

My name's Seth Priebatsch. I'm the chief ninja of SCVNGR. 我叫Seth Priebatsch。我是SCVNGR公司的首席忍者。
I am a proud Princeton dropout . 我也因普里斯顿大学辍学而感到自豪。
Princeton:n.普林斯顿(美国新泽西州中部的自治市镇); dropout:n.退学学生;脱落;信号失落;
Also proud to have relocated here to Boston , where I actually grew up. 同时也很自豪能够回到波士顿创业, 这是我长大的地方。
relocated:v.(使)搬迁,迁移;(relocate的过去分词和过去式) Boston:n.波士顿(美国城市);
Yeah, Boston. 是的,波士顿。
Easy wins. I should just go and name the counties that we've got around here. 我去过很多不同地方,阐述这种概念。
So, I'm also fairly determined to try and build a game layer on top of the world . 我决定要去尝试, 建立一个超级棒的游戏社交圈。
fairly:adv.相当地;公平地;简直; determined:adj.决定了的:v.决定;(determine的过去分词和过去式) layer:n.层,层次; vt.把…分层堆放; vi.形成或分成层次; on top of the world:幸福到极点;欣喜若狂;世界最高点;
And this is sort of a new concept, and it's really important. 这是一种新的概念,很重要的概念。
Because while the last decade was the decade of social and the decade of where the framework in which we connect with other people was built, this next decade will be the decade where the game framework is built, 因为过去十年 是网络社交的黄金十年, 这十年里 人们在网上联系彼此的平台开始出现, 下一个十年, 将是游戏社交平台建立的时候,
where the motivations that we use to actually influence behavior, and the framework in which that is constructed , is decided upon, and that's really important. 影响人们行为的动机, 以及游戏社交平台, 都会逐渐建立起来,这很重要。
motivations:n.动机(motivation的复数);表明动机; influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变; constructed:v.修建;建造;组成;编制,绘制;(construct的过去分词和过去式)
And so I say that I want to build a game layer on top of the world, but that's not quite true because it's already under construction; it's already happening. 所以,我说我想建设一个超级棒的游戏社交圈, 这并不十分准确, 因为这个社交圈已经开始建立了:这已经在发生了。
And it looks like this right now. 现在的情况就像这样。
It looks like the Web did back in 1997, right? 这很像1997年的电脑页面对不对?
It's not very good. It's cluttered . 不太好。很拥挤的页面。
cluttered:adj.杂乱的; v.凌乱地塞满; (clutter的过去分词和过去式)
It's filled with lots of different things that, in short, aren't that fun. 它充斥着很多信息。 一句话,不怎么好。
There are credit card schemes and airline mile programs and coupon cards and all these loyalty schemes that actually do use game dynamics and actually are building the game layer, they just suck . 这有信用卡刷卡方案、飞行里程计划、 优惠券和其它很多提升客户忠诚度的计划。 它们都利用人们玩游戏的动机 来建立游戏社交圈,但这些游戏动机很糟糕。
credit card:n.[经]信用卡; schemes:n.方案,计划;阴谋(scheme的复数);v.计划,设计;谋划(scheme的三单形式); airline:n.航空公司; coupon:n.息票;赠券;联票;[经]配给券; loyalty:n.忠诚;忠心;忠实;忠于…感情; dynamics:n.动力学,力学; suck:v.吸吮;吸取;n.吮吸;
They're not very well designed, right? 这种消费游戏设计的不好,对吧?
So, that's unfortunate. 这太糟糕了。
But luckily, as my favorite action hero, 幸运的是,正如我最喜欢的动作巨星,
Bob the Builder , says, "We can do better. We can build this better." 建筑师巴布(Bob the Builder欧美卡通影片)说的, “我们可以做的更好。我们可以盖出更好的建筑。”
And the tools, the resources that we use to build a game layer are game dynamics themselves. 其实,我们用来建设游戏圈的 工具、资源 就是玩游戏的动机。
resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
And so the crux of this presentation is going to go through four really important game dynamics, really interesting things, that, if you use consciously , you can use to influence behavior, both for good, for bad, for in-between . 所以我今天演讲的关键就是 四种重要的玩游戏的动机,非常有趣, 如果你意识到, 你就可以用这些动机来影响人们的行为, 既可以朝着好的方面施加影响,也可以带来坏的影响,或者让它们同时发生。
crux:n.关键;难题;十字架形,坩埚; presentation:n.展示;描述,陈述;介绍;赠送; consciously:adv.自觉地;有意识地; in-between:n.中间人;中间存在者;局中的物体;adj.中间的;
Hopefully for good. 当然我们希望是好的影响。
But this is sort of the important stages in which that framework will get built, and so we want to all be thinking about it consciously now. 平台建设是 很重要的阶段, 所以现在我们都要自然而然地思考这个问题。
Just before we jump into that, there's sort of a question of: why is this important? 当我们开始讨论这个问题之前,还有一个问题,那就是:为什么重要?
I'm sort of making this claim that there is a game layer on top of the world, and that it's very important that we build it properly. 为什么我刚才说的建设最棒的游戏社交网络 非常重要。
The reason that it's so important is that, the last decade, what we've seen has been building the social layer, has been this framework for connections, and construction on that layer is over, it's finished. 重要的原因是,最近十年, 建立的网络社交圈, 也就是网上人与人的联系, 这种社交网络的建设已经完成了。
There's still a lot to explore . 但是还有很多值得开发的地方。
There's still a lot of people who are trying to figure out social and how do we leverage this and how do we use this, but the framework itself is done, and it's called Facebook. 仍然有很多人试着提升这种网络平台, 摸索如何使用这个平台, 但是这平台本身已经搭建起来了, 叫做Facebook。
And that's okay, right? A lot of people are very happy with Facebook. 平台已经建成也没有关系,不是吗?很多人很喜欢Facebook。
I like it quite a lot. 我也很喜欢。
They've created this thing called the Open Graph, and they own all of our connections. 它们搭建了所谓的“开放列表Open Graph”, 它可以拥有所有使用者的关系资料。
They own half a billion people. FACEBOOK拥有5亿人的资料。
And so when you want to build on the social layer, the framework has been decided; it is the Open Graph API. 所以当你想建立社交关系网时, 这个平台已经搭建好了,也就是开放列表应用程序(Open Graph API)。
And if you're happy with that, fantastic . 如果你很乐意使用它,那就太好了。
If you're not, too bad. There's nothing you can do. 如果你不高兴用它,很可惜。我们无能为力。
But this next decade -- and that's a real thing. 但是下一个十年——一定会有事情发生。
I mean, we want to build frameworks in a way that makes it acceptable and makes it, you know, productive down the road . 我的意思是,我们想建立一个平台- 一个人人都能读取 和改变信息的平台,这个平台会不断丰富。
acceptable:adj.认同的;可接受的;令人满意的; productive:adj.能生产的;生产的,生产性的;多产的;富有成效的; down the road:只要沿着这条路;将来;在路上;
So, the social layer is all about these connections. 网络社交圈是处理人与人关系的,
The game layer is all about influence. 而游戏社交圈全是有关影响力的平台。
It's not about adding a social fabric to the Web and connecting you to other people everywhere you are and everywhere you go. 并不是简单地在网上增加一个社会联系 而是把你和其他人联系起来, 无论你在哪里和要去哪里。
It's actually about using dynamics, using forces, to influence the behavior of where you are, what you do there, how you do it. 它完全利用的是某种动力、影响力, 来影响人们 在哪里,去哪里以及怎样行动的方式。
That's really, really powerful, and going to be more important than the social layer. 这种方式真的很强大,比网络社交圈更加重要。
It's going to affect our lives more deeply and perhaps more invisibly . 它会更深刻地影响到人们的生活, 或许以更无形的方式。
And so it's incredibly critical that at this moment, while it's just getting constructed, while the frameworks like Facebook, like the Open Graph, are being created for the game layer equivalent , that we think about it very consciously, and that we do it in a way that is open, that is available, and that can be leveraged for good. 所以游戏社交圈无比重要, 此时,我们刚刚开始建立它, 我们认为游戏社交圈 堪与Facebook和开放列表这样的平台并驾齐驱, 我们认为这是非常准确的, 我们把它做成一个开放的、 每个人都能够使用的、不断提升的平台。
incredibly:adv.难以置信地;非常地; critical:adj.鉴定的;[核]临界的;批评的,爱挑剔的;危险的;决定性的;评论的; equivalent:adj.等价的,相等的;同意义的;n.等价物,相等物; leveraged:adj.杠杆的; v.举债经营; (leverage的过去式和过去分词);
And so that's what I want to talk about for game dynamics, because construction has just begun, and the more consciously we can think about this, the better we'll be able to use it for anything that we want. 这也就是我所提到的游戏动机, 因为建设才刚刚开始, 我们设想的越精确, 我们就能够更好地利用它 来做任何我们想让它实现的事情。
So like I said, the way that you go through and build on the game layer is not with glass and steal and cement . 就像我刚才说的,我们建设这个游戏社交圈的方式 并不是用玻璃、钢筋和水泥。
And the resources that we use are not this two-dimensional swath of land that we have. 我们所用的资源并不是 屏幕上的两维的平面地图。
two-dimensional:adj.二维的;缺乏深度的; swath:n.细长的列;收割的刈痕;收割的宽度;
The resources are mindshare and the tools, the raw materials are these game dynamics. 而是俘获的人们心灵,我们的工具和原材料就是人们玩游戏的动机。
So with that, you know, a couple game dynamics to talk about. 所以今天我就主要谈一谈玩游戏的四个动机。
Four. Back at SCVNGR, we like to joke that with seven game dynamics, you can get anyone to do anything. 在SCVNGR的时候,我们总开玩笑说, 如果有7个玩游戏的动机的话,我们就能让任何人做任何事情。
And so today, I'm going to show you four, because I hope to have a competitive advantage at the end of this, still. 今天我给大家介绍四种, 因为我想保留一些,以保证我的相对优势。
competitive:adj.竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的; advantage:n.有利条件:优势:优点:
(Laughter) (笑声)
So the first one, it's a very simple game dynamic. 第一个,很简单的玩游戏的动机。
It's called the appointment dynamic. 它叫做约定动机appointment dynamic。
And this is a dynamic in which to succeed, players have to do something at a predefined time, generally at a predefined place. 要想使这种动机发挥作用, 参与游戏者需要在约定的时间做某种事情, 通常也约定好了地点。
predefined:adj.[计]预先定义的;v.预先确定(predefine的过去式); generally:adv.通常;普遍地,一般地;
And these dynamics are a little scary sometimes, because you think, you know, other people can be using forces that will manipulate how I interact , what I do, where I do it, when I do it. 有时这种动机有些吓人, 因为,你可以设想, 其他人可能用这种力量来控制 人们该如何交流,做什么,在什么地方做以及什么时候去做。
manipulate:vt.操纵;操作;巧妙地处理;篡改; interact:v.互相影响;互相作用;n.幕间剧;幕间休息;
This sort of loss of free will that occurs in games can be frightening , so with each dynamic, I'm going to give three examples -- one that shows how this is already being used in the real world, so you can sort of rationalize it a little bit, 在游戏过程中,这种自由的丧失确实存在 有些恐怖, 每种动机我都会举三个例子—— 一个是已经在真实世界中应用的例子, 所以你们可以更好地体会它,
free will:n.自由意志; occurs:v.重现(occur的第三人称单数); frightening:adj.可怕的;骇人的;引起恐惧的;v.使惊吓;使惊恐(frighten的现在分词) rationalize:vt.使…合理化;使…有理化;为…找借口;vi.实行合理化;作辩解;合理地思考;
one that shows it in what we consider a conventional game -- 另一个是指出它在传统游戏中表现——
I think everything is a game, this is sort of more of a what you would think is a game played on a board or on a computer screen, and then one how this can be used for good, so we can see that these forces can really be very powerful. 我认为所有的事情都是游戏, 这与棋盘游戏或者电脑游戏很相似, 最后一个例子是如何向着好的方向利用这种动机, 由此我们可以看到这些力量是如何的强大。
So the first one -- the most famous appointment dynamic in the world -- is something called happy hour . 第一个例子——也就是世界上有关约定动机的最有名的例子—— 被称作快乐时刻(注:欧美酒吧里的减价时段)的例子。
happy hour:n.快乐时间;减价供应饮料等的时间(酒吧间术语);
So I just recently dropped out of Princeton and actually ended up for the first time in a bar, and I saw these happy hour things all over the place, right. 因为我刚刚从普林斯顿辍学, 第一次在酒吧中结束学业生涯, 我发现在很多地方都有这种优惠时段。
And this is simply an appointment dynamic. 这是一种简单的约定动机。
Come here at a certain time, get your drinks half off. 在特定的时间到这里聚会,喝一杯半价饮料。
To win, all you have to do is show up at the right place at the right time . 为了好处,你会在特定时间出现在特定地方。
at the right time:在适当时候;
This game dynamic is so powerful, that it doesn't just influence our behavior, it's influenced our entire culture. 这种游戏动力如此强大, 以至于它不仅影响到我们的行为,还影响了整个文化。
That's a really scary thought, that one game dynamic can change things so powerfully . 这确实让人害怕, 一种玩游戏的动机居然使事情发生如此大的改变。
It also exists in more conventional game forms. 这种动机也存在于很多传统游戏中。
I'm sure you've all heard of Farmville by now. 我敢肯定你们都听说过了美国农场游戏Farmville。
If you haven't, I recommend playing it. 如果你没听过,我推荐你玩一下。
You won't do anything else with the rest of your day. 有了它,一天的其他时间里你都不会再去做别的事了。
Farmville has more active users than Twitter. 美国农场游戏Farmville的用户比Twitter的用户还活跃。
It's incredibly powerful, and it has this dynamic where you have to return at a certain time to water your crops -- fake crops -- or they wilt . 它的力量是如此的强大,能让你 在特定的时刻赶回来玩游戏, 为你的庄稼浇水——虚拟的庄稼——否则它们就枯萎了。
fake:n.假货;骗子;假动作;v.捏造;假装…的样子;adj.伪造的; wilt:vt.使枯萎;使畏缩;使衰弱;vi.枯萎;畏缩;衰弱;n.枯萎;憔悴;衰弱;
And this is so powerful that, when they tweak their stats , when they say your crops wilt after eight hours, or after six hours, or after 24 hours, it changes the life-cycle of 70 million-some people during the day. 它的力量如此强大,当信息显示, 你的庄稼会在 8个小时、6个小时或者24个小时之后枯萎, 它就能改变这一天 7千万人的生物钟。
tweak:vt.扭;拧;扯;稍稍调整;n.扭;拧;扯;轻微调整 stats:n.统计数据;统计学;
They will return like clockwork at different times . 他们会像闹钟一样准时地在不同时间回来给庄稼浇水。
clockwork:n.发条装置;钟表装置; at different times:在不同的时间;在不同的时代;
So if they wanted the world to end, if they wanted productivity to stop, they could make this a 30-minute cycle, and no one could do anything else. 如果制定游戏的人想要农场倒闭,生产力停滞, 他们可以把浇水的周期改为30分钟, 所有人就无法做其他事情了。
(Laughter) (笑声)
That's a little scary. 这有些恐怖。
But this could also be used for good. 但是也可以用这种动机做好事。
This is a local company called Vitality , and they've created a product to help people take their medicine on time. 有一个本地的企业叫做Vitality,他们生产一种产品 来帮助人们按时吃药。
That's an appointment. 这是一种约定。
It's something that people don't do very well. 在这个方面,有时人们表现的并不好。
And they have these GlowCaps which, you know, flash and email you and do all sorts of cool things to remind you to take your medicine. 所以他们就制造了GlowCaps,能够闪烁,还能够给你发邮件 还会做一些其他有趣的事情来提醒你吃药。
flash:n.闪光; v.闪光; adj.庞大的; remind:v.提醒;使想起;
This is one that isn't a game yet, but really should be. 这不太像是一种游戏,但实际上它是。
You should get points for doing this on time. 当你按时吃药的话,你就能够得分。
You should lose points for not doing this on time. 没有做到就要被扣分。
They should consciously recognize that they've built an appointment dynamic and leverage the games. 他们应该意识到 他们已经拥有了约定动机,提升了游戏的水平。
And then you can really achieve good in some interesting ways. 你确实可以巧妙地利用这一动机做些好事。
We're going to jump onto the next one, maybe. Yes. 或许我们可以开始讨论下一个动机了。
Influence and status . 影响力和地位Influence and status。
So this is one of the most famous game dynamics. 这是最出名的游戏动机之一。
It's used all over the place. 在很多地方都可以利用它。
It's used in your wallets, right now. 你的钱包里现在就有它。
We all want that credit card on the far left because it's black. 我们都想拥有最左边那张信用卡, 因为它是美国运通顶级黑卡。
And you see someone at CVS or -- not CVS -- at Christian Dior or something, and then ... 你会见到在财富五百强工作的人或者—— 不是财富五百强——在迪奥或者别的什么精品店,这张卡会出现,
I don't know. I don't have a black card; I've got a debit card . 我不大清楚,因为我没有运通黑卡,我只有一张借记卡。
debit card:n.借记卡;
(Laughter) (笑声)
So they whip it out. And you see men, they have that black card. 他们把卡拿出来。你会看着这个人,哇,他们有运通黑卡。
whip:n.鞭子; v.鞭打;
I want that because that means that they're cooler than I am, and I need that. 我也想要有这样的卡片因为这张卡意味着身份高人一等, 所以我也想要一个。
And this is used in games as well. 游戏中也有这种动机。
'"Modern Warfare ," one of the most successful selling games of all time. “魔兽世界”是一款卖的最好的游戏。
I'm only a level four, but I desperately want to be a level 10, because they've got that cool red badge thing, and that means that I am somehow better than everyone else. 我现在只玩到了4级,我特别想达到10级, 因为到达十级后就可以拿到很酷的红色勋章, 意味着我比其他人都棒。
desperately:adv.拼命地;绝望地;不顾一切地;极度地; badge:n.徽章;证章;标记;v.授给…徽章; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地;
And that's very powerful to me. Status is really good motivator . 这对我很有吸引力。地位确实是很强的动力。
It's also used in more conventional settings and can be used more consciously in conventional settings. 在很传统的地方也会有地位发挥作用的情况, 并且可以在这些地方更加刻意地利用它。
School -- and remember, I made it through one year, so I think I'm qualified to talk on school -- is a game, it's just not a terribly well-designed game, right. 比如学校——别忘了我还上过一学年, 所以我还是有资格谈论学校的—— 它就是一个游戏,是一款设计的不那么好的游戏。
qualified:adj.有资格的; v.合格; (qualify的过去分词和过去式) well-designed:adj.精心设计的;设计巧妙的;
There are levels. There are C. There are B. There is A. 那里也有等级,包括C等,B等,A等。
There are statuses . I mean, what is valedictorian , but a status? 这里有地位之分。我的意思是,如果把毕业生致辞比作地位?
statuses:n.地位;状态;情形;重要身分; valedictorian:n.告别演说者;致告别辞者;
If we called valedictorian a " white knight paladin level 20," 如果我们把毕业生致辞的地位命名为“白爵士圣骑士二十级”,
white knight:n.救星; paladin:n.骑士,游侠;查理大帝;杰出倡导者;
I think people would probably work a lot harder. 我认为同学们会更加努力的学习。
(Laughter) (笑声)
So school is a game, And there have been lots of experimentations on how we do this properly. 所以学校就是一个游戏场。我们可以做很多实验 尝试把学校办的更好。
But let's use it consciously. Like why have games that you can lose? 让我们自觉地利用它。比如为什么制定会输的游戏?
Why go from an A to an F or a B to a C? 为什么会从A到F,从B到C?
That sucks . Why not level-up ? 这太糟了。为什么不能晋级?
sucks:v.吮吸;吸;咂;啜;抽吸;抽取;(suck的第三人称单数) level-up:na.扯平,拉平;
And at Princeton, they've actually experimented with this, where they have quizzes where you gain experience points, and you level up from B to an A. 在普里斯顿,他们正实验着这么做, 有一些可以得到经验分的小测试, 可以从B等升到A等。
And it's very powerful. 这种力量很强大。
It can be used in interesting ways. 人们可以采取各种有趣的形式利用它。
The third one I want to talk about quickly is the progression dynamic, where you have to sort of make progress, you have to move through different steps in a very granular fashion. 第三个我想快速讲一下的是进步动机progression dynamic, 当你不得不进步的时候, 你很规律地一步一步前进。
progression:n.前进;连续; granular:adj.颗粒的;粒状的;
This is used all over the place, including LinkedIn , where I am an un-whole individual . 这种动机在各地都适用,包括Linkedln(注:Linkedln是注册者职业履历网络社交), 我并没有全部完成。
LinkedIn:人际关系网;邻客音;社交网站; individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的;
I am only 85 percent complete on LinkedIn, and that bothers me. 只完成了85%, 我很在意这个。
bothers:n.麻烦; v.给(某人)造成麻烦(或痛苦); (bother的第三人称单数和复数)
And this is so deep-seated in our psyche that, when we're presented with a progress bar and presented with easy, granular steps to take to try and complete that progress bar, we will do it. 这种进步的动机在每个人身上如此根深蒂固 以至于当我们面对一个有进度条的任务, 它会细分成很多小的步骤, 让你会愿意尝试完成这个进度条,
deep-seated:adj.深层的;根深蒂固的;深位的; psyche:n.灵魂;心智;
We will find a way to move that blue line. 我们会尽力移动那条蓝线,
all the way to the right edge of the screen. 一直移到屏幕的最右边。
This is used in conventional games as well. 这一动机在传统的游戏中也有所体现。
I mean, you see this is a paladin level 10, and that's a paladin level 20, and if you were going to fight, you know, orcs on the fields of Mordor against the Raz al Ghul, you'd probably want to be the bigger one, right. 我的意思是,你看这是圣骑士10级, 那是圣骑士20级, 当各位将士准备前往摩多 攻击半兽人, 你或许想用那个大块头,对吧。
I would. 我会想要右边的。
And so people work very hard to level-up. 所以人们拼了命想升级。
'"World of Warcraft " is one of the most successful games of all time. “魔兽世界”是一款卖的很好的游戏。
The average player spends something like six, six-and-a-half hours a day on it. 平均每个玩家每天花大概 6到6.5个小时玩这个游戏。
Their most dedicated players, it's like a full-time job. 最专注的玩家,恐怕是全职的。
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式) full-time:adj.专职的;全日制的;全部时间的;
It's insane . And they have these systems where you can level-up. 这简直是疯了。游戏系统规定可以升级。
And that's a very powerful thing. Progression is powerful. 这个很强大。进步的驱动力是巨大的。
It can also be used in very compelling ways for good. 这也可以被用来做好事。
compelling:adj.引人入胜的; v.强迫; (compel的现在分词)
One of the things that we work on at SCVNGR is how do you use games to drive traffic and drive business to local businesses, to sort of something that is very key to the economy . 我们在SCVNGR做的一件事情就是 想出利用游戏的手法,对当地企业进行操作, 这对经济发展非常重要。
And here we have a game that people play. 这里我们给大家设计了这样一个游戏,
They go places, they do challenges, they earn points. 他们到一个地方,完成挑战,赢得经验值。
And we've introduced a progression dynamic into it, where, by going to the same place over and over , by doing doing challenges, by engaging with the business, 我们已经把进步动力的方式引入游戏之中, 人们通过一次次到相同的地方, 不断地完成挑战,参与经济活动,
over and over:反复;再三; engaging:adj.有趣的; v.吸引住(注意力、兴趣); (engage的现在分词)
you move a green bar from the left edge of the screen to the right edge of the screen, and you eventually unlock rewards . 会使的一根绿色的进度条从屏幕的左边不断向右边推移, 最终你能得到奖赏。
eventually:adv.最后,终于; rewards:n.[劳经]奖励; v.[劳经]奖赏;
And this is powerful enough that we can see that it hooks people into these dynamics, pulls them back to the same local businesses, creates huge loyalty, creates engagement , and is able to drive meaningful revenue and fun and engagement to businesses. 这种方法也很有效, 它能够激起人们的进步动机, 不断把他们拉回到同一个当地企业, 建立巨大的客户忠诚和亲密关系, 这给企业带来了可观的收入, 娱乐和承诺。
hooks:n.钩子;[机]挂钩(hook的复数);v.[机]钩;钓(hook的第三人称单数); engagement:n.婚约;约会;交战;诺言;n.参与度; meaningful:adj.严肃的;重要的;重大的;意味深长的; revenue:n.收益;营业额;税务署;
These progression dynamics are powerful and can be used in the real world. 这种进步的动机很强 可以在现实生活中使用。
The final one I want to talk about -- and it's a great one to end on -- is this concept of communal discovery, a dynamic in which everyone has to work together to achieve something. 我最后想讲的是——用来结尾很好的例子是—— 社群探索的概念, 人们需要一起工作 来达到某个目标的动机。
And communal discovery is powerful because it leverages the network that is society to solve problems. 社群探索有影响力的原因是因为 它能够利用人际网络 解决各种问题。
This is used in some sort of famous consumer web stories, like Digg, which I'm sure you've all heard of. 它多用于著名的网上店铺, 例如Digg(注:社群新闻站点),我相信你们都听说过。
Digg is a communal dynamic to try to find and source the best news, the most interesting stories. Digg就是一个社群动力 寻找最好的新闻, 最有趣的故事。
And they made this into a game, initially . 起初,这就是一种游戏。
They had a leader board , where, if you recommended the best stories, you would get points. 当你推荐的某个故事上了网站首页, 你会得到加分。
leader board:n.(尤指高尔夫球比赛中的)领先选手积分牌;选手积分榜; recommended:v.推荐;举荐;介绍;劝告;建议;(recommend的过去分词和过去式)
And that really motivated people to find the best stories. 这激励人们去寻找最好的故事。
motivated:adj.有动机的; v.使产生动机;
But it became so powerful, that there was actually a cabal , a group of people, the top seven on the leader board, who would work together to make sure they maintained that position. 这很有影响力,很像某种帮派, 也就是一群人,领袖榜的前七个, 他们会通力合作保证他们的位置。
cabal:n.阴谋(尤指政治上的);阴谋集团;vi.策划阴谋; maintained:v.维持;维修;保养;固执己见;(maintain的过去式和过去分词)
And they would recommend other people's stories. 他们会推荐彼此的故事。
And the game became more powerful than the goal. 游戏的过程变得比目标达成的影响力更大。
And they actually had to end up shutting down the leader board because, while it was effective , it was so powerful that it stopped sourcing the best stories and started having people work to maintain their leadership. 最后,霸占主页成为主要的目标, 当这种情形发生时, 社群动力就会使参与者不再推荐好故事, 并且,有些人开始专门为了维持领导地位忙活。
effective:adj.有效的,起作用的;实际的,实在的;给人深刻印象; sourcing:v.(从…)获得;(source的现在分词)
So we have to use this one carefully. 所以我们必须谨慎使用这一动机。
It's also used in things like McDonald's Monopoly , where the game is not the Monopoly game you're playing, but the sort of cottage industries that form to try and fin d Boardwalk , right. 再举一个例子,像麦当劳大富翁游戏(麦当劳从1987年开始在欧美的促销活动,在麦当劳店里玩类似大富翁的游戏。), 这不像我们平常玩的大富翁游戏, 消费者会像寻找农舍一样 寻找滨海长堤(Boardwalk,纽泽西州大西洋城明景)。
Monopoly:n.垄断;垄断者;专卖权; Boardwalk:n.木板路;
And now they're just looking for a little sticker that says "Boardwalk." 他们都希望找到一种有“滨海长堤”的小贴纸(抽中此贴纸通常都有大奖)。
But it can also be used to find real things. 这能够用于寻找真实存在的东西。
This is the DARPA balloon challenge, where they hid a couple balloons all across the United States and said, "Use networks. DARPA(美国国防高级研究规划局)推出了气球挑战赛, 他们随机在美国境内放了10个气球 他们宣布“请使用网络,
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
Try and find these balloons fastest, and the winner will get $40,000." 最快找到这些气球的人会得到4万美元奖金。”
And the winner was actually a group out of MIT, where they created sort of a pyramid scheme, a network, where the first person to recommend the location of a balloon 拿走奖金的是麻省理工的一个团队, 他们制作了一个类似于老鼠会的网站, 第一个到网站报告气球位置的人
got $2,000 and anyone else to push that recommendation up also got a cut of it. 就能拿到2000美元,并且把这个消息传给 其他人就能够分到一些。
And in 12 hours, they were able to find all these balloons, all across the country, right. 12个小时后,他们发现了 境内的所有10个气球。
Really powerful dynamic. 真的是非常有效的驱动力。
And so, I've got about 20 seconds left, so if I'm going to leave you with anything, last decade was the decade of social. 我还有20秒钟的时间, 让我做个总结, 过去的十年是网络社交的黄金十年。
This next decade is the decade of games. 接下来的十年是游戏社交的十年。
We use game dynamics to build on it. We build with mindshare. 我们正在用这些游戏驱动力来建立。我们用的是心灵占有率。
We can influence behavior. 我们影响行为。
It is very powerful. It is very exciting. 这很有影响力,这很激动人心。
Let's all build it together, let's do it well and have fun playing. 让我们共同打造这个游戏社交圈,让我们一起玩游戏。