

All right, let's try somethin' else. 好吧,我们试试另外一首
Uh, from the top. Ready. One, two, three. 呃,从头开始。预备, 一,二,三
One, two, three, four. 一,二,三,四
Stay on the beat. 保持节奏
Two, three, four. 二,三,四
That's C-sharp, horns . 这里是升C调,小号
horns:n.喇叭; v.截锯…的角;
Two, three... I see you, Caleb. 二,三... 我看着你呢,卡莱布
Rachel, now you. 瑞秋,该你了
Forgot my sax, Mr. G. 我忘记带萨克斯了,G 先生
Okay, she forgot her sax. And now, all you, Connie. 好吧,她忘带萨克斯了。轮到你了,康妮
Go for it ! 加油!
Go for it:努力争取;加油;
Way to go! 好棒哟!
Hang on, hang on. What are y'all laughing at? 等等,等等。你们在笑什么?
So Connie got a little lost in it. 康妮只是有点忘我了
That's a good thing. 这是件好事
Look, I remember one time my dad took me to this jazz club, and that's the last place I wanted to be. 听着,我记得有一次 我爸爸带我去了爵士俱乐部 那是我最不想去的地方
But then I see this guy, and he's playing these chords with fourths on it, and then with the minor ... 但后来我看到这个人 他用四分音符弹奏这些和弦 然后加上小调
chords:n.[数]弦(乐器上的,chord的复数);和弦; minor:adj.未成年的; n.未成年人; vi.副修;
Oh, oh, whoo. 哦,哦,喔
Then he adds the inner voices, and it's like he's... 接着他加入了内心的声音,仿佛他...
It's like he's singing. 仿佛他在唱歌一样
And I swear, the next thing I know... 我发誓,之后我只记得...
...it's like he floats off the stage. …好像他从舞台上飘了下来
That guy was lost in the music. 那个人忘我在音乐里
He was in it, and he took the rest of us with him. 不仅他忘我了,他把我们所有人也带进去了
And I wanted to learn... 于是我也想学会...
...how to talk like that. …像他那样演奏
That's when I knew... 那一刻我意识到...
I was born to play. 我就是为此而生的
Connie knows what I mean. Right, Connie? 康妮懂我的意思。对吧,康妮?
I'll be right back. Practice your scales . 我马上回来。练习你们的音阶吧
scales:n.规模范围; v.攀登; (scale的第三人称单数和复数)
Sorry to interrupt , Mr. Gardner . 抱歉打扰了,加德纳先生
interrupt:v.中断;打断;插嘴;妨碍;n.中断; Gardner:n.加德纳;
You're doing my ears a favor. 你帮了我的耳朵一个忙
Hey! -Not you, though, you're good. 嘿! -没说你,虽然,你很好
He's not. 他并不好
What can I do for you, Principal Arroyo ? 您找我有什么事吗,阿罗约校长?
What can I do for:我能为…做什么?; Principal:adj.主要的;资本的;n.首长;校长;资本;当事人; Arroyo:n.小河;河谷;干涸沟壑;
I wanted to deliver the good news personally . 我想亲自传达这个好消息
No more part-time for you. 你不用再做兼职了
You're now our full-time band teacher. 你现在是我们的全职乐队老师
full-time:adj.专职的;全日制的;全部时间的; band:n.带;波段;频带;箍;v.加彩条(或嵌条等);(将价格、收入等)划分档次;
Job security. 工作保障
Medical insurance . Pension . 医疗保险,退休金
insurance:n.保险;保险业;保险费;保费;adj.胜券在握的; Pension:n.养老金;退休金;抚恤金;adj.有关退休金的;v.给…养老金[恤金,津贴等];
Wow. That's, uh, great. 哇哦。那是,呃,太好了
Welcome to the M.S. 70 family, Joe. Permanently . 欢迎加入第70中学大家庭,乔。永久的
Thanks. 谢谢
After all these years, my prayers have been answered. 这么多年过去了,我的祈祷得到了回应
A full-time job. 一份全职工作
Working man, coming through. 有职业的人,看过来
Yeah, Mom, but I... 是的,妈妈,但是我...
You're going to tell them yes, right? 你要告诉他们 是的 ,对吗?
Don't worry, Mom, I got a plan. 别担心,妈妈,我有个计划
You always got a plan. 你总是有计划的