

A human child is born and for quite a long time is a consumer . 当一个新生命刚来到世间, 在很长一段时间内 他只能是一位消费者。
It cannot be consciously a contributor . 他无法成为一名主动贡献者。
consciously:adv.自觉地;有意识地; contributor:n.贡献者;投稿者;捐助者;
It is helpless . 他是无助的。
It doesn't know even how to survive, even though it is endowed with an instinct to survive. 他甚至不知如何才能活下来, 尽管人人都生而有生存的本能。
endowed:v.赋予;捐赠; instinct:n.本能;天性;直觉;adj.充满的;
It needs the help of mother, or a foster mother, to survive. 他需要母亲或养母的帮助才能活下来。
It can't afford to doubt the person who tends the child. 他也没有能力质疑任何照顾他的人。
It has to totally surrender . 他必须完全顺从,
as one surrenders to an anesthesiologist . 就像病人必须屈服于麻醉师一样,
surrenders:vt.使投降;放弃;交出;听任;vi.投降;屈服;自首;n.投降;放弃;交出;屈服; anesthesiologist:n.麻醉学者(医师);
It has to totally surrender. 完全彻底地屈服。
That implies a lot of trust. 这样的屈服中也包含着无比的信任,
That implies the trusted person won't violate the trust. 意味着被信任的人 永远不会背叛这种信任。
As the child grows, it begins to discover that the person trusted is violating the trust. 当这个孩子逐渐长大, 他开始意识到 他所信任的人在背叛他的信任。
It doesn't know even the word violation . 但他此时还并不知道有“背叛”一词的存在,
Therefore, it has to blame itself. 因此他只能怪罪自己。
A wordless blame, which is more difficult to really resolve , the wordless self-blame. 这种默默的自责, 比责备他人更让人难受, 只是默默的自责。
wordless:adj.沉默的,无言的; resolve:vt.决定; vi.解决; n.坚决;
As the child grows to become an adult, so far, it has been a consumer, but the growth of a human being, lies in his or her capacity to contribute , to be a contributor. 有一天孩子终于长大成人了。 在这此前他一直是名消费者。 但一个人的成长 最终取决于他们贡献能力的大小, 也就是说成为一个贡献者。
capacity:n.能力;容量;资格,地位;生产力; contribute:v.贡献,出力;投稿;捐献;
One cannot contribute unless one feels secure, one feels big, one feels: I have enough. 但只有当一个人有安全感、 感觉到强大有力、 感觉到自己已足已之时[方能开始做贡献]。
To be compassionate is not a joke. 拥有同情心并非儿戏。
It's not that simple. 知之易,行却难。
One has to discover a certain bigness in oneself. 你必须能发现自身在某方面足够强大,
That bigness should be centered on oneself, not in terms of money, not in terms of power you wield , not in terms of any status that you can command in the society, but it should be centered on oneself. 这种“强大”必存乎于心, 而非金钱, 亦非权力, 也非你所拥有的社会地位。 它必是基于人自身的。
wield:v.拥有,运用,行使,支配(权力等); status:n.地位;状态;情形;重要身份;
The self, you are self aware. 自我,你要能认识到自我。
On that self, it should be centered, a bigness, a wholeness , otherwise, compassion is just a word and a dream. 正是这个“自我”拥有着一种强大,一种完整。 否则,同情心只是一虚物而已。
You can be compassionate occasionally , more moved by empathy than by compassion. 你可以时不时地感受到自己在同情别人, 但这更多的只是理解别人[或者站在对方的角度思考问题] 而不是真正的同情。
occasionally:adv.偶尔;有时候;偶然; empathy:n.神入;移情作用;执着;
Thank God we are empathetic . 感谢上帝让我们都懂得去同情别人,
When somebody's in pain, we pick up the pain. 让我们感同身受。
In a Wimbledon match, final match, these two guys fight it out . 在温布尔登的决赛场上, 两位球员全力以赴,
fight it out:据理力争;一决雌雄;
Each one has got two games. 比赛打到2:2的时候,
It can be anybody's game. 谁都有可能赢得最后的胜利,
What they have sweated so far has no meaning. 似乎之前流的汗都毫无意义了。
One person wins. 最后其中的一位赢了。
The tennis etiquette is both the players have to come to the net and shake hands. 根据比赛礼仪,结束后两个人都要走到球网前 握手致意。
The winner boxes the air and kisses the ground, throws his shirt as though somebody is waiting for it. 胜者挥拳庆祝、 亲吻大地、 脱下衣服扔向空中,就好像有人在等着接那件衣服。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And this guy has to come to the net. 但最终他必须走到网前。
When he comes to the net, you see, his whole face changes. 当他走近的时候, 你可以看到他的表情来了个180度大转变。
It looks as though he's wishing that he didn't win. 他这时看起来就好像宁愿输掉比赛一样。
Why? Empathy. 为什么?因为同情。
That's human heart. 这是人的恻隐之心。
No human-hearted is denied of that empathy. 每个人都有这样的恻隐之心。
No religion can demolish that by indoctrination . 宗教无法改变这一事实,
demolish:v.拆毁;(意外)毁坏;推翻;轻易而彻底地打败; indoctrination:n.教化;教导;
No culture, no nation, and nationalism , nothing can touch it because it is empathy. 任何文化、任何国家和民族都不能, 什么都不能带走人的恻隐之心。 因为这就是同情心。
And that capacity to empathize , is the window through which you reach out to people, you do something that makes a difference in somebody's life. 这种同情别人的能力 是你接近别人的一扇窗户, 是你帮助别人改变生活的一个途径。
Even words, even time. 哪怕只是几句话,或者一起度过的时光。
Compassion is not defined in one form. 同情心有很多种形式。
defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确;
There's no Indian compassion. 但并没有印度同情心
There's no American compassion. 或者美国同情心一说。
It transcends nation, gender , age. 同情心是跨越国界、性别和年龄的。
transcends:vt.胜过,超越; gender:n.性别;
Why? Because it is there in everybody. 为什么?因为它只存乎于心。
It's experienced by people occasionally. 它时不时地被我们感受到。
Then this occasional compassion, we are not talking about. 但这种偶尔发生的同情心, 不是我们要说的。
It will never remain occasional. 同情心不可能是偶发的。
By mandate , you cannot make a person compassionate. 你无法强迫一个人拥有同情心。
You can't say, "Please love me." 你不能对他说:“请你一定要爱我”。
Love is something you discover. 爱是需要你去发现的。
It's not an action, but in the English language, it is also an action. 它并不是一个简单的动作。 但在英语中,“爱”确实是一个动词。
I will come to it later. 这个容我压后再谈。
So one has got to discover a certain wholeness. 一个人必须要在自己身上发现一种“完整“。
I am going to cite the possibility of being whole, which is within our experience, everybody's experience. 现在我要说的就是达到这种“完整”状态的可能性。 这种可能性存在于我们的经历,每个人过去所经历的事情。
I am going to:我将要做什么事情 cite:v.引用;援引;引述;提及(原因);n.引文;
In spite of a very tragic life, one is happy in moments which are very few and far between . 即便一个人的生活极其苦难, 他时不时的还是会有少许快乐的时刻。
In spite of:尽管;不管,不顾; tragic:adj.悲剧的;悲痛的,不幸的; few and far between:稀少;彼此相距很远;不常发生;
And the one who is happy, even for a slapstick joke, accepts himself, and also the scheme of things in which one finds oneself. 经历快乐时刻的人, 哪怕只是因为一个低级趣味的笑话, 从心底里是接纳自己的,并同时接纳存在于他周围的一切。
slapstick:n.趣剧;低俗的闹剧; scheme:n.计划;方案;体系;体制;阴谋;v.密谋;图谋;想;认为;
That means the whole universe, known things and unknown things. 这“一切”意味着整个宇宙, 已知的和未知的所有事物。
All of them are totally accepted because you discover your wholeness in yourself. 所有这一切都被完全接纳。 因为他发现了自己的“完整”。
The subject, me, and the object, the scheme of things, fuse into oneness , an experience nobody can say, "I am denied of," 作为主体的“我” 和作为客体的世间万物 融为了一个整体。 这种体验没有人敢说自己没有过。
fuse:n.保险丝;导火线;v.(使)融合,熔断;熔接; oneness:n.统一性;单一性;同一性;完整;
an experience common to all and sundry . 这是天下所有人的共同体验。
That experience confirms that, in spite of all your limitations , all your wants, desires, unfulfilled , and the credit cards, and layoffs , and, finally , baldness , you can be happy. 这一体验给我们证明了一个道理:尽管人有各种各种的自身限制、 需求、欲望、未能实现的理想,信用卡的钱要还, 还有公司裁人的威胁, 再加上越来越严重的谢顶问题, 但你还是可以快乐起来的。
limitations:n.局限性;(限制)因素;边界(limitation的复数形式); unfulfilled:adj.未得到满足的;没有成就感的; layoffs:n.裁员;解雇; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; baldness:n.光秃;率直;枯燥;
But the extension of the logic is that you don't need to fulfill your desire to be happy. 这也就是说, 你不需要非得满足什么欲望才能快乐。
extension:n.延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机; logic:n.逻辑;逻辑学;逻辑性;adj.逻辑的;
You are the very happiness, the wholeness, that you want to be. 你自己正是你快乐的源泉,你自己就是你所追求的“完整”。
There's no choice in this. 这并没有什么好选择的,
That only confirms the reality that the wholeness cannot be different from you, cannot be minus you. 它只说明了这样一个事实: 你的完整性就是你自己, 它不可能只是你的一部分,
It has got to be you. 它必须就是你;
You cannot be a part of wholeness and still be whole. 你也不可能只是你的完整性的一部分, 而同时还能保持一个整体。
Your moment of happiness reveals that reality, that realization , that recognition . 你经历的快乐时刻就是在向你揭示这样的一个事实、 一种顿悟和认识。
reveals:v.揭示;显示;透露;展示;(reveal的第三人称单数) realization:n.实现;领悟; recognition:n.识别;认识;承认;认可;
Maybe I am the whole. 也许我就是完整的,
Maybe the swami is right. 也许尊者说的是对的,
Maybe the swami is right. You start your new life. 他说的是有道理的。你从此开始了一种新的生活,
Then everything becomes meaningful . 你发现一切都变得有意义起来。
I have no more reason to blame myself. 我不再有责怪自己的理由。
If one has to blame oneself, one has a million reasons plus many, but if I say, in spite of my body being limited , if it is black, it is not white, if it is white it is not black, body is limited any which way you look at it. Limited. 如果一个人想责怪自己,他总能想出几十万个理由来。 但如果我说,尽管我有诸多的自身限制, 黑的就是黑的,白的就是白的。 人的身体是有极限的,不管你从哪个角度去看它。
limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
Your knowledge is limited, health is limited, and power is therefore limited, and the cheerfulness is going to be limited. 你的知识是有限的,健康也是有限的, 从而人的能力也是有限的, 快乐程度也是受限制的,
Compassion is going to be limited. 同情心也有限,
Everything is going to be limitless . 万事万物都是无限的。
You cannot command compassion unless you become limitless, and nobody can become limitless, either you are or you are not. Period. 你不能强求同情心, 除非你自己变得无限强大。然而没有人能“变得”无限强大。 你要么受限制要么无限强大。就是这样。
And there is no way of your being not limitless too. 然而另一方面,你也很难做到不“无限强大”。
Your own experience reveals, in spite of all limitations, you are the whole. 你自己的体验告诉你,尽管你受诸多限制,但你还是完整的你。
And the wholeness is the reality of you when you relate to the world. 这种完整性是你要面对的现实, 当你与这个世界打交道的时候。
It is love first. 爱总是第一位的。
When you relate to the world, the dynamic manifestation of the wholeness is, what we say, love. 当你生活在这个世界上, 你的完整性就体现在 我们所说的爱。
dynamic:n.动力; adj.充满活力的; manifestation:n.表现;显示;示威运动;
And itself becomes compassion if the object that you relate to evokes that emotion . 然后这个爱就会自动转化成 对激发起这种爱的事物的同情心,
evokes:vt.引起,唤起;博得; emotion:n.强烈的感情;激情;情感;
Then that again transforms into giving, into sharing. 而同情心又能够转化成给予和分享。
transforms:v.[数][电]变换; n.语法转化规则;
You express yourself because you have compassion. 有了同情心,你就希望能表达出来。
express:v.表达; adj.特快的; n.特快列车; v.使用快速服务;
To discover compassion, you need to be compassionate. 要发现自己的同情心,你需要试着去同情别人。
To discover the capacity to give and share, you need to be giving and sharing. 要发现自己给予和分享的能力, 你需要试着去给予和分享。
There is no shortcut . It is like swimming by swimming. 这没有什么捷径,就像是你要想学会游泳,就必须到水里去实践。
You learn swimming by swimming. 想学游泳就得下水去游。
You cannot learn swimming on a foam mattress and enter into water. 不能指望着能在一块海绵垫子上学会游泳。
foam:n.泡沫;水沫;灭火泡沫;v.起泡沫;吐白沫;起着泡沫流动; mattress:n.床垫;褥子;空气垫; enter into:进入;讨论;成为…的一部分;研讨;分享;体谅;
(Laughter) (笑声)
You learn swimming by swimming. You learn cycling by cycling. 从游泳中学游泳,从骑车中学骑车。
You learn cooking by cooking, having some sympathetic people around you to eat what you cook. 从做饭中学做饭。 找一些有同情心的人 来品尝你做的食物。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And, therefore, what I say, you have to fake it and make it. 所以,其实我说的意思就是, 你必须假装会干一件事情,然后慢慢就真的会干了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
You need to. 你的确需要这样做。
My predecessor meant that. 前人已经说过类似的话。
You have to act it out. 你必须去实践。
You have to act compassionately . 必须实践如何去同情别人。
There is no verb for compassion, but you have an adverb for compassion. 英语里没有表达“同情”这个意思的动词, 但是有副词表达这个意思。
That's interesting to me. 我觉得这个很有意思。
You act compassionately. 你要很有同情心的去做事情,
But then how to act compassionately if you don't have compassion? 但如果你没有同情心又如何达到这个目标?
That is where you fake. 这是你就需要去假装,
You fake it and make it. This is the mantra of the United States of America . 你先假装会干,然后再慢慢学。这就是美国人最推崇的。
mantra:n.咒语(尤指四吠陀经典内作为咒文或祷告唱念的);颂歌; United States of America:un.美利坚合众国;
(Laughter) (笑声)
You fake it and make it. 假装会干,然后慢慢学。
You act compassionately as though you have compassion, grind your teeth, take all the support system, if you know how to pray, pray. 你假装有同情心的去做事情,就好像真的有一样。 努力的去做, 用好一切你可以利用的资源, 如果你知道怎么祈祷,也不妨祈祷一下,
Ask for compassion. 祈求同情心的到来,
Let me act compassionately. 让我能真正有同情心的去做事情。
Do it. 一定要去做。
You'll discover compassion and also slowly a relative compassion, and slowly, perhaps if you get the right teaching, you'll discover compassion is a dynamic manifestation 这样你就一定会发现同情心, 然后慢慢的发现一种相对的有比较的同情心。 再然后,如果得到了正确的指点, 你会发现同情心是
of the reality of yourself, which is oneness, wholeness, and that's what you are. 你自身状态的一种动态体现,这种自身状态指的就是你的完整性和统一性, 这种自身状态同时定义了你究竟是谁。
With these words, thank you very much. 且到这里吧,谢谢!
(Applause) (掌声)