

Ronson's down. 荣森中弹了
He needs medical evac. 需要医疗救护
Where is it? Is it there? 东西在哪?还在吗?
Hard drive's gone. 硬盘不见了
Are you sure? 确定吗?
It's gone. Give me a minute. 被拿走了,给我点时间
They must have it. Get after them. 一定是被拿走了,快追
I'm stabilizing Ronson. 我在帮荣森
We don't have the time. 我们没时间了
I have to stop the bleeding ! 得止住血
Leave him! 别管他!
Have you got him? 看到他没?
He's in the black Audi. 黑色奥迪里
What about Ronson? 荣森呢?
He's been hit. 他中枪了
We're sending an emergency evacuation squad . 我正在派医疗队过去
emergency:n.紧急情况;突发事件;非常时刻;adj.紧急的;备用的; evacuation:n.疏散;撤离;排泄; squad:n.班;小队;五人组(篮球队的非正式说法);vt.把…编成班;把…编入班;
They'll be too bloody late! 那就太迟了
He's seen us. 他发现我们了
Medical evac for Ronson five minutes away. 医疗队5分钟后到
That's all right. You weren't using it. 好吧,反正你没用
I wasn't using that one, either. 这个我也不用了
Keep your head down. 头低下!
Just get clear! 快让开!
Tanner , which way? 坦纳,哪条路?
Keep going. I can direct you from here. 继续开,我引导你
You both know what's at stake here. 我们都清楚这个的重要性
We can't afford to lose that list. 名单可不能丢
Yes, ma'am. 知道,夫人
Where are they now? 他们现在在哪?
They appear to be on the rooftops of the Grand Bazaar . 在大巴扎屋顶上(伊斯坦布尔大市集)
rooftops:n.屋顶;adj.屋顶上的; Bazaar:n.集市;市场;义卖市场;
Take a left. There's a bridge. You can cut him off. 往左上桥,你可以截住他
Down, sir! 趴下
What happened? - They're on the train, ma'am. 现在怎样? - 他们在火车上,夫人
What do you mean on the train? 火车上什么意思?
I mean, they're on top of a train. 他们在车顶上
Well, get after them, for God's sake! 天,那快跟上啊
She's going out of range. 她超出范围了
We've lost tracking . We're blind here. 无法追踪了,我们都成瞎子了
What's going on? - I'm still with them. 现在怎样? - 我还跟着他们
Get me CCTV, satellite, anything! 找个卫星或监控视频,什么都行!
What was that? 是啥?
VW Beetles . 甲壳虫轿车
I think. 我想
Bond! He's uncoupling the cars. 邦德!他在分离列车
uncoupling:n.[生化]解偶联; v.解开…的钩;
007, are you all right? 零零七,没事吧?
Just changing carriages . 换了车厢而已
What's going on? Report! 现在怎样了?报告!
It's rather hard to explain, ma'am. 很难解释,夫人
007's still in pursuit . 零零七仍在追捕
Looks like there isn't much more road. 看来这边没路了
I don't think I can go any further. 我想我没法再跟了
I may have a shot. 我可能有机会开枪
It's not clean. 无法瞄准
Repeat, I do not have a clean shot. 重复,我无法瞄准
There's a tunnel ahead. I'm gonna lose them. 前面是隧道,我就快失去他们了