

Nick, this was a tragedy , but it's not why we're here. 尼克 这是很悲剧 但我们不是为此而来
What, are we fighting the weather now? 我们现在还负责对抗天气了吗
Locals say the cyclone had a face. 本地人说龙卷风长了脸
People see things when they're under stress. 人在高压下是可能出现幻觉的
Okay? That does not mean that this is the start to some other big world-ending-- 那不代表这又是什么 重大的世界末日...
Who are you? 你们是谁
You don't want any part of this. 你们不想掺和进来的
And I...
Will always love you, ooh 将永远爱你
Will always love you 永远爱你
My darling, you... 我亲爱的你
Bittersweet 苦甜参半
Memories 那些回忆
That is all 那就是
I'm taking 我能
With me 带走的一切
And I
Will always love you 将永远爱你
I will always 我永远
Love you 爱你
I, I will always 我永远
Love you 爱你
Gone, but not forgotten. 英雄已逝 永不遗忘
Thanks to Kenneth Lim and Vihaan Ramamurthy for their help with that touching video tribute . 感谢基纳斯.林和维翰.拉玛莫斯 剪辑了这段感人的致敬视频
This year has been nothing short of-- ...is crazy. It's, like, insane . 今年可以说是... 疯狂 简直太疯狂了
Jason. - What? 杰森 -怎么了
No swearing. 不许说脏话
Yeah. It's the last day of school. We're good. 反正明天放假了 没事的
Historic . 历史性
Over five years ago, half of all life in the universe, including our own Midtown High... 五年多前 全宇宙一半的生命 也包括我们城中高中的一半生命
...was wiped from existence. 都被抹去了
But then eight months ago, a band of brave heroes brought us back. 但八个月前 一群勇敢的英雄把我们带了回来
They called it "The Blip ." 此事件被称为 闪烁
Those of us who Blipped away came back the same age... 我们这些闪灭了的人 以原年龄回归了
But our classmates that didn't Blip had grown five years older. 但我们没有闪灭的同学们 则长大了五岁
Yeah, like my little brother is now older than me. 是啊 我弟弟现在比我大了
Yeah, it's math. 是啊 这是数学
And even though we had Blipped away halfway through the school year and had already taken midterms , the school made us start the year over from the beginning. 尽管我们闪灭时 学年已过去了一半 而且已经考过期中考了 学校还是要求我们从头重上这个学年
It's totally unfair. It's not right. 太不公平了 这不对
Tigers... 城中虎们
...it's been a long, dramatic , somewhat confusing road. 这段旅程漫长 戏剧性 而且还有些令人困惑
dramatic:adj.突然的;巨大的;令人吃惊的;激动人心的; somewhat:n.几分;某物;adv.有点;多少;几分;稍微; confusing:adj.令人困惑; v.使糊涂; (confuse的现在分词)
As we draw this year to a close, it's time to move on... 随着今年即将结束 我们也该向前看了
to a new phase of our lives. 迎来我们生命的新阶段