

Come on. 快点
Come on! 快点启动
Don't let him get away! 别让他跑了
Get inside now! 现在就进去
Hurry up! You're late! 快点 你迟到了
Proxima 's gonna have your hide. 看毗羲夫人不剥了你的皮
Get back in the den. 滚到洞里去
Look what I stole! 看我偷到什么了
Proxima'll give me an extra portion for this! 毗羲会给我一份额外口粮的
extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: portion:n.部分;(食物的)一份;分担的责任;v.把…分成若干份(或部分);
Nope, I think she's gonna give that extra portion to me. 不 我觉得她会把额外口粮给我的
Hey, give it back! 还给我
It belongs to whoever's holding it! 在谁手里就归谁
And that's not you! 不是你的了
Lex! 莱克斯
Full Sabacc! 慢点萨巴克
Idiot's Array . 笨蛋组合
What? Let me see that! 什么 给我看下
Nope, it's my card. 不行 这是我的牌
You cheat. 你作弊
You were gone too long! 你去了那么长时间
I knew something must've gone wrong. 我就知道肯定是出事了
This is nothing. You should see them. 我没事 倒霉的是他们
Look down here! 下来看看
All right, listen. 听我说
I was in the middle of the exchange , 在交易的过程中
I'm handing over the coaxium and his goons jumped me, but I showed 'em. 我正准备交出核芯素 他的手下袭击了我 但我耍了他们
How? 你是怎么办到的
I ran away, then I boosted their speeder . 我逃走了 然后偷了他们的飞车
boosted:adj.升高的;升压的;加力的;v.提高,推进;宣传(boost的过去式); speeder:n.快速行动的人或物;调节速度装置;
What, are we going somewhere? 我们是不是可以离开这里了
Yeah, anywhere we want. 没错 想去哪就去哪
You held on to one of the vials ? 你偷了一管这个
Han's back! 汉回来了
This, this is worth... 这 这管东西值…
Five, six hundred credits. 值五六百个信用点
That's more than you said we'd need. 我们现在不缺钱了
To buy our way out of the control zone. 那我们可以用这笔钱离开控制区了
And off Corellia. 离开克雷利亚星球
Han, this could work. 汉 我们能远走高飞了…
This is gonna work. 肯定能远走高飞的
Qi'ra, you always said one day we're gonna get out of here . 琦拉 你经常说 总有一天我们要离开这里
get out of here:出去(表示气愤或不耐烦等)
This is it. 这一天来了
What are we waiting for? 那我们还等什么
There he is. 他们在那
Hey, you two! 嘿 你们俩
Look who we hava here. 看看谁来了
Moloch . Hi, how are ya? 莫克洛 你好吗
I was just on my way to see Lady Proxima. 我正准备去见毗羲夫人呢
You hvav our money? 你还有钱还债吗
What a night I had. 我这一晚上经历的事
You're not gonna believe it. You'll believe it, but... 说出来你都不信 怎么说呢 我是…
Search him. 搜他的身
Hold still, scrumrat! 不许动 臭老鼠
Easy. 轻点儿