

What I want to talk to you about today is some of the problems that the military of the Western world -- 今天我想要想大家谈论的 是关于西方国家军队--
Australia, United States, U.K. and so on -- face in some of the deployments that they're dealing with in the modern world at this time. 澳大利亚,美国,英国等等-- 面临着一些 对付现代世界的部署的问题
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) deployments:部署;
If you think about the sorts of things that we've sent Australian military personnel to in recent years, we've got obvious things like Iraq and Afghanistan , but you've also got things like East Timor and the Solomon Islands and so on. 如果你想到的是那些 近几年我们将澳大利亚军队派遣到 明显的是如伊拉克和阿富汗, 但是你也能想到东帝坟 和所罗门群岛
personnel:n.人事部门;全体人员;adj.人员的;有关人事的; obvious:adj.明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的; Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲);
And a lot of these deployments that we're actually sending military personnel to these days aren't traditional wars. 这些部署 如今我们实际上派遣军队去的 并非是传统的战争
In fact, a lot of the jobs that we're asking the military personnel to do in these situations are ones that, in their own countries, in Australia, the United States and so on, would actually be done by police officers. 事实上,很多工作 在这些情况下我们要求军队去做的 是那些在他们自己的国家,在澳大利亚,在美国等等, 可以被警察完成的(任务)
And so there's a bunch of problems that come up for military personnel in these situations, because they're doing things that they haven't really been trained for, and they're doing things that those who do them in their own countries are trained very differently for and equipped very differently for. 因此让军队处在这中情况下 出现了很多的问题 因为他们在做一些从未被训练过的(任务) 他们做一些 其他人在他们自己国家 被训练的十分的不同 并且整装也十分的不相同(的任务)
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆;
Now there's a bunch of reasons why we actually do send military personnel rather than police to do these jobs. 现在这里有很多的原因为什么 我们实际上将军队派遣去 而非警察去做这些工作
If Australia had to send a thousand people tomorrow to West Papua for example, we don't have a thousand police officers hanging around that could just go tomorrow and we do have a thousand soldiers that could go. 打个比方,如果澳大利亚明天需要派遣一千人 去新几内亚 我们没有一千名闲置的警察可以 明天出发 我们却有一千名士兵可以去
So when we have to send someone, we send the military -- because they're there, they're available and, heck , they're used to going off and doing these things and living by themselves and not having all this extra support. 所以当我们需要派遣什么人的时候,我们派遣军队-- 因为他们就在那里,他们是闲置的 并且,他们习惯于紧急行动 和自我生存 并且是在完全没有外部支持(的条件下)
heck:n.(英口)同"hell",表示略微烦恼或吃惊; extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外:
So they are able to do it in that sense. 因此他们理所应当可以做那些(派遣任务)
But they aren't trained in the same way that police officers are and they're certainly not equipped in the same way police officers are. 但是他们没有被警察一样培训 他们当然也不能像警察一样的武装装备
And so this has raised a bunch of problems for them when dealing with these sorts of issues . 因此当处理类似于这类问题的时候 对他们就产生了种种问题
One particular thing that's come up that I am especially interested in is the question of whether, when we're sending military personnel to do these sorts of jobs, we ought to be equipping them differently, 一件很特别的事情 正是我十分感兴趣的 就是, 当我们把军队派遣去做这些工作时, 我们应该不同地武装他们,
and in particular , whether we ought to be giving them access to some of the sorts of non-lethal weapons that police have. 然后特别是,我们是否应该给与他们 警察拥有的(使用)非致命武器的接近(权力)
in particular:尤其,特别; non-lethal:adj.非致死的,不致死的;n.非杀;非致死浓度;
Since they're doing some of these same jobs, maybe they should have some of those things. 由于他们做的是类同的工作, 他们也许应该拥有这些东西
And of course, there's a range of places where you'd think those things would be really useful. 当然,这里有一系列的地方 你认为那些东西应该是很有用的
So for example, when you've got military checkpoints . 例如,当在军队的检查站
If people are approaching these checkpoints and the military personnel there are unsure whether this person's hostile or not. 如果人们接近这些检查站 并且军人们不能确定 这些人是否怀有敌意
approaching:v.靠近,接近;接洽;建议;要求;(approach的现在分词) unsure:adj.不确定的;不肯定的;没有自信的; hostile:adj.敌意的; n.敌对分子;
Say this person approaching here, and they say, "Well is this a suicide bomber or not? 比如说这个人接近这里, 他们说,‘这是不是个人体炸弹?
suicide:n.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者;adj.自杀的;v.自杀;vi.自杀; bomber:n.轰炸机;投弹手;
Have they got something hidden under their clothing? What's going to happen?" 他们是不是在衣服底下藏了什么东西?将会发生什么事情?’
They don't know whether this person's hostile or not. 他们不知道这个人是否有敌意
If this person doesn't follow directions, then they may end up shooting them and then find out afterward either, yes, we shot the right person, or, no, this was just an innocent person who didn't understand what was going on. 如果这个人不按照指示行动 他们就会最终射击他们 最后才发现 或者,是的,我们射对了, 又或者是,不,这仅仅是个无辜的 不知道发生什么事情的人
afterward:adv.以后,后来; innocent:adj.无辜的;无罪的;无知的;n.天真的人;笨蛋;
So if they had non-lethal weapons then they would say, "Well we can use them in that sort of situation. 所以如果他们拥有非致命武器 他们就可以说,‘我们在那种环境下可以用它们
If we shoot someone who wasn't hostile, at least we haven't killed them." 如果我们射击了一些没有敌意的人, 至少我们并没有杀死他们’
Another situation. 另一种情况
This photo is actually from one of the missions in the Balkans in the late 1990s. 这张照片实际上是 一九九零年代末巴尔干半岛的一次任务
missions:n.任务; v.给…交代任务; (mission的复数)
Situation's a little bit different where perhaps they know someone who's hostile, where they've got someone shooting at them or doing something else that's clearly hostile, throwing rocks, whatever. 情况是有点不同 在于他们大概知道谁是带有敌意 在于他们被射击 或者其他的一些明显带有敌意的行动,扔石头,任何东西
But if they respond , there's a range of other people around, who are innocent people who might also get hurt -- be collateral damage that the military often doesn't want to talk about. 但是如果他们回击,这里有一群其他的人在身边, 无辜的人们也会受到伤害-- 会被牵连地受到伤害这也正是军队不愿意谈的
respond:vi.回答;作出反应;承担责任;n.应答;唱和; collateral:adj.并行的;旁系的;附属的;n.抵押品;[法]担保品;旁系亲属;
So again, they would say, "Well if we have access to non-lethal weapons, if we've got someone we know is hostile, we can do something to deal with them 再次,他们会说,‘如果我们有使用非致命武器的权力, 如果我们知道哪些人是怀有敌意的, 我们可以处理他们
and know that if we hit anyone else around the place, at least, again, we're not going to kill them." 并且知道我们是否袭击了那个地方其他的人, 至少,再次,我们不会杀了他们’
Another suggestion has been, since we're putting so many robots in the field, we can see the time coming where they're actually going to be sending robots out in the field that are autonomous . 另外一个建议 因为我们在战地伤安置了很多机器人, 我们可以看见 (那些机器人)被送到战地里是自动的
They're going to make their own decisions about who to shoot and who not to shoot without a human in the loop . 他们自己决定射击谁不射击谁 在完全没有人类智慧参与的情况下
in the loop:在消息圈内;在决策圈内;在参与机密的智囊团内;
And so the suggestion is, well hey, if we're going to send robots out and allow them to do this, maybe it would be a good idea, again, with these things if they were armed with non-lethal weapons 因此建议是这样的, 如果我们将机器人送出去并且允许他们做这些事情, 这大概将是一个好主意,拥有这些东西 如果他们以非致命武器武装起来
so that if the robot makes a bad decision and shoots the wrong person, again, they haven't actually killed them. 就算机器人做了个错误的决定射击了错误的对象 他们其实并没有杀死他们
Now there's a whole range of different sorts of non-lethal weapons, some of which are obviously available now, some of which they're developing. 现在这里有一系列的非致命武器, 有些现在明显地可用, 有些正在被开发
So you've got traditional things like pepper spray , 你已经有了传统的(非致命武器)如胡椒雾剂,
pepper:n.胡椒;辣椒;胡椒粉;v.加胡椒粉于;使布满; spray:n.喷雾; v.喷;
O.C. spray up at the top there, or Tasers over here. (神经麻痹剂的)防暴喷剂在上面 又或者是高压眩晕枪
The one on the top right here is actually a dazzling laser intended to just blind the person momentarily and disorient them. 在右上边的这个实际上是一个耀眼激光 用来使人瞬间变盲 并失去方向感
dazzling:adj.耀眼的; v.(强光等)使目眩; (dazzle的现在分词) intended:adj.预定的;计划的;v.打算;计划;想要;(intend的过去分词和过去式) momentarily:adv.随时地;暂时地;立刻; disorient:v.迷失方向;使觉得迷惘;
You've got non-lethal shotgun rounds that contain rubber pellets instead of the traditional metal ones. 你有非致命短枪射出 橡皮子弹 替代传统的金属子弹
shotgun:n.霰弹猎枪;adj.猎枪的;被迫的;v.用猎枪射击;强迫; rubber:n.橡胶;橡皮;v.涂橡胶于…; pellets:n.芯块,小球(pellet的复数);靶丸;v.使形成小球(pellet的第三人称单数);
And this one in the middle here, the large truck, is actually called the Active Denial System -- something the U.S. military is working on at the moment. 这个在中间的,大卡车 实际上被叫做主动拒止系统-- 是个美军此时正在使用的(非致命武器)
It's essentially a big microwave transmitter . 它实际上是一个巨型的微波发射机,
essentially:adv.本质上;本来; microwave:n.微波; transmitter:n.[电讯]发射机,[通信]发报机;传达人;
It's sort of your classic idea of a heat ray. 它就是你们传统想象中的热射线
It goes out to a really long distance, compared to any of these other sorts of things. 它可以射出非常长的距离 与其它类似的相比
compared:adj.比较的,对照的; v.相比; (compare的过去式和过去分词)
And anybody who is hit with this feels this sudden burst of heat and just wants to get out of the way. 任何被它击中的人 感受到这种突然爆发的热 就想从中挣脱出来
It is a lot more sophisticated than a microwave oven , but it is basically boiling the water molecules in the very surface level of your skin. 它比微波炉更复杂, 但是它实际上煮沸 你最上层皮肤上的水原子
sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的; oven:n.炉,灶;烤炉,烤箱; basically:adv.主要地,基本上; molecules:n.[化学]分子,微粒;[化学]摩尔(molecule的复数);
So you feel this massive heat, and you go, "I want to get out of the way." 所以你感觉到大范围的热, 然后你就(叫喊),‘我想要脱离出来’
And they're thinking, well this will be really useful in places like where we need to clear a crowd out of a particular area, if the crowd is being hostile. 于是他们想,这将会很有用处 在那些我们想要在一个特定的地区清除一个人群 如果这个人群是有敌意的
If we need to keep people away from a particular place, we can do that with these sorts of things. 如果我们需要让人们远离一个特定的地方, 我们可以用这些东西来做这样的事情
So obviously there's a whole range of different sorts of non-lethal weapons we could give military personnel and there's a whole range of situations where they're looking a them and saying, "Hey, these things could be really useful." 因此很明显地这里有整个系列不同地 非致命武器我们给于军队士兵们 而且这里有一整个系列的情况 他们正在寻找并且说,‘嗨,这些东西真的很有用’
But as I said , the military and the police are very different. 但是我却说, 军队和警察 是很不同的
as I said:正如我所说的
Yes, you don't have to look very hard at this to recognize the fact that they might be very different. 是的,你不用非常仔细地去看 才认识到他们是非常不同这一事实
In particular, the attitude to the use of force and the way they're trained to use force is especially different. 特别地, 使用武力的态度 和他们被训练的使用武力的方式 是特别得不同的
The police -- and knowing because I've actually helped to train police -- police, in particular Western jurisdictions at least, are trained to de-escalate force, to try and avoid using force wherever possible, and to use lethal force only as an absolute last resort . 警察-- 我了解他们因为我曾经帮助训练过警察-- 警察,特别是在西方司法至少, 被训练的减弱对抗力, 试图并且避免使用军力 在任何情况下, 致命武器 仅仅做为最后手段来使用
jurisdictions:n.司法管辖区;行政辖区(jurisdiction的复数); de-escalate:vt.使逐步降级;缩小规模;vi.逐步降级; resort:n.度假胜地;诉诸;采取;旅游胜地;v.去;凭藉;
Military personnel are being trained for war, so they're trained that, as soon as things go bad, their first response is lethal force. 军队是为了战争而训练 因此他们被训练的,只要事情变糟糕 他们最首要的对应就是致命武器
as soon as:一…就; response:n.响应;反应;回答;
The moment the fecal matter hits the rotating turbine , you can start shooting at people. 当粪便袭击旋转涡轮, 你就可以射击人群
fecal:adj.排泄物的;残渣的;糟粕的; rotating:v.(使)旋转,转动;(工作)由…轮值;(rotate的现在分词) turbine:n.汽轮机;涡轮机;
So their attitudes to the use of lethal force are very different, and I think it's fairly obvious that their attitude to the use of non-lethal weapons would also be very different from what it is with the police. 所以他们 使用致命武器的态度十分的不同, 我认为很明显的 他们对使用非致命武器的态度 也可以与对待警察的态度十分不同
attitudes:n.态度,看法(attitude复数); fairly:adv.相当地;公平地;简直;
And since we've already had so many problems with police use of non-lethal weapons in various ways, 因为我们已经有很多 关于警察以多种方式使用非致命武器的问题
I thought it would be a really good idea to look at some of those things and try to relate it to the military context . 我觉得看待这些事情 并且试图从以军队作为联系是一个好主意
And I was really surprised when I started to do this, to see that, in fact, even those people who were advocating the use of non-lethal weapons by the military hadn't actually done that. 我十分惊讶当我开始做这些事情的时候 看这些,实际上, 甚至于这些军队里避免使用的非致命武器的 也实际上还没有做到那些
They generally seem to think, "Well, why would we care what's happened with the police? 他们大部分看起来是在想, “那么,为什么我们要关心发生在警察
We're looking at something different," 我们在关注一些不同的东西,”
and didn't seem to recognize, in fact, they were looking at pretty much the same stuff . 似乎还没有认识到,实际上, 他们在看待差不多一样的事情
So I actually started to investigate some of those issues and have a look at the way that police use non-lethal weapons when they're introduced and some of the problems that might arise out of those sorts of things when they actually do introduce them. 所以我实际上开始对这些问题进行调查 并且观察 当警察被介绍使用非致命武器 和一些在这些事情之外 可能发生的问题 当它们(非致命武器)实际上被介绍给他们
investigate:v.调查;研究;审查; have a look at:看一看,看一眼; arise out of:起于…;
And of course, being Australian, 当然,作为一名澳大利亚人,
I started looking at stuff in Australia, knowing, again, from my own experience about various times when non-lethal weapons have been introduced in Australia. 我从看澳大利亚的东西开始, 知道,再次,从我自己的经验知道 当非致命武器被引入澳大利亚的种种情况下
So one of the things I particularly looked at was the use of O.C. spray, oleoresin capsicum spray, pepper spray, by Australian police and seeing when that had been introduced, what had happened and those sorts of issues. 有一件我特别注意的事情就是 带有神经麻痹剂的防暴喷剂(O.C. spray), 辣椒油树脂喷雾,胡椒雾剂, 被澳大利亚的警察使用 看到它们被引进来,看到 有关于这些东西的问题
particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地; oleoresin:n.油性树脂; capsicum:n.辣椒;青椒;
And one study that I found, a particularly interesting one, was actually in Queensland, because they had a trial period for the use of pepper spray before they actually introduced it more broadly . 我发现了一项研究 一个特别有意思的研究, 实际上是(发生在)昆士兰州, 因为在它们实际被广泛的引进之前 有一个使用胡椒雾剂的试用时间
And I went and had a look at some of the figures here. 我找到并且观察这些数据
Now when they introduced O.C. spray in Queensland, they were really explicit . 他们将带有神经麻痹剂的防暴喷剂(O.C. spray)引进到昆士兰州, 是十分明确的
The police minister had a whole heap of public statements made about it. 警察官有一堆关于这个的公文
minister:n.部长;大臣;牧师;vi.执行牧师职务;辅助或伺候某人; statements:n.说明; v.(英国)对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定; (statement的第三人称单数和复数)
They were saying, "This is explicitly intended to give police an option between shouting and shooting. 公文上是,“这是明确地 给警察一个 叫喊和射击的选择
explicitly:adv.明确地;明白地; option:n.选择;可选择的东西;
This is something they can use instead of a firearm in those situations where they would have previously had to shoot someone." 这是可以替代武器而使用的 在那些之前他们可以射击人们的情况下”
firearm:n.火器;枪炮; previously:adv.先前;以前;
So I went and looked at all of these police shooting figures. 所以我搜集了所有那些警察射击的数据
And you can't actually find them very easily for individual Australian states. 实际上不能轻易地找到 个别州的(数据)
I could only find these ones. 我只能找到这些
This is from a Australian Institute of Criminology report. 这是从澳大利亚犯罪学报告中(找到的)
Institute:v.开始(调查);制定;创立;提起(诉讼);n.学会,协会;学院; Criminology:n.犯罪学;刑事学;
As you can see from the fine print , if you can read it at the top: "Police shooting deaths" means not just people who have been shot by police, but people who have shot themselves in the presence of police. 从这些极小的字体你可以看到,如果你能够从上面读: “警察射击死亡”不是仅仅指那些被警察射击的人, 还指那些在警察在场时射击自己的人
As you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的; fine print:n.(协议或法律文件中易于被忽略但重要的)小号字印刷的附加条款; in the presence of:在…面前;有某人在场;
But this is the figures across the entire country. 但是这是整个国家的数据
And the red arrow represents the point where Queensland actually said, "Yes, this is where we're going to give all police officers across the entire state access to O.C. spray." 红色的箭头的地方代表 昆士兰州 “是的,这是我们在整个国家里 允许警察使用神经麻痹剂防暴喷剂(O.C. SPRAY)的地方”
So you can see there were six deaths sort of leading up to it every year for a number of years. 所以你可以看到这之前每一年有 六历死亡(案例)
There was a spike , of course, a few years before, but that wasn't actually Queensland. 这是一个高峰,几年之前, 但是这却不是在昆士兰州
Anyone know where that was? Wasn't Port Arthur, no. 谁知道那是哪里?不,也不是旅顺港
Victoria? Yes, correct. 维多利亚? 是的,没错
That spike was all Victoria. 这个高峰是维多利亚
So it wasn't that Queensland had a particular problem with deaths from police shootings and so on. 就是说昆士兰州有一个特殊的问题 伴随着警察的射击等等
So six shootings across the whole country, fairly consistently over the years before. 所以六历死亡在整个国家 持续了在这之前的年头
So the next two years were the years they studied -- 2001, 2002. 所以他们研究了接下来的两年--2001年,2002年
Anyone want to take a stab at the number of times, given how they've introduced this, the number of times police in Queensland used O.C. spray in that period? 任何人想要尝试一下次数, 在知道他们是如何被引进的情况下, 昆士兰州的警察在那段时间里使用了带有神经麻痹剂的防暴喷剂(O.C. spray)多少次?
Hundreds? One, three. 一百次?三百次?
Thousand is getting better. 或者更应该是一千次
Explicitly introduced as an alternative to the use of lethal force -- an alternative between shouting and shooting. 明确地 将它们作为致命武器的替代品而引进-- 一个在呼喊和射击的之间的替换品
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that if Queensland police didn't have O.C. spray, they wouldn't have shot 2,226 people in those two years. 我现在处在一个非常不利的状态 并且说如果昆士兰州的警察没有带有神经麻痹剂的防暴喷剂(O.C. spray), 他们不会已经在这两年中 射击了2,226人
go out on a limb:爬高枝;担风险;冒险;
In fact, if you have a look at the studies that they were looking at, the material they were collecting and examining, you can see the suspects were only armed in about 15 percent of cases where O.C. spray was used. 实际上,如果你看一下 他们做的这个研究, 他们搜集和检验的这些材料, 你可以看到这个猜想仅仅 有15%被武装 所有带有神经麻痹剂的防暴喷剂(O.C. spray)被使用的情况下
It was routinely being used in this period, and, of course, still is routinely used -- because there were no complaints about it, not within the context of this study anyway -- it was routinely being used to deal with people who were violent , who were potentially violent , and also quite frequently used to deal with people who were simply passively non-compliant . 它们在这个阶段被例行公事地利用, 并且,当然,仍旧是例行公事地利用-- 因为没有抱怨, 在这个研究内容里没有-- 它被例行公事地使用 来对付凶暴的人们, 潜在暴力的人们, 并且更加经常地用来去 对付那些单纯 消极地无抱怨的人们
routinely:adv.例行公事地;老一套地; complaints:n.不满;抱怨;投诉;控告;(complaint的复数) violent:adj.暴力的;猛烈的; potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; frequently:adv.频繁地,经常地;时常,屡次; passively:adv.被动地;顺从地; non-compliant:不顺从的;
This person is not doing anything violent, but they just won't do what we want them to. 这个人并不会去施任何暴力, 但是他们只是不去做他们(警察)想要他们去做的
They're not obeying the directions that we're giving them, so we'll give them a shot of the O.C. spray. 他们不遵守我们给的指导方向, 所以我们向他们射击带有神经麻痹剂的防暴喷剂(O.C. spray)
That'll speed them up. Everything will work out better that way. 那将将此加速。任何事情在此情况下变得好转
This was something explicitly introduced to be an alternative to firearms , but it's being routinely used to deal with a whole range of other sorts of problems. 这就是被作为武器的替换物 而引进来的, 但是它被例行公事地用作 其他大范围的 问题
Now one of the particular issues that comes up with military use of non-lethal weapons -- and people when they're actually saying, "Well hey, there might be some problems" -- there's a couple of particular problems that get focused on. 现在一个特别突出的问题就是 伴随着军队使用非致命武器-- 人们实际上在说,“嘿,那里似乎有些问题”-- 那里有一些特别的问题被关注
One of those problems is that non-lethal weapons may be used indiscriminately . 这其中的一个问题 就是非致命武器可能会被滥用
One of the fundamental principles of military use of force is that you have to be discriminate. 军队使用武器的一个基本原则 就是必须要有辨别力
fundamental:n.基础; adj.十分重大的; principles:n.原则;主义;本质;政策;(principle的复数)
You have to be careful about who you're shooting at. 你要非常地小心在射击的是什么
So one of the problems that's been suggested with non-lethal weapons is that they might be used indiscriminately -- that you use them against a whole range of people because you don't have to worry so much anymore. 一个伴随着非致命武器的问题 就是他们可能被毫无区别地使用-- 你用它们来对付大规模的人们 因为你不用再担心了
And in fact, one particular instance where I think that actually happens where you can look at it was the Dubrovka Theatre siege in Moscow in 2002, which probably a lot of you, unlike most of my students at ADFA, are actually old enough to remember. 实际上,一个特别的例子 我认为实际上发生在你看到的 2002年莫斯科的杜布拉芙卡剧场围攻, 可能不像在ADFA的我的学生 在你们的年纪大概都能记得
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; siege:n.围攻;包围;围城;不断袭击;长期努力;vt.围攻;包围;
So Chechens had come in and taken control of the theater. 车臣进去并且控制了那个剧场
They were holding something like 700 people hostage . 他们掌握了大概700名人质
They'd released a bunch of people, but they still had about 700 people hostage. 他们已经释放了很多人, 但是他们仍旧掌握着700名人质
And the Russian special military police , special forces, Spetsnaz, came in and actually stormed the theater. 俄罗斯特殊军事警察, 特种部队,阿尔法小组, 进攻并且实际上猛击了那个剧场
military police:n.宪兵;
And the way they did it was to pump the whole thing full of anesthetic gas. 他们所用的是将整个地方灌输麻醉气体
pump:n.抽水机;泵;打气筒;v.用泵输送;涌出;奔流;快速摇动; anesthetic:adj.麻醉的;感觉缺失的;n.麻醉剂,麻药;
And it turned out that lots of these hostages actually died as a result of inhaling the gas. 结果是 很多人质 因为吸入这些气体而死亡
hostages:n.人质;抵押品;(hostage的复数) as a result:结果; inhaling:n.吸入;吸气;v.吸入;吸气;猛喝(inhale的现在分词);
It was used indiscriminately. 它被任意地使用了
They pumped the whole theater full of the gas. 他们将整个剧场灌输气体
pumped:adj.紧张的; v.用泵输送; (pump的过去分词和过去式)
And it's no surprise that people died, because you don't know how much of this gas each person is going to inhale , what position they're going to fall in when they become unconscious and so on. 所以也不奇怪人们会死 因为你不知道每个人 会吸入多少气体, 他们将以怎样的姿势昏倒 当他们变得无意识等等
inhale:vt.吸入;猛吃猛喝;vi.吸气; unconscious:adj.无意识的;失去知觉的;未发觉的;
There were, in fact, only a couple of people who got shot in this episode . 实际上,仅有一小部分人被射击 在这种情节下
So when they had a look at it afterward, there were only a couple of people who'd apparently been shot by the hostage takers or shot by the police forces coming in and trying to deal with the situation. 所以当他们之后再去观察, 仅仅有一小部分人们 被人质挟持者射击 或者被警察射击 在解决当时的情况下
apparently:adv.显然地;似乎,表面上; takers:n.接受者;购买者(taker的复数);
Virtually everybody that got killed got killed from inhaling the gas. 实际上每个被杀死的人 都是被吸进那些气体而杀死的
The final toll of hostages is a little unclear , but it's certainly a few more than that, because there were other people who died over the next few days. 最终的人质死亡人数 是有些不明确, 但是明确地是比那个(数据)更多, 因为一些人死于之后的几天
toll:n.伤亡人数; v.(缓慢而有规律地)敲(钟); (尤指)鸣(丧钟); unclear:adj.不清楚的;不易了解的;
So this was one particular problem they talked about, that it might be used indiscriminately. 所以他们谈论的一个重要问题, 就是(非致命武器)可能会被无区别地使用
Second problem that people sometimes talk about with military use of non-lethal weapons, and it's actually the reason why in the chemical weapons convention , 第二个问题就是人们一些时候谈论 军队使用非致命武器, 这也实际上是为什么化学武器公约
chemical weapons convention:禁止化学武器公约;
it's very clear that you can't use riot control agents as a weapon of warfare , the problem with that is that it's seen that sometimes non-lethal weapons might actually be used, not as an alternative to lethal force, but as a lethal force multiplier -- that you use non-lethal weapons first so that your lethal weapons will actually be more effective . 上明确地(规定)不能用催泪性毒气 作为冲突武器, 它所伴随的问题就是一些时候 非致命武器可能被并非作为一个致命武器 而是一个致命武器的扩充物-- 你可以先用非致命 以便你的致命武器将会更加有效
riot:n.骚乱;暴乱;丰富多彩;品种繁多;v.发生骚乱;闹事; agents:n.代理人,经纪人;原动力;(agent的复数) warfare:n.战争;冲突; multiplier:n.乘数;倍数; effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象;
The people you're going to be shooting at aren't going to be able to get out of the way. 那些你要射击的人 不会从那里逃脱
They're not going to be aware of what's happening and you can kill them better. 他们不会意识到发生了什么而你也能更好地杀死他们
And in fact, that's exactly what happened here. 实际上,这正是现在所发生的
The hostage takers who had been rendered unconscious by the gas were not taken into custody , they were simply shot in the head. 那些由于气体失去意识而被降伏的人质挟持者 并没有被羁押, 他们仅仅是被击中了头部
rendered:v.使成为;给予;提供;回报;递交;(render的过去分词和过去式) custody:n.保管;监护;拘留;抚养权;
So this non-lethal weapon was being used, in fact, in this case as a lethal force multiplier to make killing more effective in this particular situation. 所以这些非致命武器 被使用,实际上,在这些情况下 作为一个致命武器的增强武器 另射杀更加有效 在这种特殊的情况下
Another problem that I just want to quickly mention is that there's a whole heap of problems with the way that people actually get taught to use non-lethal weapons and get trained about them and then get tested and so on. 我还想很快地提及另外一个问题 这儿有一堆的问题 人们实际上被教会 使用非致命武器 被训练并且试验等等
Because they get tested in nice, safe environments. 因为他们在一个安全的环境下被测试
And people get taught to use them in nice, safe environments like this, where you can see exactly what's going on. 人们也就在一个安全的环境下被教会 正如这样,你可以看见是如何发生的
The person who's spraying the O.C. spray is wearing a rubber glove to make sure they don't get contaminated and so on. 这些喷射带有神经麻痹剂的防暴喷剂(O.C. spray)的人带着橡胶手套 以防止被污染或者别的
spraying:v.喷;喷洒;向…扫射(或抛洒);撒尿(以示领地占有);(spray的现在分词) contaminated:v.污染;玷污,毒害(人的思想或品德);(contaminate的过去分词和过去式)
But they don't ever get used like that. 但是他们从未如此使用过
They get used out in the real world, like in Texas, like this. 他们适应真实世界之外(的环境) 像在得克萨斯州,像这样
I confess , this particular case was actually one that piqued my interest in this. 我承认,这个特殊的例子 实际上激发了我的兴趣
confess:v.承认;坦白;忏悔;供认; piqued:adj.赌气的; v.伤害…自尊心; n.愤怒;
It happened while I was working as a research fellow at the U.S. Naval Academy . 者发生在我在(美国)海军军官学校作为一名研究者工作的时候
Naval:adj.海军的;军舰的; Academy:n.学院;研究院;学会;专科院校;
And news reports started coming up about this situation where this woman was arguing with the police officer . 报纸开始报道 一名妇女和警察发生争论的这件事情
police officer:n.警官;警察;警务人员;
She wasn't violent. 她并没有暴力行为
In fact, he was probably six inches taller than me, and she was about this tall. 实际上,他大概比我高6英尺左右, 她也就是这么高
And eventually she said to him "Well I'm going to get back in my car." 最后她对他说 “我要回我的车里去了”
And he says, "If you get back into your car, I'm going to tase you." 他说,“如果你要回你的车,那么我就要tase(用高压眩晕枪射击)你”
And she says, "Oh, go ahead. Tase me." And so he does. 她说,“来吧,射击我吧”于是他就做了
And it's all captured by the video camera running in the front of the police car . 这些都被摄像机扑捉下来了 就在警车前面
captured:adj.捕获的;被俘的;v.捕获;占领;引起;(capture的过去式和过去分词) video camera:n.摄像机; police car:警察巡逻车;
So she's 72, and it's seen that this is the most appropriate way of dealing with her. 她72岁, 这看起来是对待她最不合适的一种方式
And other examples of the same sorts of things with other people where you think where you think, "Is this really an appropriate way to use non-lethal weapons?" 另外一个与此类似的情况是 你认为对于其他的人 “使用非致命武器真的是一个合适的手段吗?”
'"Police chief fires Taser into 14 year-old girl's head." “警察官们用高压眩晕枪射击一个14岁女孩儿的头”
'"She was running away. What else was I suppose to do?" “她跑了,我还能做什么什么呢?”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Or Florida: "Police Taser six year-old boy at elementary school ." 又或者在弗罗里达州: “警察在一个小学用高压眩晕枪射击了一个6岁的男孩儿”
elementary school:小学;
And they clearly learned a lot from it because in the same district, "Police review policy after children shocked: 2nd child shocked by Taser stun gun within weeks." 他们的确从中学到了些什么 因为在同一个区, “在孩子们被射击后警察重新审视了他们的政策 第二个孩子在几周后被高压眩晕枪射击“
policy:n.政策,方针;保险单; stun gun:n.眩晕枪;电击枪;
Same police district. 在同一个警察区
Another child within weeks of Tasering the six year-old boy. 之前那个六岁被射击的孩子发生之后的几周内另一个孩子(被射击)
Just in case you think it's only going to happen in the United States, it happened in Canada as well. 万一你认为 这仅仅发生在美国, 也发生在加拿大,
Just in case:以防万一;作为准备;
And a colleague of mine sent me this one from London. 我的一个同事 从伦敦给我寄来了这个
But my personal favorite of these ones, I have to confess, does actually come from the United States: "Officers Taser 86 year-old disabled woman in her bed." 但是我个人最喜欢的,我得坦白, 是从美国来的: ”警官们用高压眩晕枪射击了一名残疾的86岁的老太太,在她的床上“
I checked the reports on this one. 我检查了这个报告
I looked at it. I was really surprised. 我看着它,我十分的吃惊
Apparently she took up a more threatening position in her bed. 明显地她在床上的姿势更具有威胁力
(Laughter) (掌声)
I kid you not. That's exactly what it said. 我没有跟你们开玩笑,报告上是这样说的
'"She took up a more threatening position in her bed." ”她在床上做了更加具有威胁力的姿势“
Okay. 好的
But I'd remind you what I'm talking about, 但是我提醒你我在说什么,
I'm talking about military uses of non-lethal weapons. 我再说关于军队使用非致命武器
So why is this relevant ? 所以为什么这些有关联?
Because police are actually more restrained in the use of force than the military are. 因为警察们比军人们对使用 武器有更多的限制
They're trained to be more restrained in the use of force than the military are. 他们被训练的比军队使用武器有更多的限制
They're trained to think more, to try and de-escalate. 他们被训练地思考更多,试图并且减压
So if you have these problems with police officers with non-lethal weapons, what on earth would make you think it's going to be better with military personnel? 所以如果你对警察使用非致命武器有疑问, 究竟什么能使你觉得 军人使用会更好呢?
The last thing that I would just like to say, when I'm talking to the police about what a perfect non-lethal weapon would look like, they almost inevitably say the same thing. 我要说的最后一件事情, 当我和警察说 关于一个完美的非致命武器的时候 他们几乎毫无例外地说同一件事
They say, "Well, it's got to be something that's nasty enough that people don't want to be hit with this weapon. 他们说,”这将是肮脏的事情 人们不想被这种武器击中
So if you threaten to use it, people are going to comply with it, but it's also going to be something that doesn't leave any lasting effects." 如果你用它去恐吓, 人们遵守 但是这将 不会有持久的效果”
In other words, your perfect non-lethal weapon is something that's perfect for abuse . 也就是说,你的完美的非致命武器 是完美的用来虐待
What would these guys have done if they'd had access to Tasers or to a manned, portable version of the Active Denial System -- a small heat ray that you can use on people and not worry about it. 这些人可以做什么 如果他们有使用高压眩晕枪的权利 或者是一个人性化的,便携式的 主动拒绝系统-- 一个你可以用来射击人们的小的热射线 对它并不担心
So I think, yes, there may be ways that non-lethal weapons are going to be great in these situations, but there's also a whole heap of problems that need to be considered as well. 所以我认为,是的,肯定会有办法 非致命武器在这种环境下会将会很有效 但是这里还是有一堆的问题 需要被考虑到
Thanks very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)