

I was here about four years ago, talking about the relationship of design and happiness. 四年前我在这里发表演讲, 谈论设计与快乐之间的关系。
At the very end of it, I showed a list under that title. 在那次演讲的结尾,我在一个标题下列出了一张列表。
I learned very few things in addition since -- ( 那个标题是:到目前为止,我所学到的东西。)从那以后我只学到很少的东西-
(Laughter) (笑声)
but made a whole number of them into projects since. 但是却把他们都运用到了所做的项目中。(译者注:【屏幕上显示的是:每个人都认为自己是对的。】)
whole number:n.整数;
These are inflatable monkeys in every city in Scotland -- "Everybody always thinks they are right." 这些是苏格兰每个城市都有的充气猴子。 “每个人 总都 认为 自己 是 对的。”
They were combined in the media . 这是它们在报纸上放到一起时的样子。
'"Drugs are fun in the beginning but become a drag later on." 毒品刚开始会让你开心但过些时候就会让你沉沦。
We're doing changing media. 我们所做的事情正在改变媒体。(译者注:【屏幕上显示的是:不诚实对我是不利的。】)
This is a projection that can see the viewer as the viewer walks by. 这是个投影仪。 当游客经过的时候,从投影仪里可以看到游客。
You can't help but actually ripping that spider web apart. 游客一动,就把蜘蛛网给扯破了。
ripping:adj.极好的;美妙的;v.撕破,裂开;突然拉开;(rip的现在分词) spider:n.蜘蛛;
All of these things are pieces of graphic design. 这些只不过是图形化设计的一小部分。
We do them for our clients . 这些都是我们为客户做的。
They are commissioned . 它们都是受委托做的。
I would never have the money to actually pay for the installment or pay for all the billboards or the production of these, so there's always a client attached to them. 事实上我不可能有钱来支付这些设备、 广告牌或是这些产品, 所以这些作品都是附属于客户的。(译者注:蜘蛛网上写着“不诚实对我是不利的”这句话。每个人经过时,蜘蛛网就扯破了;当离开时,蜘蛛网又复原了。暗指每个人都可以对这句话进行评判。通过这种方式,让人们对这句话有更深刻的思考。)
installment:n.安装;分期付款;部分;就职; billboards:n.(大幅)广告牌;v.宣传;(billboard的第三人称单数和复数) attached:adj.依恋;v.重视;把…固定;(attach的过去分词和过去式)
These are 65,000 coat hangers in a street that's lined with fashion stores. 这是放置在一条街上的65,000个衣架。 这条街排满了时尚店铺。
'"Worrying solves nothing." 烦恼解决不了任何问题。
'"Money does not make me happy" “金钱 确实 不会 让 我 快乐”
appeared first as double-page spreads in a magazine. 最初是以跨页的形式出现在一本杂志上。
The printer lost the file, didn't tell us. 打印机丢失文件了,但是(他们)没有告诉我们。
When the magazine -- actually, when I got the subscription it was 12 following pages. 当杂志—事实上,当我得到订阅的杂志时, 它是下面的12页。
It said, "Money does does make me happy." 它是“ 金钱 确实 确实 让 我 快乐”。
And a friend of mine in Austria was so, felt so sorry for me that he talked the largest casino owner in Linz into letting us wrap his building. 我澳大利亚的一个朋友为我感到很遗憾, 他说服了林茨(奥地利北部城市)最大的娱乐场所有者 让我们包装他的大厦。
Austria:n.奥地利;[国]奥地利;欧洲中南部内陆国家; wrap:v.缠绕;隐藏;掩护;包起来;缠绕;穿外衣;n.外套;围巾;
So this is the big pedestrian zone in Linz, and it just says "Money," and if you look down the side street , it says, "does not make me happy." 这就是林茨最大的步行街。 上面只写着“金钱”, 如果你俯视边巷, 上面写着“确实 不能 让 我 快乐”
pedestrian:adj.徒步的;缺乏想像力的;n.行人;步行者; side street:n.小路;小街;
We had a show, just came down last week in New York. 我们有一个表演, 上周刚刚在纽约举行。
We steamed up the windows permanently , and every hour we had a different designer come in and write these things that they've learned into the steam in the window. 我们使窗户永久蒙上水汽, 每个小时都会有不同的设计师进来, 在蒙上水汽的玻璃上写上他们所学到的东西。
Everybody participated -- Milton Glaser. 每个人都参与进来了-包括米尔顿?格拉泽、
Massimo Vignelli. 马西莫?维格纳利。
Singapore was quite in discussion. 在新加坡的设计曾经讨论过。
This is a little spot that we filmed there that's to be displayed on the large JumboTrons in Singapore, and of course one that's dear to my heart, because all of these sentiments , some banal , some a bit more profound , all originally had come out of my diary. 这是新加坡的一个小景点,我们在那里录制了作品, 要在新加坡的超大屏幕上进行展示。 当然,这个作品是最和我意的, 因为所有的这些观点, 有一些一般,有一些有点儿深奥, 都是来自于我的日记。
displayed:v.陈列;展出;展示;显露(display的过去分词和过去式) sentiments:n.观点,看法;情绪;伤感,柔情,哀伤;(sentiment的复数) banal:adj.陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的; profound:adj.深厚的;意义深远的;渊博的; originally:adv.原来;起初;
And I do go often into the diary and check if I wanted to change something about the situation. 我确实经常翻阅日记 并查看一下我是否曾想要改变某些状况。
If it's -- see it for a long enough time, 如果是— 观察足够长的时间
I actually do something about it. 我确实会为此做一些事情。(译者注:这些优美的设计中都包含一个单词。连起来就是屏幕上显示的这句话:【写日记有助于个人发展】。)
And the very last one is a billboard. 我要讲的最后一个作品是一个广告牌。(译者注:【屏幕上显示的是:抱怨是愚蠢的,要么行动,要么忘记。】)
This is our roof in New York, the roof of the studio . 这是我们在纽约的工作室的屋顶。
This is newsprint plus stencils that lie on the newsprint. 这是新闻用纸和放在上面的模版。
newsprint:n.新闻用纸(等于newspaper); stencils:n.模板;钢板;[印刷]模版印刷(stencil的复数形式);
We let that lie around in the sun. 我们把它们放到太阳底下。
lie around:点缀;到处都是;无所事事;
As you all know, newsprint yellows significantly in the sun. 大家都知道,新闻用纸在太阳底下会明显地变黄 。
After a week, we took the stencils and the leaves off, shipped the newsprints to Lisbon to a very sunny spot, so on day one the billboard said, " Complaining is silly. Either act or forget." 一周后, 我们把模版和树叶拿走, 把它运到里斯本(葡萄牙的首都)一个光照很好的地方。 这样,第一天广告牌上写着: “抱怨是愚蠢的。 要么行动要么忘记。”
Lisbon:n.里斯本(葡萄牙首都); Complaining:adj.抱怨的;v.抱怨;控诉;(complain的现在分词)
Three days later it faded , and a week later, no more complaining anywhere. 三天后褪色了,一周后, 任何地方都不再有抱怨了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Thank you so much. 非常感谢。
(Applause) (掌声)