

Basically , there's a major demographic event going on. 如今有一个非常重要的地理转折正在发生
Basically:adv.主要地,基本上; demographic:adj.人口统计学的;人口学的;
And it may be that passing the 50 percent urban point is an economic tipping point . So the world now is a map of connectivity . 这就是居住在城市的人口超过了半数 这是一个经济转折点。如今的世界就是一个相互链接的世界。
urban:adj.城市的;都市的;城镇的;都市音乐的; economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; tipping point:n.(个案积累终成大趋势的)引爆点; connectivity:n.[数]连通性;
It used to be that Paris and London and New York were the largest cities. 过去,巴黎、伦敦和纽约曾经是世界最大的城市
What we have now is the end of the rise of the West. That's over. 而现在西方的崛起已经走到了尽头
The aggregate numbers are overwhelming . 城市里的人口总数是惊人的
aggregate:vi.集合; vt.集合; n.合计; adj.聚合的; overwhelming:adj.势不可挡的; v.压倒; (overwhelm的现在分词)
So what's really going on? Well, villages of the world are emptying out. 那到底发生了什么事情呢?你看,世界各地的村子都没人了
The question is, why? 但我们希望知道为什么会发生这样的事情?
And here's the unromantic truth -- and the city air makes you free, they said in Renaissance Germany. So some people go to places like Shanghai, but most go to the squatter cities where aesthetics rule. 事实是:城市能带给人更多的自由 在文艺复兴时期德国人的看法 现在人们涌向上海那样的城市,但大多数搬到城市的人都是住进了贫民区
unromantic:adj.平淡无奇的; Renaissance:n.文艺复兴(欧洲14至17世纪); squatter:n.蹲着的人;vi.涉水而过; aesthetics:n.美学;美的哲学;
And these are not really a people oppressed by poverty . 他们不是被贫困所迫而住到那样的地方
oppressed:adj.受压制的,受压迫的;v.压迫;折磨(oppress的过去分词); poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣;
They're people getting out of poverty as fast as they can. 他们正在以最快的速度摆脱贫困呢
They're the dominant builders and to a large extent , the dominant designers. 他们是城市的主要建筑者,甚至可以说是城市的主要设计师
dominant:adj.显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的;n.显性; builders:n.[建]施工人员(builder的复数);生成器; extent:n.程度;范围;长度;
They have home-brewed infrastructure and vibrant urban life. 他们所使用的基础设施都是自己搞起来的,过的也是非常丰富的都市生活
home-brewed:adj.自酿的;n.自酿酒(尤指啤酒); infrastructure:n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造; vibrant:adj.振动的;充满生气的;响亮的;战栗的;
One-sixth of the GDP in India is coming out of Mumbai. 印度1/6的国内生产总值都是来自孟买
They are constantly upgrading , and in a few cases, the government helps. 贫民区里居住的人在不断的升级现有的生活条件。政府只是在少数情况下参与其间
constantly:adv.不断地;时常地; upgrading:v.升级;[矿业]提高品位(upgrade的现在分词);n.叠积作用,加积作用;
Education is the main event that can happen in cities. 在城市里可以享受得到教育
What's going on in the street in Mumbai? 那么在孟买的街头会发生些什么事呢?
Al Gore knows. It's basically everything. 戈尔想必是知道的。那里什么事情都在发生
There's no unemployment in squatter cities. Everyone works. 在贫民区,没有失业这一回事。每个人都在工作。
One-sixth of humanity is there. It's soon going to be more than that. 世界有1/6人口生活在那样的地方,未来这一数字还将上升
So here's the first punch line. 这是我要讲的第一个要点
punch:n.冲床; v.拳打; (用打孔器等)打孔;
Cities have defused the population bomb. 城市成为了人口爆炸的缓冲器
And here's the second punch line. 这是第二点
That's the news from downtown . Here it is in perspective . 这是来自城市的声音。这是从太空看到的图景
downtown:n.市区;闹市区;adv.在市区;在热闹街上;到闹市区;adj.闹市区的; perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的;
Stars have shined down on earth's life for billions of years. 亿万年来,星光照耀着大地
Now we're shining right back up. 现在,轮到我们用光亮照耀天际了
Thank you. 谢谢大家