

Wait, wait, wait, wait. 等等 等等
Oh, Jesus ! Come on! 天啊 来吧
Jesus! 天啊
No, no, no, don't stop. - I can wait. 不不 别停 -我可以等
Hey, honey, do me a favor, get back on the horse. 亲爱的 帮个忙 骑回去
Listen, a guy is never more truthful than just after he's cum and I want complete honesty from him now, so please. 男人高潮后最诚实 我正需要他向我坦诚 拜托了
Suck a dick for a white man, come on. 给他打个嘴炮吧
Suck:v.吸吮;吸取;n.吮吸; dick:n.阴茎,鸡巴;侦探;誓言;
Is... Is he... 他是...
Are you serious? 你认真的吗
What? 什么
Are you serious? 你是认真的吗
About what? 认真什么
About me staying here. 让我留下
Do you want to go to jail ? 你想坐牢吗
I'm kidding. Okay, come on. 我是开玩笑的
You're not going to jail. You can leave. 你不会坐牢的 你可以走了
Come on, now, let's go! - Jesus. 快点走吧 -天啊
Congratulations, anyway. 还是要恭喜你
What are you doing here, Phil? 你来干什么 菲尔
Vadik Koronev, $640,000. 瓦迪科.克洛涅夫 64万美金
Marina Jimenez, $560,000. 玛丽娜.希门尼斯 56万美金
We've already been over this. 这事都已经翻篇了
Yeah, but now I got proof . 但我现在有证据了
Your Vietnamese pal, Daewon Phan , we seized his laptop . 你的越南朋友 方大元 我们扣了他电脑
Vietnamese:n.越南人;越南语;adj.越南的;越南人的; Phan:n.显象;表象; laptop:n.便携式电脑;笔记本电脑;
Uh, so... 那...
you want to take me in? 你要抓我吗
Like you did with Ed Adler? 就像你对埃德.阿德勒那样
Guy was sailing the Mediterranean two days after you cuffed him. 你逮捕他两天后 那家伙就去游地中海了
Mediterranean:n.地中海;adj.地中海的; cuffed:v.用手轻快地拍(某人);(cuff的过去分词和过去式)
Never even saw the inside of a jail cell, and neither will I. 他压根没坐牢 我也不会
Neither will you, that's right. 你也不会 没错
You know why? Because I've not come to arrest you, 知道为什么吗 因为我不是来抓你的
I have come to be your friend. 我是来跟你交朋友的
Because friends share. 因为朋友会有福同享
Andrew? 安德鲁
Do you want to be my friend? 你想和我做朋友吗
How much? 你要多少
Half. - Half! 一半 -一半
Your last deal came to about 2.2 mil. 你上笔交易大概值220万
I want half and I will leave you alone. - I can't get you half. 给一半我就放过你 -我不能给你一半
I will leave you alone. - I can't get you half. 我会放过你 -我不能给你一半
Shut up, dick fuck! You don't talk over me. 闭嘴 混蛋 我话还没说完
You don't do that! 别打岔
I want half of what you made on your last move, or I make one phone call and you might not go to jail, but the entire score will be seized. 我要你上次交易利润的一半 否则我一通电话 你可能不会进监狱 但所有的钱都会被冻结
That's not good news for you, considering who that money belongs to. 考虑到这是谁的钱 这可对你不利哦
I'll need a couple of days to tee it up, make sure there's no red flags. 我需要几天时间来打点 确保万无一失
Sure. 好的
I'll meet you to make the transfer ... 我会和你一起...
together. - Like friends do. 汇款 -朋友都这么做
Is this really how you want to do this? 你真想这么做吗