

(Music) (音乐)
I went down to St. James Infirmary 我走向 St. James 医院
To see my baby there 去看望我的宝贝
She was lying on a long wooden table 她躺在一张长长的木桌上
So cold, so still, so fair 如此的冰冷 安静 惨白
I went up to see the doctor "She's very low," he said 我上前去找医生 “她命不久矣”,他说
I went back to see my baby 我赶忙回去看我的宝贝
Good God she's lying there dead 苍天呐 她躺在那里没有了气息
I went down to old Joe's bar room 我走向老 Joe
On the corner of the square 在广场角落的酒吧
They were serving drinks as per usual 他们像往常一样卖着酒
And the usual crowd was there 那里也聚着往常的人
To my left stood Old Joe McKennedy 老 Joe McKennedy 站在我的左边
His eyes were bloodshot red 他的双眼因充血而发红
He turned to the crowd around him 他转向环绕在身边的人群
And these are the words he said "Let her go, let her go, God bless her 说出了这么一番话 让她走吧 让她走吧 上帝保佑她
Wherever she may be 无论身处何方
She can search this whole wide world all over 她都能在广阔天地中四处探寻
But she'll never find another man like me 但她永远不会再遇到如我一般的男人
She can search this whole wide world all over 她在广阔天地中四处探寻
And she'll never find another man like me 但她永远不会 再遇到 如我一般的男人
When I die, please God, bury me 当我死去 上帝啊 请您用
In my ten-dollar Stetson hat 我十元的 Stetson 帽子埋葬我
Put a twenty-dollar gold piece on my watch chain 在我的表链上放一枚二十元的金币
So my friends know I died standing pat 让我的朋友知道我死时仍如初见
pat:v.合适; n.拍打; adj.过于简易的; v.(喜爱地)轻拍;
Get six gamblers to carry my coffin 让六个赌徒去抬我的棺材
gamblers:n.赌徒;投机者(gambler的复数); coffin:n.棺材;断送;
And six choir girls to sing me a song 六个唱诗班的女孩为我唱首歌
Stick a jazz band on my hearse wagon 让爵士乐队与我的灵车相随
band:n.带;波段;频带;箍;v.加彩条(或嵌条等);(将价格、收入等)划分档次; hearse:n.灵车;棺材; wagon:n.(铁路)货车车厢; v.用运货马车[货车,手推车等]运送;
To raise hell as I go along 我前行时就如天罡星下凡
Now that's the end of my story 现在我的故事接近了尾声
Let's have another round of booze 让我们开始新一轮的痛饮
And if anyone should ask you 倘若有人问起你
Just tell them I got the St. James Infirmary blues 就告诉他们 我染上了 St. James 医院的 忧愁
(Applause) (掌声)