

Hello everyone. Because this is my first time at TED, 大家好。 由于这是我第一次参加TED大会,
I've decided to bring along an old friend to help break the ice a bit. 我决定带来一个老朋友 来开个好头。
bring along:带来;使…发展; break the ice:打破沉默,打破僵局;破冰;
Yes. That's right. This is Barbie. 正是,这是芭比娃娃。
She's 50 years old. And she's looking as young as ever. 她已经50岁了,但看起来却永远那么年轻。
(Laughter) (笑声)
But I'd also like to introduce you to what may be an unfamiliar face. 我还要向你们介绍一位 有些陌生的面孔。
This is Fulla. Fulla is the Arab world's answer to Barbie. 这是福啦,福啦是阿拉伯世界的芭比。
Now, according the proponents of the clash of civilizations , both Barbie and Fulla occupy these completely separate spheres . 现在,根据文明冲突的拥护者所说, 芭比和福啦是在两个完全不同的领域里。
according:v.给予,赠予,授予;(与…)一致,符合;(accord的现在分词) proponents:n.支持者;建议者(proponent的复数); clash:v.冲突; n.冲突; civilizations:n.文明(civilization的复数形式); occupy:v.占据,占领;居住;使忙碌; spheres:n.[数]球体(sphere的复数); v.把…放在球体内(sphere的第三人称单数形式);
They have different interests. They have divergent values. 她们有不同的兴趣。她们有非常不同的价值。
And should they ever come in contact ... 如果她们走到一起的话...
well, I've got to tell you, it's just not going to be pretty. 我可以告诉你,结果将是不堪设想。
My experience however, in the Islamic world is very different. 不过,我在伊斯兰世界的经历却是非常不同的。
Where I work, in the Arab region , people are busy taking up Western innovations and changing them into things which are neither conventionally Western, nor are they traditionally Islamic. 我在阿拉伯区域工作, 人们忙于学习西方创新 并将他们变成自己的东西。 即不因循守旧的照抄西方, 也不是传统的伊斯兰。
region:n.地区;范围;部位; innovations:n.创新(innovation的复数);改革; conventionally:adv.照惯例,照常套; traditionally:adv.传统上;习惯上;传说上;
I want to show you two examples. 我举两个例子给你。
The first is 4Shbab. 第一个是4Shbab
It means "for youth" and it's a new Arab TV channel. 意思是“青年”,是一个新的阿拉伯电视频道。
(Video): Video clips from across the globe. (视频): 席卷全球的视频片断
clips:n.夹子; v.夹住;
The USA. 美国
? I am not afraid to stand alone ? ?我不怕独自挣扎?
? I am not afraid to stand alone, if Allah is by my side ? ?如果真主在我身边,我不怕独自挣扎?
? I am not afraid to stand alone ? ?我不怕独自挣扎?
? Everything will be all right ? ?一切都会好起来的?
? I am not afraid to stand alone ? ?我不怕独自挣扎?
The Arab world. 阿拉伯世界
(Music) (音乐)
? She was preserved by modesty of the religion ? ?她为宗教的端庄所护?
preserved:v.保护;维护;保留;保存;保养;(preserve的过去式和过去分词) modesty:n.谦逊;质朴;稳重;
? She was adorned by the light of the Quraan ? ?她被圣书的光芒照耀?
Shereen El Feki: 4Shbab has been dubbed Islamic MTV. Shereen El Feki: 4Shbab被称为“伊斯兰的MTV”。
dubbed:v.把…戏称为; (dub的过去分词和过去式)
Its creator, who is an Egyptian TV producer called Ahmed Abou Ha?ba, wants young people to be inspired by Islam to lead better lives. 创造者是一位叫Ahmed Abou Ha?ba的 埃及电视制片人, 他希望用伊斯兰去激励 年轻人过更好的生活。
inspired:adj.受到启发的; v.鼓舞; (inspire的过去分词和过去式)
He reckons the best way to get that message across is to use the enormously popular medium of music videos. 他认为传达这些信息的最好的方式就是 使用这些流行音乐电视。
reckons:vt.测算,估计;认为;计算;vi.估计;计算;猜想,料想; enormously:adv.巨大地,庞大地;非常地,在极大程度上; medium:n.(传播信息的)媒介;手段;工具;方法;adj.中等的;中号的;
4Shbab was set up as an alternative to existing Arab music channels. 4Shbab 的初衷是成为一个不同的 阿拉伯音乐频道。
And they look something like this. 而传统的阿拉伯音乐频道往往是这个样子。
(Music) (音乐)
That, by the way is Haifa Wehbe. She's a Lebanese pop star and pan-Arab pin-up girl. 那位,就是Haifa Wehbe. 她是黎巴嫩流行明星。 还是一位泛阿拉伯的封面女孩。
by the way:顺便说一下; Lebanese:adj.黎巴嫩的;n.黎巴嫩人; pin-up:n.美女画像(等于pinup);adj.可钉在墙上的;
In the world of 4Shbab, it's not about bump and grind . 在 4Shbab 的世界里,扭屁股不是重点。
bump:n.肿块,隆起物;撞击;v.碰撞,撞击;颠簸而行;adv.突然地,猛烈地; grind:v.磨碎;磨快;n.磨;苦工作;
But it's not about fire and brimstone either. 但军火和硫磺也不是重点。
It's videos are intended to show a kinder, gentler face of Islam, for young people to deal with life's challenges. 这些视频向我们呈现了一个 有爱心,善良的伊斯兰教, 帮助年轻人去迎接生命中的挑战.
Now, my second example is for a slightly younger crowd. 第二个例子是关于一个相对年轻的团体,
And it's called "The 99." 他们被叫做“The 99.”
Now, these are the world's first Islamic superheros. 现在,这些都是伊斯兰史上的超级英雄。
They were created by a Kuwaiti psychologist called Nayef Al Mutawa. 是科威特的心理学家给予了他们生命 这位心理学家就是纳耶夫穆塔瓦(Nayef Al Mutawa)
And his desire is to rescue Islam from images of intolerance , all in a child-friendly format. 他的愿望就是以适合儿童的方式 将伊斯兰 从思想的狭隘中拯救出来。
rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救; images:n.印象;声誉;形象;画像;雕像;(image的第三人称单数和复数) intolerance:n.(尤指对别人的意见)不宽容;偏狭; child-friendly:方便儿童使用的;
'"The 99," the characters are meant to embody the 99 attributes of Allah, justice , wisdom , mercy , among others. 在“The 99“ 中,这些人物是为了体现 真主的99个特征, 正义,智慧,仁慈等等。
embody:v.具体表现,体现,代表(思想或品质);包括; attributes:v.把…归因于; n.属性; (attribute的第三人称单数和复数) justice:n.公平;公正;司法制度;审判; wisdom:n.智慧;明智;才智;学问; mercy:n.仁慈,宽容;怜悯;幸运;善行;
So, for example, there is the character of Noora. 就拿娜拉(Noora)这个人物来说吧
She is meant to have the power to look inside people and see the good and bad in everyone. 她代表着力量 去窥探人们的内心 饱览善与恶
Another character called Jami has the ability to create fantastic inventions. 另一个人物是 贾米(Jami) 他拥有不可思议的创造力。
Now, "The 99" is not just a comic book. 现在, the 99 “ 不仅仅只是一本漫画书。
It's now a theme park . 而是一个主题公园。
theme park:n.主题公园;
There is an animated series in the works . 有一个动画系列的作品
animated:adj.栩栩如生的; v.使具活力; (animate的过去分词和过去式) series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; in the works:正在准备阶段;在进行中或准备中;
And by this time next year the likes of Superman and Wonder Woman will have joined forces with "The 99" 到明年这个时候 像超人与神奇女侠 将加入“The99”
to beat injustice wherever they find it. 共同与邪恶作战。
'"The 99" and 4Shbab are just two of many examples of this sort of Islamic cross-cultural hybridization . “The99”和4Shbab只是其中的两个例子 来体现伊斯兰跨文化的融合。
cross-cultural:adj.跨文化的;交叉文化的; hybridization:n.杂交;配种;[化学]杂化;杂种培殖;
We're not talking here about a clash of civilizations. 我们不是在讨论文化的分歧。
Nor is it some sort of indistinguishable mash . 也不是在讨论难以区分的混淆物。
indistinguishable:adj.不能区别的,不能辨别的;不易察觉的; mash:n.饲料;糊状物;麦芽浆;vt.捣碎;调情;
I like to think of it as a mesh of civilizations, in which the strands of different cultures are intertwined . 我想把它当作文明的大杂烩, 不同的文化相互交织。
mesh:n.网格;网状物;陷阱;困境;圈套;v.(使)吻合,相配,匹配,适合; strands:n.线; v.搁浅; intertwined:adj.缠绕的;错综复杂的;v.使缠结,缠绕(intertwine的过去式);
Now, while 4Shbab and "The 99" may look new and shiny , there is actually a very long tradition of this. 虽然4Shbab和“99”看上去是新鲜的事物, 其背后却蕴藏着悠久的历史。
Throughout its history Islam has borrowed and adapted from other civilizations both ancient and modern. 在整个历史中,伊斯兰不断借鉴和适应着其它文明. 博古通今
Throughout:adv.自始至终,到处;全部;prep.贯穿,遍及; adapted:adj.适于…的; v.使适应,使适合; (adapt的过去分词和过去式)
After all it's the Quran which encourages us to do this. 毕竟,这正是《古兰经》鼓励我们去做的事。
'"We made you into nations and tribes so that you could learn from one another." “我们在你们之中创建了众多民族和宗教 这样你们就可以互相学习.”
And to my mind, those are pretty wise words, no matter what your creed . Thank you. 对于我来说,这句话中充满了智慧, 无论你的信仰是什么。谢谢
no matter what:不管什么…; creed:n.信条,教义;
(Applause) (掌声)