

Growing up in Taiwan as the daughter of a calligrapher , one of my most treasured memories was my mother showing me the beauty, the shape and the form of Chinese characters. 身為書法家之女的我在台灣成長 身為書法家之女的我在台灣成長 我最珍貴的回憶 就是母親教懂我漢字的形態 並陶冶我去欣賞當中的美
Ever since then, I was fascinated by this incredible language. 從此以後,我就迷上了 這絕妙的語文
But to an outsider , it seems to be as impenetrable as the Great Wall of China. 但對門外漢而言 中文有如萬里長城般的高不可攀
outsider:n.外人;无取胜希望者; impenetrable:adj.不能通过的;顽固的;费解的;不接纳的;
Over the past few years, I've been wondering if I can break down this wall, so anyone who wants to understand and appreciate the beauty of this sophisticated language could do so. 過去數年,我一直在思索 能否讓這堵高牆倒下 好讓有志之士 都能學會並欣賞這精湛的語言
appreciate:v.欣赏;感激;感谢;理解; sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的;
I started thinking about how a new, fast method of learning Chinese might be useful. 我開始思索一種前所未有 而且快速的中文學習法
Since the age of five, I started to learn how to draw every single stroke for each character in the correct sequence . 自五歲起,我開始學習 以正確筆順書寫每個漢字 以正確筆順書寫每個漢字
stroke:n.中风;笔画;钟声;抚摩;v.抚摩(动物的毛皮);轻抚;轻挪;轻触; sequence:n.顺序; v.按顺序排列;
I learned new characters every day during the course of the next 15 years. 接下來的十五年,我每天都學習新字 接下來的十五年,我每天都學習新字
Since we only have five minutes, it's better that we have a fast and simpler way. 我在這裡只有五分鐘,時間相當緊迫 需得有個快速、簡單的方法來跟大家分享這個學習方法
A Chinese scholar would understand 20,000 characters. 中國讀書人能識得二萬個中文字
You only need 1,000 to understand the basic literacy . 但其實只需認得一千字就具備中文基礎了
The top 200 will allow you to comprehend 40 percent of basic literature -- enough to read road signs, restaurant menus, to understand the basic idea of the web pages or the newspapers. 學會最基礎的二百字就能理解四成的用語 學會最基礎的二百字就能理解四成的用語 這足以看懂路牌、餐廳菜單 並了解網頁和報紙的大意 並了解網頁和報紙的大意
comprehend:v.理解;包含;由…组成; literature:n.文学;文献;文艺;著作;
Today I'm going to start with eight to show you how the method works. 現在我要用八個字 來展示一下這個學習方法
You are ready? 準備好了嗎?
Open your mouth as wide as possible until it's square. 使勁張大嘴巴 讓嘴變成口型
You get a mouth. 為「口」
This is a person going for a walk. 散步的人
Person. 為「人」
If the shape of the fire is a person with two arms on both sides, as if she was yelling frantically , "Help! I'm on fire!" -- 「火」就像人舉起雙手 「火」就像人舉起雙手 振臂高呼 「天啊!我著火了!」
This symbol actually is originally from the shape of the flame, but I like to think that way. Whichever works for you. 這個字原本來自火的形態 但我喜歡這樣想像。其實只要你能理解,什麼方法都可以
symbol:n.象征;符号;标志; originally:adv.原来;起初; Whichever:pron.任何一个;无论哪个;adj.无论哪个;无论哪些;
This is a tree. 這是一棵樹
Tree. 「木」
This is a mountain. 這是一座「山」
The sun. 「日」
The moon. 「月」
The symbol of the door looks like a pair of saloon doors in the wild west. 「門」的漢字 就像是荒野西部的酒吧大門
I call these eight characters radicals . 我稱這八個字為部首
They are the building blocks for you to create lots more characters. 這些元素能組成更多文字 這些元素能組成更多文字
building blocks:(儿童玩的)积木;建筑砌块;堆积木;建筑砖块;基石;
A person. 「人」
If someone walks behind, that is "to follow." 人隨其後,為「从」(從)
As the old saying goes , two is company, three is a crowd. 古語有云: 兩人結伴,三人不歡─三人為「众」(眾)
As the old saying goes:古语云;如俗语说;
If a person stretched their arms wide, this person is saying, "It was this big." 若人展開雙臂,說:「有這麼『大』」 若人展開雙臂,說:「有這麼『大』」
The person inside the mouth, the person is trapped . 人在口中,是「囚」禁
He's a prisoner, just like Jonah inside the whale. 就像約拿被困於鯨魚口裡
One tree is a tree. Two trees together, we have the woods. 一木為樹,雙木為「林」
Three trees together, we create the forest. 三木就成了「森」林
Put a plank underneath the tree, we have the foundation . 樹下加橫木,為根「本」
plank:n.[木]厚木板;支架;政纲条款;v.在…上铺板;撂下;立刻付款; underneath:prep.在…的下面;在…的支配下;n.下面;底部;adj.下面的;底层的; foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立;
Put a mouth on the top of the tree, that's " idiot ." (Laughter) 樹上長口,是「呆」子(眾笑)
Easy to remember, since a talking tree is pretty idiotic . 很容易記吧? 會說話的樹的確還蠻傻的
Remember fire? 還記得火嗎?
Two fires together, I get really hot. 兩火交疊,是「炎」熱
Three fires together, that's a lot of flames. 三火相加,是火燄四射
Set the fire underneath the two trees, it's burning. 兩木下生火,是「焚」燒
For us, the sun is the source of prosperity . 對中國人而言,日(太陽)為萬物之源
source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; prosperity:n.繁荣,成功;
Two suns together, prosperous . 兩日相隨,代表「昌」盛
Three together, that's sparkles . 三日相疊亮「晶」晶
Put the sun and the moon shining together, it's brightness . 日月相輔為「明」 代表光明
It also means tomorrow, after a day and a night. 亦代表明日(過了一晝夜)
The sun is coming up above the horizon . Sunrise . 日出為「旦」,太陽升上地平線
horizon:n.地平线;(欲望、知识或兴趣的)范围; Sunrise:n.日出;朝霞;
A door. Put a plank inside the door, it's a door bolt . 「門」中放橫木,是「閂」 鎖門的門閂
bolt:n.螺栓; v.狼吞虎咽; v.突然;
Put a mouth inside the door, asking questions. 門中有口,是「問」
Knock knock. Is anyone home? 彷彿敲門問:有人在嗎?
This person is sneaking out of a door, escaping, evading . 這個人在門邊鬼鬼祟祟 「閃」躲、「閃」避
sneaking:adj.偷偷摸摸;暗中的;v.偷带;偷拿;偷走;(sneak的现在分词) evading:v.逃脱;躲开;躲避;规避;回避;(evade的现在分词)
On the left, we have a woman. 左邊是個「女」人
Two women together, they have an argument. 「奻」,兩個女人在一起,就會起爭執
(Laughter) (眾笑)
Three women together, be careful, it's adultery . 三女一起要當心,有「姦」情
So we have gone through almost 30 characters. 現在我們已經談了將近三十個字
By using this method, the first eight radicals will allow you to build 32. 用這種方法,前八個部首 就組成三十二個字
The next group of eight characters will build an extra 32. 下一組的八個部首 又能組成三十二個字
So with very little effort, you will be able to learn a couple hundred characters, which is the same as a Chinese eight-year-old. 如此你就能輕而易舉的學會數百個中文字 如此你就能輕而易舉的學會數百個中文字 相當於一個八歲的中國小孩的中文水平
So after we know the characters, we start building phrases. 學會字後,就開始造詞
For example, the mountain and the fire together, we have fire mountain. It's a volcano . 例如「火」加「山」 會噴火的山,就是「火山」
We know Japan is the land of the rising sun. 日本的意思是朝陽升起的地方
This is a sun placed with the origin, because Japan lies to the east of China. 因為日本位處中國東方 對中國而言是太陽本源之處
So a sun, origin together, we build Japan. 因此「日」加上「本」組成「日本」
A person behind Japan, what do we get? 「日本」後加「人」,是甚麼?
A Japanese person. 是「日本人」
The character on the left is two mountains stacked on top of each other. 左邊的字是兩座山上下相疊 左邊的字是兩座山上下相疊
stacked:adj.放有大量…的; v.(使)放成整齐的一叠(或一摞、一堆); (stack的过去分词和过去式)
In ancient China, that means in exile , because Chinese emperors, they put their political enemies in exile beyond mountains. 在中國,代表逐「出」 中國古代皇帝會剷除異己 把政敵逐出千山萬水之外
Nowadays, exile has turned into getting out. 現在,逐「出」成了外「出」
A mouth which tells you where to get out is an exit. 一張會告訴你如何走「出」去的口 是「出口」
This is a slide to remind me that I should stop talking and get off of the stage. Thank you. 這張投影片正好提醒我該就此打住 離開講台了。謝謝
(Applause) (掌聲)