

Ooh. A woman, right? Huh! 一个女人 是吧
Fallen in love with somebody who's got the vote this time. 这次爱上了一个有选举权的人
How old is she? 20? 她多大 20吗
No, she's about 30. 不 她30岁左右
Do you like my tits ? 你喜欢我奶子吗
Hello? Tits! 喂 奶子
Yeah. I love your tits. 嗯 我爱你的奶子
Do you wanna come on them? 你想射在上面吗
Sure. Let me just get this off. 好啊 我把套子取了
Actually, don't. I got a rash last time. Let's do it from behind. 还是别了 上次我长了不少疹子 还是后入吧
I'm gonna come. Are you gonna come? 我要高潮了 你快了吗
Did you just fake it? 你刚是假装射了吗
Don't be stupid. 少胡说
Why are you staring ? - Show me the condom . 你瞅什么 -把套子给我看看
staring:adj.凝视的,目不转睛的;显眼的;v.凝视;盯着看;显眼;(stare的现在分词) condom:n.避孕套;阴茎套;
No way. 没门儿
Where's the spunk , Adam? 精液呢 亚当
Whoa, there. 你好啊
This is not the bathroom. 这不是厕所
Sorry, man. I'm very sorry. I'm, uh-- 抱歉 我很抱歉 我...
Sleeping with my mother? 在和我妈上床吗
Correct. 没错
Awkward . I'm Dan. 真尴尬 我是丹
And you are... - Otis. 你是 -欧帝斯
Don't worry. Left- handed. 别担心 我是左撇子
First door on your left. - Cheers, dude . 左边第一间 -谢了
Morning, darling. - Morning. 早 亲爱的 -早
Coffee? - I've got some. 要咖啡吗 -我煮好了
Toast ? 吃吐司吗
Toast:n.干杯; v.为…干杯;
Um... Maybe... 也许吧
Uh, I've got clients in a few minutes. 过会儿要去见病人
Oh, Otis, this is, um-- 欧帝斯 这位是...
We've met. 我们见过了
Coffee? - Oh, yes, please. 喝咖啡吗 -好的 谢谢
How old are you, Dan? 你多大 丹
You having some kind of preemptive midlife crisis ? 你是提前进入中年危机了吗
preemptive:adj.优先购买的;先发制人的;有先买权的; midlife crisis:n.中年危机(人在步入中年后可能产生的焦虑、失望和缺乏自信);
Otis... - Mum, he rides a motorbike. 欧帝斯 -妈 他骑摩托
I'll take you for a ride in it, if you like? 你要想的话 我可以载你去兜风
No, thanks. 不了 谢谢
Do you have an Oedipal complex ? 你有恋母情节吗
Oedipal:adj.[医]恋母情结的; complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施;
As in, you mean do I wanna have sex with my mum? 你是说我想和我妈做爱吗
Mm. - Uh, not really. 嗯 -并不
It's not really my thing, that. 我对那不感兴趣
Just ignore him. He's teasing you. 无视他 他在逗你
ignore:v.驳回诉讼;忽视;不理睬; teasing:adj.开玩笑的;n.取笑;挑逗;v.取笑;戏弄;招惹;(tease的现在分词)
Otis, it's perfectly normal for a younger man to be sexually attracted to a mature woman. 欧帝斯 一个年轻男子 想上一个成熟女性 这很正常
sexually:adv.性,性欲 mature:v.成熟; adj.明白事理的;
In fact, when you stigmatize his choice, then you feed into an unhealthy narrative on masculinity in middle age . 事实上 当你贬低他的选择 你就是在助长 一种只有中年男人才有阳刚气的论调
stigmatize:vt.诬蔑;玷污;给…打上烙印; unhealthy:不健康的 narrative:n.叙述;故事;讲述;adj.叙事的,叙述的;叙事体的; masculinity:n.男性;男子气;刚毅; middle age:中年;
That's why I say you should never date a shrink , huh? 所以我说永远别和心理治疗师交往
Sex and relationship therapist , thank you very much. 是性爱和感情治疗师 谢谢
That's me. 找我的
Yeah, I should probably, uh, shoot off as well. 我也该走了
Thanks. - Okay. 谢谢 -嗯
Thanks for everything, Mum. - Uh, Jean. Jean. Definitely Jean. 谢谢你做的一切 妈 -珍 珍 当然是珍