

Onward , Chauncey! 向前冲,.骏马
To the highest room of the tallest tower... 奔向高塔顶端公主的香闺
...where my princess awaits rescue from her handsome Prince Charming ! 让英俊潇潇的白马王子拯救她
princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人; awaits:v.等候;等待;期待;(await的第三人称单数) rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救; Prince Charming:n.白马王子;(女子的)梦中情人;
This is worse than ''Love Letters''. l hate dinner theater ! 这比“情书”还难看 我超讨厌看晚餐秀
dinner theater:n.餐馆剧院(餐后有戏剧表演);
Me, too. 我也是
Whoa there, Chauncey! 停,骏马
Hark ! The brave Prince Charming approacheth. 英勇无敌的白马王子来也
Fear not, fair maiden . l shall slay the monster that guards you... 别担心,美丽的公主 我将屠杀禁锢你的怪物
maiden:adj.未婚的,处女的;初次的;n.少女;处女; slay:v.杀害,杀死;使禁不住大笑; monster:n.怪物;恶魔;庞然大物;adj.巨大的;
...then take my place as rightful king. 登上国王宝座
What did she say? 她说什么?
lt's Shrek! 史莱克!
Whoo, Shrek, yeah! 史莱克,好耶!
Prepare, foul beast... 又臭又丑的怪物
foul:adj.犯规的; v.犯规; n.犯规; v.违反规则地,不正当地;
...to enter into a world of pain with which you are not familiar ! 准备接受我雷霆万钧的一击!
enter into:进入;讨论;成为…的一部分;研讨;分享;体谅; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友;
Happy birthday to thee Happy birthday to thee 祝汝生日快乐,祝汝生日快乐
Do you mind ? 你嘛帮帮忙
Do you mind:你介意吗?;
Do you mind? Boring ! 你才嘛帮帮忙,超逊的!
Prepare, foul beast... 又臭又丑的怪物...
Someday you'll be sorry. 有一天你们一定会后悔
We already are! 我们早就后悔来了
Mommy... 妈咪...
You're right. l can't let this happen. 没错,我不能自暴自弃下去
l can't! 万万不能
l am the rightful King of Far Far Away. 我才应该是 “远的要命王国”的国王
And l promise you this, Mother... 我向你保证,母亲
...l will restore dignity to my throne . 我将夺回我的国王宝座
restore:v.恢复;修复;恢复(某种情况或感受);使复原; dignity:n.尊严;高贵; throne:n.王座;君主;王权;v.登上王座;
And this time, no one will stand in my way. 这一次... ...没有人能阻挡我
Good morning. 早安
Good morning. 早安
Morning breath. 一大早有口臭
l know. lsn't it wonderful? 我知道,你不觉得超香的吗?
Good morning, good morning 早安、早安
The sun is shining through 阳光普照
Good morning, good morning To you 早安、早安,祝你早安
And you! And you! 还有你!还有你!
They grow up so fast. 小龙驴长得好快哦
Not fast enough. 长得再快就惨了
You'll be filling in for the King and Queen. 你们要代理国王和皇后的职务
Several functions require your attendance , sir. 你要出席好几场典礼
Great! Let's get started. 太好了,这就去吧
Come on, lazybones . Time to get moving! 快点,懒骨头,该起床了
You need to get a pair ofjammies. 你得去买套睡衣
I got some sIeep and I needed it 我很困,想睡个回笼觉
Not a Iot, just a IittIe bit 别在我耳朵旁边哇哇叫
Someone's aIways trying to keep me from it 偏偏有人不肯让我睡觉
It's a crying shame 真是有够衰
It's a royaI pain in the neck l knight thee. 杂事一大堆 我封你为骑士
pain in the neck:极讨厌的人或事; knight:n.(中世纪的)骑士;(英国)爵士(其名前冠以Sir);v.封(某人)为爵士;
lf you're filling in for a king, you should look like one. 你要代理国王,就得像个样子
Can somebody come in and work on Shrek? 拜托谁来帮他打扮打扮?
l will see what l can do. 我尽量想办法
Yeah, wow. 帅哟
ls this really necessary? 非得打扮成这副德行吗?
Quite necessary, Fiona. 当然了,费欧娜