

Leona 'Has the jury reached a verdict upon which all of you are agreed?' 'Yes.' 陪审团是否已就判决结果 达成一致 是的
jury:n.[法]陪审团;评判委员会;adj.应急的; verdict:n.结论;裁定;
On count one of the indictment , do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty of murder? 关于谋杀的指控 被告人是否有罪
indictment:n.起诉书;控告; defendant:adj.[法律]被告的;辩护的;n.[法律]被告人;被告方; guilty:adj.有罪的;内疚的;
Not guilty. 无罪
He's part-heard. 他的案子处于部分聆讯阶段
Brian, what can I do? 布莱恩 我能做什么
What? Hang on, Brian. 什么 等一下 布莱恩
Of course I've got somebody else for you. 我当然会安排别人给你
Hang on for a second, will you, Brian? 稍等一下 好吗 布莱恩
Guess what, Jake? 你猜怎么样 杰克
Hello, Miss. - My murder? 你好 小姐 -我手上那宗谋杀案
I better... 我最好先...
Sorry. Hello? 不好意思 喂
Jake, Jake, has she finished yet? 杰克 杰克 她那案子结了吗
Has your trial finished, Miss? - Yes. 小姐 审讯结束了吗 -结束了
'Yes.' - Good. Brian? 结了 -好的 布莱恩
Thanks, Miss. Cheers. Sorry, Miss. 多谢您 麻烦您 小姐
Well, you know what they say, Brian. 布莱恩 这行有个老理
First rule of clerking. 书记官的第一准则
Always put the girls in with the psychopaths . 让女人去对付精神变态
All right. I'll call you back. 那行 我回头再打给你
Harry, how are you? Yeah, listen, I need a ginormous favour . 哈利 你好啊 是 求你帮我个大忙
ginormous:adj.极大的;甭提有多大的; favour:n.支持;恩惠;偏爱;赞同;v.有利于;偏袒;较喜欢;选择;
Hello, Martha. 玛莎 你来啦
Spike drinks, back to my hotel room, she's comatosed, in I pop. 我往酒里放了药 把人带回了酒店住处 她昏迷不醒 我乘虚而入
I've lost my marriage. I lose my job because not only am I a rapist , but I'm also a police officer . 我的婚姻毁了 工作也没了 因为我是个警察 却犯了强奸罪
rapist:n.强奸犯;强奸者; police officer:n.警官;警察;警务人员;
So, what do you think? 你们觉得怎么样
What do I get? - Eight? 能判几年 -八年
On a fight? - Ten? 我可是据理力争啊 -十年
Four. - Four? 四年 -四年
Brilliant. - Brilliant. 厉害 -厉害
In court today, Marth? 你今天出庭了吗 玛莎
Yes. - Trial? 对 -审讯吗
Anything interesting? 有什么好玩的吗
Hi, Mum. It's me. 妈妈 是我
Um, did I tell you about the murder trial I was doing? 我有没有跟你说过 我手头的那宗谋杀案
Anyway, doesn't matter. Bye, Mum. 没什么 没事了 再见 妈妈
Tomorrow. 明天的
What? 是什么
Aggravated burglary . 严重入室盗窃罪
Aggravated:adj.(罪行)严重的,加重的; v.使严重; (aggravate的过去式和过去分词) burglary:n.盗窃,夜盗;盗窃行为;v.入室行窃;
What's the aggravated bit? - Torture . 严重情节是什么 -虐待
Of an old-age pensioner . 对方是个领抚恤金的退休老人
old-age:adj.老年的; pensioner:n.领养老金者;领取抚恤金者;
Tied him up and nearly punched his head off. 人被绑着 差点被打爆了头
Oh, and don't tell me. 我猜是因为
You think a woman would go down better with a jury. 你觉得女律师更讨陪审团的欢心
Got nothing to do with me. Solicitor's asked for you. 跟我可没关系 是事务律师点名让你上
And what's he like? 那人怎么样