

*Don't you wanna go down* *你不想嗨起来吗*
*Don't you wanna go down* *你不想嗨起来吗*
*Don't you wanna go down* *你不想嗨起来吗*
Somebody make some motherfucking noise in here! 大家都给我他妈地大声喊出来
Fuck these people. 这帮傻逼
Man, this place is unbelievable . 这地方太棒了
Fucking Goolybib, man. 这就是顾利拜 伙计
Those guys build a mediocre piece of software, that might be worth something someday, and now they live here. 这帮人不过开发出了一套破软件 还不知道能值几个钱 现在居然能住在这里
There's money flying all over Silicon Valley but none of it ever seems to hit us. 硅谷里美元满天飞 却一张都没砸到我们头上
Silicon Valley:n.硅谷(美国加利福尼亚州一处计算机和电子公司聚集地,有时用以指任何计算机公司聚集地);
What the hell are you eating? 你吃的是什么
Liquid shrimp . It's 200 dollars a quart . 虾汁 一夸脱卖两百美元
shrimp:n.虾;小虾;矮小的人;vi.捕虾;adj.有虾的;虾制的; quart:n.夸脱(容量单位);一夸脱的容器;
Wylie Dufresne made it. 怀利.迪弗雷纳[名厨]做的
How does it taste? 味道如何
Like how I would imagine cum tastes. 我想象中精液大概就是这个味道
You guys taking it all in? 你们感受到了没
Because this is what it looks like when Google acquires your company for over 200 million dollars. 这就是谷歌出价两亿美元 购买你公司后的样子
Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎; acquires:取得;获得;
Look, Dustin Moskovitz. 那是达斯汀.莫斯科维茨
Elon Musk . Eric Schmidt. 埃隆.马斯克 埃里克.施密特
Elon:n.埃伦(可溶性显影剂粉末); Musk:n.麝香;麝香鹿;麝香香味;
Whatever the fuck the guy's name is who created Photrio. 还有那个创办 相簿 的 鬼知道他叫什么
I mean, Kid Rock is the poorest person here. 摇滚小子是这里最穷的
Apart from you guys. 除了我们以外
OK, there's 40 billion dollars of net worth, walking around this party. 这个派对里走动的人 身价净值总和有四百亿美元
And you guys are standing around drinking shrimp and talking about what cum tastes like. 而你们还在这儿无所事事 喝虾汁 讨论精液什么味道
Yeah, I heard that. 对 我听到了
You guys live in my incubator you've got to network. That's why I brought you here. 你们这些住我孵化器里的家伙 需要发展人脉 所以我才带你们来
I got us in here. 是我带你们来的
Javeed over there is my ex-room-mate. 那边的贾维德是我的前室友
Yeah, but I drove. 是啊 但是我开的车
Eric Schmidt, Erlich Bachman. 埃里克.施密特 我是埃利希.巴赫曼
It's amazing how the men and women at these things always separate like this. 这些派对上男女都像这样分开 真是很奇妙
Yeah, every party in Silicon Valley ends up like a Hasidic wedding. 是啊 硅谷的每个派对 都像是犹太教婚礼
Not even the Goolybib guys were talking to girls. 连顾利拜的那些人都没去跟女人搭讪
They don't have to, Big Head. 他们不需要 大头
This house talks to girls. 这栋房子就足以搭讪了
I got seven words for you. 我有七个词送给你们[英文是七个单词]
I love 我爱
Goolybib's integrated- multi-platform-functionality! 顾利拜的 多平台功能整合体验
But seriously, you know, a few days ago, when we were sitting down with Barak Obama, 说真的 几天前 我们和贝拉克.奥巴马坐在一起
I turned to these guys and said, "OK, you know, we're making a lot of money. 我转过身跟他们说 你们知道 我们正大把赚钱
And yes, we're disrupting digital media . 确实 我们扰乱了数字媒体业
disrupting:v.扰乱;使中断;打乱;(disrupt的现在分词) digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉;
But most importantly we're making the world a better place. 但最重要的是 我们正让这世界变得更好