

This will begin to make things right. 这个东西会让一切步入正轨的
I've traveled too far and seen too much to ignore the despair in the galaxy . 我已游历各处 阅尽沧桑 以致忽略了弥漫在银河系中的绝望
ignore:v.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬; despair:v.绝望;失去希望;丧失信心;n.绝望; galaxy:n.银河;[天]星系;银河系;一群显赫的人;
Without the Jedi , there can be no balance in the Force. 没有了绝地 原力绝无平衡的可能
Well, because of you, now we have a chance. 正是因为你 如今我们才拥有了一个机会
The General's been after this for a long time. 将军已经追查此事许久了
Oh, the General? 将军
To me, she is royalty . 对我来说她可是皇室
Well, she certainly is that. 她当然是了
We got company. 有人来了
You have to hide. 你得藏起来
You have to leave. 你得离开
Get out! Go! Go! Go! 全体出发 冲啊
Come on, BB-8, hurry! 快来 BB-8 动作快点
Blast that X-wing! 炸掉那架X翼战机
Blast:n.爆炸; v.爆破;
Over there! Over there! 开火 后方有敌人来了
I see them. 我看到了
You take this. 你帮我拿着
It's safer with you than it is with me. 它在你身上会更安全
You get as far away from here as you can. 赶快离开这里 越远越好
Do you hear me? 听明白了吗 - 我不知道...
I'll come back for you. 我会回来找你的
It will be all right. 我们都会没事的
Keep moving! 继续前进
Stay here. 守在这里
Look how old you've become. 瞧瞧你都老成什么样了
Something far worse has happened to you. 而你经历了比变老糟糕得多的事情
You know what I've come for. 你明白我为何而来
I know where you come from. 我知道你从何而来
Before you called yourself Kylo Ren. 在你称呼自己为凯洛.伦之前
The map to Skywalker . 天行者所在位置的地图
We know you found it. 我们知道在你身上
And now you're going to give it to the First Order. 现在你要将这份地图上交给第一秩序
The First Order rose from the dark side. 第一秩序源自于黑暗面
You did not. 而你不是
I'll show you the dark side. 我会让你见识一下黑暗面的
You may try. 尽管来
But you cannot deny the truth that is your family. 但你不可否认的事实是 那是你的家人
You're so right. 你说的太对了
So, who talks first? You talk first? I talk first? 那么 是谁先开始讲话呢 你还是我
The old man gave it to you. 老家伙把地图交给你了
It's just very hard to understand you with all the... 戴着那东西 我很难听懂你说话...
Search him. - ... apparatus . 给我搜 - 我...
Nothing, sir. - Put him on board. 什么也没有 长官 - 把他带到船上
Sir, the villagers? 长官 村民如何处置
Kill them all. 全部灭口
On my command. 听我命令
Fire. 开火
Please, no! 不要啊
Nothing here. Go ahead! 这里什么也没有 清除这架战机
All right. 行了
All right! 我自己走
FN-2187 FN-2187.
Submit your blaster for inspection . 上交你的爆能枪以供检查
Submit:vt.使服从;主张;呈递;vi.提交;服从; blaster:n.导火线,爆裂药;爆破工; inspection:n.视察,检查;
Yes, Captain. 遵命 队长