dead Man's Boots, which is an expression which describes how difficult it is to get a job; in other words, you'd only get a job in the shipyard if somebody else died. 这首歌叫《死人之靴》, 是一种表达, 描述找工作是如何困难; 也就是说,你想在造船厂里找份工作, 只能等到有人死了。
expression:n.表现,表示,表达; describes:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形;(describe的第三人称单数)
Or perhaps your father could finagle you an apprenticeship at the age of 15. 或是你父亲可以在你 15 岁时 幫你骗到一份学徒的工作。
finagle:v.欺诈;骗取; apprenticeship:n.学徒期;学徒身分;
But sometimes a father's love can be misconstrued as controlling, and conversely , the scope of his son's ambition can seem like some pie-in-the-sky fantasy . 但有的时后父亲的爱 会被误解为控制。 另一方面,他儿子的万丈雄心 似乎只是画饼充饥的幻想。
misconstrued:v.误解(某人的言行);(misconstrue的过去分词和过去式) conversely:adv.相反地; scope:n.能力; v.仔细看; ambition:n.追求的目标;野心;志向;抱负; fantasy:n.幻想; adj.虚幻的; v.空想;
(Music) (音乐)
? You see these work boots in my hands ? ? 你看我手上的工作靴 ?
? They'll probably fit you now, my son ? ? 现在应该很合脚了,我儿 ?
? Take them, they're a gift from me ? ? 拿去吧!那我是给你的礼物 ?
? Why don't you try them on? ? ? 你何不试穿看看??
? It would do your old man good to see ? ? 这对你老爸有好处,能看见 ?
? You walking in these boots one day ? ? 有一天你穿着这双靴子走路 ?
? And take your place among the men ? ? 在那些人中占一席之地 ?
? Who work upon the slipway ? ? 那些在造船厂工作的人 ?
? These dead man's boots, though they're old and curled ? ? 这双死人之靴,虽然又旧又破 ?
? When a fellow needs a job and a place in the world ? ? 当小家伙需要工作,在世上要有地位 ?
? And it's time for a man to put down roots ? ? 也是男人落地生根的时候了 ?
? And walk to the river in his old man's boots ? ? 穿着老爸的旧靴走到河边 ?
? He said, I'm dying, son, and asking ? ? 他说:「我就快死了,儿啊,我要你 ?
? That you do one final thing for me ? ? 幫我做最后一件事 ?
? You're barely but a sapling , and you think that you're a tree ? ? 你不过是根苗,却自以为是棵树 ?
barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; sapling:n.树苗;年轻人;
? If you need a seed to prosper ? ? 如果你需要种子繁衍后代 ?
? You must first put down some roots ? ? 你必得先生根 ?
? Just one foot then the other in ? ? 一次一只脚 ?
? These dead man's boots ? ? 穿上死人之靴吧 ?
? These dead man's boots, though they're old and curled ? ? 这双死人之靴虽然又旧又破 ?
? When a fellow needs a job and a place in the world ? ? 当小家伙需要工作,在世上要有地位 ?
? And it's time for a man to put down roots ? ? 也是男人落地生根的时候了 ?
? And walk to the river in his old man's boots ? ? 穿着老爸的旧靴走到河边」 ?
? I said, Why in the hell would I do that? ? ? 我说,「什么鬼话,我为什么要做这个??
? Why would I agree? ? ? 我为什么要答应?」?
? When his hand was all that I'd received ? ? 我得到的不过就是他的插手 ?
? As far as I remember ? ? 就我记忆所及 ?
As far as:至于…;
? It's not as if he'd spoiled me with his kindness ? ? 这可不是他的慈爱会宠坏我 ?
? Up to then, you see ? ? 直到那时,你看 ?
? I'd a plan of my own and I'd quit this place ? ? 我有自己的计画我要离开这里?
? When I came of age September ? ? 当我九月成年 ?
? These dead man's boots know their way down the hill ? ? 死人之靴知道下山之路 ?
? They could walk there themselves, and they probably will ? ? 它们会自己走到那儿,它们应该会吧 ?
? I've plenty of choices, I've plenty other routes ? ? 我有很多选择,我有很多路 ?
? And you'll never see me walking in these dead man's boots ? ? 你绝不会看见我穿着这双死人之靴 ?
? What was it made him think ? ? 凭什么他会认为 ?
? I'd be happy ending up like him ? ? 我会乐意最终像他一样 ?
? When he'd hardly got two halfpennies left ? ? 连两枚半便士都省不了?
? Or a broken pot to piss in? ? ? 还是只剩破壶儿尿尿??
? He wanted this same thing for me ? ? 他要我像他一样 ?
? Was that his final wish? ? ? 这就是他最后的愿望??
? He said, What the hell are you gonna do? ? ? 他说:「哇勒,你到底想干什么?」 ?
? I said, Anything but this! ? ? 我说:「除此之外什么都好!」?
? These dead man's boots know their way down the hill ? ? 这双死人之靴知道下山之路 ?
? They can walk there themselves and they probably will ? ? 它们会自己走到那里,它们应该会吧 ?
? But they won't walk with me ‘cause I'm off the other way ? ? 但是它们不会跟我走,因为我要去别的地方 ?
? I've had it up to here, I'm gonna have my say ? ? 我受够了,我要有发言权 ?
? When all you've got left is that cross on the wall ? ? 你只剩下墙上的那个十字架 ?
? I want nothing from you, I want nothing at all ? ? 我不要你的东西,我什么都不要 ?
? Not a pension , nor a pittance , when your whole life is through ? ? 不要养老金,不要微薄的工资,你的一生只有这条路 ?
pension:n.养老金;退休金;抚恤金;adj.有关退休金的;v.给…养老金[恤金,津贴等]; pittance:n.少量;小额施舍;少量津贴;
? Get this through your head, I'm nothing like you ? ? 脑袋搞清楚,我一点都不像你 ?
? I'm done with all the arguments, there'll be no more disputes ? ? 我不要再跟你吵了,没有甚么好争的了 ?
? And you'll die before you see me in your dead man's boots ? ? 你活着绝对看不到我穿着你的死人之靴 ?
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
So whenever they'd launch a big ship, they would invite some dignitary up from London on the train to make a speech, break a bottle of champagne over the bows, launch it down the slipway into the river and out to sea. 所以每当有新船下水, 他们就会邀请伦敦的显贵 坐火车来演讲, 在船艏击破香槟酒瓶, 滑下船台 进入河流再出海。
dignitary:n.高官;高僧;显要人物;adj.高位的;地位尊荣的; champagne:n.香槟酒;香槟酒色;
Occasionally on a really important ship, they'd get a member of the royal family to come, 偶尔在非常重要的船上, 他们会找皇室家族成员来,
Occasionally:adv.偶尔;有时候;偶然; royal:adj.国王的;女王的;皇家的;n.王室成员;
Duke of Edinburgh , Princess Anne or somebody. 菲利普亲王、安妮公主或其他人。
Duke:n.公爵,(公国的)君主;公爵(种)樱桃; Edinburgh:n.爱丁堡(英国城市名); Princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人;
And you have to remember, it wasn't that long ago that the royal family in England were considered to have magical healing powers. 你要记住,直到不久前, 大家还相信英国的皇室 有奇妙的医治能力。
healing:n.康复; adj.痊愈中的; v.(使)康复,复原; (heal的现在分词)
Sick children were held up in crowds to try and touch the cloak of the king or the queen to cure them of some terrible disease . 生病的孩子会在人群中被举起来, 试图触摸国王或女王的皇袍, 以医治他们身上 可怕的疾病。
cloak:n.斗蓬;宽大外衣;托词;vt.遮掩;隐匿; disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病;
It wasn't like that in my day, but we still got very excited. 我生长的年代已经不像这样了,但是我们还是会很兴奋。
So it's a launch day, it's a Saturday, and my mother has dressed me up in my Sunday best . 所以那是下水的日子,是个星期六, 妈妈幫我穿上星期日去教堂的盛装。
Sunday best:最好的衣服;礼拜服;
I'm not very happy with her. 我不太高兴她这么做。
All the kids are out in the street, and we have little Union Jacks to wave, and at the top of the hill, there's a motorcycle cortege appears. 所有的孩子都在街上, 我们手上有国旗要挥舞, 在山顶上, 摩托车队出现。
Jacks:n.抓子游戏;家伙;小伙子(jack的复数);v.抬起;提醒(jack的三单形式); cortege:n.行列;一队随从;
In the middle of the motorcycles, there's a big, black Rolls-Royce. 在摩托车队中间, 有一辆又大又黑的劳斯莱斯。
Inside the Rolls-Royce is the Queen Mother . 在这辆劳斯莱斯里的是皇太后。
Queen Mother:n.太后;皇太后;王太后;
This is a big deal . 这可是件大事。
a big deal:na.要人;重要的事;
So the procession is moving at a stately pace down my street, and as it approaches my house, 所以队伍行进着, 以庄严的速度驶向我的大街, 当这个队伍接近我的房子,
procession:n.行列; v.排队前进; stately:adj.庄严的;堂皇的,宏伟的; approaches:v.靠近,接近; n.方式,方法,态度;
I start to wave my flag vigorously , and there is the Queen Mother. 我就开始大力挥舞我的小国旗, 皇太后来了。
I see her, and she seems to see me. 我看到她,她似乎也看到我了。
She acknowledges me. She waves, and she smiles. 她跟我打了个招呼。挥挥手,微笑着。
And I wave my flag even more vigorously. 而我就更大力地挥舞我的小国旗。
We're having a moment, me and the Queen Mother. 这是属于我俩的时刻, 我和皇太后。
She's acknowledged me. 她和我打招呼!
And then she's gone. 然后她就走了。
Well, I wasn't cured of anything. 嗯,我什么都没被医治。
It was the opposite, actually. 正好相反,说真的。
I was infected . 我被感染了。
infected:adj.带菌的; v.传染; (infect的过去分词和过去式)
I was infected with an idea. 我被一个想法感染。
I don't belong in this street. 我不属于这条街。
I don't want to live in that house. 我不想住在那个房子里。
I don't want to end up in that shipyard. 我不想在造船厂终了一生。
I want to be in that car. (Laughter) 我要坐在那部车里。(笑声)
I want a bigger life. 我要更宽广的人生。
I want a life beyond this town. 我要在镇外生活。
I want a life that's out of the ordinary . 我要一个不平凡的人生。
out of the ordinary:不平常的;
It's my right. 这是我的权利。
It's my right as much as hers. 这是我的权利,不亚于她。
And so here I am at TED, 所以现在我在 TED 讲台上,
I suppose to tell that story, and I think it's appropriate to say the obvious that there's a symbiotic and intrinsic link between storytelling and community, between community and art, between community and science and technology , between community and economics. 我应该告诉你们那个故事, 我想这么说很恰当,很明显 共生且本质相通的连系存在于 说故事与社区间, 在社区与艺术间, 在社区及科技间, 在社区及经济间,
suppose:v.推断:假定:假设:设想: appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出; obvious:adj.明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的; symbiotic:adj.[生态]共生的;共栖的; intrinsic:adj.本质的,固有的; storytelling:n.讲故事;说谎话;adj.讲故事的;说谎的; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
It's my belief that abstract economic theory that denies the needs of community or denies the contribution that community makes to economy is shortsighted , cruel and untenable . 这是我的信念,就是 抽象的经济理论 否定社区的需求, 或否定社区对经济的贡献, 是短视、残忍, 也站不住脚的。
abstract:n.摘要; adj.抽象的; vt.摘要; vi.做摘要; economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; denies:v.否认;否定;拒绝接受;拒绝;(deny的第三人称单数) contribution:n.捐款;捐资;定期缴款;贡献;促成作用;稿件; economy:n.经济;节约;理财; shortsighted:adj.目光短浅的;近视的; untenable:adj.(论据等)站不住脚的;不能维持的;不能租赁的;难以防守的;
(Applause) (掌声)
The fact is, whether you're a rock star or whether you're a welder in a shipyard, or a tribesman in the upper Amazon , or the queen of England, at the end of the day, we're all in the same boat . 事实是,无论你是摇滚明星, 还是造船厂的焊工, 或是亚马逊上游的部落一员, 或是英国女王, 在一生的终了, 我们终归要踏上死亡之船。
welder:n.焊接工; tribesman:n.部落男子;部落成员; upper:adj.上面的;内陆的;n.靴面;兴奋剂; Amazon:亚马逊;古希腊女战士; in the same boat:处境相同;面临同样的危险;
? Aye, the footmen are frantic in their indignation ? ? 遵命,侍从们在愤慨中纷乱着 ?
footmen:n.步兵;男仆(footman的复数形式); frantic:adj.狂乱的,疯狂的; indignation:n.愤慨;愤怒;义愤;
? You see the queen's took a taxi herself to the station ? ? 你看女王自己搭计程车去车站 ?
? Where the porters , surprised by her lack of royal baggage ? ? 脚夫惊讶她没有皇家行李 ?
porters:搬运工人;搬运工; baggage:n.行李;[交]辎重(军队的);
? Bustle her and three corgis to the rear of the carriage ? ? 赶忙请她及柯基犬坐上车厢后排 ?
Bustle:vi.喧闹;忙乱;充满;vt.使忙碌;催促;n.喧闹;活跃;裙撑;热闹的活动; corgis:n.小狗;威尔士矮脚狗(等于Welshcorgi或corgy); rear:adj.后方的;后面的;n.后部;屁股;臀部;v.抚养;培养;饲养;用后腿直立; carriage:n.运输;运费;四轮马车;举止;客车厢;
? For the train it is crammed with all Europe's nobility ? ? 因为那辆火车塞满了欧洲贵族 ?
crammed:adj.塞满的;挤满的;v.把…塞进;挤满;塞满;(cram的过去分词和过去式) nobility:n.贵族;高贵;高尚;
? And there's none of them famous for their compatibility ? ? 他们可是有名的水火不容 ?
? There's a fight over seats ? ? 有人为抢座位争斗 ?
? I beg pardon, Your Grace ? ? 「很抱歉,阁下?
? But you'll find that one's mine, so get back in your place! ? ? 那个座位是我的,滚回去你的位子!」 ?
? Aye, but where are they going? ? ? 「遵命,但是他们要去哪里?」 ?
? All the porters debate ? ? 所有的脚夫都在争论 ?
? Why they're going to Newcastle and they daren't be late ? ? 「哦他们要去新堡,他们可不敢迟到 ?
? For they're launching a boat on the Tyne at high tide ? ? 因为大潮时他们有新船要在泰恩河下水?
high tide:n.满潮;
? And they've come from all over, from far and from wide ? ? 他们从各地来,四面八方来」?
? There's the old Dalai Lama ? ? 有老达赖喇嘛 ?
Dalai Lama:n.达赖喇嘛(西藏佛教领袖,从前为西藏统治者);
? And the pontiff of Rome ? ? 有罗马教皇 ?
? Every palace in Europe, and there's nay bugger home ? ? 欧洲的每一座城堡,还有反对混蛋的家 ?
? There's the Duchess of Cornwall and the loyal Prince of Wales ? ? 有康沃尔公爵夫人,而威尔斯亲王 ?
Duchess:n.公爵夫人;女公爵; Cornwall:n.康沃尔(英格兰西南部一郡,加拿大城市名); loyal:adj.忠诚的,忠心的;忠贞的;n.效忠的臣民;忠实信徒;
? Looking crushed and uncomfortable in his top hat and tails ? ? 在他的高礼帽和燕尾服下看起来垮垮很不舒服 ?
? Well, they haven't got tickets ? ? 嗯他们还没拿到票 ?
? Come now, it's just a detail ? ? 来吧,那是细节问题 ?
? There was no time to purchase and one simply has to prevail ? ? 没时间买票你得乘上风 ?
? For we'll get to the shipyards or we'll end up in jail ! ? ? 因为我们要到造船厂不然就会进监牢!?
shipyards:n.造船厂;船坞;修船厂; jail:n.监狱;监牢;拘留所;v.监禁;下狱;
? When the last ship sails ? ? 最后方舟出航 ?
? Oh the roar of the chains ? ? 喔轰鸣的船链 ?
? And the cracking of timbers ? ? 劈啪作响的船横 ?
? The noise at the end of the world in your ears ? ? 世界尽头的声音在你耳中回响 ?
? As a mountain of steel makes its way to the sea ? ? 如山的钢铁驶向海洋 ?
? And the last ship sails ? ? 最后方舟出航 ?
? And whatever you'd promised ? ? 无论你承诺过什么 ?
? Whatever you've done ? ? 无论你做过什么 ?
? And whatever the station in life you've become ? ? 无论你变成什么身分 ?
? In the name of the Father, in the name of the Son ? ? 以父之名,以子之名 ?
In the name of:以…的名义;
? And no matter the weave of this life that you've spun ? ? 无论你这辈子编织出什么样的人生 ?
weave:v.编,织;(用…)编成;编造(故事等);n.织法;编法;编织式样; spun:adj.纺成的;v.纺(spin的过去分词);旋转;
? On the Earth or in Heaven or under the Sun ? ? 在地上在天上或在日光之下 ?
under the Sun:天下;究竟;
? When the last ship sails ? ? 当最后方舟出航 ?
? Oh the roar of the chains ? ? 喔轰鸣的船链 ?
? And the cracking of timbers ? ? 劈啪作响的船横 ?
? The noise at the end of the world in your ears ? ? 世界尽头的声音在你耳中回响 ?
? As a mountain of steel makes its way to the sea ? ? 如山的钢铁驶向海洋 ?
? And the last ship sails ? ? 最后方舟出航 ?
Thanks very much for listening to my song. 谢谢你们听我唱歌。
Thank you. (Applause) 谢谢。(掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢。
Okay, you have to join in if you know it. 好吧,如果你们知道这首歌,就要一起唱。
(Music) (Applause) (音乐)(掌声)
? Just a castaway ? ? 只是个漂流的人 ?
? An island lost at sea, oh ? ? 海中迷失的小岛,喔 ?
? Another lonely day ? ? 又是寂寞的一天 ?
? With no one here but me, oh ? ? 没有别人只有我,喔 ?
? More loneliness than any man could bear ? ? 更多寂寞,超过任何人能忍受 ?
? Rescue me before I fall into despair ? ? 拯救我吧在我绝望前 ?
Rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救; despair:v.绝望;失去希望;丧失信心;n.绝望;
? I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ? ? 我会发出求救信号给这世界 ?
? I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ? ? 我会发出求救信号给这世界 ?
? I hope that someone gets my ? ? 希望有人看见我的 ?
? I hope that someone gets my ? ? 希望有人看见我的 ?
? I hope that someone gets my ? ? 希望有人看见我的 ?
? Message in a bottle ? ? 瓶中信 ?
? Message in a bottle ? ? 瓶中信 ?
? A year has passed since I wrote my note ? ? 一年过了,自我写信以来 ?
? I should have known this right from the start ? ? 从一开始就该明瞭 ?
? Only hope can keep me together ? ? 只有盼望能让我不崩溃 ?
? Love can mend your life ? ? 爱能修补生命 ?
? but love can break your heart ? ? 但爱也能使你心碎 ?
? I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ? ? 我会发出求救信号给这世界 ?
? I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ? ? 我会发出求救信号给这世界 ?
? I hope that someone gets my ? ? 希望有人看见我的 ?
? I hope that someone gets my ? ? 希望有人看见我的 ?
? I hope that someone gets my ? ? 希望有人看见我的 ?
? Message in a bottle ? ? 瓶中信 ?
? Message in a bottle ? ? 瓶中信 ?
? Message in a bottle ? ? 瓶中信 ?
? Message in a bottle ? ? 瓶中信 ?
? Walked out this morning ? ? 一早走到外面 ?
? I don't believe what I saw ? ? 不敢相信我眼所见 ?
? A hundred billion bottles ? ? 千千万万个瓶子 ?
? Washed up on the shore ? ? 冲到岸上 ?
? Seems I'm not alone in being alone ? ? 好像我不是一个人在独处 ?
? A hundred billion castaways ? ? 千千万万个漂流的人 ?
? Looking for a home ? ? 寻找栖身之处 ?
? I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ? ? 我会发出求救信号给这世界 ?
? I'll send an S.O.S. to the world ? ? 我会发出求救信号给这世界 ?
? I hope that someone gets my ? ? 希望有人看见我的 ?
? I hope that someone gets my ? ? 希望有人看见我的 ?
? I hope that someone gets my ? ? 希望有人看见我的 ?
? Message in a bottle ? ? 瓶中信 ?
? Message in a bottle ? ? 瓶中信 ?
? Message in a bottle ? ? 瓶中信 ?
? Message in a bottle ? ? 瓶中信 ?
So I'm going to ask you to sing after me, okay, the next part. 我要你们跟我一起唱 好,下一段。
It's very easy. Sing in unison . 很简单,同声齐唱。
Here we go. 开始。
? Sending out an S.O.S. ? Come on now. ? 发出求救信号 ? 一起来。
Audience: ? Sending out an S.O.S. ? 观众:? 发出求救信号 ?
Sting : ? Sending out an S.O.S. ? 史汀:? 发出求救信号 ?
Audience: ? Sending out an S.O.S. ? 众:? 发出求救信号 ?
Sting: ? I'm sending out an S.O.S. ? 史:? 发出求救信号 ?
Audience: ? Sending out an S.O.S. ? 众:? 发出求救信号 ?
Sting: ? Sending out an S.O.S. ? 史:? 发出求救信号 ?
Audience: ? Sending out an S.O.S. ? 众:? 发出求救信号 ?
Sting: ? Sending out ? 史:? 发出 ?
? Sending out an S.O.S. ? ? 发出求救信号 ?
? Sending out an S.O.S. ? ? 发出求救信号 ?
? Sending out an S.O.S. ? ? 发出求救信号 ?
? Sending out an S.O.S. ? ? 发出求救信号 ?
? Yoooooooo ?
Thank you, TED. Goodnight. 谢谢 TED 。晚安。
(Applause) (掌声)