

I'm a contemporary artist with a bit of an unexpected background. 我是一名有点 不寻常背景的当代艺术家。
contemporary:n.同时代的人;同时期的东西;adj.当代的;同时代的;属于同一时期的; unexpected:adj.意外的,想不到的;
I was in my 20s before I ever went to an art museum. 我在二十多岁时才第一次进入艺术博物馆。
I grew up in the middle of nowhere on a dirt road in rural Arkansas, an hour from the nearest movie theater . 我生长在一个前不着村后不着店的地方 在阿肯色州乡下的一条脏脏的路旁, 离最近的电影院有一个小时的路程。
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的; dirt road:n.土路; rural:adj.农村的,乡下的;田园的,有乡村风味的; movie theater:n.电影院;
And I think it was a great place to grow up as an artist because I grew up around quirky , colorful characters who were great at making with their hands. 我觉得那是一名艺术家成长的好地方, 因为我成长在古怪的、多姿多彩的人们中间, 他们非常擅长手工制品。
And my childhood is more hick than I could ever possibly relate to you, and also more intellectual than you would ever expect. 我的童年非常的土 我都没法让你们了解, 同时也远比各位所预期的要充满智慧。
childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 hick:n.乡下人;反应迟钝的人;土头土脑的人;adj.乡下的;乡巴佬的;愚蠢的; intellectual:n.知识分子;脑力劳动者;adj.智力的;脑力的;理智的;有才智的;
For instance , me and my sister, when we were little, we would compete to see who could eat the most squirrel brains. 举例来说,我和我的妹妹,当我们小的时候, 我们会比比谁吃的松鼠脑子更多。
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; compete:v.竞争;对抗;参加比赛(或竞赛); squirrel:n.松鼠;
(Laughter) (笑声)
But on the other side of that, though, we were big readers in our house. 但另一方面, 我们也在家里大量阅读。
on the other side:另一面;在另一边;
And if the TV was on, we were watching a documentary. 如果电视开着,就是我们在看纪录片。
And my dad is the most voracious reader I know. 我爸爸是我所知道的求知欲最强的读者。
He can read a novel or two a day. 他能一天读一两本小说。
But when I was little, I remember, he would kill flies in our house with my BB gun. 但当我小的时候,我记得, 他会在屋子里用我的玩具气枪打死苍蝇。
And what was so amazing to me about that -- well he would be in his recliner , would holler for me to fetch the BB gun, and I'd go get it. 让我惊奇的是 -- 他会躺在躺椅里,让我去拿玩具气枪, 我就去拿给他。
recliner:n.斜靠著的人;躺著的人;活动躺椅(等于recliningchair); holler:vi.发牢骚;叫喊;抱怨;vt.大声叫喊;n.叫喊;
And what was amazing to me -- well it was pretty kickass; he was killing a fly in the house with a gun -- but what was so amazing to me was that he knew just enough how to pump it. 让我惊奇的是 -- 这很厉害;他在屋子里用一把枪打死一只苍蝇 -- 但让我如此惊奇的是 他知道给枪施加多大的压力。
And he could shoot it from two rooms away and not damage what it was on because he knew how to pump it just enough to kill the fly and not damage what it landed on. 他能在两间房间之外开枪击中苍蝇 而不会损坏苍蝇所在的那个地方, 因为他知道要施加多少压力能足以打死苍蝇 而不会破坏苍蝇在的地方。
So I should talk about art. 那么我应该谈谈艺术了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Or we'll be here all day with my childhood stories. 或者我们可以在这儿听一整天我童年的故事。
I love contemporary art, but I'm often really frustrated with the contemporary art world and the contemporary art scene. 我爱现代艺术, 但我常常对现代艺术世界和 当代艺术领域感到沮丧。
A few years ago, 几年前,
I spent months in Europe to see the major international art exhibitions that have the pulse of what is supposed to be going on in the art world. 我在欧洲呆了几个月 去看大型国际艺术展 这一艺术展的脉动 将呈现在整个艺术世界之中。
pulse:n.脉冲;脉搏;脉率;强劲的音乐节拍;v.搏动;跳动;震动;洋溢着; supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式)
And I was struck by going to so many, one after the other , with some clarity of what it was that I was longing for. 我被震撼了 如此多的艺术家,一个接着一个 清晰地呈现出 我所渴求的东西。
one after the other:相继地,一个接一个地; clarity:n.清楚,明晰;透明;
And I was longing for several things that I wasn't getting, or not getting enough of. 我正在渴求却无法获得的, 或是缺少的一些东西。
But two of the main things: one of it, I was longing for more work that was appealing to a broad public, that was accessible . 但有两个主要的东西: 一个是,我在渴求更多的作品 能吸引广泛的观众, 并被大众理解。
appealing:adj.吸引人的; v.呼吁; (appeal的现在分词) accessible:adj.易接近的;可进入的;可理解的;
And the second thing that I was longing for was some more exquisite craftsmanship and technique . 第二件事是我在渴求 一些更敏锐的技巧 和技术。
exquisite:adj.精致的;细腻的;优美的,高雅的;异常的;剧烈的;n.服饰过于讲究的男子; craftsmanship:n.技术;技艺; technique:n.技巧,技术;手法;
So I started thinking and listing what all it was that I thought would make a perfect biennial . 因此我开始思考并列出 所有我认为能组成一个完美的双年展的作品。
So I decided, 我决定,
I'm going to start my own biennial. 我要开始准备自己的双年展。
I'm going to organize it and direct it and get it going in the world. 我要组织、导演 并让它传遍世界。
So I thought, okay, 我想,好的,
I have to have some criteria of how to choose work. 我要有一些标准来选择作品。
So amongst all the criteria I have, there's two main things. 因此在我所有的标准之中, 有两件主要的事情。
One of them, I call my Mimaw's Test. 一个是我称为“祖母的测试”。
And what that is is I imagine explaining a work of art to my grandmother in five minutes, and if I can't explain it in five minutes, then it's too obtuse or esoteric and it hasn't been refined enough yet. 这是 我想象着在五分钟内 向我祖母解释一个艺术作品。 我是否能在五分钟内解释清楚 如果不能就代表这作品太粗糙 或太难理解了 这作品就还不足够精细。
work of art:艺术品; obtuse:adj.迟钝的;圆头的;不锋利的; esoteric:adj.秘传的;限于圈内人的;难懂的; refined:adj.精制的; v.精炼;
It needs to worked on until it can speak fluently . 还需要继续加工 直到能被流利地讲述出来。
And then my other second set of rules -- 接着是我的第二条规则 --
I hate to say "rules" because it's art -- my criteria would be the three H's, which is head, heart and hands. 我讨厌说“规则”,因为这是艺术 -- 我的标准是 三个H, 头(head),心(heart)和手(hand)。
And great art would have "head": it would have interesting intellectual ideas and concepts. 好的艺术应该有头: 它要有聪明的思路 和概念。
It would have "heart" in that it would have passion and heart and soul . 它要有心,这样它就有了激情 内心和灵魂。
passion:n.激情;热情;酷爱;盛怒; heart and soul:全心全意地;
And it would have "hand" in that it would be greatly crafted . 它要有手,这样它就会是精心制作的。
greatly:adv.很,大大地;非常; crafted:adj.精心制作的;v.精巧地制作(craft的过去分词);
So I started thinking about how am I going to do this biennial, how am I going to travel the world and find these artists? 因此我开始思考 我怎样才能做这个双年展, 我怎样才能环游世界 找到这些艺术家。
And then I realized one day, there's an easier solution to this. 而后某天我意识到,有个更好的法子。
I'm just going to make the whole thing myself. 我就打算自己搞定这一切。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And so this is what I did. 这就是我所做的。
So I thought, a biennial needs artists. 我想,双年展需要艺术家。
I'm going to do an international biennial; I need artists from all around the world. 我要办一个国际性的双年展,我需要来自全世界的艺术家。
So what I did was 我做的是
I invented a hundred artists from around the world. 我创造了全世界的一百名艺术家。
I figured out their bios, their passions in life and their art styles, and I started making their work. 我创作了他们的个人经历、他们生命中的激情所在 和他们的艺术风格, 我开始创作他们的作品。
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I felt, oh this is the kind of project that I could spend my whole life doing. 我觉得,哦,这是个能让我耗费一生来做的项目。
So I decided, I'm going to make this a real biennial. 因此我决定,我要做一个真正的双年展。
It's going to be two years of studio work. 这需要两年时间的工作。
And I'm going to create this in two years, and I have. 我要在两年内做到。 我做到了。
So I should start to talk about these guys. 我该开始谈谈这些艺术家。
Well the range is quite a bit. 范围比较广泛。
And I'm such a technician , so I loved this project, getting to play with all the techniques . 我就是这样的技术人员,所以我喜欢这类项目, 与各种技术打交道。
technician:n.技术员;技师;(艺术、体育等的)技巧精湛者; techniques:n.技巧;技艺;工艺;技术;(technique的复数)
So for example, in realist paintings, it ranges from this, which is kind of old masters style, to really realistic still-life , to this type of painting where I'm painting with a single hair. 例如,在写实绘画中, 它的范围从这个, 这类传统风格, 到真正写实的静物, 到这类我用一根头发绘制的画作。
realistic:adj.现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的; still-life:静物;静物画;
And then at the other end, there's performance and short films and indoor installations like this indoor installation and this one, and outdoor installations like this one and this one. 然后在另一方面,有一些演出、短片 和室内装置, 比如这件 和这件, 还有户外展品 还有这件。
performance:n.性能;表现;业绩;表演; indoor:adj.(在)室内的;在户内进行的;在室内用的; installations:n.[军]设施;装置(installation的复数形式);[机]设备; outdoor:adj.户外的;露天的;
I know I should mention: I'm making all these things. 我知道我应该提一下,所有这些都是我制作的。
This isn't Photoshopped. 这照片不是被Photoshop图像处理过的。
I'm under the river with those fish. 我在河里和这些鱼在一起。
So now let me introduce some of my fictional artists to you. 因此现在让我向各位介绍一些我的虚拟艺术家。
This is Nell Remmel. 这是内尔·雷梅尔。
Nell is interested in agricultural processes , and her work is based in these practices. 内尔对农业的发展进程有兴趣, 她的作品都与这些有关。
agricultural:adj.农业的;农艺的; processes:n.过程; v.处理(process的第三人称单数形式);
This piece, which is called " Flipped Earth" -- she was interested in taking the sky and using it to cleanse barren ground. 这个作品,名为“翻转的地球” -- 她对拍摄天空有兴趣, 用天空来装饰贫瘠的土地。
Flipped:v.(使)快速翻转;按(开关);轻掷;(flip的过去分词和过去式) cleanse:v.清洁(皮肤);清洗(伤口);使免除(罪过);使净化; barren:n.不毛之地;adj.贫瘠的;不毛的;不结果实的;不育的;
And by taking giant mirrors -- 用巨大的镜子做到的 --
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and here she's taking giant mirrors and pulling them into the dirt. 她用了巨大的镜子 把它们放入泥土中。
And this is 22 feet long. 这有22英尺长。
And what I loved about her work is, when I would walk around it and look down into the sky, looking down to watch the sky, and it unfolded in a new way. 我喜欢她作品的地方在于 当我在它周围走动时 向下能看到天空, 向上也能看到天空, 它以一种新的方式显露出来。
And probably the best part of this piece is at dusk and dawn when the twilight wedge has fallen and the ground's dark, but there's still the light above, bright above. 这一作品最好的部分可能是 在黄昏和黎明 当暮光低沉大地昏暗时, 这儿仍然上下皆有光亮。
dusk:n.黄昏;傍晚;v.变暗;使变暗; dawn:n.黎明;开端;vt.破晓;出现;被领悟; twilight:n.黎明,黄昏;薄暮;衰退期;朦胧状态;adj.昏暗的,微明的;暮年的; wedge:vt.楔入;挤进;楔住;vi.楔入;挤进;n.楔子;楔形物;导致分裂的东西;
And so you're standing there and everything else is dark, but there's this portal that you want to jump in. 因此你站在那儿,所有其他地方都是黑暗的, 但这是个你想跃入的大门。
This piece was great. This is in my parents' backyard in Arkansas. 这作品很棒。这是我在阿肯色州我父母的后院里的作品。
And I love to dig a hole. 我喜欢挖个洞。
So this piece was great fun because it was two days of digging in soft dirt. 这作品非常有意思, 因为在软土中挖洞花了两天时间。
The next artist is Kay Overstry, and she's interested in ephemerality and transience . 下一名艺术家是凯·欧瓦斯屈, 她的兴趣在寿命短暂和稍纵即逝的事物上。
ephemerality:n.朝生暮死,短命的事物;无常的事物; transience:n.短暂;无常;顷刻(等于transiency);
And in her most recent project, it's called "Weather I Made." 在她多数最近的项目中, 这名为“我制造的天气。”
And she's making weather on her body's scale . 她以她的身体为准 来制造天气。
And this piece is "Frost." 这个作品是“白霜。”
And what she did was she went out on a cold, dry night and breathed back and forth on the lawn to leave -- to leave her life's mark, the mark of her life. 她所做的是,在一个寒冷而干燥的晚上出去 不断对这草坪呼气 留下 -- 留下她生命的印记, 她生命的印记。
back and forth:前后移动的,来回的,反复的; lawn:n.草地;草坪;
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And so this is five-foot, five-inches of frost that she left behind. 这是她所留下的 五英尺长五英寸宽的白霜。
The sun rises, and it melts away. 太阳升起,它就融化了。
And that was played by my mom. 这是由我母亲出演的。
So the next artist, this is a group of Japanese artists, a collective of Japanese artists -- 下一位艺术家,这是一群日本艺术家, 一个日本艺术家的集体 --
(Laughter) (笑声)
in Tokyo. 在东京。
And they were interested in developing a new, alternative art space, and they needed funding for it, so they decided to come up with some interesting fundraising projects. 他们的兴趣在开发一个新的、非主流的艺术领域。 他们需要获得资助, 因此他们决定提出一些有趣的募捐项目。
alternative:adj.供选择的;选择性的;交替的;n.二中择一;供替代的选择; funding:n.基金;资金;提供资金;v.为…提供资金;拨款给;(fund的现在分词) come up with:提出;想出;赶上; fundraising:n.筹款;募捐;
One of these is scratch-off masterpieces . 其中之一是刮刮卡。
scratch-off:刮掉; masterpieces:n.杰作;绝无仅有的人;
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And so what they're doing -- each of these artists on a nine-by-seven-inch card, which they sell for 10 bucks , they drew original works of art. 他们所做的是 -- 每个艺术家在一个9×7英寸的卡片上, 每张他们卖10美元, 在上面画上原创的艺术作品。
bucks:n.元;雄鹿;(buck的复数) original:n.原件;原作;原物;原型;adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的;
And you buy one, and maybe you get a real piece, and maybe not. 你买一个,也许你能得到一个真的作品,也许不能。
Well this has sparked a craze in Japan, because everyone's wanting a masterpiece. 这在日本引发了热潮, 因为每个人都想要一个杰作。
sparked:v.点燃,发动(spark的过去式,过去分词);鼓舞; craze:n.狂热;vi.发狂;产生纹裂;vt.使发狂;使产生纹裂;
And the ones that are the most sought after are the ones that are only barely scratched off. 那些最火的作品 是最难刮中的。
sought after:adj.受欢迎的,很吃香的; barely:adv.仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地; scratched:adj.受抓损的;有刮痕;v.抓;搔;(scratch的过去式及过去分词)
And all these works, in some way, talk about luck or fate or chance. 所有这些工作,在某种意义上, 与幸运、命运或机会有关。
Those first two are portraits of mega-jackpot winners years before and after their win. 这前面的两幅 百万大奖中奖者在中奖前后的肖像。
And in this one it's called "Drawing the Short Stick." 这幅作品名为“画这根短棍。”
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I love this piece because I have a little cousin at home who introduced me -- which I think is such a great introduction -- to a friend one day as, "This is my cousin Shea . 我喜欢这些作品,因为在家乡我有个小表弟 他某天在向一位朋友介绍我时 -- 我认为这是很棒的介绍 -- 他说“这是我表哥薛。
He draws sticks real good." 他画棍子画的非常好。”
(Laughter) (笑声)
Which is one of the best compliments ever. 这是最好的称赞之一。
This artist is Gus Weinmueller, and he's doing a project, a large project, called "Art for the Peoples." 这是艺术家格斯·魏德米勒 他在做一个项目,一个大项目,名为“给人民的艺术。”
And within this project, he's doing a smaller project called "Artists in Residence ." 在这个项目中,他在做一个更小的项目 名为“居所中的艺术家。”
And what he does is -- 他所做的是 --
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he spends a week at a time with a family. 他每次和一个家庭呆上一周。
And he shows up on their porch , their doorstep , with a toothbrush and pajamas , and he's ready to spend the week with them. 他出现在他们的走廊上、他们的门阶, 穿着睡衣拿着牙刷, 他准备与他们一起度过一周。
porch:n.门廊;走廊; doorstep:n.门阶; toothbrush:n.牙刷; pajamas:n.睡衣;宽长裤;
And using only what's present, he goes in and makes a little abode studio to work out of. 就地取材, 他进去做一个小工作室进行创作。
And he spends that week talking to the family about what do they think great art is. 他花一周时间与家庭成员谈天 谈他们认为伟大的艺术是什么。
He has all these discussions with their family, and he digs through everything they have, and he finds materials to make work. 他与他们家庭中所有成员都进行这些探讨。 他从他们拥有的一切事物中挖掘, 发现可以用于创作的素材。
And he makes a work that answers what they think great art is. 他创作出作品 来回应他们认为的伟大的艺术品是什么。
For this family, he made this still-life painting . 对这个家庭来说,他创作了这幅静物画。
still-life painting:静物写生;
And whatever he makes somehow references nesting and space and personal property. 无论他创作的是什么 总会以某种方式与休息所、空间 和个人财产有关。
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; references:n.提到; v.查阅; (reference的第三人称单数和复数) personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词;
This next project, this is by Jaochim Parisvega, and he's interested in -- he believes art is everywhere waiting -- that it just needs a little bit of a push to happen. 这是下一个项目, 由Jaochim Parisvega创作, 他的兴趣在于 -- 他相信艺术就在各种地方等待着 -- 只是需要一点推动就会出现。
a little bit of a:一点点了;
And he provides this push by harnessing natural forces, like in his series where he used rain to make paintings. 他通过控制自然的力量来提供这一推动, 如在他的专辑中使用了雨来绘画。
harnessing:v.给(马等)装上挽具(harness的现在分词);治理,利用; series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书;
This project is called "Love Nests." 这项目名为“爱巢。”
What he did was to get wild birds to make his art for him. 他做的就是让野生鸟类为他创作。
So he put the material in places where the birds were going to collect them, and they crafted his nests for him. 因此他把原材料放到鸟儿收集材料的地方, 它们为他精心制作鸟巢。
And this one's called "Lovelock's Nest." 这名为“秀发之巢。”
This one's called "Mixtape Love Song's Nest." 这名为“自选恋曲之巢。”
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And this one's called " Lovemaking Nest." 这个名为 做爱之巢。
(Laughted) (笑声)
Next is Sylvia Slater . 下一位是西维亚·斯莱特。
Sylvia's interested in art training. 西维亚的兴趣在艺术培训。
She's a very serious Swiss artist. 她是位非常严肃的瑞士艺术家。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And she was thinking about her friends and family who work in chaos-ridden places and developing countries, and she was thinking, what can I make that would be of value to them, in case something bad happens and they have to buy their way across the border or pay off a gunman ? 她在考虑着那些生活在混乱不堪的地方 和在发展中国家的她的朋友们和家人, 她在思考, 我能为他们做些什么有价值的事情, 万一有不幸发生 他们不得不买通跨越边境的道路 或是买通一名枪手。
And so she came up with creating these pocket-sized artworks that are portraits of the person that would carry them. 因此她提出创建 这些口袋大小的艺术品 是随身携带这些作品的人的肖像。
pocket-sized:adj.袖珍的;可放进衣袋中的(等于pocket-size); artworks:艺术品(artwork的名词复数);
And you would carry this around with you, and if everything went to hell, you could make payments and buy your life. 你会随身带着这个, 如果情况变糟,你可以用于付款 救你一命。
So this life price is for an irrigation non-profit director. 因此这一生命的价钱 是为一名非营利团体总监做的。
irrigation:n.灌溉;[临床]冲洗;冲洗法; non-profit:adj.非营利的;
So hopefully what happens is you never use it, and it's an heirloom that you pass down . 因此希望你永远也用不上它, 可以在你去时候作为传家宝传下去。
heirloom:n.传家宝;世代相传之物; pass down:传下来;遗传;
And she makes them so they could either be broken up into payments, or they could be like these, which are leaves that can be payments. 她把它们做出来,因此它们既可以拆开用于付款, 或是像这些,这些叶子能用于付款。
And so they're valuable . This is precious metals and gemstones . 因此它们是有价值的。这是贵金属和宝石。
valuable:adj.有价值的;贵重的;可估价的;n.贵重物品; precious:adj.宝贵的;珍贵的;矫揉造作的; gemstones:n.[宝]宝石;宝石矿石(gemstone的复数形式);
And this one had to get broken up. 这一个已经被打碎了。
He had to break off a piece to get out of Egypt recently . 最近他不得不打碎一片才得以逃出埃及。
This is by a duo , Michael Abernathy and Bud Holland . 这是由二人组,迈克尔·阿伯内亚和巴德·荷兰。
duo:n.二重奏;二重唱;二人组; Bud:n.芽,萌芽;蓓蕾;vi.发芽,萌芽;vt.使发芽; Holland:n.荷兰;
And they're interested in creating culture, just tradition. 他们的兴趣在于创造文化, 仅仅是传统。
So what they do is they move into an area and try to establish a new tradition in a small geographic area. 因此他们做的是进入一个领域 试着在一个小的地理范围内建立一个新的传统。
establish:v.创立;设立;建立;确立;使立足;查实; geographic:adj.地理的;地理学的;
So this is in Eastern Tennessee , and what they decided was that we need a positive tradition that goes with death. 这是美国田纳西州东部, 他们决定做的是 我们需要一个与死亡相关的 积极正面的传统。
Eastern:adj.东方的;向东的;东部的;东方国家的;n.东方人;东正教信徒; Tennessee:n.田纳西州(美国州名); positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
So they came up with "dig jigs ." 因此他们提出了捷格舞。
jigs:n.吉格舞曲; v.跳吉格舞;
And a dig jig -- a dig jig is where, for a milestone anniversary or a birthday, you gather all your friends and family together and you dance on where you're going to be buried. 捷格舞 -- 捷格舞是在 重要的周年纪念或是生日上跳的, 聚集起朋友和家人 去将要埋葬你的地方跳舞。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And we got a lot of attention when we did it. 我们这么做时广受瞩目。
I talked my family into doing this, and they didn't know what I was doing. 我说服我的家人做这件事,他们不知道我在做什么。
And I was like, "Get dressed for a funeral . We're going to go do some work." 我大致说到,“身着葬礼礼服。我们要去做些事。”
And so we got to the grave and made this, which was hilarious -- the attention that we got. 我们来到墓穴前,开始跳了起来,非常愉快 -- 很受瞩目。
grave:adj.重大的;严肃的;黯淡的;n.墓穴,坟墓;死亡;v.雕刻;铭记; hilarious:adj.欢闹的;非常滑稽的;喜不自禁的;
So what happens is you dance on the grave, and after you've done your dance, everyone toasts you and tells you how great you are. 这就是在墓穴前跳舞时所发生的。 在跳完之后, 每个人都送上祝福,告诉你你有多棒。
And you in essence have a funeral that you get to be present for. 你基本上有了一个 你自己参加了的葬礼。
in essence:本质上;其实;大体上;
That's my mom and dad. 这是我妈妈和爸爸。
This is by Jason Birdsong . 这是詹森·伯德桑。
He is interested in how we see as an animal, how we are interested in mimicry and camouflage . 他的兴趣在于我们如何看待动物, 我们对模仿和伪装有多大兴趣。
mimicry:n.模仿,模拟;(动物等)拟态伪装; camouflage:n.伪装,掩饰;vt.伪装,掩饰;vi.伪装起来;
You know, we look down a dark alley or a jungle path, trying to make out a face or a creature . 各位知道,我们望向一条漆黑的小巷 或是一条林中小径, 试着拼凑出一张脸或是一个生物。
alley:n.小巷;小路;小径; jungle:n.密林;尔虞我诈的环境;危险地带; creature:n.生物;动物;(具有某种特征的)人;
We just have that natural way of seeing. 我们仅仅是利用了视觉的自然方式。
And he plays with this idea. 他以这个观点为基础。
And this piece: those aren't actually leaves. 这个作品:这些不是真的树叶。
They're butterfly specimens who have a natural camouflage. 它们是有着自然伪装的蝴蝶标本。
So he pairs these up. 他把它们配对起来。
There's another pile of leaves. 这是另一堆树叶。
Those are actually all real butterfly specimens. 这些是真的蝴蝶标本。
And he pairs these up with paintings. 他把他们配对起来用于绘画。
Like this is a painting of a snake in a box. 就像是一条蛇在盒子里的绘画。
So you open the box and you think, "Whoa, there's a snake in there." 如果打开盒子你会觉得,“这儿有条蛇。”
But it's actually a painting. 但这真的是幅画。
So he makes these interesting conversations about realism and mimicry and our drive to be fooled by great camouflage. 他创作出这些 存在于真实与伪装之间的有趣的会话 以及我们被很棒的伪装所愚弄。
(Laughter) (笑声)
The next artist is Hazel Clausen. 下一位艺术家是黑泽尔·克劳森。
Hazel Clausen is an anthropologist who took a sabbatical and decided, "You know, I would learn a lot about culture if I created a culture that doesn't exist from scratch ." 黑泽尔·克劳森是位人类学家,她休了个假 决定,“你知道,如果我从头创建一个不存在的文化, 我要学很多与文化相关的东西。”
anthropologist:n.人类学家;人类学者; sabbatical:adj.安息日的;n.休假(美国某些大学给大学教师每七年一次的); from scratch:白手起家;从头做起;
So that's what she did. 这就是她所作的。
She created the Swiss people named the Uvulites, and they have this distinctive yodeling song that they use the uvula for. 她创造了这个名为Uvulites的瑞士人, 他们有种有特色的 用小舌演出的歌。
distinctive:adj.独特的;特别的;有特色的; yodeling:n.岳德尔唱法(瑞士一带一种民间小调的唱腔); v.用真假嗓音反复变换地唱(yodel的ing形式); uvula:n.[解剖]悬雍垂;[解剖]小舌;
And also they reference how the uvula -- everything they say is fallen because of the forbidden fruit. 他们也提供了如何使用小舌的参考 -- 他们说任何话都是降调 因为禁果的缘故。
forbidden:adj.禁止的; v.禁止; (forbid的过去分词和过去式)
And that's the symbol of their culture. 这是他们文化的符号。
And this is from a documentary called " Sexual Practices and Populations Control 这来自一部纪录片 名为“Uvulites人中的性行为和
Among the Uvulites." 人口控制。”
This is a typical angora embroidery for them. 这是他们典型的安哥拉毛刺绣。
typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的; angora:n.安哥拉;安哥拉山羊;安哥拉猫;安哥拉呢; embroidery:n.刺绣;刺绣品;粉饰;
This is one of their founders , Gert Schaeffer. 这是他们的创立者,格特·谢弗。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And actually this is my Aunt Irene. 实际上这是我姑姑艾琳。
It was so funny having a fake person who was making fake things. 让一个假的人物 来做假的事情太有趣了。
And I crack up at this piece, because when I see it I know that's French angora and all antique German ribbons and wool that I got in a Nebraska mill and carried around for 10 years and then antique Chinese skirts. 我看到这个作品时爆笑了, 因为当我看到它时,我知道这是法国安哥拉羊毛 和德国的古董缎带 我从内布拉斯加工厂买来的 携带了10年的羊毛 和古董中式裙子。
crack up:na.吹捧某人;(人,身体等)疲惫不堪;(飞机)坠毁; antique:adj.古老的; n.古董; vi.觅购古玩; ribbons:n.绶带,丝带; v.用缎带装饰; wool:n.毛;毛线;毛料;毛织物; Nebraska:n.内布拉斯加州; mill:n.磨坊;工厂;磨粉机;面粉厂;v.磨成粉;
The next is a collective of artists called the Silver Dobermans , and their motto is to spread pragmatism one person at a time. 下面是一组名为 银色杜宾的艺术家。 他们的格言是一次一人地 传播实用主义。
Silver:n.银; v.给…镀(或包)银; adj.银色的; Dobermans:杜宾犬; motto:n.座右铭,格言;箴言; pragmatism:n.实用主义;独断;
(Laughter) (笑声)
And they're really interested in how over-coddled we've become. 他们真正的兴趣在于 我们是如何变得过度娇气的。
So this is one of their comments on how over-coddled we've become. 这是他们对我们如何变得过度娇气的评论。
And what they've done is they put a warning sign on every single barb on this fence. 他们所做的是 在这个围栏上的每个倒钩上挂上一个警告标志。
(Laughter) (笑声)
(Applause) (掌声)
And this is called "Horse Sense Fence." 这个名为“常识围栏。”
The next artist is K. M. Yoon, a really interesting South Korean artist. 下一位艺术家是K. M. 尹, 一位真正有趣的韩国艺术家。
And he's reworking a Confucian art tradition of scholar stones. 他在重做儒家艺术传统的 学者石。
reworking:n.再造作用;修订;重写;v.重做;改进(rework的ing形式); Confucian:adj.孔子的,儒家的;儒家学说的;n.儒家,儒家学者;孔子的门徒; scholar:n.学者;奖学金获得者;聪颖勤奋的学生;
Next is Maynard Sipes. 下一位是梅纳德·西普斯。
And I love Maynard Sipes, but he's off in his own world, and, bless his heart, he's so paranoid . 我喜欢梅纳德·西普斯, 但他关闭在他自己的世界中, 神保佑他,他非常的多疑。
Next is Roy Penig, a really interesting Kentucky artist, and he's the nicest guy. 下一位是罗伊·佩尼希, 一位非常有趣的肯塔基州艺术家, 他是最和蔼的家伙。
He even once traded a work of art for a block of government cheese because the person wanted it so badly. 他有一次甚至用一件作品换取了一块政府干酪 因为这个人实在是太想要了。
Next is an Australian artist, Janeen Jackson, and this is from a project of hers called "What an Artwork Does When We're Not Watching." 下面是一位澳大利亚艺术家,贾宁·杰克逊, 这来自她的 名为“艺术作品在没人看时做什么”的项目
(Laughter) (笑声)
Next is by a Lithuanian fortune teller , Jurgi Petrauskas. 下面由立陶宛的算命者Jurgi Petrauskas创作的。
fortune:n.财富;命运;运气;v.给予财富,偶然发生 teller:n.(美)出纳员;讲述者;讲故事者;计票员;
Next is Ginger Cheshire. 下面是Ginger Cheshire。
This is from a short film of hers called "The Last Person." 这来自她名为“最后的人”的短片。
And that's my cousin and my sister's dog, Gabby . 这是我表妹和我姐姐的狗,Gabby。
The next, this is by Sam Sandy. 接下来,是由山姆·桑迪创作。
He's an Australian Aboriginal elder, and he's also an artist. 他是一位澳大利亚土著长者, 他也是名艺术家。
And this is from a large traveling sculpture project that he's doing. 这来自一个他正在做的 大型旅游雕塑项目。
This is from Estelle Willoughsby. 这来自埃斯特尔·威洛比。
She heals with color. 她善用颜色。
And she's one of the most prolific of all these hundred artists, even though she's going to be 90 next year. 她是这百位艺术家中最多产的艺术家之一, 尽管明年她就要90岁了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
This is by Z. Zhou, and he's interested in stasis . 这是由Z. Zhou创作, 他的兴趣在于静止。
Next is by Hilda Singh, and she's doing a whole project called "Social Outfits ." 下一位是希尔达·辛格, 她在做一个名为“社会机构”的项目。
Outfits:n.全套装备; v.装备;
Next is by Vera Sokolova. 下一个由维拉·索科洛娃创作。
And I have to say, Vera kind of scares me. 我不得不说,conversations有点让我害怕。
You can't look her directly in the eyes because she's kind of scary. 你无法直视她的眼睛, 因为她有点吓人。
And it's good that she's not real; she'd be mad that I said that. 还好她不是真实的; 听到我这么说她会生气的。
(Laughter) (笑声)
And she's an optometrist in St. Petersburg, and she plays with optics . 她是名圣彼得堡的验光师, 她与光学打交道。
optometrist:n.验光师;视力测定者; optics:n.[光]光学;
Next, this is by Thomas Swifton. 下一个,这是托马斯·斯威夫特的作品。
This is from a short film, "Adventures with Skinny ." 这来自一部短片,“皮包骨历险记”
(Laughter) (笑声)
And this is by Cicily Bennett, and it's from a series of short films. 这是西西利·班尼特的作品, 它来自一系列短片。
And after this one, there's 77 other artists. 这之后,还有77位其他艺术家。
And all together with those other 77 you're not seeing, that's my biennial. 所有这些和77位其他还没见到的艺术家 就是我的双年展。
Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢大家。谢谢大家。
Thanks. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. Thanks. 谢谢大家。谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)