

Good afternoon. 各位下午好!
I am not a farmer. 我不是农民。
(Laughter) (笑声)
I'm not. I'm a parent, I'm a resident and I'm a teacher. 我不是。我是一位家长,一个居民,也是一名教师。
And this is my world. 这就是关于我的全部。
And along the way I've started noticing -- 这些年来,我逐渐意识到
I'm on my third generation of kids -- that they're getting bigger. 我现在的学生是第三代移民 他们越长越大
They're getting sicker. 身体也越来越差
In addition to these complexities , 除了这些复杂的问题
In addition to:除…之外; complexities:n.复杂性(complexity的复数);错综复杂的事物;
I just learned that 70 percent of the kids that I see who are labeled learning disabled would not have been had they had proper prenatal nutrition . 最近我才知道,我所看到的所谓的“学习障碍者” 他们的当中的70%,如果不是因为出生前营养不良 都将会不会有这个问题
labeled:adj.有标签的; v.示踪; (label的过去分词和过去式) prenatal:adj.产前的;胎儿期的;[医]出生以前的; nutrition:n.营养,营养学;营养品;
The realities of my community are simple. They look like this. 我所在社区的情况很简单。他们看上去是这样的。
Kids should not have to grow up and look at things like this. 孩子们不应该这样成长,也不应该看到如此的事。
And as jobs continue to leave my community, and energy continues to come in, be exported in, it's no wonder that really some people refer to the South Bronx as a desert. 另外,我所在的社区,越来越多的人失去了工作, 我们需要从外面引进能源 难怪一些人几乎把南布朗克斯称之为沙漠,
exported:v.[贸易]出口;输出(export的过去分词);adj.出口的; refer:v.参考;涉及;提到;查阅; Bronx:n.布朗克斯(纽约市最北端的一区);布朗克斯鸡尾酒;
But I'm the oldest sixth grader you'll ever meet, so I get up every day with this tremendous amount of enthusiasm that I'm hoping to share with you all today. 但是在你见过的六年级的学生中,我是最老的一个, 所以我每天醒来都充满了无比的热情, 我现在就想和大家分享这热情。
grader:n.分级机;分类机;(美)(中小学的)…年级学生; tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的; enthusiasm:n.热心,热忱,热情;
And with that note, I come to you with this belief that kids should not have to leave their communities to live, learn and earn in a better one. 说到这里,我来先跟你们说说我相信的一点, 我相信孩子不应该离开他们所在的社区, 不应该去更好的社区生活、学习、赚钱。
So I'm here to tell you a story about me and this wall that I met outside, which I'm now bringing inside. 让我来讲个故事给你们听。 这块墙砖是我在外面看到的,现在把它带进来。
And it starts with three people. 这个故事还得从三个人讲起。
The crazy teacher -- that's me on the left, 一位疯狂的老师,就是左边那个,实际上也就是我,
I dress up pretty, thank you, my wife, I love you for getting a good suit -- my passionate borough president and a guy named George Irwin from Green Living Technologies who helped me with my class and helped me get involved with this patented technology . 我特地打扮了一番。多亏了我太太,非常感谢你的好西装。 我热情的镇长, 还有一个名叫乔治-鄂文的人,他来自绿色生活科技(公司), 他曾经帮我上过课, 还邀请我参加这项专利技术的研发。
passionate:adj.热情的;热烈的,激昂的;易怒的; borough:n.区;自治的市镇; Technologies:n.技术;科技(technology的复数); involved:adj.有关的; v.涉及; (involve的过去式和过去分词) patented:adj.专利的; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
But it all starts with seeds in classrooms, in my place, which looks like this. 但一切都从教室里的种子开始, 在我那儿,教室是这样的。
And I'm here today hoping that my reach will exceed my grasp . 今天我在此,希望我能够把目光放得长远。
exceed:v.超过(数量);超越(法律、命令等)的限制; grasp:n.抓住;理解;控制;v.抓住;领会;
And that's really what this is all about. 这就是关键所在。
And it starts with incredible kids like this, who come early and stay late. 就是这样让人佩服的孩子们开始了一切, 他们起早贪黑。
All of my kids are either IEP or ELL learners, most come with a lot of handicaps , most are homeless and many are in foster care. 所有这些孩子都学习IEP(自我学习)或ELL(英语学习) 其中大部分人还存在诸多障碍, 大多数人无家可归,许多都被寄养
handicaps:不利因素(handicap的复数); foster:vt.培养;养育,抚育;抱(希望等);adj.收养的,养育的;
Almost all of my kids live below poverty . 几乎我所有的学生都生活在贫困之中,
But with those seeds, from day one, we are growing in my classroom, and this is what it looks like in my classroom. 但是我们从第一天上课开始就种下了这些种子, 这就是我班上的情况。
And you see how attentive these kids are to these seeds. 你们看这些孩子们对种子多专注呀。
And then you notice that those seeds become farms across the Bronx that look like this. 然后你会看到,这些种子长成了作物,遍布布朗克斯,就像这样。
But again, I am not a farmer. I'm a teacher. 不过,还是那句话,我不是农民,我是一名老师。
And I don't like weeding , and I don't like back-breaking labor. 我不喜欢除草和那些把腰都累断的劳动。
weeding:v.除(地面的)杂草;(weed的现在分词) back-breaking:adj.使人筋疲力尽的;
So I wanted to figure out how I could get this kind of success into something small, like this, and bring it into my classroom so that handicapped kids could do it, kids who didn't want to be outside could do it, and everyone could have access. 所以我想找到一个办法,能把这样一件伟事 分解成若干这样的小事, 于是我把它带到课堂上,让那些残疾的孩子们种植, 那些不想外出的孩子就可以做这件事, 每个人都可以做。
handicapped:adj.残疾的; v.妨碍; n.残疾人; (handicap的过去分词和过去式)
So I called George Irwin, and what do you know? 于是我打了个电话给乔治-鄂文,你猜怎么着?
He came to my class and we built an indoor edible wall. 他到我教室,我们在教室里砌了一堵可食用的墙。
And what we do is we partner it with authentic learning experiences, private-based learning. 我们还把这个种植活动跟真实的学习经验结合, 还结合了个性化的学习,
And lo and behold , we gave birth to the first edible wall in New York City. 你瞧,在我们的共同努力下, 纽约市第一堵可食用的墙就诞生了!
So if you're hungry, get up and eat. 如果你饿了,不妨起来吃一点。
You can do it right now. My kids play cow all the time. 你现在就可以。我的孩子们就像吃草的牛一样,
Okay? But we were just getting started, the kids loved the technology, so we called up George and we said, "We gotta learn more!" 但是我们才刚刚开始, 孩子们非常喜欢这一技术, 所以我们就一起打了电话给乔治,我们说:“我们想要学更多东西!”
Now, Mayor Bloomberg, thank you very much, we no longer need work permits, which comes with slices and bonded contractors -- we're available for you -- 现在,彭博市长,非常感谢您,我们不再需要许可才去工作了, 这些工作只带来杯水车薪和刻薄的合同。可对你随时有空
Mayor:n.市长;镇长; slices:n.切片,切割(slice的复数形式);v.切成薄片(slice的三单形式); contractors:n.[经]承包商;[法]立约人;合约商(contractor的复数);
We decided to go to Boston . 我们决定把它推广到波士顿。
And my kids, from the poorest congressional district in America, became the first to install a green wall, designed by a computer, with real-live learning tools, 21 stories up -- if you're going to go visit it, it's on top of the John Hancock building. 我的学生们,虽然他们来自美国最穷的地方, 却成了第一批竖起这座绿色之墙的人 这堵墙由计算机设计,还能用到现实生活中的各种工具, 足足有21层楼这么高。如果你乐意来参观的话, 它就位于约翰-汉考克大楼楼顶。
congressional:adj.国会的;会议的;议会的; install:v.安装;设置;安置;建立(程序); John Hancock:n.常用于美式英语;
But closer to home, we started installing these walls in schools that look like this with lighting like that, real LED stuff , 21st-century technology. 在我们学校附近,我们也开始在其它学校里竖起这样的墙, 就像这样,上面装点了很多彩灯, 还是LED的灯,21世纪的技术。
installing:v.安装;设置;建立(程序);(install的现在分词) stuff:n.东西:物品:基本特征:v.填满:装满:标本:
And what do you know? We made 21st century money, and that was groundbreaking . Wow! 你知道吗?我们赚了21世纪钱, 这是一件多么有突破性的事情呀!
This is my harvest, people. 这就是我的收获。
And what do you do with this food? You cook it! 那么这些食物能做什么呢?当然是用它做菜啦!
And those are my heirloom students making heirloom sauce , with plastic forks, and we get it into the cafeteria, and we grow stuff and we feed our teachers. 这些是我宝贝学生们做的宝贝香肠, 外加塑料叉子,我们把这些香肠卖到咖啡厅, 我们继续种植,养活老师们。
heirloom:n.传家宝;世代相传之物; sauce:n.酱;调味汁;讨厌的话(或举动);v.给…加滋味;(俚)对…说冒昧话;
And that is the youngest nationally certified workforce in America with our Bronx Borough President. 而且我们有幸成为了国家认可的、最年轻的 劳动力,获得了布鲁克斯镇长的认可。
nationally:adv.全国性地;以国民立场地;举国一致地; certified:adj.被证明了的; v.(尤指书面)证明,证实; (certify的过去式和过去分词) workforce:n.劳动大军;全体员工;
And what'd we do then? Well, I met nice people like you, and they invited us to the Hamptons . 然后呢?后来又发生了什么?后来我遇到了一群很棒的人,像你们这样, 他们邀请我们去汉普顿,
So I call this "from South Bronx to Southampton ." 所以我称之为“从南布鲁克斯到南汉普顿”
And we started putting in roofs that look like this, and we came in from destitute neighborhoods to start building landscape like this, wow! People noticed. 于是我们开始在那里打造这样的屋顶, 我们来自贫困的街区, 却在塑造这样的景致!很棒!不是吗?吸引了很多人的目光,
destitute:adj.穷困的;无的;缺乏的;n.赤贫者;vt.使穷困;夺去; landscape:n.景观;乡村风景画;(文件的)横向打印格式;v.对…做景观美化;美化…的环境;
And so we got invited back this past summer, and we actually moved into the Hamptons, payed 3,500 dollars a week for a house, and we learned how to surf . 所以今年夏天我们又受到了邀请, 而且我们还搬到了汉普顿, 我们花3,500美金一周租了一所房子,我们学会了如何冲浪,
payed:vt.支付,付;偿还,补偿(pay的变形); surf:v.冲浪;进行冲浪运动;(互联网上)浏览;n.激浪;拍岸浪花;
And when you can do stuff like this -- 当你学会做这些事的时候——
These are my kids putting in this technology, and when you can build a roof that looks like that on a house that looks like that with sedum that looks like this, this is the new green graffiti . 我的孩子们现在就在推广这项技术 当你可以造出这样的一个房顶 架在这样的一个房子之上的时候 并且用的是这样的景天草, 这就是新的绿色涂鸦。
So, you may wonder what does a wall like this really do for kids, besides changing landscapes and mindsets ? 你也许会不明白,究竟像这样一堵墙 除了改变我们的庭院和想法,还能真正给孩子们什么?
besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外; landscapes:n.风景; v.从事庭园设计; mindsets:n.心态;倾向;习惯;精神状态;
Okay, I'm going to tell you what it does. 好吧,让我来告诉你们。
It gets me to meet incredible contractors like this, 它帮我遇到了一群神奇的承包商,
Jim Ellenberger from Ellenberger Services. 比如艾伦伯格服务机构的吉姆-艾伦伯格,
And this is where it becomes true triple bottom line . 从此我们开始获利翻番,
triple:adj.三部分的; n.三倍的数[量]; v.成为三倍; bottom line:n.底线;归根结底;账本底线,盈亏一览结算线;
Because Jim realized that these kids, my future farmers, really had the skills he needed to build affordable housing for New Yorkers, right in their own neighborhood . 因为吉姆明白这群孩子们,也就是我未来的农业劳动者们, 确实有超凡的天赋,可以帮助他建造出人们买得起的房子, 让纽约人居有定所,而且就在他们自己的街区里。
affordable:adj.负担得起的; neighborhood:n.附近;地区;街坊;adj.附近的;
And this is what my kids are doing, making living wage . 这也就是我的学生们现在在做的事,也养活了他们自己。
living wage:n.基本生活工资;仅能维持生活的工资;
Now, if you're like me, you live in a building, there are seven guys out of work looking to manage a million dollars. 现在,如果你也像我一样,住在一幢楼里,楼里有七个人, 他们没有工作,但是管理者上百万美金,
I don't have it. But if you need a toilet fixed or, you know, some shelving , I gotta wait six months for an appointment with someone who drives a much nicer car than me. 我没有一百万。但是你需要修一个厕所, 或者,修什么架子,我需要等六个月 等到预约的人来帮忙,他们通常开得比我好很多的车。
shelving:n.倾斜,架子;搁置;v.搁置(shelve的现在分词); appointment:n.任命;约定;任命的职位;
That's the beauty of this economy . 这就是这个经济世界的魅力所在。
But my kids are now licensed and bonded in trade. 但是我的学生们现在已经有执照了,也可以参与经营。
And that's my first student to open up, the first in his family to have a bank account . 这是我一个开始创业学生,他也是他们家唯一开了银行账户的人。
bank account:n.银行账户;
This immigrant student is the first one in his family to use an ATM. 这位移民学生是他家里唯一一个用ATM的人。
And this is the true triple bottom line, because we can take neighborhoods that were abandoned and destitute and turn them into something like this with interiors like this. 这绝对是帮助他们提高了生活质量, 因为我们选取了被遗弃的最贫困的街区, 把它们变成了这样。
abandoned:adj.被抛弃的放纵的;v.抛弃;丢弃,离开;放弃;(abandon的过去分词和过去式) interiors:n.内部(interior的复数形式);
Wow! People noticed. And notice they did. 哇!不错吧!人们被吸引了过来。人们开始注意我们。
So CNN called, and we were delighted to have them come to our farmer's market. CNN也打电话来,我们很高兴地邀请他们来参观我们的农场。
delighted:adj.高兴的; v.使高兴; (delight的过去分词和过去式)
And then when Rockefeller Center said, NBC, could you put this thing up on the walls? We were delighted. 之后,洛克菲勒中心说:NBC, 你可以把这条新闻放到大屏幕上吗?我们高兴极了!
Really scholastic , if you ask me. 你要有疑问,我只能说这绝对是学生做的。
scholastic:adj.学校的; n.学者;
But this is not a Getty image. 但是这不是来自盖特的图片,
That's a picture I took of my Bronx Borough President, addressing my kids in his house, not the jailhouse , making them feel a part of it. 这是我拍的布鲁克斯镇长的照片, 为我的孩子们在他家发表演讲,而不是在监狱里 他让学生感受到自己是那儿的一部分,
That's our State Senator Gustavo Rivera and Bob Bieder, coming to my classroom to make my kids feel important. 这是我们的州议员古斯塔沃-里维拉和鲍勃-彼得, 他们来到我的课堂,让孩子们知道到自己很重要,
And when the Bronx Borough President shows up and the State Senator comes to our class, believe you me, the Bronx can change attitudes now. 当布鲁克斯镇长出现的时候, 以及州议员们来到课堂之际, 说真的,布鲁克斯对我们的态度大为改观。
We are poised , ready, willing and able to export our talent and diversity in ways we've never even imagined. 现在的我们自信能干,充满期待与毅力 以从前不敢想的方式散播着我们的智慧,让世界更多元
poised:adj.摆好姿势准备行动的; v.保持(某种姿势); diversity:n.差异(性):多样性:多样化:
And when the local senator gets on the scale in public and says he's got to lose weight, so do I! 本来议员在公众中变得知名以后, 他可能会因此减肥。其实我也一样。
And I tell you what, I'm doing it and so are the kids. 而且,我告诉大家,我在做这些事业,孩子们也是!
Okay? And then celebrities started. 于是,之后名人们也加入到这个行列之中。
Produce Pete can't believe what we grow. 普路德斯-皮特简直不敢相信我们在种什么,
Lorna Sass came and donated books. 罗娜-萨斯来拜访我们,还给我们捐书。
Sass:n.莽撞的行为;粗鲁的话;v.对…粗鲁地(或恶声恶气地)说话;对…出言不逊; donated:v.捐赠,赠送;献(血);捐献(器官);(donate的过去分词和过去式)
Okay? We're feeding seniors . 我们养活了老人们。
And when we realized that we were growing for food justice in the South Bronx, so did the international community. 当我们意识到自己在为南布鲁克斯种粮食 同时也是国际社会关心的事,
And my kids in the South Bronx were repped in the first international green roof conference . 我的学生们甚至还代表南布鲁克斯参加 首届国际绿色屋顶大会。
And that's just great. 多棒啊!
Except what about locally ? 除了一些关于当地的情况?
Well, we met this woman, Avis Richards, with the Ground Up Campaign. 我们和Group Up运动的人员去拜会了这位女士,艾维斯-理查德
Unbelievable ! Through her, my kids, the most disenfranchised and marginalized , were able to roll out 100 gardens to New York City public schools. 简直令人难以置信!通过她,我的学生们, 那些被剥夺权利的人们,还有被边缘化的人们, 终于得以在纽约市公立学校铺开100个园圃。
Unbelievable:adj.(非正式)难以置信的;不可信的 disenfranchised:v.剥夺(某人)的权利(尤指选举权);(disenfranchise的过去分词和过去式) marginalized:使边缘化;忽略;排斥(marginalize的过去式和过去分词);
That's triple bottom line! Okay? 是不是改变了他们的生活?!
A year ago today, I was invited to the New York Academy of Medicine. 去年今日,我收到纽约医学院的邀请,
I thought this concept of designing a strong and healthy New York made sense, especially when the resources were free. 我认为设计一个强装健康纽约的概念合情合理 特别是我们需要的资源都不用花钱。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
So thank you all and I love them. 所以,太感谢你们了,我爱他们。
They introduced me to the New York City Strategic Alliance for Health, again, free resources, don't waste them. 他们向我介绍了纽约市健康战略联盟, 这些也是免费的资源,可千万别浪费了他们。
Strategic:adj.战略上的,战略的; Alliance:n.联盟,联合;联姻;
And what do you know? Six months later, my school and my kids were awarded the first ever high school award of excellence for creating a healthy school environment. 你知道吗?六个月之后, 我的学校和学生们就得到了嘉奖, 这是第一个授予高中的杰出健康校园奖。
The greenest class in New York City. 也是纽约市最绿色的课堂。
But more importantly is my kids learned to get, they learned to give. 但是更重要的是,我的学生们学会了收获 学会了奉献。
And we took the money that we made from our farmer's market, and started buying gifts for the homeless and for needy around the world. 我们拿那些从农场上赚来的钱, 买了礼物送给无家可归的人, 还有世界上需要帮助的穷人。
So we started giving back. 这就是我们所开始的奉献行动。
And that's when I realized that the greening of America starts first with the pockets, then with the heart and then with the mind. 从那时起,我明白了要让美国变得更绿色 从钱袋开始,然后再到心, 再然后到意识。
So we were onto something, and we're still onto something. 我们曾经支持那些事,现在一如既往。
And thank God Trinity Wall Street noticed, because they gave us the birth of Green Bronx Machine. 感谢上帝,华尔街三一教堂注意到了我们, 因为它们帮助我们造就了“绿色布鲁克斯机”,
Trinity:n.三位一体;三人一组;三个一组的东西;三倍; Wall Street:n.华尔街(美国纽约金融中心和证券交易所所在地);
We're 3,000 strong right now. 我们现在有3000台了。
And what does it really do? 这些机器究竟干嘛呢?
It teaches kids to re-vision their communities, so when they grow up in places like this, they can imagine it like this. 它教会孩子们如何重新规划它们所在的社区, 他们在这些地方长大,他们可以将它想象成这样。
And my kids, trained and certified -- 我的学生们,接受了培训,获得认证,
Now, how does it start? It starts in schools. 现在,这些从何开始呢?就从学校开始。
No more little Knicks and little Nets. 再也不会有街头打篮球的小子,小混混
Group by broccoli , group by your favorite vegetable, something you can aspire to. 他们因为西兰花结成队伍,因为他们喜欢的蔬菜在一起, 于是你们就有值得期待的东西。
broccoli:n.花椰菜;西兰花; aspire:v.渴望(成就);有志(成为);
Okay? And these are my future farmers of America, growing up in Brook Park on 141st street, the most migrant community in America. 这些是我们未来的美国农民, 在141大街的布鲁克公园公园长大, 它是美国移民最为多样的社区。
When tenacious little ones learn how to garden like this, it's no wonder we get fruit like that. 当最顽强的小家伙们学会如何这样种菜的时候, 水果的丰收也是在意料之中了。
And I love it! And so do they. 我爱这一切!孩子们也爱。
And we're building teepees in neighborhoods that were burning down. 我们在那些被焚毁的街区里搭起帐篷,
And again, Brook Park feeds hundreds of people without a food stamp or a fingerprint . 布鲁克公园又为上百人提供食物, 而且无需食品券或指纹。
food stamp:n.(政府发给贫民的)食物券; fingerprint:n.指纹;手印;vt.采指纹;
The poorest congressional district in America, the most migratory community in America, we can do this. 在美国最贫困的地区, 也是移民最多的地方——我们做到了这一切!
Bissel Gardens is cranking out food in epic proportions , moving kids into an economy they never imagined. 比赛尔公园把食物载入史诗, 把孩子们带入一个他们从不想像的经济体制。
Bissel:n.一些;少量; cranking:v.用曲柄转动(或启动);(crank的现在分词) epic:adj.史诗的,叙事诗的;n.史诗;叙事诗;史诗般的作品; proportions:n.[数]比例;大小(proportion的复数形式);
Now, somewhere over the rainbow , my friends, is the South Bronx of America. And we're doing it. 现在,在彩虹之上的,我的朋友们, 就是我们的南布鲁克斯的热土。我们正为此耕耘,
How does it start? Well, look at Jose's attention to detail. 从何开始呢?来看看约斯对细节的注重,
Thank God Omar knows that carrots come from the ground, and not aisle 9 at the supermarket or through a bullet-proof window or through a piece of styrofoam . 感谢上帝,奥玛懂得胡萝卜是地上种出来的, 而不是从超市的货架上来的, 或者从防弹玻璃或发泡胶里。
aisle:n.通道,走道;侧廊; bullet-proof:adj.防弹的; styrofoam:n.泡沫聚苯乙烯;
And when Henry knows that green is good, so do I. 亨利得知环保是件好事,我也知道。
And when you expand their palates , you expand their vocabulary. 当你让他们感到吃惊时,你也同时拓宽了他们的词汇量。
expand:v.扩张;使膨胀;详述;发展;张开,展开; palates:n.味觉;上颚;趣味;
And most importantly , when you put big kids together with little kids, you get the big fat white guy out of the middle, which is cool, and you create this kind of accountability amongst peers , which is incredible. 更重要的是,当你把大一点的孩子们混在一起的时候, 你会从中发现大白胖小子。这很酷。 你在同伴间塑造了一种责任感,这很奇妙。
And most importantly:最主要的是…; accountability:n.有义务;有责任;可说明性; amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among); peers:n.平辈,同事(peer的复数);v.凝视;比得上(peer的三单形式);
God, I'm going to run out of time, so I've gotta keep it moving. 演讲快没时间了,我得快一点儿。
run out of:用完;
But this is my weekly paycheck for kids; that's our green graffiti. 这是我们一周之内孩子们的收获;这是我们的绿色涂鸦。
This is what we're doing. 这就是我们所做的。
And behold the glory and bounty that is Bronx County . 谁知,这一切都是布鲁克斯镇的荣耀和奖赏,
bounty:n.慷慨; vt.发给…奖金等; vi.以赏金等形式发放; County:n.郡,县;
Nothing thrills me more than to see kids pollinating plants instead of each other. 没有什么比看到孩子们帮植物授粉让我更高兴的了!
thrills:n.兴奋感; v.使非常兴奋; (thrill的第三人称单数和复数) pollinating:vt.对...授粉;
I gotta tell you, I'm a protective parent. 其实我是个懂得的保护孩子的家长。
But those kids are the kids who are now putting pumpkin patches on top of trains. 不过这些孩子 把一小块南瓜田建在了火车之上。
pumpkin:n.南瓜;(口)夜郎自大的蠢货;(俚)重要人物; patches:n.斑点;小块;补丁;眼罩;v.打补丁;缝补;修补;(patch的第三人称单数和复数)
We're also designing coin ponds for the rich and affluent . 我们正在为富人设计玉米田,
ponds:n.[水文]池塘(pond的复数);v.堵成池;筑成池塘(pond的三单形式); affluent:adj.富裕的;丰富的;流畅的;n.支流;富人;
We're also becoming children of the corn, creating farms in the middle of Fordham Road for awareness and window bottles out of garbage . 我们也成为玉米之子, 在福特汉姆路上打造出一片农地,让人们能意识到, 我们还利用垃圾中的瓶子围成窗户。
awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道; garbage:n.垃圾;废物;
Now I don't expect every kid to be a farmer, but I expect you to read about it, write about it, blog about it, offer outstanding customer service. 如今我已经不期望每个孩子都成为农民了, 但是我期望各位去读一读,写一些关于这些的文章、博客,提供一些优质的客户服务。
blog:n.博客;部落格;网络日志; outstanding:adj.优秀的;杰出的;出色的;v.突出;离港;向海上;停留(outstand的现在分词)
I expect them to be engaged , and man, are they! 我希望他们都参与其中,每个人都参与!
engaged:adj.已订婚的; v.吸引住; (engage的过去分词和过去式)
So that's my incredible classroom, that's the food. 这就是我们神奇的教室,这是那些食物。
Where does it go? Zero miles to plate, right down into the cafeteria. 它们最终去往哪儿呢?直达餐盘,直至餐厅。
Or more importantly, to local shelters, where most of our kids are getting one to two meals a day. 更重要的是,供给当地的避难所, 那里的孩子一天只有1到2顿饭。
And we're stepping it up. 我们孩子继续推进,
No Air Jordans were ever ruined on my farm. 我们农场里也不让孩子们弄坏他们的耐克乔丹鞋。
Jordans:尿壶(jordan的名词复数); ruined:adj.毁灭的;荒废的;v.毁坏;破坏;糟蹋;(ruin的过去分词和过去式)
And in his day, a million dollar gardens and incredible installations . 在他们的生活里,价值一百万的花园和所有神奇的装置无处不在。
Let me tell you something, people. 让我再来给你讲讲吧,观众朋友们。
This is a beautiful moment. 这是一个美妙的瞬间。
Black field, brown field, toxic waste field, battlefield -- we're proving in the Bronx that you can grow anywhere, on cement . 黑色的田地、棕色的土壤、有毒废弃的地方、战场…… 我们在向大家证明:布鲁克斯哪里都可以种植,哪怕在水泥上都可以。
toxic:adj.有毒的;中毒的; battlefield:n.战场;沙场;斗争的领域;容易引发冲突的情况 cement:n.水泥;(干燥后硬化的)水泥;胶合剂;胶接剂;v.加强;胶合;
And we take orders for flowers. I'm putting the bake sale to shame. 我们接受鲜花的预定。我让烤蛋糕的小商小户们汗颜。
bake sale:n.烤饼义卖(为学校或慈善事业等募集资金);
We take orders now. I'm booking for the spring. 我们开始接受订单,已经排到春天。
And these were all grown from seeds. We're learning everything. 这些都是从种子慢慢长出来的。我们尽可能的学习。
And again, when you can take kids from backgrounds as diverse as this to do something as special as this, we're really creating a moment. 当你接受所有背景的孩子们时, 就像这是一件如此特别的事情, 我们确实在创造一个时刻,
Now, you may ask about these kids. 你可能会问一些关于这些孩子们的事,
Forty percent attendance to 93 percent attendance. 参与率从40%提升至93%,
All start overage and under-credit. 无需任何原始投入,也无需贷款。
They are now, my first cohort is all in college, earning a living wage. 我第一批学生现在已经在念大学了,而且能赚钱养活自己。
The rest are scheduled to graduate this June. 其余的孩子们也将于今年六月毕业。
Happy kids, happy families, happy colleagues . 快乐的孩子们,快乐的家庭,快乐的同事们。
Amazed people. The glory and bounty that is Bronx County. 令人称奇的人们啊。所有的荣耀和赏赐都来自于布鲁克斯镇。
Let's talk about mint . Where is my mint? 我们来说说薄荷。我的薄荷哪儿去了?
I grow seven kinds of mint in my class. 我在课堂上种了七种薄荷。
Mojitos , anybody? I'll be at Telepan later. 莫黑脱,你们都知道吧?之后我回去特勒潘。
But, understand this is my intellectual Viagra . 但是,可以理解,这激发了我学术的热情。
intellectual:n.知识分子;脑力劳动者;adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的; Viagra:n.伟哥(一种治疗阳痿的药,壮阳药);万艾可;
Ladies and gentlemen, I gotta move quick, but understand this: 女士们先生们,我得快点儿,但是请理解:
The borough that gave us baggy pants and funky fresh beats is becoming home to the organic ones. 这个镇让给我们习惯穿宽松、嘻哈的裤子,打着时髦、潮流的节拍, 这现在已经成为有机食品的源泉。
baggy:adj.袋状的,膨胀的;宽松而下垂的; funky:adj.时髦的;畏缩的;恶臭的; organic:adj.有机的;不使用化肥的;绿色的;有机物的;n.分子有机体;
My green [unclear] 25,000 pounds of vegetables, 我种了2万5千磅蔬菜,
I'm growing organic citizens, engaged kids. 我也是在培养”有机“市民,懂得奉献的孩子们。
So help us go from this to this. 所以它帮我们从这样变成了这样。
Self-sustaining entities , 18 months return on investment , plus we're paying people living wage and health benefits, while feeding people for pennies on the dollar. 帮我们自己自足,十八个月就收回投资了。 而且我们还给员工们付了足够工资和福利, 他们以便士为生,我们付给他们美元。
Self-sustaining:adj.自立的;自谋生活的;自撑的; entities:n.实体;存在(entity的复数形式);字符实体; investment:n.投资;投入;封锁;
Martin Luther King said that people need to be uplifted with dignity . 马丁-路德-金曾说:应该给予人民自尊。
uplifted:adj.上升的;举起的;v.提高;抬起(uplift的过去分词形式); dignity:n.尊严;高贵;
So here in New York, I urge you, my fellow Americans, to help us make America great again. 在此,我敦促大家,我亲爱的美国同胞们,让我们在纽约 一起把美国建设得更加富强。
It's simple. Share your passion. 其实很简单。只要贡献你的激情。
It's real easy. Go see these two videos, please. 真的很容易。请看看这两段视频。
One got us invited to the White House , one's a recent incarnation . 一段关于我们受到白宫的邀请,另一段关于我们最近的一段代言。
White House:n.白宫(美国总统官邸,位于首都华盛顿); incarnation:n.化身;道成肉身;典型;
And most importantly, get the biggest bully out of schools. 更重要的是,我们要让这些垃圾食品在学校消失。
This has got to go tomorrow. 要让他们立刻消失。
People, you can all do that. 这些,各位都可以做得到。
Keep kids out of stores that look like this. 不要让孩子们走进这样的店。
Make them a healthy plate, especially if you can pick it off the wall in your own classroom -- delicioso! 给他们吃健康的食物。 尤其是,如果你可以从我们教室的墙上摘一些的话就更好了!可美味了!
off the wall:adj.异乎寻常的;疯狂的,疯疯癫癫的;
Model good behavior. Get them to a green cart . 学习良好行为,让购物车更加绿色环保。
Big kids love strawberries and bananas. 大一点的孩子应该喜欢草莓和香蕉。
Teach them entrepreneurship . Thank God for GrowNYC. 教会他们企业家精神。感谢上帝我们在纽约这个城里种蔬菜!
Let them cook. Great lunch today, let them do culinary things. 让他们学做饭。让他们做一些跟烹饪相关的事。
But most importantly, just love them. 更关键的是,关爱他们。
Nothing works like unconditional love. 没有什么像无条件的爱一样有用
So, my good friend Kermit said it's not easy being green. 我的好朋友科密特说:做到环保不容易。
It's not. I come from a place where kids can buy 35 flavors of blunt wrap at any day of the moment, where ice cream freezers are filled with slushy malt liquor . 但事实并非如此。我所来的地方,孩子们都可以买 35种口味的卷饼,每天任何时候都可以, 放冰淇林的冰柜里都装满了麦芽糖酿的酒。
flavors:n.风味调料(flavor复数);v.添加味道(flavor的三单形式); blunt:adj.钝的,不锋利的;生硬的;直率的;v.使迟钝; wrap:v.缠绕;隐藏;掩护;包起来;缠绕;穿外衣;n.外套;围巾; freezers:n.冷冻机;冷冻箱(freezer的复数); slushy:adj.泥泞的;融雪的;n.船上的厨子;(澳)厨子的助手; malt liquor:麦芽酒;
Okay? My dear friend Majora Carter once told me, we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. 我亲爱的朋友玛约拉-卡特曾经告诉我, 我们一无所有,只有得到,不再会有失去。
So here, and at a time when we've gone from the audacity to hope to hope for some audacity, 因此,在我们追求的每时每刻, 大胆地寄予希望,
I urge you to do something. 我请各位开始做些什么吧!
I urge you to do something. 我请各位开始做些什么吧!
Right now, we're all tadpoles , but I urge you to become a big frog and take that big, green leap . 就是现在,我们都像蝌蚪一样, 但是我希望大家都成为大大的青蛙,能够一跃而起,
tadpoles:n.[脊椎]蝌蚪(tadpole的复数形式); leap:n.跳越;跳跃;跳高;骤变;v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲;
I don't care if you're on the left, on the right, up the middle, wherever. 不管跃向左右、向上、或居中
Join me. Use -- I've got a lot of energy. Help me use it. 请加入我们的行列。我觉得自己充满活力。请帮我用掉一点活力。
We can do something here. 我们什么都可以做。
And along the way, please take time to smell the flowers, especially if you and your students grew them. 在这条路上,请停留片刻闻闻花香, 特别是和你的学生一起种植。
I'm Steve Ritz , this is Green Bronx Machine. 我是史蒂夫-瑞茨。这是绿色布鲁克斯的机器。
I've got to say thank you to my wife and family, for my kids, thank you for coming every day, and for my colleagues, believing and supporting me. 在此,感谢我的妻子、家人和学生。 也谢谢各位今日来到这里,也谢谢我的同事们 一直信任、支持我。
We are growing our way into a new economy. 我们将继续种植下去,开创一番新的经济。
Thank you, God bless you and enjoy the day. I'm Steve Ritz. 谢谢大家!祝大家享受每一天。我是史蒂夫-瑞茨
(Applause) (掌声)