

So I want to talk to you about two things tonight. 今晚,我想同大家讲两件事
Number one: 第一
Teaching surgery and doing surgery is really hard. 教人做外科手术和做外科手术 真的很难。
And second, that language is one of the most profound things that separate us all over the world. 第二 语言,在这个世界上语言 将我们彼此远远地隔开。
And in my little corner of the world, these two things are actually related, and I want to tell you how tonight. 并且,在我的那一方小天地里, 这两件事息息相关, 今晚,我会告诉大家我的理由。
Now, nobody wants an operation. 现在,没人想做手术
Who here has had surgery? 在座的有人接受过外科手术吗?
Did you want it? 你当时想接受外科手术吗?
Keep your hands up if you wanted an operation. 如果想,请继续举手。
Nobody wants an operation. 没人愿意。
In particular , nobody wants an operation with tools like these through large incisions that cause a lot of pain, that cause a lot of time out of work or out of school, that leave a big scar. 尤其是,没人想要这种 运用工具大面积缝合的 带来不少疼痛的 耽误大量上班、上课的时间, 最后会留下巨大疤痕的手术。
In particular:尤其,特别; incisions:n.切口;雕刻,切割;切开;
But if you have to have an operation, what you really want is a minimally invasive operation. 但是,如果你不得不接受手术 你期望一个微创手术
minimally:adv.最低限度地;最低程度地; invasive:adj.侵略性的;攻击性的;
That's what I want to talk to you about tonight -- how doing and teaching this type of surgery led us on a search for a better universal translator. 这个,就是我今晚想聊的: 自己进行、并且教会别人这种手术的想法 使得我们开始寻找一个 优秀的,通用翻译器
Now, this type of surgery is hard, and it starts by putting people to sleep, putting ck">< b> carbon dioxide in their ck">< b> abdomen , blowing them up like a balloon, sticking one of these ck">< b> sharp ck">< b> pointy things into their abdomen -- it's dangerous stuff -- and taking ck">< b> instruments and watching it on a TV screen. 好的,刚刚讲到,微创手术很难 它从让人麻醉睡觉开始 然后把二氧化碳注入人的腹部 向吹气球一样吹起来 把尖头的工具刺进腹部 很危险 需要一边拿工具,一边对着显像屏幕观察
So let's see what it looks like. 实际情况差不多是这样
So this is gallbladder surgery. 这是一个胆囊手术
We perform a million of these a year in the United States alone. 我们一年得做上百万例 仅仅在美国就这么多。
perform:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好); United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
This is the real thing. There's no blood. 这是真事,一点血液都看不到
And you can see how focused the surgeons are, how much concentration it takes. 你看,手术师多么全神贯注 精力完全集中。
surgeons:n.外科医生;(surgeon的复数) concentration:n.浓度;含量;集中;专心;
You can see it in their faces. 看他们的面部表情就知道
It's hard to teach, and it's not all that easy to learn. 这手术很难教,也很难学
We do about five million of these in the United States and maybe 20 million of these worldwide . 我们在美国做了五百万例 全世界大概两千万例
All right, you've all heard the term: "He's a born surgeon." 嗯,估计大家都听过这句话 “他天生就是个手术师。”
Let me tell you, surgeons are not born. 要我说,手术师没有天生的
Surgeons are not made either. 也不是制造出来的
There are no little tanks where we're making surgeons. 我们找不到一个培养容器能够生产他们
Surgeons are trained one step at a time. 手术师是一步一步训练出来的
It starts with a foundation , basic skills. 首先从最基本的技能开始
We build on that and we take people, hopefully, to the operating room where they learn to be an assistant. 然后在此基础上,有希望的话,把他们带进手术室 在那儿,他们学会怎么做助理。
Then we teach them to be a surgeon in training. 之后,训练他们怎么做手术师
And when they do all of that for about five years, they get the coveted board certification . 学大概五年 拿到证书
coveted:adj.人人向往的;v.渴望;贪求(covet的过去分词和过去式) certification:n.证明,保证;检定;
If you need surgery, you want to be operated on by a board-certified surgeon. 如果你必须接受手术,有证书的手术师 是你的优先考虑对象。
You get your board certificate , and you can go out into practice. 好了,拿到了证书 就可以实战演练了
And eventually , if you're lucky, you achieve mastery . 最终,足够幸运的话,会变成大师级别
eventually:adv.最后,终于; mastery:n.掌握;精通;优势;征服;统治权;
Now that foundation is so important that a number of us from the largest general surgery society in the United States, SAGES , started in the late 1990s a training program 这其中,基础至关重要 我们当中的一些人 来自美国最大的手术协会,SAGES(内镜外科医师学会), 在90年代后期,创立了一个培训项目
that would assure that every surgeon who practices minimally invasive surgery would have a strong foundation of knowledge and skills necessary to go on and do procedures . 确保每一个进行微创手术的外科医生 都有过硬的知识和技能 让他们顺利的完成手术
assure:vt.保证;担保;使确信;弄清楚; procedures:n.程序;规程(procedure的复数);
Now the science behind this is so potent that it became required by the American Board of Surgery in order for a young surgeon to become board certified. 这后面蕴含的科学性显而易见 美国手术委员会的硬性要求 每一个新进手术师都参与培训才能拿到认证。
It's not a lecture , it's not a course, it's all of that plus a high-stakes assessment . 这不仅仅是一个讲座,亦不仅是课程 而是除上述两者之外,还要加上高风险的评估。
lecture:n.演讲;讲座;讲课;谴责;v.开讲座;讲授;讲课;指责;告诫 high-stakes:adj.高风险; assessment:n.评定;估价;
It's hard. 非常困难
Now just this past year, one of our partners, the American College of Surgeons, teamed up with us to make an announcement that all surgeons should be FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery)-certified before they do minimally invasive surgery. 仅仅去年一年 我们的合作伙伴之一:美国手术师学院 同我们联合宣布 所有的手术师都必须通过FLS (腹腔镜手术基本知识)考试 之后才能进行微创手术
teamed up with:与…合作,与…协作; Laparoscopic:adj.腹腔镜检查的;
And are we talking about just people here in the U.S. and Canada? 仅仅是美国和加拿大的手术师吗?
No, we just said all surgeons. 不,全世界的
So to lift this education and training worldwide is a very large task, something I'm very personally excited about as we travel around the world. 所以,要推广这个全球性的教育和训练 会是一项非常庞大的任务 我个人很兴奋,因为我们全世界地旅行
SAGES does surgery all over the world, teaching and educating surgeons. SAGES在世界范围内进行手术,并提供培训
So we have a problem, and one of the problems is distance. 所以现在就有个问题,距离
We can't travel everywhere. 我们不能每个角落都顾及到
We need to make the world a smaller place. 我们得把这个世界变小一点
And I think that we can develop some tools to do so. 或许开发一些工具能够解决这个问题
And one of the tools I like personally is using video. 其中一个我个人非常喜欢的工具就是视频沟通。
So I was inspired by a friend. 这是我某位朋友启发我的
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
This is Allan Okrainec from Toronto . 他叫艾伦 奥科莱耐,来自多伦多
And he proved that you could actually teach people to do surgery using video conferencing . 他证明了 可以用视频会议 教会人如果做手术
So here's Allan teaching an English-speaking surgeon in Africa these basic fundamental skills necessary to do minimally invasive surgery. 这里是艾伦正在教一个居住在非洲、会讲英语的手术师 这些基本技能 是进行微创手术的必备知识
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的;
Very inspiring . 非常具有启发性
But for this examination, which is really hard, we have a problem. 但是,对于这个困难的测试 我们还有一个问题
Even people who say they speak English, only 14 percent pass. 即便人们会讲英语 仅有14%的人通过测试
Because for them it's not a surgery test, it's an English test. 因为对于他们而言,这不是个手术考试 而是个英语考试
Let me bring it to you locally . 我讲的更具体一点
I work at the Cambridge Hospital. 我在剑桥医院工作
It's the primary Harvard Medical School teaching facility . 那里是哈佛医学院的主要教学设施。
Harvard:n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生; facility:n.设施;设备;特别装置;特色;场所;天资;
We have more than 100 translators covering 63 languages, and we spend millions of dollars just in our little hospital. 我们有超过一百位的翻译人员,懂得超过63种语言 在这个小医院里头,翻译花掉了上百万美元
It's a big labor-intensive effort. 是个劳动密集型的工作。
If you think about the worldwide burden of trying to talk to your patients -- not just teaching surgeons, just trying to talk to your patients -- there aren't enough translators in the world. 再设想一下全世界面临的负担 要同你的病人交流 不是教会手术师,而仅仅是和你的病人交流 我们就会面临世界范围内翻译人员的短缺。
burden:n.负担;责任;船的载货量;v.使负担;烦扰;装货于; patients:n.接受治疗者,病人;(patient的复数)
We need to employ technology to assist us in this quest . 我们得采用技术来帮助我们
employ:vt.使用,采用;雇用;使忙于,使从事于;n.使用;雇用; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; quest:n.追求;寻找;vi.追求;寻找;vt.探索;
At our hospital we see everybody from Harvard professors to people who just got here last week. 在医院,我们看到哈佛的教授 也看到上个星期刚刚来的人
And you have no idea how hard it is to talk to somebody or take care of somebody you can't talk to. 你无法想象 要照顾一个你不能交流的人有多困难
And there isn't always a translator available. 而且你还不总能找到翻译
So we need tools. 因此,我们需要工具
We need a universal translator. 我们需要一个通用翻译器
One of the things that I want to leave you with as you think about this talk is that this talk is not just about us preaching to the world. 这个讲座结束后,我希望大家 并不仅把本次讲座看作一个传道和说教
preaching:v.讲道(尤指教堂中礼拜时); n.讲道; (preach的现在分词)
It's really about setting up a dialogue. 而将它看成建立一个对话
We have a lot to learn. 等待我们学习的东西还有很多
Here in the United States we spend more money per person for outcomes that are not better than many countries in the world. 同世界其他地方相比,平均下来我们每个美国人 付出的金钱甚多,但收效甚微
Maybe we have something to learn as well. 或许我们也要学习一些事情
So I'm passionate about teaching these FLS skills all over the world. 所以,我满怀热情地在全世界教授FLS技能
This past year I've been in Latin America , I've been in China, talking about the fundamentals of laparoscopic surgery. 去年,我到了拉丁美洲,还有中国 讲授腹腔镜手术的基础知识
Latin America:n.拉丁美洲(以西班牙语或葡萄牙语为主要语言的美洲地区); fundamentals:n.基本面;基本原理(fundamental的复数);
And everywhere I go the barrier is: "We want this, but we need it in our language." 然而,我在所有地方每每遇到相同的困难 “我们需要这些,但我们希望用自己的语言”
So here's what we think we want to do: 因此,我们想要这样做:
Imagine giving a lecture and being able to talk to people in their own native language simultaneously . 设想我正在进行一场讲座 并同时能用听众自己的语言同他们交流
native:adj.本国的;土著的;天然的;与生俱来的;天赋的;n.本地人;土产;当地居民; simultaneously:adv.同时地;
I want to talk to the people in Asia, Latin America, Africa, Europe seamlessly , accurately and in a cost-effective fashion using technology. 我希望同来自亚洲的,拉美的,非洲的,欧洲的人 准确的,毫无隔阂的交流 运用一种性价比极高的技术,同他们交流
seamlessly:adv.无缝地; accurately:adv.精确地,准确地; cost-effective:adj.划算的;成本效益好的(等于cost-efficient);
And it has to be bi-directional. 并且双向的沟通
They have to be able to teach us something as well. 他们同样可以教会我们一些事情
It's a big task. 这个任务艰巨
So we looked for a universal translator; I thought there would be one out there. 所以,我们尝试寻找一个通用翻译器;我以为它会出现。
Your webpage has translation, your cellphone has translation, but nothing that's good enough to teach surgery. 你的网页可以翻译,你的手机可以翻译 但没有什么足够充当手术教学的翻译
webpage:n.网页; cellphone:n.蜂窝式便携无线电话;大哥大;
Because we need a lexicon . What is a lexicon? 因为我们需要一部辞典。什么是辞典?
A lexicon is a body of words that describes a domain . 它是一个描述某领域的词汇系统
describes:v.描述;形容;把…称为;画出…图形;(describe的第三人称单数) domain:n.领域;域名;产业;地产;
I need to have a health care lexicon. 我需要一个医保辞典
health care:n.卫生保健;
And in that I need a surgery lexicon. 这其中,我需要一部手术辞典
That's a tall order . We have to work at it. 这是一个艰巨的任务。我们必须努力去做。
a tall order:苛求;艰巨的任务;过高要求;
So let me show you what we're doing. 所以让我告诉你我们所做的努力。
This is research -- can't buy it. 这是研究——买不到
We're working with the folks at IBM Research from the Accessibility Center to string together technologies to work towards the universal translator. 我们这在同IBM帮助和支持中心的人员合作 研发一种通用翻译器
Accessibility:n.易接近;可亲;可以得到; string:n.字符串; v.悬挂; adj.由弦乐器组成的; technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数);
It starts with a framework system where when the surgeon delivers the lecture using a framework of captioning technology, we then add another technology to do video conferencing. 它建立在一个框架系统上 医生用此框架发布一个讲座时, 运用了字幕技术 同时,采用其他技术进行视频会议
But we don't have the words yet, so we add a third technology. 但是,我们现在还没有具体的文字,所以,第三种技术应运而生
And now we've got the words, and we can apply the special sauce : the translation. 有了具体文字之后 我们把关键的一环加上:翻译
apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求; sauce:n.酱;调味汁;讨厌的话(或举动);v.给…加滋味;(俚)对…说冒昧话;
We get the words up in a window and then apply the magic. 我们将文字放入一个窗口,接着施上魔法
We work with a fourth technology. 我们还有第四种技术
And we currently have access to eleven language pairs. 目前,共十一组语言配对可供使用
More to come as we think about trying to make the world a smaller place. 当然,当我们尝试将世界变小一点的时候,更多东西出现了
And I'd like to show you our prototype of stringing all of these technologies that don't necessarily always talk to each other to become something useful. 我想跟大家分享一下我们的基本模型 这个模型将看似乎不相连的几个技术整合起来 发挥着重要的作用
prototype:n.原型;雏形;最初形态; stringing:n.串接,捆接;接下油套管;v.用带系上(string的现在分词); necessarily:adv.必要地;必定地,必然地;
Narrator : Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery. 旁白:腹腔镜手术的基本知识
Module five: manual skills practice. 模块五:动手技巧练习
Module:n.模块;组件;单元; manual:n.说明书;指南;使用手册;adj.用手的;手工的;体力的;手动的;
Students may display captions in their native language. 学生可以显示其母语的字幕
Steven Schwaitzberg: If you're in Latin America, you click the "I want it in Spanish" button and out it comes in real time in Spanish. 史蒂芬 史威茨博格:如果你在拉丁美洲 请点击按钮“我需要西班牙文” 西班牙文解说会即时出现
real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的;
But if you happen to be sitting in Beijing at the same time , by using technology in a constructive fashion, you could get it in Mandarin or you could get it in Russian -- on and on and on, simultaneously without the use of human translators. 如果你人在北京 运用相似的方法 你可以找到中文,甚至俄语等等 这一切都来自技术,不需要真人翻译
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时; constructive:adj.建设性的;推定的;构造上的;有助益的; Mandarin:n.(中国)普通话;国语;官话;满清官吏;柑橘;adj.紧身马褂的; on and on:继续不停地;
But that's the lectures. 这就是教学讲座
If you remember what I told you about FLS at the beginning , it's knowledge and skills. 如果你还记得我一开始讲到的FLS 我的描述是:知识和技巧
at the beginning:首先;从一开始;起初;从头开始;
The difference in an operation between doing something successfully and not may be moving your hand this much. 在一个手术中 做错或做对 常常仅在手的分毫移动中决定
So we're going to take it one step further; we've brought my friend Allan back. 所以,我们要更进一步 现在,我们把老朋友艾伦找回来
Allan Okrainec: Today we're going to practice suturing . 艾伦:今天,我们来练习缝合
This is how you hold the needle . 针应该这样拿
Grab the needle at the tip . 拿起尖头处。
Grab:v.攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引;n.攫取;霸占;夺取之物; tip:n.小窍门,小费;v.给…小费;使倾斜;
It's important to be accurate. 一定要准确
Aim for the black dots. 对准黑点
Orient your loop this way. 你的缝线圈圈应该是这样的
Orient:vt.使适应;确定方向;使朝东;n.东方;东方诸国;adj.东方的;vi.向东; loop:n.循环;回路;环路;圈;v.使成环;使绕成圈;成环形移动;
Now go ahead and cut. 现在把线切断
Very good Oscar. I'll see you next week. 奥斯卡,非常好。下周见
SS: So that's what we're working on in our quest for the universal translator. ss: 这就是我们现在在做的 找寻一个通用翻译器
We want it to be bi-directional. 我们希望它是双向的
We have a need to learn as well as to teach. 我们需要教,亦需要学
as well as:也;和…一样;不但…而且;
I can think of a million uses for a tool like this. 我能够想出千万种使用这个工具的方法
As we think about intersecting technologies -- everybody has a cell phone with a camera -- we could use this everywhere, whether it be health care, patient care, engineering , law, conferencing, translating videos. 当我们谈论起交叉互通技术时 每个人都有一个带摄像头的手机 随时随地可用 比如健保、病人护理、 工程、法律、会议、视频翻译等等
intersecting:adj.交叉的;vt.交叉(intersect的现在分词); engineering:n.工程;工程学;v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因;(engineer的现在分词)
This is a ubiquitous tool. 这是个各处皆宜的工具
In order to break down our barriers , we have to learn to talk to people, to demand that people work on translation. 若想打破限制 我们必须学会沟通 同别人一起提高翻译技术
We need it for our everyday life, in order to make the world a smaller place. 我们日常生活都需要这个工具 而世界才得以变得更小
Thank you very much. 谢谢大家!
(Applause) (掌声)