

There was a time in my life when everything seemed perfect. 我的生命里曾有段日子 一切似乎都很完美
Everywhere I went, I felt at home. 所到之处都如家一般温馨
Everyone I met, 所遇之人
I felt I knew them for as long as I could remember. 都如故人一般熟悉
as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然;
And I want to share with you how I came to that place and what I've learned since I left it. 我想跟大家分享我是如何去到那里 以及从离开那儿起我学到的东西
This is where it began. 开头是这样
And it raises an existential question, which is, if I'm having this experience of complete connection and full consciousness , why am I not visible in the photograph, and where is this time and place? 这引出一个存在性问题 那就是,如果我亲身经历并对此有完整的意识的话 为什么我不在照片上 以及这是何时何地?
existential:adj.存在主义的;有关存在的;存在判断的; consciousness:n.意识;知觉;觉悟;感觉; visible:adj.明显的;看得见的;现有的;可得到的;n.可见物;进出口贸易中的有形项目;
This is Los Angeles, California, where I live. 这是加利福尼亚的洛杉矶,我所住的地方
This is a police photo. That's actually my car. 这是张警方的照片,那是我的车
We're less than a mile from one of the largest hospitals in Los Angeles, called Cedars-Sinai. 我们离洛杉矶最大的一家医院不到一里路 那家医院是西德斯西奈医院
And the situation is that a car full of paramedics on their way home from the hospital after work have run across the wreckage , and they've advised the police that there were no survivors inside the car, that the driver's dead, that I'm dead. 那时的情形是一辆满载着 从医院下班的医护人员的车 碰上了事故现场 他们通知警方 车内没有幸存者 司机死了,我也是
paramedics:n.护理人员;医务辅助人员;(paramedic的复数) run across:偶然遇到;跑着穿过; wreckage:n.(失事船或飞机等的)残骸;(船只等的)失事; advised:adj.考虑过的; v.劝告; (advise的过去分词和过去式)
And the police are waiting for the fire department to arrive to cut apart the vehicle to extract the body of the driver. 那时警方正在等消防车过来 切割车身 好搬出司机的尸体
fire department:n.消防部门:消防队员:消防队: vehicle:n.[车辆]车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物; extract:v.提取;取出;摘录;榨取;n.汁;摘录;榨出物;选粹;
And when they do, they find that behind the glass, they find me. 当他们作业时发现了 玻璃后的我-
And my skull 's crushed and my collar bone is crushed; all but two of my ribs , my pelvis and both arms -- they're all crushed, but there is still a pulse. 头骨和锁骨都已经撞断 除了两根肋骨 盆骨和两个胳膊 我已经粉身碎骨,但仍有脉搏
skull:n.头盖骨,脑壳; crushed:v.压坏;压伤;挤压变形;(crush的过去分词和过去式) collar:n.衣领;领子;箍;(动物,尤指狗的)颈圈;v.抓住;捉住;揪住;逮住; ribs:n.[解剖]肋骨;排骨(rib的复数); pelvis:n.骨盆;
And they get me to that nearby hospital, 他们带我到了附近那家医院
Cedars-Sinai, where that night I receive, because of my internal bleeding , 45 units of blood -- which means full replacements of all the blood in me -- before they're able to staunch the flow. 西德斯西奈医院 因为内出血,那晚我输了 45单位的血液- 这意味着得全部换血- 才保证了我有稳定的血液量
internal:n.内脏;本质;adj.内部的;里面的;体内的;(机构)内部的; bleeding:n.出血;渗色;adj.流血的;同情的;v.出血;渗出;(bleed的现在分词) replacements:n.替代,替换件;补充; staunch:adj.坚定的;忠诚的;坚固的;vt.止住;止血;
I'm put on full life support , and I have a massive stroke , and my brain drops into a coma . 我被接上呼吸机 有严重中风 大脑陷入昏迷
life support:adj.保障生命的,维持生命的; massive:adj.大量的;巨大的,厚重的;魁伟的; stroke:n.中风;笔画;钟声;抚摩;v.抚摩(动物的毛皮);轻抚;轻挪;轻触; coma:n.[医]昏迷;[天]彗形像差;
Now comas are measured on a scale from 15 down to three. 昏迷(程度)按照15到3 来衡量
comas:[医]昏迷; measured:adj.缓慢谨慎的; v.测量; (measure的过去分词和过去式) scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢;
Fifteen is a mild coma. Three is the deepest. 15是轻度昏迷 3是最深度的
mild:adj.温和的; n.(英国的一种)淡味麦芽啤酒;
And if you look, you'll see that there's only one way you can score three. 只有一种方法能得3分
It's essentially there's no sign of life from outside at all. 基本就是表面看来 没有任何生命迹象
I spent more than a month in a Glasgow Coma Scale three, and it is inside that deepest level of coma, on the rim between my life and my death, that I'm experiencing the full connection and full consciousness of inner space. 我有一个多月处于格拉斯哥三度昏迷中 在最深度的昏迷中 我在生死间徘徊 我体验到与内心世界的 完全联接和全部意识
Glasgow:n.格拉斯哥(英国城市名); rim:n.边,边缘;轮辋;圆圈;vi.作…的边,装边于;vt.作…的边,装边于; inner:n.内部;射中接近靶心部分的一发;adj.里面的;向内的;内部的;接近中心的;
From my family looking in from outside, what they're trying to figure out is a different kind of existential question, which is, how far is it going to be possible to bridge 我的家人看着我 他们想弄清楚的 是另一种存在性问题 就是昏迷状态的精神世界
from the comatose potential mind that they're looking at to an actual mind, which I define simply as the functioning of the brain that is remaining inside my head. 和真实的精神世界 有多大差距? 我将其定义为 残存在头部的 大脑功能
comatose:adj.昏迷的;昏睡状态的;麻木的;怠惰的; potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的; define:v.定义;使明确;规定;
Now to put this into a broader context , 从更宽泛的角度来说
I want you to imagine that you are an eternal alien watching the Earth from outer space, and your favorite show on intergalactic satellite television is the Earth channel, and your favorite show is the Human Show. 你想像自己是个天外来客 从外太空俯视地球 你最喜欢的太空卫星频道 是地球频道 你最喜欢的节目是《人类世界》
eternal:adj.永恒的;不朽的; outer:adj.外面的,外部的;远离中心的;n.环外命中; intergalactic:adj.星系间的;银河间的;
And the reason I think it would be so interesting to you is because consciousness is so interesting. 我认为你会对此感兴趣的原因 是意识是很有意思的
It's so unpredictable and so fragile . 它是如此变幻莫测 又如此脆弱
unpredictable:adj.不可预知的;不定的;出乎意料的;n.不可预言的事; fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的;
And this is how we began. 这就是我们如何开始的
We all began in the Awash Valley in Ethiopia . 从埃塞俄比亚的阿瓦什河谷开始
Awash:adj.被浪冲打的;与水面齐平的;充斥的; Ethiopia:n.埃塞俄比亚;
The show began with tremendous special effects , because there were catastrophic climate shifts -- which sort of sounds interesting as a parallel to today. 这个节目有宏大的特效 因为有灾难性的气候变化- 和如今对比这听起来有点意思
tremendous:adj.极大的,巨大的;惊人的;极好的; special effects:特效; catastrophic:adj.灾难的;悲惨的;灾难性的,毁灭性的; shifts:n.转移; v.转移; (shift的第三人称单数) parallel:adj.平行的; v.与…相似; n.极其相似的人(或情况、事件等);
Because of the Earth tilting on its axis and those catastrophic climate shifts, we had to figure out how to find better food, and we had to learn -- there's Lucy; that's how we all began -- we had to learn how to crack open animal bones, use tools to do that, to feed on the marrow , to grow our brains more. 因为地球倾斜的地轴 和灾难性的气候变化 我们得弄清楚如何找到更好的食物 我们得学习-这是露西(南方古猿),我们的起源- 我们得学习如何使用工具来 砸开动物的骨骼,以食用骨髓 来是我们的大脑得到发育
tilting:n.倾卸台;adj.[航][气象]倾斜;倾卸;v.使倾斜(tilt的ing形式); axis:n.轴;轴线;轴心国; crack:v.使破裂;打开;变声;n.裂缝;声变;噼啪声;adj.最好的;高明的; marrow:n.髓,骨髓;精华;活力;
So we actually grew our consciousness in response to this global threat. 所以我们实际是发展出意识 以应对这种全球性威胁
in response to:响应;回答;对…有反应; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
Now you also continue to watch as consciousness evolved to the point that here in India, in Madhya Pradesh, there's one of the two oldest known pieces of rock art found. 接着看 意识发展到这个程度 这是印度的中央邦 那有最古老的两幅岩画
It's a cupule that took 40 to 50,000 blows with a stone tool to create, and it's the first known expression of art on the planet. 这是个用石器击打上四十到五万次制成的吸盘 而且这是地球上第一个已知的 艺术表现
And the reason it connects us with consciousness today is that all of us still today, the very first shape we draw as a child is a circle. 而在今天仍然能与我们的意识联接的原因是 时至今日 儿童期的我们画出的第一个形状 是个圆形
And then the next thing we do is we put a dot in the center of the circle. 然后我们会在圆心点一个点
We create an eye -- and the eye that evolves through all of our history. 创造出一只眼睛- 在历史长河中进化出的眼睛
There's the Egyptian god Horus , which symbolizes prosperity , wisdom and health. 埃及神贺拉斯 象征着繁荣,智慧和健康
Horus:n.何露斯(古代埃及的太阳神); symbolizes:v.象征;是…的象征;代表;(symbolize的第三人称单数) prosperity:n.繁荣,成功; wisdom:n.智慧;明智;才智;学问;
And that comes down right way to the present with the dollar bill in the United States, which has on it an eye of providence . 这体现在 今天的美元大钞上 还有一个普罗维登斯的眼睛
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式) providence:n.天意;深谋远虑;
So watching all of this show from outer space, you think we get it, we understand that the most precious resource on the blue planet is our consciousness. 因此从外太空看这一切 你觉得我们明白 这个蓝色星球上最珍贵的资源 是我们的意识
precious:adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的; resource:n.资源;资料;才智;财力;v.向…提供资金(或设备);
Because it's the first thing we draw; we surround ourselves with images of it; it's probably the most common image on the planet. 因为这我们画的第一个图案 我们的周围都是它的形象 它可能是在这个星球上最常見的形象
But we don't. We take our consciousness for granted . 但我们并没有理解 我们认为意识是理所当然的
granted:v.不错,的确; conj.因为; v.同意,准予,允许; (grant的过去分词和过去式)
While I was producing in Los Angeles, I never thought about it for a second. 在洛杉矶的时候我从来没有想过这个问题
Until it was stripped from me, I never thought about it. 直到它被夺走了
And what I've learned since that event and during my recovery is that consciousness is under threat on this planet in ways it's never been under threat before. 我从这件事 和康复过程中学到的 是这个星球上意识正受到 前所未有的威胁
These are just some examples. 这只是些例子
And the reason I'm so honored to be here to talk today in India is because India has the sad distinction of being the head injury capital of the world. 我有幸 今天能在印度演讲 是因为印度是 世界头部受伤的最多的城市
distinction:n.区别;区分;差别;卓越; injury:n.伤害,损害;受伤处;
That statistic is so sad. 统计数据令人心寒
There is no more drastic and sudden gap created between potential and actual mind than a severe head injury. 没有比严重头部创伤 会导致潜在意识和实际意识之间的 鸿沟
drastic:adj.激烈的;猛烈的;n.烈性泻药; gap:n.差距;间隙;缺口;间隔;v.使豁裂;豁开; severe:adj.极为恶劣的;十分严重的;严厉的;苛刻的;
Each one can entail up to a decade of rehabilitation , which means that India, unless something changes, is accumulating a need for millennia of rehabilitation. 每个受伤者有十年的康复期 也就是说没有任何措施的话 印度正在累积 上千年的康复期
entail:vt.使需要,必需;承担;遗传给;蕴含;n.引起;需要;继承; rehabilitation:n.康复;恢复;善后;平反;复权; accumulating:n.[数]累加;v.积累(accumulate的ing形式); millennia:n.千年期(millennium的复数);一千年;千年庆典;太平盛世;
What you find in the United States is an injury every 20 seconds -- that's one and a half million every year -- stroke every 40 seconds, 在美国每20秒 就是发生一场受伤事件-每年150万次- 每四十秒就有人中风
Alzheimer's disease , every 70 seconds somebody succumbs to that. 每70秒就有人患上老年痴呆症
disease:n.病,[医]疾病;弊病;vt.传染;使…有病; succumbs:vi.屈服;死;被压垮;
All of these represent gaps between potential mind and actual mind. 这些代表着潜在意识 和实际意识间的割裂
represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送; gaps:n.差异,缺口;缝隙(gap的复数形式);v.裂开;使豁裂(gap的第三人称单数形式);
And here are some of the other categories , if you look at the whole planet. 如果你放眼全球 还有些其他类型
The World Health Organization tells us that depression is the number one disease on Earth in terms of years lived with disability. 根据世界卫生组织 就患病时间而言 抑郁症是地球上的头号疾病
Organization:n.组织;机构;体制;团体; depression:n.沮丧;洼地;不景气;忧愁;
We find that the number two source of disability is depression in the age group of 15 to 44. 在15岁到44岁人群中 忧郁症是 第二位致病来源
age group:n.年龄组;年龄段;
Our children are becoming depressed at an alarming rate. 我们的孩子正以惊人的速度 变得抑郁
depressed:adj.沮丧的; v.使抑郁; (depress的过去式和过去分词)
I discovered during my recovery the third leading cause of death amongst teenagers is suicide . 在康复期 我发现青少年第三大死亡原因 是自杀
amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among); suicide:n.自杀;自杀行为;自杀者;adj.自杀的;v.自杀;vi.自杀;
If you look at some of these other items -- concussions . 至于其他的情况还有一个就是脑震荡
items:n.项目;一件商品(或物品);一则,一条(新闻)(item的复数) concussions:n.冲击;震荡;脑震荡;
Half of E.R. admissions from adolescents are for concussions. 急诊室接诊的青少年 半数是由于脑震荡
admissions:n.许可;承认;入会费;入场券(admission的复数形式); adolescents:n.[人类]青少年(adolescent复数);
If I talk about migraine , 40 percent of the population suffer episodic headaches. 如果说道偏头痛 40%的人口 患有阵发性头痛
migraine:n.[内科]偏头痛; episodic:adj.插话式的;
Fifteen percent suffer migraines that wipe them out for days on end. 15%的人口患有偏头痛 令他们苦不堪言
migraines:n.[内科]偏头痛(migraine复数); wipe:v.擦;抹;拭;消除;n.擦;拭;揩;(湿)抹布;
All of this is leading -- computer addiction , just to cover that: the most frequent thing we do is use digital devices . 所有这一切会导致-电脑成瘾 说到这,我们常做的事 就是使用电子设备
addiction:n.瘾;嗜好;入迷; frequent:adj.频繁的;经常发生的;v.常到(某处); digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数);
The average teenager sends 3,300 texts every [month]. 一个普通青少年 每月发送3300条短信
We're talking about a society that is retreating into depression and disassociation when we are potentially confronting the next great catastrophic climate shift. 我们谈论的是当我们 可能遭遇下一个灾难性的气候变化时 整个社会却正在 陷入抑郁和分裂
retreating:v.撤退;离开;离去;后退;退缩;(retreat的现在分词) disassociation:n.分裂;分解;离解作用; potentially:adv.可能地,潜在地; confronting:v.直面;无法回避;降临于;处理;对抗;(confront的现在分词)
So what you'd be wondering, watching the Human Show, is are we going to confront and address the catastrophic climate shift that may be heading our way by growing our consciousness, or are we going to continue to retreat? 你看着《人类世界》的节目会想 我们会不会 通过发展我们的意识 来应对即将到来的 灾难性气候变化 还是我们将(在抑郁中)越陷越深?
And that then might lead you to watch an episode one day of Cedars-Sinai medical center and a consideration of the difference between potential mind and actual mind. 这可能会让你 天天跑一趟 西德斯西奈医院 以及深思潜在意识和实际意识间的差异
episode:n.一段经历;片段,插曲;一集; consideration:n.顾及;报酬;斟酌;仔细考虑;
This is a dense array EEG MRI tracking 156 channels of information. 这是MRI跟踪156频道信息的 脑电图
dense:adj.稠密的;浓厚的;愚钝的; array:n.数组,阵列;排列,列阵;大批,一系列;衣服;v.排列,部署;打扮; tracking:n.追踪,跟踪;v.跟踪;(track的现在分词)
It's not my EEG at Cedars; it's your EEG tonight and last night. 这不是我在西德斯医院的脑电图 这是你今晚和昨晚的脑电图
It's the what our minds do every night to digest the day and to prepare to bridge from the potential mind when we're asleep to the actual mind when we awaken the following morning. 这是我们的大脑每晚 在消化白天的一切 和准备从睡着的潜在意识 转换到次日早晨清醒后的实际意识
digest:n.摘要;文摘;概要;汇编;v.消化;领会;领悟;理解; awaken:v.唤醒;唤起;觉醒;醒来;意识到;
This is how I was when I returned from the hospital after nearly four months. 这是我4个月后 出院的样子
The horseshoe shape you can see on my skull is where they operated and went inside my brain to do the surgeries they needed to do to rescue my life. 你可以看到在我头骨上的马蹄形状 这是他们为了救我 对大脑进行手术的地方
horseshoe:vt.装蹄铁于;n.马蹄铁;U形物; surgeries:n.外科手术(surgery复数); rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救;
But if you look into the eye of consciousness, that single eye you can see, 但如果你看看意识的唯一眼睛
I'm looking down, but let me tell you how I felt at that point. 我在向下看 让我告诉你当时的感受
I didn't feel empty; I felt everything simultaneously . 我没有感到空虚 我实时地感受着一切
I felt empty and full, hot and cold, euphoric and depressed because the brain is the world's first fully functional quantum computer; it can occupy multiple states at the same time . 我感到空和满,热与冷 愉快和抑郁 因为大脑是这世上第一个 全功能的量子大脑 它可以同时多线程运作
euphoric:adj.欣快的;精神愉快的; functional:adj.功能的; quantum:n.量子论;额;美国昆腾公司(世界领先的硬盘生产商); occupy:v.占据,占领;居住;使忙碌; multiple:adj.数量多的;多种多样的;n.倍数; at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
And with all the internal regulators of my brain damaged, 虽然我的大脑内部调控程序受损
I felt everything simultaneously. 我能实时地感受一切
But let's swivel around and look at me frontally . 让我们从正面看看我自己
swivel:n.转环;转椅座架;vt.使旋转;vi.旋转; frontally:前面地;(前)额地;坦率地;
This is now flash-forward to the point in time where I've been discharged by the health system. 现在切换到 我被移除保健系统设备的样子
flash-forward:n.提前叙述未来事件(小说,电影等中的); discharged:v.准许(某人)离开;解雇;释放;排出;(discharge的过去分词和过去式)
Look into those eyes. I'm not able to focus those eyes. 看看那双眼睛 我不能集中它们
I'm not able to follow a line of text in a book. 我读不懂书上的一行字
But the system has moved me on because, as my family started to discover, there is no long-term concept in the health care system. 但是医疗体系已经跟我撇清关系了 因为我的家人发现 医疗保健系统里 没有长期概念
long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; health care:n.卫生保健;
Neurological damage, 10 years of rehab, requires a long-term perspective . 神经损伤,十年康复期 需要以一个长期的视角来对待
Neurological:adj.神经病学的,神经学上的; perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的;
But let's take a look behind my eyes. 但让我们看看眼睛背后的情况
This is a gamma radiation spec scan that uses gamma radiation to map three-dimensional function within the brain. 这是一张伽马线扫描图 通过伽马射线 勾勒出大脑的三位功能区
gamma radiation:n.γ辐射;伽马辐射;γ射线;伽马射线; three-dimensional:adj.三维的;立体的;真实的;
It requires a laboratory to see it in three dimension, but in two dimensions I think you can see the beautiful symmetry and illumination of a normal mind at work. 要看到三维图需要一个实验室才行 但二维的你可以看到 一个正常大脑的 美丽的对称性及其光亮
laboratory:n.实验室,研究室; dimensions:n.规模,大小; symmetry:n.对称(性);整齐,匀称; illumination:n.照明;[光]照度;启发;灯饰(需用复数);阐明;
Here's my brain. 这是我的大脑
That is the consequence of more than a third of the right side of my brain being destroyed by the stroke. 这是中风破坏了右脑的三分之一后的 结果
So my family, as we moved forward and discovered that the health care system had moved us by, had to try to find solutions and answers. 我的家人 当发现医疗保健系统已经与我们不相干的时候 不得不设法寻找解决方案
And during that process -- it took many years -- one of the doctors said that my recovery, my degree of advance, since the amount of head injury I'd suffered, was miraculous . 在这个长期过程中 一个医生说,基于我的脑损伤程度 我的康复过程 是个奇迹
process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; miraculous:adj.不可思议的,奇迹的;
And that was when I started to write a book, because I didn't think it was miraculous. 当时我正动手准备写本书 因为我不认识那是奇迹
I thought there were miraculous elements , but I also didn't think it was right that one should have to struggle and search for answers when this is a pandemic within our society. 当然不能否认有奇迹的因素 我认为 对于一个社会流行问题却要人们苦苦寻找答案 是不对的
elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数) pandemic:adj.(疾病等)全国流行的;普遍的;n.流行性疾病;
So from this experience of my recovery, 所以我的康复经历
I want to share four particular aspects -- 我想从四个方面来与人们分享它-
I call them the four C's of consciousness -- that helped me grow my potential mind back towards the actual mind that I work with every day. 我称之为意识4C- 它们帮助我发展我的潜在意识 直到我每天使用的实际意识
The first C is cognitive training. 第一个是认知训练
Unlike the smashed glass of my car, plasticity of the brain means that there was always a possibility, with treatment , to train the brain so that you can regain and raise your level of awareness and consciousness. 跟那些被砸碎的车玻璃不一样 大脑的可塑性 意味着通过训来治疗的可能性 从而 恢复和提高自觉和意识水平
smashed:adj.大醉;v.打碎;(使)猛烈撞击;(用力)撞开;(smash的过去分词和过去式) plasticity:n.塑性,可塑性;适应性;柔软性; treatment:n.治疗;疗法;对待;处理;讨论; regain:vt.再次得到;重新获得,恢复;返回;n.恢复;收复;收回 awareness:n.意识,认识;明白,知道;
Plasticity means that there was always hope for our reason -- hope for our ability to rebuild that function. 可塑性就是理智的希望 永远存在- 是我们重建功能的希望
Indeed, the mind can redefine itself, and this is demonstrated by two specialists called Hagen and Silva back in the 1970's. 的确,意识能够重新定义自身 70年的哈根和西瓦两位专家 就证明了
redefine:vt.重新定义; demonstrated:v.证明;证实;论证;说明;表达;(demonstrate的过去分词和过去式) Silva:n.森林里的树木;森林志(等于sylva);
The global perspective is that up to 30 percent of children in school have learning weaknesses that are not self-correcting , but with appropriate treatment, 在全球 高达百分之三十的在学儿童 有无法自我纠正的 学习能力缺陷 但通过适当治疗
self-correcting:adj.自动修正的,自动调整的; appropriate:adj.适当的;恰当的;v.占用,拨出;
they can be screened for and detected and corrected and avoid their academic failure. 可以对他们进行筛选,检查和纠正 以避免学业的失败
detected:v.发现;查明;侦察出;(detect的过去分词和过去式) academic:adj.学术的;理论的;学院的;n.大学生,大学教师;学者;
But what I discovered is it's almost impossible to find anyone who provides that treatment or care. 但我发现几乎没有人 提供这样的治疗或关注
Here's what my neuropsychologist provided for me when I actually found somebody who could apply it. 这是我的神经学家给我的资料 如果我能找到人实际使用它
neuropsychologist:神经心理学家; provided:conj.假如; v.提供; (provide的过去分词和过去式) apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求;
I'm not a doctor, so I'm not going to talk about the various subtests. 我不是医生,就不谈各种具体测试了
Let's just talk about full-scale I.Q. 只谈谈全量表智商
Full-scale I.Q. is the mental processing -- how fast you can acquire information, retain it and retrieve it -- that is essential for success in life today. 全量表智商用于测试 你如何快速提取 保留和检索信息的过程 这对今天生活中的成功是很重要的
mental:adj.精神的;脑力的;疯的;n.精神病患者; processing:v.加工;处理;审核;数据处理;v.列队行进;缓缓前进;(process的现在分词) acquire:v.获得;取得;学到;捕获; retain:v.保留;保持;持有;继续拥有; retrieve:v.取回;索回;检索数据;挽回;找回;n.恢复;
And you can see here there are three columns . 你可以看到有三栏
Untestable -- that's when I'm in my coma. 不可测试的-当时我正处于昏迷状态
And then I creep up to the point that I get a score of 79, which is just below average. 然后我慢慢恢复到79分的水平 仅仅低于平均水平
In the health care system, if you touch average, you're done. 在医疗保健系统中,你达到了平均就完事了
That's when I was discharged from the system. 那就是我出院时的水平
What does average I.Q. really mean? 平均I.Q.究竟意味着什么?
It meant that when I was given two and a half hours to take a test that anyone here would take in 50 minutes, 意味着我要用两个半小时 来完成这里任何一个人50分钟 就能完成的测试
I might score an F. 可能得到的还是F
This is a very, very low level in order to be kicked out of the health care system. 这是个非常低的水平 当医院就此撒手不管了
Then I underwent cognitive training. 所以接着我接受了认知训练
And let me show you what happened to the right-hand column when I did my cognitive training over a period of time. 做了一段时间的认知训练后 看看右侧烂发生了什么变化
This is not supposed to occur . 不应该是这样
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在;
I.Q. is supposed to stabilize and solidify at the age of eight. I.Q.应该稳定和固定在了 八岁的水平
stabilize:vt.使稳固,使安定;vi.稳定,安定; solidify:vt.团结;凝固;vi.团结;凝固;
Now the Journal of the National Medical Association gave my memoir a full clinical review, which is very unusual. 全美医学协会杂志 给我的回忆录做了一个完整的临床检查 这是很罕见的
Journal:n.杂志;日记;日志;(用于报纸名)…报; memoir:n.回忆录;研究报告;自传;实录; clinical:adj.临床的;诊所的;
I'm not a doctor. I have no medical background whatsoever . 我不是医生,没有医学背景
But they felt the evidences that there was important, valuable information in the book, and they commented about it when they gave the full peer review to it. 但他们认为书中的 信息是重要的有价值的 并在同行检阅后评价了它
evidences:n.凭证(evidence复数形式);v.使明显;证实(evidence的第三人称单数形式); valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品; peer review:n.各领域专家互相评阅;同行评审;同业监督小组;同业互查组织;
But they asked one question. They said, "Is this repeatable ?" 但他们问了一个问题:“这个个例能被复制吗?”
That was a fair question because my memoir was simply how I found solutions that worked for me. 这是个合理的问题 因为我的回忆录是对我有效的方案
The answer is yes, and for the first time, it's my pleasure to be able to share two examples. 答案是肯定的 这是头一次 跟大家分享这两个例子
Here's somebody, what they did as they went through cognitive training at ages seven and 11. 这个人在他7岁和11岁时接受过 认知训练
And here's another person in, call it, high school and college. 另外一个人是在高中和大学接受的
And this person is particularly interesting. 这个人很有意思
I won't go into the intrascatter that's in the subtests, but they still had a neurologic issue . 我没打算纠缠于具体测试 不过他们都有神经性问题
But that person could be identified as having a learning disability . 那个人被诊断有 学习障碍
identified:v.确认;认出;找到;发现;说明身份;(identify的过去式和过去分词) learning disability:n.学习无能(先天性或由疾病、受伤引起);
And with accommodation , they went on to college and had a full life in terms of their opportunities. 但他们在帮助下进了大学 他们的生活充满机遇
Second aspect: 第二方面:(颅颌紊乱)
I still had crushing migraine headaches. 我仍然有很剧烈的偏头痛
Two elements that worked for me here are -- the first is 90 percent, I learned, of head and neck pain is through muscular-skeletal imbalance . 我了解到我身上的两个原因 第一百分之九十是由肌肉和骨骼不吻合 引起的头部和颈部疼痛
The craniomandibular system is critical to that. 颅骨下颌骨系统是疼痛的重要原因
And when I underwent it and found solutions, this is the interrelationship between the TMJ and the teeth. 当我经受疼痛发现了解决方案 这是牙齿和颞颌关节的相关位置
Up to 30 percent of the population have a disorder , disease or dysfunction in the jaw that affects the entire body. 高达百分之三十的人口 由于下巴的紊乱,疾病或功能障碍 而影响健康
disorder:n.混乱;骚乱;vt.使失调;扰乱; dysfunction:n.功能紊乱;机能障碍;官能不良;vi.功能失调;出现机能障碍;垮掉;
I was fortunate to find a dentist who applied this entire universe of technology you're about to see to establish that if he repositioned my jaw, the headaches pretty much resolved , but that then my teeth weren't in the right place. 我很幸运找到了一个牙医 他用上了你能看到的 所有技术 来做下颚重建 头痛的麻烦解决了 但我的牙位置不正
fortunate:adj.幸运的;交好运的;吉利的; applied:adj.应用的;实用的;v.应用;使用;申请,请求;(apply的过去分词和过去式) technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; establish:v.创立;设立;建立;确立;使立足;查实; repositioned:v.使复位;改变…的位置;使变换阵地;n.复位;贮藏;放回; resolved:adj.下定决心; v.解决; (resolve的过去分词和过去式)
He then held my jaw in the right position while orthodontically he put my teeth into correct alignment . 然后他把我的下巴固定到正确位置 重新矫正了牙的位置
So my teeth actually hold my jaw in the correct position. 所以,我的牙居然固定我的下巴的正确位置上
This affected my entire body. 这影响了我整个身体
If that sounds like a very, very strange thing to say and rather a bold statement -- 你一定觉得这是个 奇怪而大胆的说法-
bold:adj.大胆的,英勇的;黑体的;厚颜无耻的;险峻的; statement:n.声明;陈述,叙述;报表,清单;
How can the jaw affect the entire body? -- let me simply point out to you, if I ask you tomorrow to put one grain of sand between your teeth and go for a nice long walk, how far would you last before you had to remove that grain of sand? 下颚能影响整个身体? 简而言之地说 如果我叫你明天 把一粒沙子放在你牙齿间 然后去悠闲地散步 你會可以走多遠 你能走多远?
point out to:指出;使注意;
That tiny misalignment . 就是这么小的偏差
Bear in mind , there are no nerves in the teeth. 请记住,牙齿里并没有神经
Bear in mind:vi.记住;考虑到; nerves:n.神经;神经紧张;勇气;v.鼓足勇气;振作精神;(nerve的第三人称单数和复数)
That's why the same between the before and after that this shows, it's hard to see the difference. 这就是为什么这张图片上看不出前后 有什么什么差别
Now just trying putting a few grains of sand between your teeth and see the difference it makes. 现在视着把粒沙子放进牙齿间 看看差别
I still had migraine headaches. 我仍然有偏头痛
The next issue that resolved was that, if 90 percent of head and neck pain is caused by imbalance, the other 10 percent, largely -- if you set aside aneurysms , brain cancer and hormonal issues -- is the circulation . 接下来解决的问题是 如果百分之九十的头部和颈部头痛 是失衡造成 剩下的百分之十大部分就是- 不考虑动脉瘤,脑肿瘤 和激素问题的话- 就是循环
largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地; aneurysms:n.[内科]动脉瘤(aneurysm的复数形式); cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤; hormonal:adj.荷尔蒙的,激素的; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数) circulation:n.流通,传播;循环;发行量;
Imagine the blood flowing through your body -- 试想一下,血液流经身体-
I was told at UCLA Medical Center -- as one sealed system. 在加州大学洛杉矶分校医学中心我获知- 它是一个封闭的系统
There's a big pipe with the blood flowing through it, and around that pipe are the nerves drawing their nutrient supply from the blood. 有一个血液流动的大管道 周围是神经 从血液里吸取养分
That's basically it. 基本就是如此
If you press on a hose pipe in a sealed system, it bulges someplace else. 如果在一个封闭系统的软管上摁某处 另一个地方就会鼓起
hose:n.塑料管;(旧时的)男式紧身裤;v.用软管输水冲洗(或浇水); bulges:n.凸起;膨胀(bulge的复数);v.凸出;膨胀(bulge的第三人称单数形式);
If that some place else where it bulges is inside the biggest nerve in your body, your brain, you get a vascular migraine. 如果鼓起的地方 是在你身体里最大的神经上,大脑上 那就是血管偏头痛
This is a level of pain that's only known to other people who suffer vascular migraines. 这种痛苦的程度 只有其他身患血管偏头痛的人才知道
Using this technology, this is mapping in three dimensions. 利用这种 三维投射技术
This is an MRI MRA MRV, a volumetric MRI. 这是磁共振成像, 磁共振血管摄影, MRV, 一個有体积的磁共振成像
Using this technology, the specialists at UCLA Medical Center were able to identify where that compression in the hose pipe was occurring . 利用这种技术,加州大学洛杉矶分校医学中心的专家 能找到 这个软管被压的位置
identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: compression:n.压缩,浓缩;压榨,压迫; occurring:n.事件;事故;事变;
A vascular surgeon removed most of the first rib on both sides of my body. 一名血管外科医生移除了两侧第一根肋骨的大部分
And in the following months and years, 在接下来的几个月和几年里
I felt the neurological flow of life itself returning. 我感受到神经里流淌的生命活力重新回来了
Communication, the next C. This is critical. 下一个C是交流 这个至关重要
All consciousness is about communication. 所有的意识都是为了沟通
And here, by great fortune , one of my father's clients had a husband who worked at the Alfred Mann Foundation for Scientific Research. 很幸运 我父亲一个客户的 丈夫曾在 阿尔夫雷德?曼恩基金的研究所工作
fortune:n.财富;命运;运气;v.给予财富,偶然发生 clients:n.委托人;当事人;客户机;(client的复数) Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; Scientific:adj.科学的,系统的;
Alfred Mann is a brilliant physicist and innovator who's fascinated with bridging gaps in consciousness, whether to restore hearing to the deaf, vision to the blind or movement to the paralyzed . 阿尔夫雷德?曼恩是一位杰出的物理学家和创新者 着迷于恢复意识 恢复失聪者的听力和失明者的视力 或者瘫痪的人恢复运动能力
physicist:n.物理学家;物理学研究者; innovator:n.改革者,创新者; restore:v.恢复;修复;恢复(某种情况或感受);使复原; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见; paralyzed:adj.瘫痪的;麻痹的;v.使麻痹;使无力;使失去勇气(paralyze的过去分词);
And I'm just going to give you an example today of movement to the paralyzed. 今天我讲的例子 是瘫痪者康复的例子
I've brought with me, from Southern California, the FM device. 我从南加利福尼亚带来的 FM设备
This is it being held in the hand. 这是拿在手上的样子
It weighs less than a gram. 它的重量不到一克
So two of them implanted in the body would weigh less than a dime. 因此,两个植入体内的设备还不到一毛钱的重量
Five of them would still weigh less than a rupee coin. 五个的重量也 不及一个卢比硬币
Where does it go inside the body? 那它装在身体哪里?
It has been simulated and tested to endure in the body corrosion-free for over 80 years. 通过模拟和测试,它可在体内不受腐蚀地停留 超过80年
simulated:adj.假装的; v.假装; (simulate的过去式和过去分词) endure:v.忍受;忍耐;持续;持久;
So it goes in and it stays there. 因此它进入人体后就留下來
Here are the implantation sites . 这是植入点
implantation:n.移植;灌输;鼓吹; sites:n.网站(site的复数);遗址,举办地点;v.使...位于(site的单三形式);
The concept that they're working towards -- and they have working prototypes -- is that we placed it throughout the motor points of the body where they're needed. 他们正在努力开发的原型- 就是将其置于人体内 需要的运动关节点
prototypes:n.原型;技术原型;雏型; throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
The main unit will then go inside the brain. 主单位则植入大脑
An FM device in the cortex of the brain, the motor cortex, will send signals in real time to the motor points in the relevant muscles so that the person will be able to move their arm, let's say, in real time, if they've lost control of their arm. 一个FM装置在大脑皮层,运动皮质 向相关肌肉上的运动点 发送实时信号 这样即使一个人失去控制手臂的能力,他也能实时地 移动手臂
cortex:n.[解剖]皮质;树皮;果皮; real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的; relevant:adj.相关的;切题的;中肯的;有重大关系的;有意义的,目的明确的; muscles:n.肌肉(muscle的复数);
And other FM devices implanted in fingertips , on contacting a surface, will send a message back to the sensory cortex of the brain, so that the person feels a sense of touch. 而其他FM装置植入指尖 在接触一个表面的时候 就会将信息传回大脑皮层 从而人能感觉到触摸
fingertips:n.指尖;(fingertip的复数) contacting:v.联系,联络(contact的现在分词) sensory:adj.感觉的;知觉的;传递感觉的;
Is this science fiction ? No, because I'm wearing the first application of this technology. 这是科幻小说吗? 不是的 因为我正穿着第一套应用此科技的装置
science fiction:科幻小说; application:n.应用;申请;应用程序;敷用;
I don't have the ability to control my left foot. 我没有控制左脚的能力
A radio device is controlling every step I take, and a sensor picks up my foot for me every time I walk. 一个无限装置控制着我的每一步 每次我抬脚 都是感应器提起了它
And in closing, I want to share the personal reason why this meant so much to me and changed the direction of my life. 最后我想分享 这一切对我至关重要 并改变我人生方向的个人理由
In my coma, one of the presences I sensed was someone I felt was a protector . 在我处于昏迷状态时,我感觉到有 一个保护者的存在
presences:n.存在(presence的复数形式);在场; protector:n.保护器;保护者;保护装置;防御者;
And when I came out of my coma, I recognized my family, but I didn't remember my own past. 当我从昏迷中醒来,我认出我的家人 但关于我的过去我什么都不记得了
Gradually , I remembered the protector was my wife. 渐渐得我想起这个保护者是我的妻子
And I whispered the good news through my broken jaw, which was wired shut, to my night nurse. 我小声告诉我的夜班护士这个好消息 虽然我的下巴破裂 还缝着线
And the following morning, my mother came to explain that I'd not always been in this bed, in this room, that I'd been working in film and television and that I had been in a crash and that, yes, I was married, but Marcy had been killed instantly in the crash. 第二天早上,我母亲解释道 我并不是一直躺在这张床上这个屋子里 直到事故前我一直从事在 电视电影行业 而且没错 我结过婚 但马西在事故当场就死亡了
And during my time in coma, she had been laid to rest in her hometown of Phoenix . 而在我昏迷期间 她已在家乡凤凰城入土为安
Now in the dark years that followed, I had to work out what remained for me if everything that made today special was gone. 在之後的這些黑暗的幾年中,我不得不思考 如果一切令今日特别的东西都不在那么我还有什么
And as I discovered these threats to consciousness and how they are surrounding the world and enveloping the lives of more and more people every day, 当我发现这些对意识的威胁 以及它们在全世界的普遍存在 并在每天包围着越来越多的人
I discovered what truly remained. 我发现了真正存在的东西
I believe that we can overcome the threats to our consciousness, that the Human Show can stay on the air for millennia to come. 我相信我们能克服意识的威胁 我们的《人类世界》 可以在未来千年里继续上映
overcome:vt.克服;胜过;vi.克服;得胜; on the air:在广播,广播中;
I believe that we can all rise and shine . 我相信我们可以如星星一般闪亮耀眼
rise and shine:太阳都很高了(该起床了);
Thank you very much. 非常感谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Lakshmi Pratury: Just stay for a second. Just stay here for a second. 拉什米?普拉特里:请留步
(Applause) (掌声)
You know, when I heard Simon's -- please sit down; I just want to talk to him for a second -- when I read his book, I went to LA to meet him. 你们知道吗 当我听到西蒙的(故事)- 请坐 我就想跟他谈谈- 当我读了他的书以后我去了洛杉矶见他
And so I was sitting in this restaurant, waiting for a man to come by who obviously would have some difficulty ... 当时我坐在一家餐厅里 等一个人来到 我想他肯定有些许不便
I don't know what I had in my mind. 我不知道会看到什么
And he was walking around. 而他正在到处走动
I didn't expect that person that I was going to meet to be him. 我没想到我要见的人 就是他
And then we met and we talked, and I'm like, he doesn't look like somebody who was built out of nothing. 然后我们聊天 我想,他一点都不像 一个起死回生的病人
And then I was amazed at what role technology played in your recovery. 然后我很惊讶 科技为你的康复 起的作用
And we have his book outside in the bookshop. 外面书店 有他的书
The thing that amazed me is the painstaking detail with which he has written every hospital he has been to, every treatment he got, every near-miss he had, and how accidentally he stumbled upon innovations . 最令我惊讶的是 书中的那些细节 他记录下 去过的每一家医院 做过的每一个治疗 每一个功败垂成的结果 以及他无意中发现的创新
painstaking:adj.艰苦的;勤勉的;小心的;n.辛苦;勤勉; near-miss:n.靠近弹; accidentally:adv.意外地:偶然,偶然地; stumbled:v.绊脚;跌跌撞撞地走;蹒跚而行;(stumble的过去分词和过去式) innovations:n.创新(innovation的复数);改革;
So I think this one detail went past people really quick. 我觉得大家可能 容易错过这个细节
Tell a little bit about what you're wearing on your leg. 说说你穿在腿上的东西吧
Simon Lewis: I knew when I was timing this that there wouldn't be time for me to do anything about -- 西蒙?路易斯:我知道演讲的时候 没有时间将这个了-
Well this is it. This is the control unit. 这个就是控制装置
And this records every single step I've taken for, ooh, five or six years now. 这个纪录我走的每一步 大概已经五六年了
And if I do this, probably the mic won't hear it. 如果我这么做麦克风可能收不到音
That little chirp followed by two chirps is now switched on . 一声后两声响就是开关打开了
chirps:n.啾啾; switched on:开着(开关)的;
When I press it again, it'll chirp three times, and that'll mean that it's armed and ready to go. 再按一次,会响三下 也就是准备好了可是开始了
And that's my friend. I mean, I charge it every night. 它是我的朋友,每晚要充电
And it works. It works. 它很好用
And what I would love to add because I didn't have time ... 我很像补充点刚刚没来得及讲的
What does it do? Well actually, I'll show you down here. 它是做什么的?你们可以看到这儿
This down here, if the camera can see that, that is a small antenna . 这儿 如果摄像机能拍到的话 这是个小天线
Underneath my heel , there is a sensor that detects when my foot leaves the ground -- what's called the heel lift. 我脚跟下是个传感器 能监测到我的脚离开地面- 就是脚跟抬起
Underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的; heel:n.脚后跟;足跟;卑鄙的家伙;v.给(鞋等)修理后跟;倾侧;倾斜 detects:发现;
This thing blinks all the time; I'll leave it out, so you might be able to see it. 这个东西在闪 我拿出来这样你们能看见
But this is blinking all the time. It's sending signals in real time. 这个会一直闪烁 它在发送实时信号
And if you walk faster, if I walk faster, it detects what's called the time interval , which is the interval between each heel lift. 如果我走得快 它检测到的时间间隔 就是每次脚跟抬起的间隔
And it accelerates the amount and level of the stimulation . 就会加快刺激的数量和水平
accelerates:vt.使…加快;使…增速;vi.加速;促进;增加; stimulation:n.刺激;激励,鼓舞;
The other things they've worked on -- I didn't have time to say this in my talk -- is they've restored functional hearing to thousands of deaf people. 他们做过其他工作-我没有时间谈了- 就是他们帮助了成千上万个 失聪人士
I could tell you the story: this was going to be an abandoned technology, but Alfred Mann met the doctor who was going to retire, 我可以告诉你们:这本来是个将被废弃的技术 阿尔夫雷德?曼恩碰到了这位即将退休的医生
[Dr. Schindler.] 辛德勒医生
And he was going to retire -- all the technology was going to be lost, because not a single medical manufacturer would take it on because it was a small issue. 他即将退休-所有的技术都将丢失 没有一个医疗制造商愿意接手 因为这是个小市场
But there's millions of deaf people in the world, and the Cochlear implant has given hearing to thousands of deaf people now. 但世界上有上百万的失聪人士 现在人工耳蜗帮助了他们恢复听力
It works. 很有用
And the other thing is they're working on artificial retinas for the blind. 他们正在努力为失明人士开发人工视网膜
artificial:adj.人造的;仿造的;虚伪的;非原产地的;武断的; retinas:n.[解剖]视网膜;
And this, this is the implantable generation. 这是一个可植入的世代
Because what I didn't say in my talk is this is actually exoskeletal. 因为我还没在演讲中提到 植入是在骨骼外
I should clarify that. 我要澄清这点
Because the first generation is exoskeletal, it's wrapped around the leg, around the affected limb . 第一代是骨骼外植入 所以缠在 受用肢体上
first generation:adj.出生在美国的;原件第一代; wrapped:adj.极高兴的;十分满意的;v.用…包裹;用…缠绕;(wrap的过去分词和过去式) limb:n.肢,臂;分支;枝干;v.切断…的手足;从…上截下树枝;
I must tell you, they're an amazing -- there's a hundred people who work in that building -- engineers, scientists, and other team members -- all the time. 但我得说,他们很厉害 那个楼里有上百人工作- 工程师,科学家 和其他团队成员-一直在工作
Alfred Mann has set up this foundation to advance this research because he saw there's no way venture capital would come in for something like this. 阿尔夫雷德?曼恩建立了这个基金 一促进该研究 因为他看到 没有人愿意在这个项目上注入投资
venture capital:风险投资; come in for:受到;接受;得到;
The audience is too small. 目标人群太小了
You'd think, there's plenty of paralyzed people in the world, but the audience is too small, and the amount of research, the time it takes, the FDA clearances , the payback time is too long for V.C. to be interested. 你想说,世上有很多瘫痪的人 但是目标人群太小 而大量的研究和时间 FDA 的许可证 投资回报期太长 风投者没有兴趣
So he saw a need and he stepped in. 因此他看到了他插手此事的必要
He's a very, very remarkable man. 他是一个了不起的人
He's done a lot of very cutting-edge science . 研发了很多尖端技术
cutting-edge science:尖端科学;
LP: So when you get a chance, spend some time with Simon. 拉什米?普拉特里:如果你有机会,请跟西蒙谈谈
Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)