

[ Man ] ''Once upon a time there was a lovely princess . 很久很久以前 有一个美丽的公主
''But she had an enchantment upon her of a fearful sort... 她被一个可怕的妖术所诅咒
enchantment:n.魅力;魔法;着迷;妖术; fearful:adj.可怕的;担心的;严重的;
''which could only be broken by love's first kiss. 只有爱人的第一个吻 才能够解除它
''She was locked away in a castle... 她被锁在一个城堡里
''guarded by a terrible fire-breathing dragon . 由一条可怕的喷火龙看守着
''Many brave knights had attempted to free her from this dreadful prison, ''but none prevailed . 许多勇敢的骑士 都试图把她救出来 但没有一个成功的
knights:n.骑兵,骑士(knight的复数);v.授以爵位(knight的第三人称单数); attempted:adj.未遂的;v.努力;尝试;试图;(attempt的过去分词和过去式) dreadful:adj.可怕的;糟透的,令人不快的; prevailed:v.普遍存在;盛行;流行;被接受;战胜;压倒;(prevail的过去分词和过去式)
''She waited in the dragon's keep... 她在最高塔楼最高的房间里
''in the highest room of the tallest tower... 在龙的看守下等待着
for her true love and true love's first kiss. '' “她真正的爱 和真正爱人的第一个吻”
Like that's ever gonna happen.ling, - What a load of- ∮ That's the way I like it and I'll never get bored 就像真的一样,一派... 注意 妖怪
∮ Hey, now,you're an all-star∮ - [ Shouting ] 征招:妖怪 有奖
∮ Get your game on, go play ∮ 切勿靠近
Think it's in there? - All right. Let's get it! 你看它在里面吗? - 来,我们来捉它!
Whoa. Hold on. Do you know what that thing can do to you? 等等,你知道那个东西 会把你怎么样吗?
Yeah, it'll grind your bones for its bread. 它会把你的骨头碾碎夹面包吃
[ Laughs ] Yes, well, actually, that would be a giant . Now, ogres-- They're much worse. 啊,实际上 那是巨兽,妖怪更坏
They'll make a suit from your freshly peeled skin. 他们会剥了你们的皮做衣服穿
No! - They'll shave your liver . Squeeze the jelly from your eyes! 他们会割了你们的肝 挤出你们的眼液!
shave:v.刮胡子;(尤指)刮脸;(少量地)削减;n.修面;刮脸;剃须; liver:n.肝;(动物供食用的)肝; Squeeze:v.挤;紧握;勒索;压榨;n.压榨;紧握;拥挤;佣金; jelly:n.果冻;胶状物;vi.成胶状;vt.使结冻;
Actually, it's quite good on toast . - Back! Back, beast! Back! I warn ya! 涂在面包上吃很不错 - 野兽!后退,我警告你!
toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯;
[ Whispers ] This is the part where you run away. 现在你们该逃跑了
And stay out! 别再回来!
''Wanted. Fairy tale creatures .'' 征招神话故事人物
Fairy tale:adj.童话的;童话式的; creatures:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人(creature的复数)
[ Man's Voice ] All right. This one's full. 这个满了
Take it away! - [ Gasps ] 拉走
Move it along. Come on! Get up! - Next! 快走,快!起来!下一个?
Give me that! Your flying days are over. 给我!你飞行的日子结束了
That's 20 pieces of silver for the witch . Next! 这个巫婆二十块大洋 下一个!
silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的; witch:n.巫婆,女巫;vt.迷惑;施巫术;
Get up! Come on! - Twenty pieces. 起来,快 - 只有二十块
[ Thudding ] - Sit down there! - Keep quiet ! 那边儿坐下!安静!
Thudding:n.砰的一声;重击;vi.砰的一声掉下;发出砰声;vt.砰地击中; Keep quiet:保持安静;
This cage is too small. 笼子太小了
Please don't turn me in. I'll never be stubborn again. I can change. Please! Give me another chance! 请别卖我,我不再倔了 再给我一次机会吧!
Oh, shut up. - Oh! - Next! 住嘴! - 下一个
What have you got? - This little wooden puppet . 你有什么? - 这个小木偶
wooden:adj.木制的;木头的;木头似的;死板的 puppet:n.木偶;傀儡;
I'm not a puppet. I'm a real boy. 我不是木偶,我是个真男孩
Five shillings for the possessed toy. 这个疯玩具二十先令,拿走
shillings:n.先令; possessed:adj.着了魔;v.有;拥有;具有(特质);控制;(possess的过去分词和过去式)
Take it away. - Father, please! Don't let them do this! - Help me! - Next. What have you got? 别让他们带我走! - 下一个,你有什么?
Well, I've got a talking donkey . - [ Grunts ] 我有头会说话的驴
donkey:n.毛驴;傻瓜;[动]驴;(非正式)笨蛋; Grunts:v.发出呼噜声;发出哼声;咕哝;(grunt的第三人称单数)
Right. Well, that's good for ten shillings, if you can prove it. 好,如果你能证明的话 可以给你十先令
Oh, go ahead, little fella . 说吧,小家伙
Well? Oh, oh, he's just-- He's just a little nervous. 嗯? - 他有点儿紧张
He's really quite a chatterbox . Talk, you boneheaded dolt- 他真的是个话篓子 说啊,你这个笨蛋傻瓜
chatterbox:n.喋喋不休者;唠叨的人; boneheaded:adj.[尤美国俚语,口语]愚蠢的,傻的,笨的;
That's it. I've heard enough. Guards! - No, no, he talks! 我听够了,卫兵! - 不,他会说话!他会
He does. I can talk. I love to talk. 我会说话,我喜欢说话
I'm the talkingest damn thing you ever saw. 我是你见到的最爱说话的东西
Get her out of my sight. - No, no! I swear! Oh! He can talk! 把她拖走 - 不,不!他会说话!
Hey! I can fly! - He can fly! - He can fly! 我会飞! - 他会飞!
He can talk! - Ha, ha! That's right, fool! 他会说话! - 是的,傻瓜!
Now I'm a flying, talking donkey. 我是头会飞、会说话的驴
You might have seen a housefly , maybe even a superfly , but I bet you ain't never seen a donkey fly. Ha, ha! 你可能见过家蝇飞 也许甚至见过超人飞 但你从没见过驴飞
housefly:n.[昆]家蝇; superfly:adj.第一流的;n.超级苍蝇(一唱片名);贩毒者(一电影名); bet:n.打赌;赌注;预计;估计;v.下赌注(于);用…打赌;敢说;八成儿;
[ Grunts ] Seize him! 抓住他!
After him! He's getting away! 去追!他要跑掉了!
[ Man ] Get him! This way! Turn! 抓住!这边儿!转弯!