

[man's voice] Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away, the king and queen were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. 很久以前,在一个遥远的王国里 国王和王后有个美丽的公主
Once upon a time:从前(常用于故事的开头) blessed:adj.神圣的; v.求上帝降福于; (bless的过去分词和过去式)
And throughout the land, everyone was happy... 全国上下,人人都很幸福
until the sun went down and they saw that their daughter was cursed with a frightful enchantment that took hold each and every night. 直到太阳下山 他们看见女儿受到了可怕妖术诅咒 每晚都是如此
cursed:adj.被诅咒的;讨厌的;v.诅咒;咒骂;(curse的过去分词和过去式) frightful:adj.可怕的;惊人的;非常的; enchantment:n.魅力;魔法;着迷;妖术;
Desperate , they sought the help of a fairy godmother who had them lock the young princess away in a tower, there to await the kiss... of the handsome Prince Charming . 情急之下 他们向一位神仙教母求救 她让他们将公主关在塔楼里 等待那... 白马王子的吻
Desperate:adj.不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的; sought:v.seek(寻求、寻找)的过去式和过去分词形式; fairy godmother:n.恩人;救星; princess:n.王妃;(除女王或王后外的)王室女成员;(尤指)公主;王公贵族夫人; await:v.等候;等待;期待; Prince Charming:n.白马王子;(女子的)梦中情人;
It was he who would chance the perilous journey through blistering cold and scorching desert traveling for many days and nights, risking life and limb to reach the Dragon's keep. 只有他能够不怕旅途危险 穿越刺骨寒冷的沙漠 经过几天几夜 冒着生命危险 去找龙
perilous:adj.危险的,冒险的; journey:n.旅行;行程;vi.旅行; blistering:adj.猛烈的; n.[涂料]起泡; v.起水疱; scorching:adj.灼热的; v.把…烧焦; limb:n.肢,臂;分支;枝干;v.切断…的手足;从…上截下树枝;
For he was the bravest, and most handsome... 因为他是最勇敢的 最英俊的
in all the land. 在全国之内
And it was destiny that his kiss would break the dreaded curse. 他的一个亲吻 能够打破恶毒的诅咒
destiny:n.命运,定数,天命; dreaded:adj.令人畏惧的,可怕的;v.惧怕(dread的过去分词);
He alone would climb to the highest room of the tallest tower to enter the princess's chambers , cross the room to her sleeping silhouette , pull back the gossamer curtains to find her... [gasps] 他还要爬上塔楼最高的屋顶 进入公主行宫,穿过房间 找到熟睡的侧影 拉开薄纱窗帘找到她
chambers:n.内庭(chamber的复数); silhouette:n.轮廓,剪影;v.使…照出影子来;使…仅仅显出轮廓; gossamer:n.蛛丝;薄纱;小蜘蛛网;adj.轻飘飘的;薄弱的;
What? 什么?
Princess... Fiona? - No! 费欧娜公主? - 不!
[sighs relief] Oh, thank heavens. Where is she? 谢天谢地,她在哪里?
She's on her honeymoon . - Honeymoon? With whom? 她在度蜜月 - 蜜月?跟谁在一起?
She's on her honeymoon. - Honeymoon? With whom? 她在度蜜月 - 蜜月?跟谁在一起?
* So she said what's the problem, baby?
* What's the problem? I don't know
* Well, maybe I'm in love
* Think about it every time I think 'bout it
* Can't stop thinking 'bout it * How much longer will it take to cure this? “亨瑟的蜜月小屋”
* Just to cure it, 'cause I can't ignore it
* If it's love, love
* Makes me wanna turn around and face me
* But I don't know nothing 'bout love
* Oh, come on, come on
[screams] - * Turn a little faster
* Come on, come on
* The world will follow after
* Come on, come on
* Everybody's after love
* So I said I'm a snowball running
* Running down into this spring that's coming all this love
* Melting under blue skies belting out sunlight
Melting:adj.感人的;v.(使)熔化,融化;(melt的现在分词) belting:n.带类;制带的材料;调带装置; sunlight:n.日光;
* Shimmering love
* Well, baby, I surrender
* To the strawberry ice cream
* Never ever end of all this love
* Well, I didn't mean to do it “我爱你”
* But there's no escaping your love
* These lines of lightning mean we're never alone
* Never alone, no, no
* Come on, come on
* Jump a little higher