

I'm here today to start a revolution. 我今天来这里的目的 是开启一场革命
Now before you get up in arms , or you break into song, or you pick a favorite color, 不过在你们揭竿而起 纵情歌唱 或是选择幸运色之前
up in arms:竭力反对;进行武装斗争;
I want to define what I mean by revolution. 让我先来为“革命”下个定义
By revolution, 我所谓的“革命”
I mean a drastic and far-reaching change in the way we think and behave -- the way we think and the way we behave. 是指我们思考和行为上 急剧而深远的变革── 我们思考和行动的方式
drastic:adj.激烈的;猛烈的;n.烈性泻药; far-reaching:adj.深远的;广泛的;伸至远处的; in the way:妨碍;挡道; behave:v.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用;
Now why, Steve, why do we need a revolution? 也许你会问了:史蒂夫,我们为什么需要一场革命呢?
We need a revolution because things aren't working; they're just not working. 我们需要一场革命 因为事情行不通了;完全行不通了
And that makes me really sad because I'm sick and tired of things not working. 我因此而难过 因为我对行不通的事情感到厌烦
sick and tired:筋疲力尽的,完全厌烦的;
You know, I'm sick and tired of us not living up to our potential . 我受够了看着我们的潜能得不到完全施展
I'm sick and tired of us being last. 我已厌倦我们处于最后一名的窘境
And we are last place in so many things -- for example, social factors . 而我们恰恰在很多事情上都处于最后一名── 比如说,社会的各个方面
factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商;
We're last place in Europe in innovation . 在“创新”方面,我们在全欧洲倒数第一
There we are right at the end, right at the bottom, last place as a culture that doesn't value innovation. 是的,在最后,在最底部 被视为最不重视创新的民族
We're last place in health care , and that's important for a sense of well-being . 在医疗方面,我们也是最后一名 而医疗又是幸福感的重要保证
health care:n.卫生保健; well-being:n.幸福;康乐;
And there we are, not just last in the E.U., we're last in Europe, at the very bottom. 我们不仅在欧盟国家中排在最后 在整个欧洲都是垫底
And worst of all, it just came out three weeks ago, many of you have seen it, The Economist. 而最糟糕的是── 你们也许在三个星期前出版的《经济学人》上读到了──
We're the saddest place on Earth, relative to GDP per capita -- the saddest place on Earth. 就人均GDP而言 我们是世界上最悲催的地方 甚至是整个地球上最悲催的地方
saddest:adj.悲伤的(sad的最高级); relative:adj.相对的;有关系的;成比例的;n.亲戚;相关物;[语]关系词;亲缘植物; per capita:adj.每人的;人均的;
That's social. Let's look at education. 这些只是社会层面,我们再来看看教育
Where do we rank three weeks ago in another report by the OECD? 在另一份由经济合作与发展组织(OECD)三个星期前发表的报告中 我们的排名又是怎样呢?
Last in reading, math and science. Last. 阅读、数学和科学都垫底
Business: 商业方面:
The lowest perception in the E.U. 在所有欧盟国家中
that entrepreneurs provide benefits to society. 我们对创业者为社会带来福利最不看好
Why as a result , what happens? 结果呢?
as a result:结果;
The lowest percentage of entrepreneurs starting businesses. 我们的自主创业百分比垫底
And this is despite the fact that everybody knows that small business is the engine of economies . 而我们都知道 小型企业 才是经济发展的引擎
despite:prep.尽管,不管;n.轻视;憎恨;侮辱; economies:n.经济;经济结构;节约;(economy的复数)
We hire the most people; we create the most taxes. 我们小型企业提供最多的就业岗位,在税收方面贡献最高
So if our engine's broken, guess what? 如果引擎坏了,结果又会如何呢?
Last in Europe GDP per capita. 在欧洲人均GDP上,我们再度排名最后
Last. 最后一名
So it's no surprise, guys, that 62 percent of Bulgarians are not optimistic about the future. 难怪62%的保加利亚人 都对未来不抱乐观心态
We're unhappy, we have bad education, and we have the worst businesses. 我们生活不幸福,我们的教育质量很差 我们在商业上也一败涂地
And these are facts, guys. 这些都是血淋淋的事实,朋友们
This isn't story tale; it's not make-believe . 这不是凭空捏造的
It's not. 不是的
It's not a conspiracy I have got against Bulgaria. These are facts. 这不是我针对保加利亚的阴谋,这些都是事实
So I think it should be really, really clear that our system is broken. 我认为一切都是显而易见的: 我们的体系已经支离破碎
The way we think, the way we behave, our operating system of behaving is broken. 我们思考、行为的方式 我们的行为操作系统都已支离破碎
operating system:n.(计算机)操作系统; behaving:v.表现:表现得体:有礼貌:(behave的现在分词)
We need a drastic change in the way we think and behave to transform Bulgaria for the better , for ourselves, for our friends, for our family and for our future. 我们必须要在思维与行为方式上作出巨大改变 让保加利亚变得更好 为了我们自己,为了我们的朋友 为了我们的家人和未来
transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式; for the better:好转,向好的方向发展;
How did this happen? 这一切都是怎么发生的呢?
Let's be positive now. We're going to get positive. How did this happen? 我们应该以积极的心态看待问题。这一切都是怎么发生的?
I think we're last because -- and this is going to be drastic to some of you -- because we are handicapping ourselves. 我认为我们处在最后一名的原因在于── 对于你们中的某些人来说,这听起来可能不可思议── 原因在于我们裹住了自己的手脚
We're holding ourselves back because we don't value play. 而我们裹足不前的原因 在于我们不重视玩耍
I said "play," all right. 没错,“玩耍”
In case some of you forgot what play is, this is what play looks like. 如果在座有人已经忘了玩耍为何物,这就是玩耍
Babies play, kids play, adults play. 婴儿玩耍,孩童玩耍 成年人也玩耍
We don't value play. 而我们不重视玩耍
In fact, we devalue play. 事实上,我们摒弃玩耍
And we devalue it in three areas. 我们从三个方面摒弃玩耍
Let's go back to the same three areas. 我们再从这三个方面来看
Social: 45 years of what? 社会:45年的...
Of communism -- of valuing the society and the state over the individual and squashing , inadvertently , creativity, individual self-expression and innovation. 共产主义-- 社会与国家利益高于个人利益 不经意间,创意、 个人思想表达和创新遭到践踏
communism:n.共产主义; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; squashing:vt.把…压碎; vi.被压扁; inadvertently:adj.非故意地,无心地; self-expression:n.自我表现;
And instead, what do we value? 相反,我们重视的是什么?
Because it's shown the way we apply , generate and use knowledge is affected by our social and institutional context , which told us what in communism? 显而易见 我们应用知识的方式 受到了社会与结构背景的影响 共产主义要求我们怎么做?
apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求; generate:v.产生;引起; institutional:adj.制度的; context:n.环境;上下文;来龙去脉;
To be serious. 要严肃
To be really, really serious. 非常非常严肃
It did. 就是这样
(Applause) (众人鼓掌)
Be serious. 严肃
I can't tell you how many times I've been scolded in the park for letting my kids play on the ground. 我都不记得有多少次,我在公园里被人批评 就因为我让自己的孩子在地上玩耍
Heaven forbid they play in the dirt , the kal, or even worse, lokvi, water -- that will kill them. 他们不能在泥(кал,保加利亚语)里玩耍 或在水里(保加利亚语)玩耍,他们会有生命危险
forbid:v.禁止;不准;不允许;(正式)严禁; dirt:n.污垢;尘土;下流话;
I have been told by babas and dyados that we shouldn't let our kids play so much because life is serious and we need to train them for the seriousness of life. 一些人(保加利亚语)告诉我 我们不该老让孩子去玩 生活是严肃的 我们必须训练他们严肃对待生活
We have a serious meme running through. 我们之中蔓延着一种严肃的文化基因
It's a social gene running through us. 这是我们体内的一种社会基因
It's a serious gene. 一种严肃的基因
It's 45 years of it that's created what I call the "baba factor." 在这45年里 它是由被我称为“爸爸因素”的东西生成的
(Laughter) (众人笑)
(Applause) (众人鼓掌)
And here's how it works. 情况是这样的
Step one: woman says, "I want to have a baby. Iskam baby." 第一步:女人说:“我想要个孩子。”
Step two: we get the baby. Woohoo! 第二步:我们有了孩子。哦吼!
But then what happens in step three? 那么第三步呢?
I want to go back to work because I need to further my career or I just want to go have coffees. 我想回去工作 我想进一步发展事业,或者我只是想偷闲喝喝咖啡
I'm going to give bebko to baba. 我要把孩子交给他爸爸(保加利亚语)
But we need to remember that baba's been infected by the serious meme for 45 years. 我们别忘了 爸爸已经受到了严肃文化基因45年的影响
infected:adj.带菌的; v.传染; (infect的过去分词和过去式)
So what happens? 结果呢?
She passes that virus on to baby, and it takes a really, really, really long time -- as the redwood trees -- for that serious meme to get out of our operating system. 她将病毒传染给了孩子 必须经过很长很长很长一段时间--就像红木林-- 这严肃文化基因 才能够完全脱离我们的行为体系
What happens then? 接着呢?
It goes into education where we have an antiquated education system that has little changed for 100 years, that values rote learning, memorization and standardization , and devalues self-expression, self-exploration , questioning, creativity and play. 它进入了教育领域,而我们的教育制度抱残守旧 在一百年时间里几乎没有改变 只注重生搬硬套 死记硬背和墨守陈规 摒弃自我思想表达,探寻自我 批判思维,创意和玩乐
antiquated:adj.过时的; v.废弃,使变旧(过时,复古); (antiquate的过去分词和过去式) rote:n.死记硬背;生搬硬套; memorization:n.记住;暗记; standardization:n.标准化;[数]规格化;校准; devalues:vt.使贬值;降低…的价值;vi.贬值; self-exploration:自我探索;
It's a crap system. 这是个狗屎体系
True story: I went looking for a school for my kid. 真实故事:我去为孩子找学校
We went to this prestigious little school and they say they're going to study math 10 times a week and science eight times a week and reading five times a day and all this stuff . 我们去到了这所名声在外的小学校 他们说学生每周要学10堂数学 8堂科学 每天学习5堂阅读,如是如是
prestigious:adj.有名望的;享有声望的; stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
And we said, "Well what about play and recess ?" 我们问:“那么,玩耍和休息的时间呢?”
And they said, "Ha. There won't be a single moment in the schedule ." 他们说:“哈,一分钟都没有。”
(Laughter) (众人笑)
And we said, "He's five." 我们说:“他才五岁啊。”
What a crime. What a crime. 这是造孽啊,造孽啊
And it's a crime that our education system is so serious because education is serious that we're creating mindless , robotic workers to put bolts in pre-drilled holes. 这的确是造孽 我们的教育制度过于严肃 致使我们生产的尽是没有思想的机械工人 把螺丝钉安进事先钻好的孔里
mindless:adj.愚蠢的;不小心的;不需要动脑筋的;不顾虑的; robotic:adj.机器人的,像机器人的;自动的;n.机器人学; bolts:n.[机]螺栓;[机]螺钉(bolt的复数);膨胀锚钉;角钢螺丝;毛边书;
But I'm sorry, the problems of today are not the problems of the Industrial Revolution . 很遗憾,今天的问题 并不是工业革命中的问题
Industrial Revolution:n.工业革命;
We need adaptability , the ability to learn how to be creative and innovative . 我们需要的是适应能力 也就是学会创造革新的能力
adaptability:n.适应性;可变性;适合性; creative:adj.创造性的; innovative:adj.革新的,创新的;
We don't need mechanized workers. 我们不需要机械工人
mechanized:adj.机械化的; v.使机械化;
But no, now our meme goes into work where we don't value play. 但不行啊,我们的文化基因使得我们不重视玩乐
We create robotic workers that we treat like assets , to lever and just throw away . 我们生产机械工人,还把他们当作资产 拿起来再丢弃
treat:v.治疗;处理;招待;款待;n.款待;乐事;乐趣; assets:n.资产;宝贵的人材;(一项)财物;资产;(asset的名词复数) lever:n.杠杆;控制杆;v.用杠杆撬动;把…作为杠杆; throw away:adj.信口开河的;用后可扔的;n.废品;
What are qualities of a Bulgarian work? 保加利亚人的工作有哪些品质?
Autocratic -- do what I say because I'm the chef. 独断专横-- 我是老大,我说的算
I'm the boss and I know better than you. 我是老板,比你更懂
Untrusting -- you're obviously a criminal, so I'm going to install cameras. 不信任--你明显是个罪犯,我得装几个摄像头了
Untrusting:不信任的; install:v.安装;设置;安置;建立(程序);
(Laughter) (众人笑)
Controlling -- you're obviously an idiot , so I'm going to make a zillion little processes for you to follow so you don't step out of the box. 指手画脚-- 你明显是个白痴 我要设计成千上百的小步骤好让你遵守,这样你就不会做错了
idiot:n.笨蛋,傻瓜;白痴; zillion:n.庞大的数字;无法计算的大数字;adj.无限数的; processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式);
So they're restrictive -- don't use your mobile phone , don't use your laptop , don't search the Internet, don't be on I.M. 他们还很严苛--不许用手机 不许用笔记本电脑,不许上网 不许聊QQ
mobile phone:移动电话 laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;
That's somehow unprofessional and bad. 这样太不专业,影响太坏了
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; unprofessional:adj.非职业性的,非专业的;外行的;
And at the end of the day, it's unfulfilling because you're controlled, you're restricted , you're not valued and you're not having any fun. 到头来,这工作一点成就感都没有 你受人摆布,受到限制,还不被看重 你得不到任何乐趣
unfulfilling:不称心的,不能使人满足的; restricted:adj.受限制的;保密的;v.限制(restrict的过去式和过去分词);
In social, in education and in our business, don't value play. 不论是在社会上,教育上还是经济上 玩耍都得不到重视
And that's why we're last, because we don't value play. 正因如此,我们才落于人后 因为我们不重视玩耍
And you can say, "That's ridiculous , Steve. What a dumb idea. 你会反驳说:“真荒谬,史蒂夫,这想法太不靠谱了。
ridiculous:adj.可笑的;荒谬的; dumb:adj.哑的,无说话能力的;不说话的,无声音的;
It can't be because of play. 怎么可能是因为玩耍呢。
Just play, that's a stupid thing." 玩耍,太蠢了。”
We have the serious meme in us. 我们被严肃的文化基因毒害了
Well I'm going to say no. 现在我要对它说不
And I will prove it to you in the next part of the speech -- that play is the catalyst , it is the revolution, that we can use to transform Bulgaria for the better. 我下面就会证明给你们看-- 玩耍就是载体,就是革命 能够为我们所用来把保加利亚变得更美好
Play: our brains are hardwired for play. 玩耍: 我们的大脑 是专为玩耍而设计的
Evolution has selected, over millions and billions of years, for play in animals and in humans. 动物和人类 经过了几百万乃至几十亿年的进化 善于玩耍
And you know what? 你知道吗?
Evolution does a really, really good job of deselecting traits that aren't advantageous to us and selecting traits for competitive advantage. 进化非常有效 将我们不利的身体特征淘汰 而保留了有利于竞争的特征
traits:n.特性,特质,性格(trait的复数); advantageous:adj.有利的;有益的; competitive:adj.竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的;
Nature isn't stupid, and it selected for play. 大自然可不笨,它让进化为玩耍而服务
Throughout the animal kingdom, for example: ants. Ants play. 例如,在动物界中 蚂蚁,善于玩耍
Maybe you didn't know that. 也许你还不知道
But when they're playing, they're learning the social order and dynamics of things. 它们在玩耍时 学习社会秩序和事物的运行
Rats play, but what you might not have known is that rats that play more have bigger brains and they learn tasks better, skills. 老鼠也玩耍,而你们可能不知道 更好玩的老鼠 拥有更大的大脑 它们更善于学习任务 技能
Kittens play. We all know kittens play. 我们都知道猫咪们好玩耍
But what you may not know is that kittens deprived of play are unable to interact socially. 而你们可能不知道 如果不让小猫玩耍 那么它们就无法与其它猫交流
deprived:adj.缺少食物的;缺乏足够教育的; interact:v.互相影响;互相作用;n.幕间剧;幕间休息;
They can still hunt, but they can't be social. 它们仍旧能够捕猎,但却无法互动
Bears play. 熊也玩耍
But what you may not know is that bears that play more survive longer. 而你们可能不知道 更会玩的熊能够活得更久
It's not the bears that learn how to fish better. 活得更久的不是那些善于捕鱼的熊
It's the ones that play more. 而是那些更会玩的熊
And a final really interesting study -- it's been shown, a correlation between play and brain size. 最后,一项非常有趣的研究表明 玩耍与脑子的大小 是有关联的
The more you play, the bigger the brains there are. 玩得越多,脑子越大
Dolphins, pretty big brains, play a lot. 海豚拥有很大的脑子,善于玩耍
But who do you think with the biggest brains are the biggest players? 而你知道 谁的脑子最大,谁才是最大的玩家吗?
Yours truly: humans. 答案是:我们的脑子,我们人类
Kids play, we play -- of every nationality, of every race, of every color, of every religion. 孩子玩耍,我们玩耍-- 每个国家,每个种族 每种肤色,每种宗教
It's a universal thing -- we play. 这是我们的共同点--玩耍
And it's not just kids, it's adults too. 玩耍并不只是儿童的专利,大人们也玩耍
Really cool term: neoteny -- the retention of play and juvenile traits in adults. 非常酷的称谓:童心未泯-- 少年好玩的天性在成年人内心的延续
retention:n.保留;扣留,滞留;记忆力;闭尿; juvenile:adj.青少年的;幼稚的;n.青少年;少年读物;
And who are the biggest neotenists? 谁最童心未泯?
Humans. We play sports. 人类。我们玩运动
We do it for fun, or as Olympians, or as professionals . 为娱乐,或作为奥林匹克运动员,或作为职业选手
We play musical instruments . 我们玩乐器
We dance, we kiss, we sing, we just goof around . 我们跳舞,亲吻,歌唱 我们追逐打闹
goof around:消磨时间;随便玩玩;
We're designed by nature to play from birth to old age. 我们天生就会玩耍 从生到老
We're designed to do that continuously -- to play and play a lot and not stop playing. 我们天生 就喜欢一直玩 不停地玩
It is a huge benefit. 这是很大的优势
Just like there's benefits to animals, there's benefits to humans. 对动物有利 对人类也有利
For example, it's been shown to stimulate neural growth in the amygdala , in the area where it controls emotions . 例如,研究表明 玩耍能够刺激扁桃腺 情绪控制区的神经增长
stimulate:v.刺激;激发;促进;激励; neural:adj.神经的;神经系统的;背的;神经中枢的; amygdala:n.[解剖]杏仁核;扁桃腺;苦巴旦杏; emotions:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;(emotion的复数)
It's been shown to promote pre-frontal cortex development where a lot of cognition is happening. 玩耍还能够促进前脑皮层的发展 这正是意识形成的区域
promote:v.促进;推动;促销;提升;晋升; cortex:n.[解剖]皮质;树皮;果皮; cognition:n.认识;知识;认识能力;
As a result, what happens? 那么结果呢?
We develop more emotional maturity if we play more. 我们玩得越多,我们的情绪成熟度就越高
emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的; maturity:n.成熟;到期;完备;
We develop better decision-making ability if we play more. 我们玩得越多 我们的决策能力越强
These guys are facts. 这些都是事实
It's not fiction, it's not story tales, it's not make-believe; it's cold, hard science. 不是小说,童话或瞎掰 这是冷冰冰的科学
These are the benefits to play. 这些是玩耍带来的好处
It is a genetic birthright that we have, like walking or speaking or seeing. 就像行走、说话或睁眼看世界一样 玩耍是我们与生俱来的权利
genetic:adj.基因的;遗传学的; birthright:n.与生俱来的权利;长子继承权;
And if we handicap ourselves with play, we handicap ourselves as if we would with any other birthright that we have. 而如果不让自己玩耍 我们的身体就会像失去了其它与生俱来的权利一样 变得残缺不全
We hold ourselves back. 我们束缚了自己的手脚
Little exercise just for a second: close your eyes and try to imagine a world without play. 做个简短的练习 你们闭上眼睛 试着想象一个没有玩乐的世界
Imagine a world without theater, without the arts, without song, without dancing, without soccer, without football, without laughter. 想象一个没有剧院,没有艺术 没有歌曲,没有舞蹈 没有足球,没有橄榄球 没有笑声的世界
What does this world look like? 这是一个什么样的世界?
It's pretty bleak . 相当惨白
It's pretty glum . 相当悲催
Now imagine your workplace . 现在想象你的工作场所
Is it fun? Is it playful ? 那里有趣吗?好玩吗?
Or maybe the workplace of your friends -- here we're forward thinking. 或想象你朋友的工作场所--我们做换位思考
Is it fun? Is it playful? 那里有趣吗?好玩吗?
Or is it crap? Is it autocratic, controlling, restrictive and untrusting and unfulfilling? 还是没意思?机械化,控制欲强 诸多限制,没有信任,没有成就感?
We have this concept that the opposite of play is work. 我们总以为 工作与玩乐是水火不容的
We even feel guilty if we're seen playing at work. 我们甚至会为边工作边玩耍而感到羞愧
'"Oh, my colleagues see me laughing. I must not have enough work," “哦,我的同事看见我在笑。我肯定没好好工作。”
or, "Oh, I've got to hide because my boss might see me. 或者,“哦,我必须偷偷摸摸地,免得让老板看见。
He's going to think I'm not working hard." 他会认为我没有卖力工作。”
But I have news for you: our thinking is backwards. 告诉你个消息:我们把这想反了
The opposite of play is not work. 玩乐的反义词 并不是工作
The opposite of play is depression . It's depression . 玩乐的反义词 是压迫,压迫
In fact, play improves our work. 事实上 玩耍能够改善我们的工作
Just like there's benefits for humans and animals, there's benefits for play at work. 玩耍能够给人类与动物带来好处 它同样可以为工作造福
For example, it stimulates creativity. 比如,它能促进创新能力
It increases our openness to change. 让我们更敢于做出改变
It improves our ability to learn. 提高我们的学习能力
It provides a sense of purpose and mastery -- two key motivational things that increase productivity , through play. 让我们更有目标和掌控力-- 这是玩耍 提高生产力的 两个关键动因
mastery:n.掌握;精通;优势;征服;统治权; motivational:adj.动机的;激发性的;有关动机的;动机说明; productivity:n.生产力;生产率;生产能力;
So before you start thinking of play as just not serious, play doesn't mean frivolous . 不要急着认为玩耍就是不严肃 玩耍并不意味着不正经
You know, the professional athlete that loves skiing, he's serious about it, but he loves it. 正如,一位职业运动员喜爱滑雪 他的态度是严肃的,但他热爱滑雪
He's having fun, he's in the groove , he's in the flow. 他感到愉快,他玩得酣畅淋漓
A doctor might be serious, but laughter's still a great medicine. 一位医生可能很严肃 但欢笑也是一种灵丹妙药
Our thinking is backwards. 我们都想反了
We shouldn't be feeling guilty. 我们不应该感到羞愧
We should be celebrating play. 我们应为玩耍而欢庆
Quick example from the corporate world. 举一个企业的例子
FedEx , easy motto : people, service, profit . 联邦快递,口号很简练:人,服务,利润
FedEx:n.联邦快递(等于theFederalExpress); motto:n.座右铭,格言;箴言; profit:n.利润;利益;v.获利;有益;
If you treat your people like people, if you treat them great, they're happier, they're fulfilled , they have a sense of mastery and purpose. 如果你人性地对待人,好好对待他们 他们就会更开心,更有成就感,他们做事就更有掌控力和目的性
fulfilled:adj.感到满足的; v.实现; (fulfill的过去式和过去分词)
What happens? They give better service -- not worse, but better. 结果呢?他们提供更优质的服务 不是更差而是更优
And when customers call for service and they're dealing with happy people that can make decisions and are fulfilled, how do the customers feel? They feel great. 当顾客打电话要求服务 和他们打交道的是有主见有成就感的快乐人群 这些顾客的感觉如何?他们感觉棒极了
And what do great customers do, great-feeling customers? 而这些感觉良好的顾客会怎么做呢?
They buy more of your service and they tell more of their friends, which leads to more profit. 他们会购买更多的服务,并向自己的朋友推荐 于是更多利润产生了
People, service, profit. 这就是人,服务,利润
Play increases productivity, not decreases . 玩耍提高了而不是减低了生产力
And you're going to say, "Gee, that can work for FedEx out there in the United States, but it can't work in Bulgaria. 你可能会说: “切,这一套在美国的联邦快递行得通, 这在保加利亚就不灵了。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
No way. We're different." 没门。我们不一样。”
It does work in Bulgaria, you guys. Two reasons. 朋友们,这在保加利亚是行得通的。原因有二
One, play is universal. 第一,玩耍是世界通用的
There's nothing weird about Bulgarians that we can't play, besides the serious meme that we have to kick out. 只要摒弃了原有的严肃文化基因 我们保加利亚人玩耍就是无可厚非的
weird:adj.奇怪的;奇异的;离奇的;n.命运;宿命;命运女神; besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外;
Two, I've tried it. I've tried at Sciant. 第二,我尝试过了。我在Sciant尝试过了
When I got there, we had zero happy customers. 我刚到的时候,我们没有一个开心的顾客
Not one customer would refer us. 没有一个顾客推荐我们
I asked them all. 我一个个都问过了
We had marginal profit -- I did. 而我们有边际利润--我认为有
We had marginal profits , and we had unhappy stakeholders . 我们有边际利润 还有不开心的利益相关方
profits:n.利润; v.获益; (profit的第三人称单数和复数) stakeholders:n.利益相关者;赌款保存人(stakeholder的复数);
Through some basic change, change like improving transparency , change like promoting self-direction and collaboration , encouraging collaboration , not autocracy , the things like having a results-focus. 通过一些基本的改变 包括提高透明度 鼓励自主决策 协同合作,鼓励合作 而不是机械化 应注重结果
improving:v.改进;改善;(improve的现在分词) transparency:n.透明,透明度;幻灯片;有图案的玻璃; promoting:v.促进;推动;促销;提升;晋升;(promote的现在分词) collaboration:n.合作;勾结;通敌; autocracy:n.独裁政治;专制政治;独裁政府;独裁统治的国家;
I don't care when you get in in the morning. I don't care when you leave. 我不管你是不是一大早来上班,也不在乎你什么时候下班
I care that your customer and your team is happy and you're organized with that. 我只关心你的客户和团队是否开心 而你是否为此做好了安排
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式)
Why do I care if you get in at nine o'clock? 你是否九点钟来上班与我何干呢?
Basically promoting fun. 要让工作更有意思
Through promoting fun and a great environment, we were able to transform Sciant and, in just three short years -- sounds like a long time, but change is slow -- 通过活跃并创造良好气氛 我们在短短三年内 改变了Sciant-- 似乎时间不短,但变革的进行急不得
every customer, from zero to every customer referring us, above average profits for the industry and happy stakeholders. 每一位顾客,从零到所有顾客,都推崇我们 利润超过了行业平均水平 让利益相关方感到开心
And you can say, "Well how do you know they're happy?" 你可能会说:“你怎么知道他们开心呢?”
Well we did win, every year that we entered, one of the rankings for best employer for small business. 因为每一年我们都进入了 小型企业最佳雇主排行榜
rankings:n.排名;排行(ranking的复数); employer:n.雇主,老板;
Independent analysis from anonymous employees on their surveys . 这是由员工在不记名问卷上的 独立分析得出的
Independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等); analysis:n.分析;分解;验定; anonymous:adj.匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的; surveys:n.调查(survey的复数);
It does, and it can, work in Bulgaria. 它在保加利亚是可行的
There's nothing holding us back, except our own mentality about play. 除了我们对玩耍的偏见 没有什么能够阻止我们
So some steps that we can take -- to finish up -- how to make this revolution through play. 作为结尾,我们可以通过几个步骤 通过玩耍来促成这场革命
First of all , you have to believe me. 首先,你们必须相信我
First of all:adv.首先;
If you don't believe me, well just go home and think about it some more or something. 如果你们不信我 那就请回家后再好好想想
Second of all, if you don't have the feeling of play in you, you need to rediscover play. 第二,如果你没有玩耍的意兴 你需要重新发现玩耍的乐趣
Whatever it was that as a kid you used to enjoy, that you enjoyed only six months ago, but now that you've got that promotion you can't enjoy, because you feel like you have to be serious, rediscover it. 你儿时所享受的快乐 或是你六个月前所享受的快乐 而现在你因为升了职而享受不到 因为你认为自己应该严肃些 重新发现你的玩乐吧
I don't care if it's mountain biking or reading a book or playing a game. 不管是骑山地自行车,阅读或玩游戏
Rediscover that because you're the leaders, the innovation leaders, the thought leaders. 重新发现其中乐趣吧 你就是先锋 是创新的先锋,思想的先锋
You're the ones that have to go back to the office or talk to your friends and ignite the fire of change in the play revolution. 你们要回到办公室 或告诉你们的朋友 为玩耍的革命点燃星星之火
You guys have to, and if you're not feeling it, your colleagues, your employees, aren't going to feel it. 你们必须这么做,如果你 你的同事,员工感觉不到
You've got to go back and say, "Hey, I'm going to trust you." 你就必须回去,说:“嘿,我相信你。”
Weird concept: I hired you; I should trust you. 多新鲜啊。我聘用你,我就该相信你
I'm going to let you make decisions. I'm going to empower you, and I'm going to delegate to the lowest level, rather than the top. 我让你做主。我把权力交给你 我要把权力交给最基层而不是最高层的人员
empower:vt.授权,允许;使能够; delegate:n.代表; v.授(权);
I'm going to encourage constructive criticism . 我要鼓励有建设性的批评
constructive:adj.建设性的;推定的;构造上的;有助益的; criticism:n.批评;批判;评论;指责;
I'm going to let you challenge authority . 我要让你们挑战权威
Because it's by challenging the way things are always done is that we are able to break out of the rut that we're in and create innovative solutions to problems of today. 只有挑战我们一贯做事的方法 我们才能从抱残守旧中解脱出来 才能想出具有创意的办法 解决今天的问题
We're not always right as leaders. 作为领导人,我们不可能总是对的
We're going to eradicate fear. 我们要根除恐惧
Fear is the enemy of play. 恐惧是玩乐的天敌
And we're going to do things like eliminate restrictions . 我们要采取行动 要消除严格限制
eliminate:v.消除;排除; restrictions:n.限制规定;限制;约束;制约因素;(restriction的复数)
You know what, let them use their mobile phone for personal calls -- heaven forbid. 让他们用手机 打私人电话--随他们吧
Let them be on the Internet. 让他们上网
Let them be on instant messengers . 让他们网聊
instant:n.瞬间; adj.立即的; conj.同"assoonas"; messengers:n.东京速递(电视剧);
Let them take long lunches. 让他们吃个长长的午餐
Lunch is like the recess for work. 午餐就是工作的休息时间
It's when you go out in the world and you recharge your brain, you meet your friends, you have a beer, you have some food, you talk, you get some synergy of ideas that maybe you wouldn't have had before. 你可以在午餐时出去走走 给大脑充电,与友人相约 来瓶啤酒,点几道小菜,谈笑风生 交流一下想法 你可能会获得之前没有过的点子
recharge:v.给(电池)充电;恢复体力;休整;n.再袭击;再装火药; synergy:n.协同;协同作用;增效;
Let them do it. Give them some freedom, and in general , let them play. Let them have fun at the workplace. 放手让他们去做。给他们一些自由 总的说,就是让他们去玩。让他们在职场上玩乐
in general:总之,通常;一般而言;
We spend so much of our lives at the workplace, and it's supposed to be, what, a miserable grind , so that 20 years from now, we wake up and say, "Is this it? 我们在职场上投入了那么多时间 工作应该是,啥,一件苦差事? 二十年就这么过去了,你一睁眼,说:“就这样啦?
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) miserable:adj.悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的; grind:v.磨碎;磨快;n.磨;苦工作;
Is that all there was?" 就这么完了?”
Unacceptable . Nepriemliv. 没门
(Laughter) (众人笑)
So in summary , we need a drastic change in the way we think and behave, but we don't need a workers' revolution. 总而言之 我们需要作出巨大的变革 改变我们思考和行动的方式 我们不需要 工人的革命
We don't need a workers' revolution. 我们不需要工人革命
What we need is a players' uprising . 我们需要的是 玩家的崛起
What we need is a players' uprising. 我们需要的是玩家的崛起
What we need is a players' uprising. 我们需要的是玩家的崛起
Seriously, we need to band together. 说真的,我们必须团结一致
Today is the start of the uprising. 今天就是崛起之日
But what you need to do is fan the flames of the revolution. 我们需要做的是 煽起革命之火
You need to go and share your ideas and your success stories of what worked about reinvigorating our lives, our schools, and our work with play; about how play promotes a sense of promise and self-fulfillment; of how play promotes innovation and productivity, and, ultimately , how play creates meaning. 你们要将想法和成功的故事 四处奔走相告 如何重塑我们的生活,我们的学校 如何将工作与玩乐相结合 玩乐如何促成 目的性和成就感 玩乐如何推动创新和生产力; 最重要的是,玩乐如何让一切变得有意义
reinvigorating:vt.使再振作;使复兴; promotes:v.促进;推动;促销;推销;提升;晋升;(promote的第三人称单数) ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究;
Because we can't do it alone. We have to do it together, and together, if we do this and share these ideas on play, we can transform Bulgaria for the better. 孤掌难鸣,我们必须协同合作 如果我们携手并肩,将关于玩耍的思想传播开来 我们就能把保加利亚变得更加美好
Thank you. 感谢大家
(Applause) (众人鼓掌)