

Once upon a time ,a long time ago, a king and queen had a beautiful daughter named Fiona. 很久很久以前 有位国王和王后 他们有个美丽的女儿 菲奥娜
Once upon a time:从前(常用于故事的开头)
But she was possessed by a terrible curse . 但是她中了一个可怕的诅咒
possessed:adj.着了魔;v.有;拥有;具有(特质);控制;(possess的过去分词和过去式) curse:n.诅咒;咒骂;v.诅咒;咒骂;
By day,a lovely princess .By night,a hideous ogre . 白天还是美丽可人的公主 夜幕降临后就变成可怕的怪物
princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人; hideous:adj.可怕的;丑恶的; ogre:n.食人魔鬼,怪物(童话等中的);令人害怕的人;
Only true love's kiss could lift her curse. 只有真爱之吻才能解除诅咒
So Fiona waited in a tower,guarded by a dragon ,until the day when her true love would arrive. 所以菲奥娜在一个被火龙看守着的高塔上等啊等 等待着真爱降临的那一天
But as the days turned into years, the King and Queen were forced to resort to more desperate measures. 可是日复一日 年复一年 国王和王后只得孤注一掷
resort:n.度假胜地;诉诸;采取;旅游胜地;v.去;凭藉; desperate:adj.不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的;
Whoa,there. 到了
I don't know about this,Lillian. 我不知道该不该这么做 莉莉安
Fairy Godmother said only true love's kiss could break Fiona's curse. 仙女教母说只有真爱之吻 才能打破菲奥娜的诅咒
Fairy Godmother:n.恩人;救星;
I don't trust that woman,Harold.This may be our last hope. 我不信任那女人 哈罗德 这也许是我们最后的希望了
Besides ,he does come highly recommended by King Midas. 而且麦德斯国王也确实极力推荐他
Besides:adv.此外;而且;prep.除…之外; highly:adv.高度地;非常;非常赞许地; recommended:v.推荐;举荐;介绍;劝告;建议;(recommend的过去分词和过去式)
But to put our daughter's life in the hands of this...person? 但要把我们女儿的生活交给这个人?
in the hands of:由…掌握;在…掌握中;
He's devious .He's deceitful .He's,he's... 他很狡猾 不诚实 而且他...
devious:adj.偏僻的;弯曲的;不光明正大的; deceitful:adj.欺骗的;欺诈的;谎言的;虚伪的;
Rumpelstiltskin! 烂皮儿踩高跷皮儿!
Mrs. Highness . 王后殿下
How do you do? 你...你好
Down,Fifi.Get down! 下去 飞飞 下去
As you can see ,everything's in order. 正如你们所见 一切尽在掌握
As you can see:正如你所看到的;你是知道的;
So you'll put an end to our daughter's curse? 你真的可以结束我们女儿的诅咒?
put an end to:结束;终止;
And,in return,you sign the kingdom of Far Far Away over to me. 作为回报 你要把远得要命王国转让给我
Lillian,this is madness! - What choice do we have? 莉莉安 这简直是疯了 - 我们还有别的选择吗
Fiona has been locked away in that tower far too long. 菲奥娜已经被锁在塔里太久了
It's not like she's getting any younger. 她的青春一去便不再复返
But to sign over our entire kingdom? 但拱手让出我们整个王国?
Well,if your kingdom's worth more to you than your daughter... 好吧 如果你的王国对你来说 比你的女儿更重要
Nothing is worth more to us than our daughter. 没有什么比我们的女儿更重要
Jump,Fifi,jump! 跳上来 飞飞 跳
Just sign it and all your problems will disappear . 只要签个字 一切问题都会化为乌有
Your Highness!The Princess!She's been saved! 陛下 公主 被救出来了!
Who saved her? 谁救了她?
No one would have guessed that an ogre named Shrek, whose roar was feared throughout the land, would save the beautiful Princess Fiona. 没人能想到一个咆哮声令人闻风丧胆的 名叫史莱克的绿怪 会救出美丽的菲奥娜公主
roar:吼叫,咆哮 throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及;
True love's kiss led to marriage and ogre babies! 一吻定情 他们结婚 还生了一堆绿怪宝宝
The kingdom of Far Far Away was finally at peace. 远得要命王国终于迎来了和平与安宁
Goody for them!And they lived happily ever after! 哦 他们还真美 还从此永远幸福快乐地生活着
Goody:n.糖果; adj.感伤的;
Sir?You're gonna have to pay for that. 先生 你撕书要赔偿的
Maybe we could make a deal for it,little boy? 或许我们可以为此做个交易 小男孩
Oh,I'm not a real boy. - Do you want to be? 噢 我不是个真的男孩 - 你想变成真的吗
Nobody needs your deals anymore,Grumpel Stinkypants! 没人需要你那些交易了 烂皮儿臭侏儒!
I wish that ogre was never born! 我真希望那绿怪从来没存在过
Wake up,Daddy,wake up! 醒醒 爸爸 起床
Good morning. - Good morning to you. 早安 - 早安
Better out than in. 嗝打出来总比憋着好
That's my line. 那是我的台词
Did my little Fergus make a... 我的小费格斯是不是有点... 噢!
...big, grownup ogre stink ?! 绿怪的超级大臭味啊
grownup:n.成年人;adj.已长成的; stink:n.恶臭;吵闹;争吵;v.有臭味;令人厌恶;
Oh,that's diabolical ! 真是恶魔般的气味
And on your left,the lovable lug that showed us you don't have to change your undies to change the world! 在左手边 可爱的大家伙告诉我们 你无须更换内裤来改变世界
lovable:adj.可爱的,讨人喜欢的; lug:n.支托;接线片;耳状物;v.用力拉或拖; undies:n.(妇女或小孩的)内衣;
I wonder what Shrek's up to in there. 很好奇史莱克在那干什么
Get in there.Get...Impossible to put on! 把脚伸进来 把脚... 这根本穿不上