

All right. My shift's not over till 9:00. 好了 我到九点才能下班
So tell Coach C I'm gonna be a few minutes late picking you up, okay? 所以告诉教练 我会迟到几分钟才来接你 好吗
Okay. 好吧
Good luck out there today. 祝你今天好运
Thanks. 谢谢
You know, if I could, I would be in those stands cheering for my baby. 如果可以的话 我会在看台上为我的孩子欢呼
I know. Next game. 我知道 下一场比赛吧
Hey, Bron? 嘿 布朗
You forgetting something? 你是不是忘了什么
Love you, Ma. 爱你 妈妈
I love you too, baby. 我也爱你 宝贝
All right. Go kill it. 好了 去球场上搏杀吧
? That is what you are ? 这就是你
? Coming from afar Reaching for the stars ? ?从远方来追寻繁星
? Run away with me To another... ? ?和我一起逃向另一个…?
Run away with:轻易获得;偷走;同…私奔;
What's up, Bron? 好久不见 布朗
What's up, Malik ? 你也是 马利克
Check it out. It's for you. 过来看看 这是给你的
My dad got me the new color one. 我爸爸给我买了个新颜色的
Oh, and if it freezes up on you, just smack it really hard. 对了 如果卡住不动了就狠狠地拍一下它
smack:v.用巴掌打; n.打巴掌; v.恰好;
Works every time. -Thanks, man. 这方法百试百灵 -谢了 伙计
-Let's go get this win. 让我们去赢得这场胜利
Eh, what's up, Doc? 怎么了 教练
Hey, where Bron at? 嘿 布朗在哪儿
LeBron James! 勒布朗.詹姆斯
Eh, what's up... -What the hell is this? -Oh, snap ! 怎么了 这是什么鬼东西 哦 该死
'"Oh, snap" nothing, man. 没什么 伙计
Get your tail on the court right now! Whatchu doing? 该你上场了 你在做什么
Hey, hey, hey! 嘿 嘿 嘿
Iso! Iso for Bron! 和布朗一对一
Nobody else shoot the ball. 没有其他人投篮
All right, Bron, you keep that ball! 好吧 布朗 你来拿球
You shoot the ball. 你来投篮
Iso! Iso! Iso! You know what to do, baby. Let's go. It's your world. 你知道该怎么做 孩子 去吧 这是你的主场
-Damn! Damn ! 该死的 该死的
It's all right, it's all right. 没事的 没事的
Damn! 该死
Come on, line up. Line up in front of me. 来吧 排好队 在我前面排成一队
Line up right here in front of me. 在我面前排成一队
Listen, man. 听着 伙计
It's about you giving your all, and you didn't do that tonight. 你本该全力以赴 但你今晚并没有这样做
LeBron. 勒布朗
Getting your head in the game starts before you even put one foot on the court. 在你把一只脚放在球场上之前就应该投入到比赛中去
It starts before you even get to the gym. 在你去体育馆之前就应该这样
Listen, you're the best basketball player I ever coached. 听着 你是我教过的最好的篮球运动员
You can't be great without putting in work, right? 不努力就不可能成功 对吧
You got the chance to use basketball to change everything. 你可以用篮球来改变一切
For your mom, for you, for everybody who you care about. 为了你妈妈 为了你自己 为了所有你在乎的人
You want that? 你想要吗
LeBron James has an NBA body. 勒布朗.詹姆斯拥有NBA般的身材
Six-seven and a half, 240 pounds... plus he has got the complete package. 他已经拿到了所有的奖杯
? We clear for takeoff ? 我们可以起飞了
With the first pick in the 2003 NBA draft , the Cleveland Cavaliers select LeBron James. 在2003年的NBA选秀中,克利夫兰骑士队以状元秀的身份选中了勒布朗.詹姆斯
draft:n.草案; v.起草; adj.供役使的; Cavaliers:n.骑士(cavalier的复数);卡伐利风;[气象]骑士日;
There he is with his mom, Gloria. 他和他妈妈格洛里亚在一起
? Now fast-forward The kid is the king ? 现在快进,孩子是国王