

We know more about other planets than our own, and today, I want to show you a new type of robot designed to help us better understand our own planet. 我们对于其他星球的了解 比我们自己的星球还多, 今天,我想要跟大家介绍 一种新型机器人, 设计来协助我们 更了解我们的星球。
It belongs to a category known in the oceanographic community as an unmanned surface vehicle , or USV. 它隶属的类别 在海洋学的圈子里称为「无人水面载具」,简称 USV。
category:n.种类,分类;[数]范畴; oceanographic:adj.海洋学的;有关海洋学的(等于oceanographical); community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; unmanned:adj.无人的; v.使失去男子气质(unman的过去式和过去分词形式); vehicle:n.[车辆]车辆;工具;交通工具;运载工具;传播媒介;媒介物;
And it uses no fuel. 它不需要燃料。
Instead, it relies on wind power for propulsion . 取而代之,它靠风力来推进。
relies:信任; propulsion:n.推进;推进力;
And yet, it can sail around the globe for months at a time. 但,它一次就可以 航行全球数个月。
So I want to share with you why we built it, and what it means for you. 我想要和大家分享的是 我们打造它的原因, 以及它对你们的意义。
A few years ago, I was on a sailboat making its way across the Pacific, from San Francisco to Hawaii. 几年前,我坐船航行在太平洋上, 从旧金山到夏威夷。
I had just spent the past 10 years working nonstop , developing video games for hundreds of millions of users, and I wanted to take a step back and look at the big picture and get some much-needed thinking time. 我过去十年不停歇地努力 为数百万使用者开发电玩游戏, 我想要退一步,看看整体全局, 留给自己一些很必要的思考时间。
I was the navigator on board, and one evening, after a long session analyzing weather data and plotting our course, 我是船上的领航员, 有天晚上,在花了很长的 时间分析气象资料 并绘出我们的航线图之后,
navigator:n.航海家;领航员;驾驶员; session:n.会议;(法庭的)开庭;(议会等的)开会;学期;讲习会; analyzing:adj.分析的;v.分析(analyze的现在分词); plotting:v.密谋;暗中策划;(在地图上)标出;绘制(图表);(plot的现在分词)
I came up on deck and saw this beautiful sunset . 我到甲板上,看到美丽的日落。
deck:n.甲板;舱面;层面;一副(为52张);v.装饰;打扮;布置;用力击倒; sunset:adj.霞红色的; n.日落(时分); v.(使)定期届满废止;
And a thought occurred to me: 我脑中浮现了一个念头:
How much do we really know about our oceans? 我们对于我们的海洋知道多少?
The Pacific was stretching all around me as far as the eye could see, and the waves were rocking our boat forcefully , a sort of constant reminder of its untold power. 在我视线范围整个都是 太平洋的延伸, 海浪让我们的船剧烈摇动, 不时提醒我们 未知的海洋力量有多强大。
stretching:v.拉长;撑大;有弹性;拉紧;拉直;(stretch的现在分词) as far as:至于…; forcefully:adv.强有力地;激烈地;有说服力地; untold:adj.数不清的;未说过的;未透露的;无限的;
How much do we really know about our oceans? 我们对海洋知道多少?
I decided to find out. 我决定要找出答案。
What I quickly learned is that we don't know very much. 我很快就了解到,我们所知甚少。
The first reason is just how vast oceans are, covering 70 percent of the planet, and yet we know they drive complex planetary systems like global weather, which affect all of us on a daily basis, sometimes dramatically . 第一个原因就只是海洋太广大了, 覆盖了地球 70% 的表面, 我们知道它们会带动 复杂的地球系统, 比如全球天气,这会影响到 我们的日常生活, 有时影响还很大。
complex:adj.复杂的;合成的;n.复合体;综合设施; planetary:adj.行星的; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; dramatically:adv.戏剧地;引人注目地;adv.显著地,剧烈地;
And yet, those activities are mostly invisible to us. 但,那些活动大部分 都是我们看不见的。
Ocean data is scarce by any standard . 不论用什么标准来看, 海洋资料都很稀少。
scarce:adv.勉强;刚;几乎不;简直不;adj.缺乏的;不足的;稀少的; standard:n.标准;水准;旗;度量衡标准;adj.标准的;合规格的;公认为优秀的;
Back on land, I had grown used to accessing lots of sensors -- billions of them, actually. 回到陆地上,我已经很习惯 其实,是数十亿个。
But at sea, in situ data is scarce and expensive. 但在海上,现场资料
Why? Because it relies on a small number of ships and buoys . 为什么?因为它要仰赖 很少量的船只和浮标。
buoys:n.[水运]浮标; v.支撑;
How small a number was actually a great surprise. 数量少到让人吃惊。
Our National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, better known as NOAA, only has 16 ships, and there are less than 200 buoys offshore globally. 我国的海洋暨大气总署, 更为人熟知的简称 NOAA, 只有十六艘船, 全球近海的浮标还不到两百个。
Oceanic:adj.海洋的;海洋产出的;在海洋中生活的;广阔无垠的; Atmospheric:adj.大气的,大气层的; offshore:adj.离岸的;[海洋]近海的;吹向海面的;adv.向海面,向海;
It is easy to understand why: the oceans are an unforgiving place, and to collect in situ data, you need a big ship, capable of carrying a vast amount of fuel and large crews, costing hundreds of millions of dollars each, 原因很容易理解: 海洋是个无情的地方, 要收集现场资料,就需要大船, 要能够装载大量的燃料, 很多船员, 每艘船都要花上 数百万美金的成本,
unforgiving:adj.不原谅人的;不宽恕人的; capable:adj.能干的,能胜任的;有才华的;
or, big buoys tethered to the ocean floor with a four-mile-long cable and weighted down by a set of train wheels, which is both dangerous to deploy and expensive to maintain . 或者,用四英里缆线 拴在海底的大型浮标 用一组火车车轮压住, 部署十分危险,维护十分昂贵。
tethered:v.拴(牲畜);(tether的过去式和过去分词) cable:n.电缆; v.打电报; (用锚链,缆索等)系住; deploy:v.部署;利用;[军事]展开;(使)张开; maintain:v.维持;保持;维修;保养;坚持(意见);
What about satellites, you might ask? 你可能会问,那卫星呢?
Well, satellites are fantastic , and they have taught us so much about the big picture over the past few decades. 嗯,卫星很棒, 在过去数十年间,它们让我们 学到了好多整体的情况。
However, the problem with satellites is they can only see through one micron of the surface of the ocean. 然而,卫星的问题在于 它们只能看穿海洋表面的一微米。
see through:adj.透明的;穿透的; micron:n.微米(等于百万分之一米);
They have relatively poor spatial and temporal resolution , and their signal needs to be corrected for cloud cover and land effects and other factors . 它们的空间和时间 解析度相对比较差, 且它们的讯号需要根据云层覆盖、陆地效应,及其他因子来做校调。
relatively:adv.相当程度上;相当地;相对地; spatial:adj.空间的;存在于空间的;受空间条件限制的; temporal:adj.暂时的;当时的;现世的;n.世间万物;暂存的事物; resolution:n.解决;分辨;解析;决议; factors:n.因素(factor的复数); v.做代理商;
So what is going on in the oceans? 所以,海洋里的状况如何?
And what are we trying to measure? 我们想要测量的是什么?
And how could a robot be of any use? 机器人又有什么用途?
Let's zoom in on a small cube in the ocean. 咱们把海洋的一小块放大来看。
One of the key things we want to understand is the surface, because the surface, if you think about it, is the nexus of all air-sea interaction . 我们想要了解的关键之一是表面, 因为如果你细想, 表面是所有空气和海洋互动的交界处。
nexus:n.关系;连结,连系; air-sea:adj.海空的;网络释义:由空至海;海气;空海联运; interaction:n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流;干扰;
It is the interface through which all energy and gases must flow. 它是个介面,所有能量 和气体都要流过它。
Our sun radiates energy, which is absorbed by oceans as heat and then partially released into the atmosphere . 我们的太阳会散发能量, 海洋会将它以热能的形式吸收, 接着将一部分释放到大气当中。
radiates:vt.辐射; vi.辐射; adj.辐射状的,有射线的; absorbed:adj.被…吸引住; v.吸收(液体、气体等); (absorb的过去分词和过去式) partially:adv.部分地;偏袒地; released:v.释放;使免除;已发布;(release的过去分词和过去式) atmosphere:n.大气;气氛;气压;风格;
Gases in our atmosphere like CO2 get dissolved into our oceans. 我们大气中的气体,如二氧化碳, 会溶解到我们的海洋中。
Actually, about 30 percent of all global CO2 gets absorbed. 事实上,全球有大约 30% 的二氧化碳被吸收。
Plankton and microorganisms release oxygen into the atmosphere, so much so that every other breath you take comes from the ocean. 浮游生物和微生物 会把氧气释放到大气中, 量大到你所吸的每两口气 就有一口来自海洋。
Plankton:n.浮游生物(总称); microorganisms:n.[微]微生物,微生虫(microorganism的复数);
Some of that heat generates evaporation , which creates clouds and then eventually leads to precipitation . 有些热能会产生蒸发,创造出云, 最终导致降雨。
generates:[计]生成;发生; evaporation:n.蒸发;消失; eventually:adv.最后,终于; precipitation:n.[化学]沉淀,[化学]沉淀物;冰雹;坠落;鲁莽;
And pressure gradients create surface wind, which moves the moisture through the atmosphere. 压力梯度会造成地表的风, 让湿气透过大气来移动。
gradients:n.渐变,[数][物]梯度(gradient复数形式); moisture:n.水分;湿度;潮湿;降雨量;
Some of the heat radiates down into the deep ocean and gets stored in different layers , the ocean acting as some kind of planetary-scale boiler to store all that energy, 有些热能向下发散到海洋深处, 储存在不同层, 海洋就像是地球规模的锅炉, 将所有那些能量储存起来,
layers:n.层;表层;层次;阶层;v.把…分层堆放;(layer的第三人称单数和复数) boiler:n.锅炉;烧水壶,热水器;盛热水器;
which later might be released in short-term events like hurricanes or long-term phenomena like El Ni?o. 后续可能会透过 短期事件来释放,如颶风, 或长期现象,如圣婴现象。
short-term:adj.短期的; hurricanes:n.[气象]飓风(hurricane的复数); long-term:adj.长期的;从长远来看; phenomena:n.现象(phenomenon的复数);
These layers can get mixed up by vertical upwelling currents or horizontal currents, which are key in transporting heat from the tropics to the poles . 垂直向上涌出的气流 可能会将各层混合, 还有水平的气流,对于将热能从热带传送到极地, 扮演了关键角色。
vertical:n.垂直线;垂直位置;adj.竖的;垂直的;直立的;纵向的; upwelling:n.上涌; v.上涌(upwell的ing形式); horizontal:n.水平线;水平面;横线;水平位置;adj.水平的;与地面平行的;横的; transporting:v.运输,运送,输送;传播;(transport的现在分词) tropics:n.热带地区; poles:n.极点(pole的复数形式);雪杖;杆位次数;
And of course, there is marine life, occupying the largest ecosystem in volume on the planet, from microorganisms to fish to marine mammals , like seals, dolphins and whales. 当然,还有海洋生物, 占据了地球上体积 最大的生态系统, 从微生物,到鱼类, 到海洋哺乳类动物, 如海豹(seal)、海豚,和鲸鱼。
marine:adj.海的;海产的;海生的;海船的;n.(尤指美国或英国皇家)海军陆战队士兵; occupying:v.占用;使用;居住;占领;占据;(occupy的现在分词) ecosystem:n.生态系统; volume:n.体积;容积;音量;响度;一册;合订本 mammals:n.哺乳动物;(mammal的复数)
But all of these are mostly invisible to us. 但,这些大部分是我们看不见的。
The challenge in studying those ocean variables at scale is one of energy, the energy that it takes to deploy censors into the deep ocean. 大规模研究这些海洋变量的挑战是能量, 将感测器部署到海洋深处的能量。
variables:n.[数]变量; scale:n.规模;比例;鳞;刻度;天平;数值范围;v.衡量;攀登;剥落;生水垢; censors:监察官;
And of course, many solutions have been tried -- from wave-actuated devices to surface drifters to sun-powered electrical drives -- each with their own compromises . 当然,已经有许多 解决方案被尝试过—— 从浪流驱动装置, 到卫星追踪浮球, 到太阳能电子装置—— 每一种都有它要妥协的地方。
devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); drifters:n.漂流者;流浪者(drifter的复数形式); electrical:adj.有关电的;电气科学的; compromises:n.妥协; v.妥协;
Our team breakthrough came from an unlikely source -- the pursuit of the world speed record in a wind-powered land yacht . 我们团队的突破,来自 一个很不可能的来源—— 追求打破陆上风帆 速度的世界记录。
breakthrough:n.突破;开始取得成功之时;adj.突破性的; unlikely:adj.不大可能发生的;非心目中的;非想象的;难以相信的; source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; pursuit:n.追求;追赶;追捕;跟踪; land yacht:n.(带风帆、无发动机的)快艇车;大型汽车;
It took 10 years of research and development to come up with a novel wing concept that only uses three watts of power to control and yet can propel a vehicle all around the globe with seemingly unlimited autonomy . 在十年的研究和开发之后, 才出现了一种新颖的机翼概念, 只用三瓦特的电力就可以控制, 但似乎可以非常自主地 将载具推进到全世界各地。
research and development:n.研究和开发; come up with:提出;想出;赶上; novel:adj.新奇的;异常的;n.小说; watts:n.瓦特(功率单位); propel:v.推进;驱使;激励;驱策; seemingly:adv.看来似乎;表面上看来; unlimited:adj.无限制的;无限量的;无条件的; autonomy:n.自治,自治权;
By adapting this wing concept into a marine vehicle, we had the genesis of an ocean drone . 我们把这种机翼概念 用到海洋载具上, 创造出了海洋无人机。
adapting:v.使适应,使适合;适应;改编;改写;(adapt的现在分词) genesis:n.发生;起源; drone:n.嗡嗡声;持续低音;寄生虫;无人驾驶飞机;v.懒洋洋地说;嗡嗡响
Now, these are larger than they appear. 它们比看起来的还要大。
They are about 15 feet high, 23 feet long, seven feet deep. 它们有约十五英尺高, 二十三英尺长,七英尺深。
Think of them as surface satellites. 把它们想成是地表卫星。
They're laden with an array of science-grade sensors that measure all key variables, both oceanographic and atmospheric, and a live satellite link transmits this high-resolution data back to shore in real time . 它们装满了一大堆 科学等级的感测器, 用来测量各种变数, 包括海洋学变数和大气变数, 还有现场的卫星连结传输, 将这些高解析度的资料 即时回传到岸上。
laden:adj.负载的; vt.装载(等于lade); vi.装载(等于lade); v.装载(lade的过去分词); array:n.数组,阵列;排列,列阵;大批,一系列;衣服;v.排列,部署;打扮; transmits:v.传送;发射;播送;传播;传染;(transmit的第三人称单数) high-resolution:n.高分辨率; real time:adj.实时的;接到指示立即执行的;
Our team has been hard at work over the past few years, conducting missions in some of the toughest ocean conditions on the planet, from the Arctic to the tropical Pacific. 过去几年,我们的团队 一直很努力, 在地球上一些最艰巨的 海洋条件下执行任务, 从北极圈到热带太平洋。
work over:研究;检查;重做;殴打; conducting:v.组织;安排;实施;指挥;引导;导游(conduct的现在分词) missions:n.任务; v.给…交代任务; (mission的复数) Arctic:adj.北极的;北极地区的;极冷的;严寒的;n.北极;北极地区; tropical:adj.热带的;热情的;酷热的;
We have sailed all the way to the polar ice shelf . 我们曾经一路航行到极地冰架。
polar:adj.极地的;南极(或北极)的;n.极线;极面; ice shelf:n.冰架(与陆地相接的厚层浮动冰体);
We have sailed into Atlantic hurricanes. 我们曾经航行到大西洋颶风中。
We have rounded Cape Horn , and we have slalomed between the oil rigs of the Gulf of Mexico. 我们曾经绕过合恩角, 我们曾经在墨西哥湾的 石油井间迂回前进。
Cape:n.披肩;披风;短斗篷;地角; Horn:n.喇叭,号角;角;v.装角于; slalomed:n.障碍滑雪(赛);v.进行障碍滑雪赛;(slalomed是slalom的过去分词); rigs:abbr.无线电惯性制导系统(RadioInertialGuidanceSystem); Gulf:n.海湾;深渊;分歧;漩涡;vt.吞没;
This is one tough robot. 这是个很强悍的机器人。
Let me share with you recent work that we did around the Pribilof Islands. 让我跟各位分享我们近期 在普里比洛夫群岛做了什么。
This is a small group of islands deep in the cold Bering Sea between the US and Russia. 这是一小群岛屿, 在寒冷的白令海深处, 位在美国和俄国之间。
Now, the Bering Sea is the home of the walleye pollock , which is a whitefish you might not recognize , but you might likely have tasted if you enjoy fish sticks or surimi . 白令海是狭鳕的家, 狭鳕是一种白色鳟鱼, 你们可能不认得, 但如果你们喜欢吃鱼条或鱼肉酱, 很可能就有尝过牠。
walleye:n.[眼科]角膜白斑;[眼科]外斜视; pollock:n.鳕鱼类; whitefish:n.白鲑鱼属;白鲑鱼肉; recognize:v.认识;认出;辨别出;承认;意识到; surimi:鱼浆;鱼糜;鱼肉酱;
Yes, surimi looks like crabmeat , but it's actually pollock. 是的,鱼肉酱看起来像蟹肉, 但其实是狭鳕。
And the pollock fishery is the largest fishery in the nation, both in terms of value and volume -- about 3.1 billion pounds of fish caught every year. 而狭鳕渔業是美国最大的渔業, 在价值上和产量上都是最大的—— 每年会捕获大约三十一亿磅的鱼。
So over the past few years, a fleet of ocean drones has been hard at work in the Bering Sea with the goal to help assess the size of the pollock fish stock . 在过去几年,一支海洋无人机机队 在白令海努力工作着, 目标是要协助评估 狭鳕鱼群到底有多大。
fleet:n.舰队; v.浅; v.掠过; adj.跑得快的; drones:v.嗡嗡叫;嗡嗡响;(drone的第三人称单数) assess:vt.评定;估价;对…征税; stock:n.股票; v.库存; adj.老一套的;
This helps improve the quota system that's used to manage the fishery and help prevent a collapse of the fish stock and protects this fragile ecosystem. 这资讯能协助改善 用来管理渔業的配额系统, 并协助预防这种鱼群大量减少, 保护这个脆弱的生态系统。
improve:v.改进;改善; quota:n.配额;定额;限额; collapse:vi.倒塌;瓦解;暴跌;vt.使倒塌,使崩溃;使萎陷;折叠;n.倒塌;失败;衰竭; fragile:adj.脆的;易碎的;
Now, the drones survey the fishing ground using acoustics , i.e., a sonar . 无人机利用声学来调查鱼场, 也就是声纳。
survey:n.调查;测量;审视;纵览;vt.调查;勘测;俯瞰;vi.测量土地; acoustics:n.声学;音响效果,音质; sonar:n.声纳;声波定位仪(等于asdic);
This sends a sound wave downwards , and then the reflection , the echo from the sound wave from the seabed or schools of fish, gives us an idea of what's happening below the surface. 它会向下发出声波, 接着反射,碰到海床或鱼群时, 声波会产生回声, 让我们知道在海面底下的状况。
sound wave:n.声波; downwards:adv.向下,往下; reflection:n.反映;沉思;映像;深思; echo:vt.反射;重复;vi.随声附和;发出回声;n.回音;效仿; seabed:n.海底;海床;
Our ocean drones are actually pretty good at this repetitive task, so they have been gridding the Bering Sea day in, day out. 我们的海洋无人机其实很擅长 做这种重覆性的工作任务, 它们一天到晚 在白令海分区辛勤工作。
repetitive:adj.重复的; gridding:n.网格作图法;网格内插法;
Now, the Pribilof Islands are also the home of a large colony of fur seals. 普里比洛夫群岛
In the 1950s, there were about two million individuals in that colony. 在五〇年代,这个聚居地 约有两百万只海狗。
Sadly, these days, the population has rapidly declined . 感伤的是,近期数量已快速下降,
There's less than 50 percent of that number left, and the population continues to fall rapidly. 只剩下不到一半, 且数量还在持续快速减少。
So to understand why, our science partner at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory has fitted a GPS tag on some of the mother seals, glued to their furs. 所以,为了了解原因, 我们在国家海洋哺乳类动物 实验室的科学伙伴 在一些海狗妈妈的身上 装上了 GPS 追踪器, 黏在牠们的毛皮上。
Laboratory:n.实验室,研究室; tag:n.标记;标签;标志;标牌;v.给…加上标签;把…称作;给…起诨名; glued:v.(用胶水)粘合,粘牢,粘贴(glue的过去分词和过去式)
And this tag measures location and depth and also has a really cool little camera that's triggered by sudden acceleration . 这种追踪器会测量地点和深度, 还配有一个很酷的小摄影机, 只要突然加速就会启动它。
location:n.地方;地点;位置;定位 triggered:v.发动;引起;触发;开动;起动;(trigger的过去分词和过去式) acceleration:n.加速,促进;[物]加速度;
Here is a movie taken by an artistically inclined seal, giving us unprecedented insight into an underwater hunt deep in the Arctic, and the shot of this pollock prey just seconds before it gets devoured . 这段影片来自一只优美下潜的海狗, 让我们能看到北极圈 深处的水下狩猎, 这是前所未有的, 这张照片是被捕食的狭鳕, 几秒钟后牠就被吃掉了。
artistically:adv.在艺术上;富有艺术地; inclined:adj.有…倾向; v.(使)倾向于,有…的趋势; (incline的过去分词和过去式) unprecedented:adj.空前的;无前例的; insight:n.洞察力;洞悉; underwater:adj.在水中的;水面下的;adv.在水下;n.水下; prey:n.猎物;受害者;受骗者;v.折磨;掠夺;捕食(on,upon);损害(on,upon); devoured:v.狼吞虎咽地吃光;津津有味地看;吞没;毁灭;(devour的过去分词和过去式)
Now, doing work in the Arctic is very tough, even for a robot. 即使对机器人来说, 在北极圈工作也是很艰苦的。
They had to survive a snowstorm in August and interferences from bystanders -- that little spotted seal enjoying a ride. 它们得要在八月雪暴中存活下来, 还会受到旁观者的干涉—— 那只斑海豹(spotted seal) 很享受搭便车。
snowstorm:n.暴风雪;雪暴; interferences:干扰因素;基体匹配程度;干扰物; bystanders:n.旁观者(bystander的复数); spotted:adj.有花点的;有斑点的;v.看见;看出;发现;让步;(spot的过去分词和过去式)
(Laughter) (笑声)
Now, the seal tags have recorded over 200,000 dives over the season, and upon a closer look, we get to see the individual seal tracks and the repetitive dives. 海狗追踪器记录了 靠近一点看, 我们可以看到每只海狗的 个别轨迹和重覆的下潜。
tags:n.标签; v.附加; dives:n.富豪; tracks:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;(track的第三人称单数和复数)
We are on our way to decode what is really happening over that foraging ground, and it's quite beautiful. 我们正在译解,来探究 它非常漂亮。
decode:vt.[计][通信]译码,解码;vi.从事破译工作; foraging:n.觅食(forage的ing形式);觅食力;
Once you superimpose the acoustic data collected by the drones, a picture starts to emerge . 一旦你把无人机收集的 声学资料迭上去, 就会有一张影像浮现。
superimpose:vt.添加;重叠;附加;安装; emerge:v.浮现;显现;暴露;露出真相;
As the seals leave the islands and swim from left to right, they are observed to dive at a relatively shallow depth of about 20 meters, which the drone identifies is populated by small young pollock with low calorific content . 当海狗离开岛屿, 可以观察到牠们下潜的深度 相对比较浅,大约二十公尺, 无人机辨识出在这个深度 有小型年轻的狭鳕, 含热量低。
observed:adj.观察的;观测的;v.观察;遵守;注意到(observe的过去分词形式); identifies:vt.[计]识别,认明;视为相同,鉴定;v.[计]识别,确定(identify的单三形式); populated:v.生活于; calorific:adj.发热的,生热的; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足;
The seals then swim much greater distance and start to dive deeper to a place where the drone identifies larger, more adult pollock, which are more nutritious as fish. 接着,海狗会游比较远的距离, 开始潜得比较深, 根据无人机的资讯,牠们 前往的地方有比较大的成年狭鳕, 是比较有营养的鱼类。
Unfortunately , the calories expended by the mother seals to swim this extra distance don't leave them with enough energy to lactate their pups back on the island, leading to the population decline. 不幸的是,海狗妈妈 为了游这额外的距离 而消耗的热量, 导致牠们没有足够的能量 回去给岛屿上的小海狗喂奶, 造成族群数量下降。
Unfortunately:adv.不幸地; calories:n.[物]卡路里(热量单位,calorie的复数); expended:adj.花费的;支出的;开支的;v.花费;耗尽(expend的过去分词); extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: lactate:vi.分泌乳汁;喂奶;n.[有化]乳酸盐; pups:n.[脊椎]小狗;幼兽(pup复数);
Further, the drones identify that the water temperature around the island has significantly warmed. 此外,无人机发现, 明显变暖了。
identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: significantly:adv.意味深长地;值得注目地;
It might be one of the driving forces that's pushing the pollock north, and to spread in search of colder regions . 可能就是这股力量 在驱使狭鳕北移, 并散开来寻找比较冷的区域。
So the data analysis is ongoing , but already we can see that some of the pieces of the puzzle from the fur seal mystery are coming into focus. 资料分析还在进行中, 但我们已经可以看到海狗之谜 已经有些拼图片渐渐变清晰了。
analysis:n.分析;分解;验定; ongoing:n.发展; adj.持续存在的; puzzle:n.谜;疑问;智力游戏;不解之谜;v.迷惑;使困惑;
But if you look back at the big picture, we are mammals, too. 但,如果你回头看看整体, 我们也是哺乳类动物。
And actually, the oceans provide up to 20 kilos of fish per human per year. 事实上,海洋每年为每个人 提供高达二十公斤的鱼类。
As we deplete our fish stocks , what can we humans learn from the fur seal story? 当我们不断消耗鱼群,我们人类 能从海狗的故事里学到什么?
deplete:vt.耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚; stocks:n.[金融]股票; v.采购;
And beyond fish, the oceans affect all of us daily as they drive global weather systems, which affect things like global agricultural output or can lead to devastating destruction of lives and property through hurricanes, extreme heat and floods. 除了鱼类之外,海洋每天 也影响着我们所有人, 因为海洋会带动全球天气系统, 影响比如全球农業产出, 或可能透过颶风、 极度高温,和洪水, 造成生命的严重损失和贫困。
agricultural:adj.农业的;农艺的; output:n.(人、机器、机构的)产量;输出;输出功率;输出量;v.输出; devastating:adj.毁灭性的; v.毁灭; (devastate的现在分词) destruction:n.破坏,毁灭;摧毁; extreme:adj.极端的;极度的;偏激的;尽头的;n.极端;末端;最大程度;极端的事物;
Our oceans are pretty much unexplored and undersampled , and today, we still know more about other planets than our own. 我们的海洋还有太多未被 探索之处,也没有足够的采样, 现今,我们对于其他星球的了解 仍然多于我们的星球。
unexplored:adj.[地质]未勘查过的; undersampled:adj.采样过疏的;
But if you divide this vast ocean in six-by-six-degree squares, each about 400 miles long, you'd get about 1,000 such squares. 但,如果把广大的海洋 切割成 6x6 度的正方形, 每一块大约四百英里长, 你就会得到大约 一千个这种正方形。
So little by little , working with our partners, we are deploying one ocean drone in each of those boxes, the hope being that achieving planetary coverage will give us better insights into those planetary systems that affect humanity . 所以,我们和合作伙伴 一点一点来努力, 我们在每一个格中 部署一台海洋无人机, 希望能够涵盖整个地球, 让我们更深入了解那些会影响人类的地球系统。
little by little:渐渐;逐渐地; deploying:v.部署,调度(军队或武器);有效地利用;调动;(deploy的现在分词) coverage:n.覆盖,覆盖范围; insights:n.洞察力;眼力;深刻见解(insight的复数); humanity:n.人类;人道;仁慈;人文学科;
We have been using robots to study distant worlds in our solar system for a while now. 我们开始用机器人 来研究我们太阳系中 遥远的世界已经有一段时间了。
distant:adj.遥远的;远处的;久远的; solar system:[天]太阳系; for a while:adv.片刻;暂时;一会儿;一时;
Now it is time to quantify our own planet, because we cannot fix what we cannot measure, and we cannot prepare for what we don't know. 该是量化我们星球的时候了。 因为我们无法修复 我们无法测量的东西, 且我们无法准备我们未知的东西。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)