

So sometimes I get invited to give weird talks. 有时有人会邀请我去做一些奇怪的演讲
I got invited to speak to the people who dress up in big stuffed animal costumes to perform at sporting events. 比如我应邀去 给穿着巨大的填充动物服装 在运动场馆表演的人做演讲。
stuffed animal:n.填充玩具动物;(动物造型的)布绒玩具;动物标本; costumes:n.服装,装束; v.给(某人)穿上特殊服装; (costume的第三人称单数和复数) perform:v.表演;执行;履行;演出;工作,运转(好/不好);
Unfortunately I couldn't go. 可惜我没法去
But it got me thinking about the fact that these guys, at least most of them, know what it is that they do for a living. 但这让我想到 这些人,至少他们大部分人 知道自己靠什么来谋生
What they do is they dress up as stuffed animals and entertain people at sporting events. 他们穿戴着填充动物服装 在运动场所取悦人们
Shortly after that I got invited to speak at the convention of the people who make balloon animals. 之后不久 我又应邀为一群制作气球动物形象 的人们做演讲
And again I couldn't go. But it's a fascinating group. They make balloon animals. 可惜我还是没法去。这是很棒的一群人,他们制作气球动物。
There is a big schism between the ones who make gospel animals and porn animals. 制作可爱的气球形象的爱好者和制作色情充气娃娃的人 之间有着本质的区别.
schism:n.分裂;分裂教会罪; gospel:n.真理;信条;adj.传播福音的;福音赞美诗的; porn:n.淫秽作品;色情书刊(或音像制品等)(等于pornography);
(Laughter) (笑声)
But they do a lot of really cool stuff with balloons. 但他们用气球做了很多很酷的东西
Sometimes they get in trouble, but not often. 有时他们会遇到一些麻烦
And the other thing about these guys is, they also know what they do for a living. 而这些人 他们也知道自己如何谋生
They make balloon animals. 他们制作气球动物
But what do we do for a living? 但他们到底如何谋生?
What exactly to the people watching this do every day? 正在听我演讲的人究竟每天在做什么?
And I want to argue that what we do is we try to change everything. 我认为我们所作所为是因为 我们想改变一切。
That we try to find a piece of the status quo , something that bothers us, something that needs to be improved , 我们发现一些现实问题 那些困扰我们的问题,需要改进的问题
status quo:n.现状;原来的状况; bothers:n.麻烦; v.给(某人)造成麻烦(或痛苦); (bother的第三人称单数和复数) improved:adj.改良的:v.改进:改善(improve的过去分词和过去式)
Something that is itching to be changed, and we change it. 有些东西需要改变, 于是我们改变它.
We try to make big, permanent , important change. 我们努力去做巨大的,永久的,重要的改变
But we don't think about it that way. 但我们并不是这样想的。
And we haven't spent a lot of time talking about what that process is like. 我们也没有花很多时间来讨论 应该如何来做
And I've been studying it for a couple years. 我花了几年时间来研究这个问题
And I want to share a couple stories with you today. 今天我想和大家分享一些故事
First, about a guy named Nathan Winograd. 首先,我们看看Nathan Winograd的故事
Nathan was the number two person at the San Francisco SPCA. Nathan是旧金山SPCA的二号人物
And what you may not know about the history of the SPCA is it was founded to kill dogs and cats. 你可能并不了解SPCA的历史 成立SPCA的目的是为了杀死猫和狗
Cities gave them a charter to get rid of the stray animals on the street and destroy them. 市政府允许他们 杀死在街头流浪的猫狗
charter:n.章程; v.包租(飞机、船等); stray:v.迷路; adj.走失的; n.走失的宠物(或家畜);
In a typical year four million dogs and cats were killed. 每年大约有4百万只猫和狗被杀
Most of them within 24 hours of being scooped off of the street. 其中大多数在街头被抓住后24小时内就被杀死
scooped:adj.低而圆的; v.用铲儿铲;
Nathan and his boss saw this. Nathan和他的老板看到这个情况
And they could not tolerate it. 他们无法继续容忍
So they set out to make San Francisco a no-kill city. 他们决定让旧金山 成为一个不杀猫狗的城市
Create an entire city where every dog and cat, unless it was ill or dangerous, would be adopted , not killed. 他们要创建一个新的城市 每一只猫和狗 都会被收养,而不是被杀死 除非它们病了或有其他的危险。
And everyone said it was impossible. 所有人都说这不可能。
Nathan and his boss went to the city council to get a change in the ordinance . Nathan和他的老板让市政厅修改了条例。
council:n.(市、郡等的)政务委员会;市政(或地方管理)服务机构; ordinance:n.条例;法令;圣餐礼;
And people from SPCAs and humane shelters around the country flew to San Francisco to testify against them. 全国各地的SPCA员工及人道主义者 都飞到旧金山来 反对这种做法。
humane:adj.仁慈的,人道的;高尚的; testify:v.证明,证实;作证;
To say it would hurt the movement and it was inhumane . 说这太伤害大家而且没有仁慈之心.
They persisted . And Nathan went directly to the community . 他们坚持己见。Nathan更深入到社区中,
persisted:v.持续(persist的过去分词);坚持不懈; directly:adv.直接地;立即;马上;正好地;坦率地;conj.一…就; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
He connected with people who cared about this. 联系那些关注这件事的人
Nonprofessionals, people with passion . 这些拥有激情的非专业人士.
And within just a couple years, 仅仅几年之后
San Francisco became the first no-kill city. 旧金山成了第一个不杀害猫狗的城市,
Running no deficit . Completely supported by the community. 而且没有超出预算,也完全得到了社区的支持。
Nathan left and went to Tompkins County , New York. Nathan又来到纽约市的Tompkins郡
A place as different from San Francisco as you can be and still be in the United States. And he did it again. 尽管这里与旧金山差别很大 Nathan又发起了这个运动。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
He went from being a glorified dog catcher to completely transforming the community. 他从一名很荣耀的捕狗者 彻底地转向推动社区的转变。
glorified:adj.吹捧的;美化的;v.吹捧;美化;颂扬;(glorify的过去式和过去分词) catcher:n.捕手,捕捉者;接球手; transforming:v.使改变形态;使改变外观(或性质);使改观;(transform的现在分词)
And then he went to North Carolina and did it again. 之后他又来到北卡罗莱纳州,推动同样的事
And he went to Reno . And he did it again. 又去了Reno做同样的事。
And when I think about what Nathan did, and when I think about what people here do, I think about ideas. 当我想到Nathan做的事, 当我想到这儿的人们做的事,我想到一些想法。
And I think about the idea that creating an idea, spreading an idea has a lot behind it. 我想到那些能够 激发以及传播想法的构想 背后有着更深远的东西.
I don't know if you've ever been to a Jewish wedding. 不知道大家是否参加过犹太婚礼
But what they do is they take a light bulb and they smash it. 他们拿一个灯泡 猛地打碎它
light bulb:n.灯泡; smash:v.粉碎; n.破碎; adj.了不起的;
Now there is a bunch of reasons for that, and stories about it. 这么做有很多的原因和故事
a bunch of:一群;一束;一堆;
But one reason is because it indicates a change, from before to after. 其中的一个原因是,这表示改变 生活前后发生了变化。
It is a moment in time. 这是个重要的时刻。
And I want to argue that we are living through and are right at the key moment of a change in the way ideas are created and spread and implemented . 我想说, 我们正在亲身经历这些 现在正是新思想形成和传播 以及执行的 关键时刻.
in the way:妨碍;挡道; implemented:v.使生效;贯彻;执行;实施;(implement的过去式和过去分词)
We started with the factory idea. 我们从工厂的概念出发.
That you could change the whole world if you had an efficient factory that could churn out change. 如果你有一个高效的足够大的工厂 你可能会改变整个世界.
efficient:adj.有效率的;有能力的;生效的; churn:v.剧烈搅动;(使)猛烈翻腾;反胃,恶心;感到不安;n.搅乳器;
We then went to the TV idea. 然后我们再到电视的概念.
That said if you had a big enough mouthpiece , if you could get on TV enough times, if you could buy enough ads, you could win. 就是说,如果你是一个足够牛的代言人, 如果你在电视上露足够多的脸,如果你可以买足够多的广告, 你就会获胜.
And now we're in this new model of leadership. 现在, 我们正是在这种领导模式下.
Where the way we make change is not by using money, or power to lever a system. 这是我们进行改变的方式. 不再是用钱或权 去撬动一个体系了.
But by leading. 而是去带领,去导向.
So let me tell you about the three cycles. The first one is the factory cycle. 现在我来告诉你这三个循环. 第一个是工厂部分.
Henry Ford comes up with a really cool idea. Henry Ford有一个特别酷的想法.
It enables him to hire men who used to get paid 50 cents a day and pay them five dollars a day. 这促使他可以 去雇佣那些每天只挣50美分的劳工 而且付他们5美元一天.
enables:v.使得; (enable的第三人称单数)
Because he's got an efficient enough factory. 因为他有一个足够高效的工厂.
Well with that sort of advantage you can churn out a lot of cars. 有了那种优势. 你就可以制造出很多汽车.
You can make a lot of change. You can get roads built. 你可以有很多改变. 你可以修路.
You can change the fabric of an entire country. 你能去改变整个国家的结构.
That the essence of what you're doing is you need ever cheaper labor, and ever faster machines. 你要做的事情就是你需要 更廉价的劳动力, 和更快的机器.
And the problem we've run into is we're running out of both. 但问题是,我们遭遇到我们这两样都达到极限了.
Ever cheaper labor and ever faster machines. 更便宜的劳工和更快的机器.
(Laughter) (笑声)
So we shift gears for a minute , and say, "I know. Television. 所以我们立刻做了改变, 并且说, 我明白了, 电视.
shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换; gears:n.[机]齿轮,[机]传动装置(gear的复数形式); v.以齿轮连起,安排(gear的三单形式); for a minute:一会儿;
Advertising . Push push. 广告. 推广推广.
Take a good idea and push it on the world. 有个好的创意然后推广给全世界.
I have a better mousetrap . 我有一个好的捕鼠器.
And if I can just get enough money to tell enough people, I'll sell enough." 如果我有够多的钱,告诉够多的人,我会卖的足够多.
And you can build an entire industry on that. 并且还可以打造整个产业.
If necessary you can put babies in your ads. 有必要的话,你可以把婴儿放进广告里.
If necessary you can use babies to sell other stuff. 有必要的话,你可以用婴儿销售别的产品.
And if babies don't work, you can use doctors. 如果婴儿的效果不好,你可以用医生.
But be careful. 但要小心点儿.
Because you don't want to get an unfortunate juxtaposition , where you're talking about one thing instead of the other. 因为你不希望像这组广告一样有着不幸的结合. 这样你们只会言非所意.(上面的广告宣传儿童肥胖的危险,下面的是麦当劳的广告。)
(Laughter) (笑声)
This model requires you to act like the king. 这个模式要求你扮演一个国王似的人物.
Like the person in the front of the room throwing things to the peons in the back. 就像站在这个台子上的人把想法传递给 后排的观众一样.
That you are in charge. And you're going to tell people what to do next. 你自己作主, 并且把你的想法告诉人们 下一步要做什么.
The quick little diagram of it is you're up here. 你就像这张图中所显示的一样.
And you are pushing it out to the world. 把你的想法告诉全世界.
This method, mass marketing, requires average ideas, because you're going to the masses , and plenty of ads. 这个方法,大众市场, 需要普遍的想法 和大量的广告 因为你的对象是普罗大众。
What we've done as spammers is tried to hypnotize everyone into buying our idea. 我们做的就像是垃圾邮件发送者一样 试图去催眠所有人 去接受我们的想法.
spammers:n.垃圾邮件制作者(spammer的复数); hypnotize:vt.使着迷;对…施催眠术;使恍惚;vi.施催眠术;使进入睡觉状态;
Hypnotize everyone into donating to our cause. 催眠每个人都会我们的事业作贡献.
Hypnotize everyone into voting for our candidate. 催眠每个人去给我们的候选人投票.
And unfortunately it doesn't work so well anymore either. 不幸的是它并不是一直这么奏效.
(Laughter) (哭泣儿童的后面是圣诞老人的坟墓)(笑声)
But there is good news around the corner, really good news. 但这里有个好消息,真的是好消息.
I call it the idea of tribes. 我称之为概念部落.
What tribes are, is a very simple concept that goes back 50 thousand years. 什么是部落? 这个简单的概念, 要回到五万年之前.
It's about leading and connecting people and ideas. 部落是关于带领和连接人们和想法的.
And it's something that people have wanted forever. 这些事情是人们一直以来追求的.
Lots of people are used to having a spiritual tribe , or a church tribe , having a work tribe , having a community tribe. 过去有许多人有宗教上的部落,或教会部落. 或工作部落. 拥有一个部落团体
spiritual:n.圣歌(尤指美国南部黑人的);adj.精神的,心灵的; tribe:n.部落;族;宗族;一伙;
But now, thanks to the internet, thanks to the explosion of mass media , thanks to a lot of other things that are bubbling through our society around the world, tribes are everywhere. 但现在,感谢互联网和大众传媒的信息大爆炸, 感谢很多其它的东西 在世界各地的社会中酝酿. 部落无处不在.
explosion:n.爆炸;爆发;激增; mass media:n.大众传媒; bubbling:v.起泡;冒泡;洋溢着(某种感情);(bubble的现在分词)
The internet was supposed to homogenize everyone by connecting us all. 互联网本应该把我们均匀的连接在一起.
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) homogenize:vt.使均匀;使类同;vi.变均匀;
Instead what it's allowed is silos of interest. 但事实上,互联网创建了各种兴趣小团队.
So you've got the red-hat ladies over here. 所以你会看到红帽子女士们.
You've got the red-hat triathletes over there. 你还会看到红帽子铁人三项运动员们.
You've got the organized armies over here. 你会看到组织有序的军队.
organized:adj.有组织的; v.组织; (organize的过去分词和过去式)
You've got the disorganized rebels over here. 还会看到无组织的叛军.
disorganized::v.瓦解;打乱;(disorganize的过去式和过去分词形式) rebels:n.反叛者(rebel的复数形式);v.谋反(rebel的第三人称单数形式);
You've got people in white hats making food. 你会看到带白帽的人准备食物.
And people in white hats sailing boats. 还有带白帽的人去航海.
The point is that you can find Ukrainian folk dancers. 这时你可以找到乌克兰文民族舞者.
And connect with them. 并且与她们交流.
Because you want to be connected. 因为你想让自己被连接.
That people on the fringes can find each other, connect and go somewhere. 在外围的人群 可以找到别人, 联系在一起并且去其它地方.
fringes:n.额前短垂发; v.形成…的边缘; (fringe的第三人称单数和复数)
Every town that has a volunteer fire department understands this way of thinking. 任何一个有着志愿消防部门的城市 都会理解为什么会发生这样的事情.
volunteer:n.志愿者;志愿兵;adj.志愿的;v.自愿; fire department:n.消防部门:消防队员:消防队:
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now it turns out this is a legitimate non-photoshopped photo. 现在解释一下 这是一张合法的,没经过任何修改的照片.
People I know who are firemen told me that this is not uncommon . 我认识的一个消防队员告诉我这种事情经常发生.
firemen:n.消防员(fireman的复数); uncommon:adj.不寻常的;罕有的;adv.非常地;
And that what firemen do to train sometimes is they take a house that is going to be torn down, and they burn it down instead, and practice putting it out. 消防队员有时会参加训练 他们会烧掉一个快拆掉的房子, 去练习如何去灭火.
But they always stop and take a picture. 但他们总是停下来拍张照片.
(Laughter) (笑声)
You know the pirate tribe is a fascinating one. 你知道海盗部落是最迷人的部落的一种.
They've got their own flag. They've got the eyepatches. 他们有自己标志的旗帜. 他们眼罩上也有标志.
You can tell when you're running into someone in a tribe. 你可以告诉什么时间你加入了一个部落.
And it turns out that it's tribes, not money, not factories, that can change our world, that can change politics , that can align large numbers of people. 结果是这是个部落. 不是钱, 不是工厂, 能改变我们的世界,能改变我们的政治. 可以结盟大量的人群.
politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) align:vt.使结盟;使成一行;匹配;vi.排列;排成一行;
Not because you force them to do something against their will. 不是因为你强迫人们去做违背他们意愿的事情.
But because they wanted to connect. 因为他们希望相互联系.
That what we do for a living now, all of us, I think, is find something worth changing, and then assemble tribes that assemble tribes that spread the idea and spread the idea. 这就是我们现在的生计. 我们所有人的生计. 是找到一些值的改变的事情. 然后集合部落再集合部落 去不断的传播这些想法.
And it becomes something far bigger than ourselves. 然后它变成超越我们自身的事情.
It becomes a movement. 它变为一个运动.
So when Al Gore set out to change the world again, he didn't do it by himself. 所以当 Al Gore 去开始 改变世界的时候, 并不是他自己去做的,
And he didn't do it by buying a lot of ads. 并且他也没有去做很多广告.
He did it by creating a movement. 他去引起了一场运动.
Thousands of people around the country who could give his presentation for him. 全国范围内的数千人 替他做他的宣讲.
Because he can't be in 100 or 200 or 500 cities in each night. 因为他不能在同一个晚上出现在100或200或500个城市里.
You don't need everyone. 你不需要每一个人.
What Kevin Kelley has taught us is you just need, Kevin Kelley告诉我们,其实我们只需要
I don't know, a thousand true fans. 一千个真正的拥护者.
A thousand people who care enough that they will get you the next round and the next round and the next round. 一千个真正在乎你的想法的人 他们会把你带进他们的圈子. 然后是他们的他们的他们的圈子.
And that means that the idea you create, the product you create, the movement you create isn't for everyone. 这就意味着,你创造的想法,你创造的产品, 你创造的运动不是针对于所有人.
It's not a mass thing. That's not what this is about. 它不是一个群众的东西. 它们不是关于这些的
What it's about instead is finding the true believers . 它真正重要的 是找到真正相信他们的拥护者.
It's easy to look at what I've said so far, and say, "Wait a minute, I don't have what it takes to be that kind of leader. 你会认为我刚讲过的内容很容易理解 然后说: 等一下, 我没有成为那种领导者的潜质
So here are two leaders. They don't have a lot in common. 所以这里有两位领导者. 他们几乎没有什么共同点.
They're about the same age. But that's about it. 他们在同一个年龄段. 这就是共同点.
What they did though, is each in their own way, created a different way of navigating your way through technology . 他们正在做的,是在他们自己的路上, 创造着不同的方法 来引导你使用科技的方法.
navigating:v.航行,操纵(navigate的现在分词形式);adj.航行的,航行中; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语;
So some people will go out and get people to be on one team. 所以有些人离开并找到其他人组成一个团队.
And some people will get people to be on the other team. 还有些人把其他团队的人吸引过来.
It also informs the decisions you make when you make products or services. 他还会告诉你做的决定 当你制定产品或者服务的时候.
You know, this is one of my favorite devices . 你看, 这是我最喜欢的一款设备.
But what a shame that it's not organized to help authors create movements. 但太可惜了, 这个设备 并没有帮助作者们去创造运动圈子.
What would happen if when you're using your Kindle you could see the comments and quotes and notes from all the other people reading the same book as you in that moment. 如果你使用Kindle的时候, 你可以看到别人的评语,记录和笔记. 这些评语和笔记都来自于阅读同一本书的读者, 想像一下这会是怎样的一种体验呐.
Kindle:vt.点燃;激起;照亮;vi.发亮;着火;激动起来; quotes:n.引用,引号;报价(quote的复数);v.报价(quote的第三人称单数);引用;复述;
Or from your book group . Or from your friends, or from the circle you want. 从你的读书小组,你的朋友或者你加入的圈子里.
book group:n.读书小组;读书会;读书俱乐部;
What would happen if authors, or people with ideas could use version two, which comes out on Monday. 如果读者和作者将想法集合起来 用于下周出版的第二版,又会是怎样的一种体验?
And use it to organize people who want to talk about something. 并且用它来组织 想发表言论的人.
Now there is a million things I could share with you about the mechanics here. 现在,我可以举一百万种这个技术应用的场景.
But let me just try a couple. 但我只列举几个就够了.
The Beatles did not invent teenagers. Beatles 甲壳虫乐队并没有发明青少年.
They merely decided to lead them. 他们仅仅是去领导他们.
That most movements, most leadership that we're doing is about finding a group that's disconnected but already has a yearning . 我们所做的最多的领导和运动 是找到一个没有联系起来的组织, 但大家已经渴望相互联系.
disconnected:adj.分离的; v.切断(煤气、水或电的供应); (disconnect的过去式和过去分词) yearning:n.向往;渴望;adj.思慕的;渴望的;v.渴望;渴求;(yearn的现在分词)
Not persuading people to want something they don't have yet. 不是说服人们去要一些 他们还没有的东西.
When Diane Hatz worked on The Meatrix, her video that spread all across the internet about the way farm animals are treated , she didn't invent the idea of being a vegan . 当然Diane Hatz在为Meatrix工作的时候, 她的视频传遍了互联网 讲述了农场动物的处理过程, 她没有发明成为素食者的概念.
treated:v.以…态度对待;把…看作;(treat的过去分词和过去式) vegan:n.(英)严格的素食主义者;adj.严守素食主义的;
She didn't invent the idea of caring about this issue . 她没发明关注这件事的概念.
But she helped organize people, and helped turn it into a movement. 但她的事组织了人们 并且帮助人们转化成一场运动.
Hugo Chavez did not invent the disaffected middle and lower class of Venezuela . He merely led them. Hugo Chavez并没有发明中低产阶级对委内瑞拉的不满. 他仅仅是领导他们.
Chavez:n.查韦斯(委内瑞拉总统); disaffected:adj.不满的; v.使疏远; Venezuela:n.委内瑞拉;
Bob Marley did not invent Rastafarians. Bob Marley 并没有发明塔法里主义.
He just stepped up and said, "Follow me." 他只是站出来并且说 跟我来!
Derek Sivers invented CD Baby. Derek Sivers 发明了CD Baby.
Which allowed independent musicians to have a place to sell their music without selling out to the man. 允许个人音乐家有一个地方 去售卖他们的音乐而不是卖给一个人.
independent:adj.独立的; n.无党派议员(或候选人等);
To have place to take the mission they already wanted to go to, and connect with each other. 让他们有一个地方实现他们的使命 并可以联系到同一类人.
What all these people have in common is that they are heretics . 这些人的共同点是他们都是异教徒.
That heretics look at the status quo and say, 这些异教徒看着现状说,
This will not stand. I can't abide this status quo. 这些是不能容忍的, 我不能容忍现状了.
I am willing to stand up and be counted and move things forward. 我要站起来加入这个运动,
I see what the status quo is. I don't like it. 我看的到现状,我不喜欢.
That instead of looking at all the little rules and following each one of them, that instead of being what I call a sheepwalker, somebody who's half asleep, following instructions, keeping their head down, fitting in, every once in a while someone stands up and says, "Not me." 他们不是研究每一条规则 然后遵守每一条. 他们不要做我说的 受人摆布的人 有人半睡着, 执行指示 把他们的头低下, 融入群体. 有人站起来说的是 不是我
fitting:adj.适合的;恰当的;n.试衣;小配件,附件;v.适合,合身;试穿;(fit的现在分词) every once in a while:有时;偶然;偶尔;时而;
Someone stands up and says, "This one is important. 有人站起来说的是 这一只很重要
We need to organize around it." 我们需要跟着他
And not everyone will. But you don't need everyone. 并不是所有人都同意,但你不需要所有人.
You just need a few people 你只需要少数人就可以.
(Laughter) (笑声)
who will look at the rules, realize they make no sense, and realize how much they want to be connected. 他们会研究这些规则, 发现根本没道理, 发现他们希望连接起来.
So Tony Shea does not run a shoe store. 所以Tony Shea没有经营一个鞋店.
Zappos isn't a shoe store. Zappos 不是鞋店.
Zappos is the one, the only, the best there ever was, place for people who are into shoes to find each other, to talk about their passion, to connect with people who care more about customer service, than making a nickle tomorrow. Zappos 是唯一的一个 史上最好的 让穿鞋子的人们可以互相交流, 讨论他们的激情, 连接那些 认为客户服务比赚钱还重要的人们.
It can be something as prosaic as shoes. 它可以是像鞋子一样平淡的东西.
And something as complicated as overthrowing a government. 也可以是复杂的可以推翻一个政府.
complicated:adj.复杂的;难懂的;v.使复杂化;(complicate的过去分词和过去式) overthrowing:v.推翻;打倒;赶下台;(overthrow的现在分词)
It's exactly the same behavior though. 它确实是相同的行为.
What it requires, as Geraldine Carter has discovered, is to be able to say, "I can't do this by myself. 这就像Geraldine Carter 所发现的 能够去说 我自己做不到
But if I can get other people to join my Climb and Ride, then together we can get something that we all want. 但如果得到其它人加入我的攀爬和骑行队 那时我们一起可以得到我们想要的成绩.
We're just waiting for someone to lead us. 我们只是在等有人带头.
Michelle Kaufman has pioneered new ways of thinking about environmental architecture . Michelle Kaufman 是一名先驱者. 使用新方法去考虑环境的建筑架构.
She doesn't do it by quietly building one house at a time. 她没有安静的去只建造一个房屋.
She does it by telling a story to people who want to hear it. 在建造的同时她会讲一个故事 给那些想听故事的人.
By connecting a tribe of people who are desperate to be connected to each other. 通过连接同一个部落 急于相互连接起来的人们.
By leading a movement. 通过领导一种运动.
By making change. 通过改变.
And around and around and around it goes. 这样一圈一圈的循环下来.
So three questions I'd offer you. 现在我要问你三个问题
The first one is, who exactly are you upsetting ? 第一个问题, 你在惹恼哪些人?
upsetting:adj.令人心烦意乱的; v.使烦恼; (upset的现在分词)
Because if you're not upsetting anyone, you're not changing the status quo. 如果你现在并没有惹恼任何人,那么你就并没有在改变现状.
The second question is, who are you connecting? 第二个问题, 你现在正联系着谁?
Because for a lot of people, that's what they're in it for. 因为对于大部分人, 这是他们存在的意义.
The connections that are being made, one to the other. 建立起来的联系, 与其它人的联系.
And the third one is, who are you leading? 第三个问题, 你正领导着谁?
Because focusing on that part of it, not the mechanics of what you're building, but the who, and the leading part is where change comes. 因为关注这一部分 不是你所打造的机制或技术, 而是被你领导的那部分人是改变的来源.
So Blake , at Tom's Shoes, had a very simple idea. 所以Tom*s Shoes 的Blake, 有一个非常简单的想法.
'"What would happen if every time someone bought a pair of these shoes 如果你每买一双鞋
I gave exactly the same pair to someone who doesn't even own a pair of shoes?" 我就给那些没有鞋子穿的人们送一双鞋子 会是怎样的一个世界?
This is not the story of how you get shelf space at Neiman Marcus. 这不是一个你如何在Neiman Marcus 得到一个鞋架的位置的故事.
It's a story of a product that tells a story. 而是用产品讲述一个故事的故事.
And as you walk around with this remarkable pair of shoes and someone says, "What are those?" 如果你穿着这些鞋子四处游荡, 然后有人问道: 那是什么?
You get to tell the story on Blake's behalf, on behalf of the people who got the shoes. 你就可以代表那些得到鞋子的人们 给他讲一个关于Blake送鞋的故事.
on behalf of:代表;为了;
And suddenly it's not one pair of shoes or 100 pairs of shoes. 这时候它就不是一双鞋子或者一百双鞋子.
It's tens of thousands of pairs of shoes. 这会是上万双的鞋子.
My friend Red Maxwell has spent the last 10 years fighting against juvenile diabetes . 我的朋友Red Maxwell用十年的时间 与青少年糖尿病做斗争.
Maxwell:n.麦克斯韦(磁通量单位); juvenile:adj.青少年的;幼稚的;n.青少年;少年读物; diabetes:n.糖尿病;多尿症;
Not fighting the organization that's fighting it, fighting with them, leading them, connecting them, challenging the status quo because it's important to him. 不是与医疗机构斗争, 而是同这些机构一起, 领导他们, 把他们联系到一起, 挑站现状 因为这对他们很重要.
And the people he surrounds himself with need the connection. 他周围的人也需要这种联系.
They need the leadership. It makes a difference. 他们需要这种领导力,会使生活不一样.
You don't need permission from people to lead them. 你领导别人的时候不需要从他们身上得到任何许可.
But in case you do, here it is. 但一旦你去做, 这就是许可.
They're waiting, we're waiting for you to show us where to go next. 他们在等待,我们在等待 你出现告诉我们下一站去哪里.
So here is what leaders have in common. The first thing is, they challenge the status quo. 这是所有领导者的共同点. 最重要的是, 他们对现状质疑.
They challenge what's currently there. 他们对现在的东西不满.
The second thing is, they build a culture. 其次是, 他们打造一种文化.
A secret language, a seven second handshake . 一种秘密的语言, 一个七秒钟的握手.
A way of knowing that you're in or out. 一种方法知道你加入或者离开.
They have curiosity . Curiosity about people in the tribe. 他们有好奇心, 好奇每一个在部落里的人.
Curiosity about outsiders . They're asking questions. 好奇外面的人. 他们问问题.
They connect people to one another. 他们联系一个人和另外的人.
Do you know what people want more than anything? 你知道人们最最需要什么东西吗?
They want to be missed. 他们最需要被想念.
They want to be missed the day they don't show up. 他们希望他们没有出现的这天被想念.
They want to be missed when they're gone. 他们希望他们离去时被想念.
And tribe leaders can do that. 而部落的领导人可以这样做.
It's fascinating because all tribe leaders have charisma . 很迷人的是, 因为所有的领导人都有魅力.
But you don't need charisma to become a leader. 但你不需要魅力才会变成一个领导人.
Being a leader gives you charisma. 而是成为领导人会带给你领袖魅力.
If you look and study the leaders who have succeeded, that's where charisma comes from, from the leading. 如果你查看或研究成功的领导者, 你会发现领袖魅力是从领导力产生的.
Finally , they commit . 最后, 他们全心全意地去投入.
Finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; commit:v.犯(罪等);干(坏事等);[法]提(审);判处;
They commit to the cause. They commit to the tribe. 他们投入到事业中, 他们投入到部落中.
They commit to the people who are there. 他们投入到部落中的人们.
So I'd like you to do something for me. 所以,我想要你们为我做一些事情
And I hope you'll think about it before you reject it out of hand . 并且我希望你们在拒绝之前认真考虑一下.
reject:v.排斥;拒收;拒绝接受;不予考虑;n.废品;次品;不合格者;被剔除者; out of hand:无法控制;脱手,告终;立即;
What I want you to do only takes 24 hours, is create a movement. 只需要24小时的时间, 我希望你们可以去创造一个运动.
Something that matters. Start. Do it. We need it. 一些重要的东西. 开始, 去做. 我们需要你去做.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it. 谢谢你, 非常感谢.
(Applause) (掌声)