

Hello. 各位好。
I'm a toy developer. 我是一名玩具研发员。
With a dream of creating new toys that have never been seen before, 一直以来我都梦想着创造出前无古人后无来者般的新玩具,
I began working at a toy company nine years ago. 于是九年前,我开始在一家玩具公司上班。
When I first started working there, 当我刚入职的时,
I proposed many new ideas to my boss every day. 我每天都向上司提出许多新点子。
However, my boss always asked if I had the data to prove it would sell, and asked me to think of product development after analyzing market data. 可是我的上司总会问我, 是否有数据能够证明这些产品卖得出去, 并且要求我分析了市场数据之后才开始考虑产品的研发。
Data, data, data. 数据,数据,还是数据。
So I analyzed the market data before thinking of a product. 于是我便先分析市场数据,再考虑产品研发。
However, I was unable to think of anything new at that moment. 然后,我当时根本想不出任何新点子。
(Laughter) (笑声)
My ideas were unoriginal . 我的想法都不是原创的。
I wasn't getting any new ideas and I grew tired of thinking. 我想不到新点子,并且开始厌倦了思考。
It was so hard that I became this skinny . 那段时间真是折磨啊,我都瘦成这样了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
It's true. (Applause) 是真的哦。(掌声)
You've all probably had similar experiences and felt this way too. 或许在座各位都有过类似的经历和相同的感受。
Your boss was being difficult. The data was difficult. 你的上司很难取悦,而数据又难以分析。
You become sick of thinking. 你开始厌倦思考。
Now, I throw out the data. 现在,我要抛开数据。
throw out:v.扔掉;伸出;说出;否决;突出;
It's my dream to create new toys. 我的梦想是创造出新玩具。
And now, instead of data, 但是现在,我不用市场数据,
I'm using a game called Shiritori to come up with new ideas. 而是用一个叫做 Shiritori 的游戏,来想出新点子。
come up with:提出;想出;赶上;
I would like to introduce this method today. 今天我想把这个方法介绍给大家。
What is Shiritori? Shiritori (文字接龙)是什么?
Take apple, elephant and trumpet , for example. 就拿苹果、大猩猩、喇叭这三个词举例。
It's a game where you take turns saying words that start with the last letter of the previous word. 在这个游戏里,你们要轮流说出一系列的日语词彙, 而新词彙的第一个音节必须是前一个词彙的最后一个音节。
take turns:按顺序来 previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前;
It's the same in Japanese and English. 这个游戏在日语和英语里都可以玩。
You can play Shiritori as you like: "neko, kora, raibu, burashi," etc, etc. [Cat, cola, concert, brush] 你可以以你喜欢的方式玩 Shiritori: “neko, kora, raibu, burashi, ” 诸如此类[日语:猫,可乐,演奏会,刷子]
Many random words will come out. 许多看似随机的词彙就会蹦出来。
You force those words to connect to what you want to think of and form ideas. 你将这些词彙与你想要思考的东西联系起来,然后形成新点子。
In my case, for example, since I want to think of toys, what could a toy cat be? 就拿我自己来说,我想要思考和玩具有关的, 一个玩具猫可以是什么样的呢?
A cat that lands after doing a somersault from a high place? 一个可以从高空中翻筋斗、然后安然着地的猫咪?
How about a toy with cola? 带可乐的玩具,这个主意如何?
A toy gun where you shoot cola and get someone soaking wet? 一把可以用来发射可乐、把别人弄成落汤鸡的玩具枪?
(Laughter) (笑声)
Ridiculous ideas are okay. The key is to keep them flowing. 哪怕是荒唐的想法也没关系,关键是要一直有新点子。
The more ideas you produce, you're sure to come up with some good ones, too. 你能想出的新点子越多,你就一定会有好点子。
A brush, for example. Can we make a toothbrush into a toy? 比如说,一把刷子。我们能不能将牙刷做成玩具呢?
We could combine a toothbrush with a guitar and -- 我们可以将牙刷与吉他结合,结果就是 ﹣
(Music noises) -- you've got a toy you can play with while brushing your teeth. (音乐响起) ﹣ 你刷牙的时候就有玩具可以玩啦。
(Laughter) (Applause) (笑声)(掌声)
Kids who don't like to brush their teeth might begin to like it. 不喜欢刷牙的小孩可能会爱上刷牙哦。
Can we make a hat into a toy? 我们能不能把帽子做成玩具呢?
How about something like a roulette game, where you try the hat on one by one , and then, when someone puts it on, a scary alien breaks through the top screaming, "Ahh!" 俄罗斯轮盘怎么样?你们可以轮流戴上帽子, 然后轮到某个人时,突然有个可怕的外星生物冲破帽顶, 尖叫道,“啊!”
roulette:n.轮盘赌;骑缝孔;旋轮线;v.给…滚压骑线孔; one by one:一个接一个;
I wonder if there would be a demand for this at parties? 我猜想,各类派对会不会对这样的产品有需求呢?
I wonder if:我不知道是否…?;
Ideas that didn't come out while you stare at the data will start to come out. 你盯着数据看时无法获取的想法,这样一来便轻而易举地出现了。
Actually, this bubble wrap , which is used to pack fragile objects, combined with a toy, made Mugen Pop Pop, a toy where you can pop the bubbles as much as you like. 实际上,用来保护易碎物品的气泡膜 可以与玩具结合,成为「无穷气泡」, 你就可以随心所欲地按压上面的气泡。
bubble wrap:n.气泡膜包装;泡塑包装;气泡垫; fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的; bubbles:n.泡; v.起泡; (bubble的第三人称单数和复数)
It was a big hit when it reached stores. 这个产品上架时便大红大紫。
Data had nothing to do with its success. 它的成功和数据无关。
had nothing to do with:与…无关;
Although it's only popping bubbles, it's a great way to kill time , so please pass this around amongst yourselves today and play with it. 尽管这个玩具只不过是挤压气泡而已, 它不失为一个消磨时间的好方法, 所以请四处传递一下这个玩具, 以供在座各位赏玩。
kill time:消磨时间; amongst:prep.在…之中;在…当中(等于among);
(Applause) (掌声)
Anyway, you continue to come up with useless ideas. 但不管怎样,你还是会有一些无用的想法。
Think up many trivial ideas, everyone. 各位,想想那些不值一提的小点子。
If you base your ideas on data analysis and know what you're aiming for, you'll end up trying too hard, and you can't produce new ideas. 如果你只将点子基于数据分析,始终清楚地盯着一个目标看, 那你一定会努力过了头, 反而想不出什么新点子。
Even if you know what your aim is, think of ideas as freely as if you were throwing darts with your eyes closed. 即使你清楚地了解自己的目标, 而且轻而易举就能想到新点子也没用。
If you do this, you surely will hit somewhere near the center. 但如果你这样做,你迟早会接近成功,
At least one will. 至少有一个点子会成功。
That's the one you should choose. 那就是你应该做出的选择。
If you do so, that idea will be in demand and, moreover , it will be brand new . 如果你这样做了,市场就会对那个点子产生需求, 不仅如此,这就会是一个全新的点子。
moreover:adv.而且;此外; brand new:adj.崭新的;最近获得的;
That is how I think of new ideas. 我就是这样想出新点子的。
It doesn't have to be Shiritori; there are many different methods. 不一定是要通过玩 Shiritori;还有许多不同的方法。
You just have to choose words at random. 你需要做的,仅仅是随机选出一些词。
You can flip through a dictionary and choose words at random. 你可以翻开一下字典,随意选一些词。
For example, you could look up two random letters and gather the results or go to the store and connect product names with what you want to think of. 比如说,你可以随意查看两个词,然后把它们相结合, 或者走进一家商店,把商品的名称 与你想要考虑的方向相结合。
The point is to gather random words, not information from the category you're thinking for. 关键在于获取随机词彙, 而不是从你所想的分类中挑选信息。
If you do this, the ingredients for the association of ideas are collected and form connections that will produce many ideas. 如果你这样做,你就会获得各种想法, 并且形成一些列的关联,从而产生许多新点子。
ingredients:n.成分;(尤指烹饪)原料;(成功的)要素;(ingredient的复数) association:n.协会;关联;联想;交往;
The greatest advantage to this method is the continuous flow of images . 这个方法最大的优势在于有源源不断流动的画面。
advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点: continuous:adj.连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数)
Because you're thinking of one word after another, the image of the previous word is still with you. 因为当你一个接着一个地想词彙时, 前一个词所产生的图片还存在于你的脑海中。
That image will automatically be related with future words. 那幅图片将会与接下来的词自动产生联系。
Unconsciously , a concert will be connected to a brush and a roulette game will be connected to a hat. 不知不觉中,演唱会就和牙刷扯上了关系, 轮盘就和帽子扯上了关系。
You wouldn't even realize it. 你甚至都不会察觉到这个过程。
You can come up with ideas that you wouldn't have thought of otherwise. 你可以获得那些前所未有的想法。
This method is, of course, not just for toys. 当然啦,这个方法不仅仅使用与玩具。
You can collect ideas for books, apps, events, and many other projects. 你也可以为书籍、软体应用、活动,以及其它各种计划筹集想法。
I hope you all try this method. 我希望你们都会试着去应用这个方法。
There are futures that are born from data. 有些未来的确诞生于数据。
However, using this silly game called Shiritori, 然后,有了这个名叫Shiritori 的傻游戏,
I look forward to the exciting future you will create, a future you couldn't even imagine. 我很期待看到你们将会创造出的精彩未来, 一个你们之前根本无法想像的未来。
look forward to:盼望,期待;
Thank you very much. 非常感谢各位。
(Applause) (掌声)