

(Music) (音樂)
(Applause) (掌聲)
(Music) (音樂)
(Applause) (掌聲)
Robbie Mizzone: Thank you. 羅比米松 (Robbie Mizzone):謝謝大家。
Tommy Mizzone: Thank you very much. 湯米米松 (Tommy Mizzone):非常感謝。
We're so excited to be here. It's such an honor for us. 我們很高興能來到這裡,這真是莫大的榮幸。
Like he said, we're three brothers from New Jersey -- you know, the bluegrass capital of the world. 像他說的,我們三個來自新澤西—— 你知道所謂世界蘭草音樂之鄉。
(Laughter) (笑聲)
We discovered bluegrass a few years ago, and we fell in love with it. We hope you guys will too. 多年前我們接觸了蘭草音樂, 便從此愛上了它,希望大家也會喜歡。
This next song is an original we wrote called "Timelapse," 下面我們將表演一首原創作品《時光飛逝》,
and it will probably live up to its name. 相信它會是歌如其名。
live up to:不辜负;做到;实践;
(Tuning) (調音)
(Music) (音樂)
(Applause) (掌聲)
TM: Thank you very much. 湯米米松:非常感謝。
RM: I'm just going to take a second to introduce the band . 羅比米松:讓我來簡單介紹一下我們的樂隊。
On guitar is my 15-year-old brother Tommy. 吉他手是我十五歲的哥哥湯米。
(Applause) (掌聲)
On banjo is 10-year-old Jonny. 彈班卓琴的是十歲的強尼。
(Applause) He's also our brother. (掌聲)他也是我的兄弟。
And I'm Robbie, and I'm 14, and I play the fiddle . 我是羅比,今年十四歲,我是小提琴手。
(Applause) (掌聲)
As you can see , we decided to make it hard on ourselves, and we chose to play three songs in three different keys. 如你所見,我們想給自己出個難題, 所以選擇 彈三首不同音調的曲子。
As you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
Yeah. I'm also going to explain, a lot of people want to know where we got the name Sleepy Man Banjo Boys from. 是的。我也要解釋一下,許多人很好奇 我們為何取名「沉睡的班卓男孩」。
So it started when Jonny was little, and he first started the banjo, he would play on his back with his eyes closed, and we'd say it looked like he was sleeping. 這要追溯到強尼小時候, 他剛開始練班卓琴時會躺著彈 並且閉上眼睛, 我們說看起來好像他在睡覺。
So you can probably piece the rest together. 其他的你們就自己琢磨吧。
TM: We can't really figure out the reason for this. 湯米米松:我們也不清楚是什麽原因,
It might have been that it weighs about a million pounds. 可能是因為琴太重了。
(Music) (音樂)
(Applause) (掌聲)
(Music) (音樂)
(Applause) (掌聲)
TM: Thank you very much. 湯米米松:非常感謝。
RM: Thank you. 羅比米松:謝謝。