

At last. 总算来了
Snoke trained you well. 斯诺克把你训练得不错
I killed Snoke. 斯诺克被我杀了
I'll kill you. 我也会杀了你的
My boy. 我的孩子啊
I made Snoke. 斯诺克是我造出来的
I have been every voice... 一直以来
you have ever heard... 你在脑海中听到的
inside your head. 都是我的声音
The First Order was just the beginning. 第一秩序不过是个开头
I will give you so much more. 我会给你更多更多
You'll die first. 在此之前你会先死
I have died before. 我已经死过了
The dark side of the Force is a pathway ... 原力的黑暗面如同一条通道
to many abilities some consider to be... 能通往许多被认为是...
unnatural . 非自然的能力
What could you give me? 你能给我什么
Everything. 所有一切
A new Empire. 一个新的帝国
The might of the Final Order will soon be ready. 强大的最终秩序马上就能准备好了
It will be yours if you do as I ask. 只要你服从于我 它就是你的了
Kill the girl! 杀了那个女孩
End the Jedi ... 消灭绝地武士
and become what your grandfather Vader could not. 成为你外公维达无法成为的那个人
You will rule all the galaxy ... 你将会统领整个星系
as the new emperor. 成为新的皇帝
But beware ... 但你得当心...
she is not who you think she is. 你不知道她的真实身份
Who is she? 她到底是什么人
Are you ever gonna go? 你还玩不玩了
He can't beat us every time. - Apparently he does. 他不可能次次都赢吧 -显然他能
How does he do it? 他是怎么做到的
This guy right here? It's 'cause he cheats. 这里这位吗 他作弊了
I'm kidding! - Oh, come on. Take your turn. 我开玩笑的 -拜托 你快点走
You're 250 years old. - You're taking forever. 你都250岁了 -等你等到天荒地老了
That's cheating. - Of course you're better than us. 拖时间就是作弊 -你当然比我们玩得好
That's why we think you're cheating. 所以我们觉得你作弊
Don't worry! - We're not gonna turn it off. 别担心 -我们不会结束这局的
He's cheating. - Definitely . 他在作弊 -绝对的
Klaud, I hope you fixed that surge . 克劳德 希望你已经解决了那个电涌
T-minus five. 五分钟倒计时
Boolio, good to see you. 伯里欧 很高兴见到你
You got something for us? 有东西要给我们吗
From a new ally ! 这信息是新盟友给的
A spy in the First Order! 一个第一秩序里的间谍
A spy? Who? 间谍 谁
I don't know! 我不知道
Transfer the message! Get it to Leia, hurry! 转录信息 传给莱娅 快
This could be big, R2. 这信息可能很重要 R2
Locked on target. 锁定目标
Finn , we're about to be cooked! 芬恩 再不走就死定了
We're almost there! 就快好了
Poe, we got it. 波 搞定了
How do we thank you? 我们该怎样感谢你
Win the war! 打赢这场战争