

I'm not sure that every person here is familiar with my pictures. 我不確定在座的各位 是否熟悉我的作品。
I want to start to show just a few pictures to you, and after I'll speak. 我想先向你們展示幾幅作品 然後我再接著說。
I must speak to you a little bit of my history, because we'll be speaking on this during my speech here. 我必須介紹一下我的生平, 因為在接下來的演講中 我們會談到它。
I was born in 1944 in Brazil , in the times that Brazil was not yet a market economy . 1944年我出生於巴西, 當時的巴西尚未施行市場經濟
Brazil:n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家); economy:n.经济;节约;理财;
I was born on a farm, a farm that was more than 50 percent rainforest [still]. 我出生在農場, 農場至少有一半的土地是雨林【現在仍然是】。
A marvelous place. 很美的地方。
I lived with incredible birds, incredible animals, 我和珍禽奇獸一起生活,
I swam in our small rivers with our caimans . 我和凱門鱷在小河中嬉戲。
It was about 35 families that lived on this farm, and everything that we produced on this farm, we consumed . 農場裡大約有35戶人家, 我們自給自足。
consumed:adj.沉迷…的; v.消耗,耗费; (consume的过去分词和过去式)
Very few things went to the market. 幾乎不向市場供給。
Once a year, the only thing that went to the market was the cattle that we produced, and we made trips of about 45 days to reach the slaughterhouse , bringing thousands of head of cattle, and about 20 days traveling back to reach our farm again. 一年中唯一的一次供給 是我們飼養的牛。 我們要花45天的時間 才能到達屠宰場, 趕着上千頭牛 然後再花20天的時間返回 到達我們的農場。
When I was 15 years old, it was necessary for me to leave this place and go to a town a little bit bigger -- much bigger -- where I did the second part of secondary school . 我15歲的時候, 差不多是要離這個地方的時候了 去一個大一點的小鎮,其實大很多 我在那裡完成了中學的後半部分的學業。
secondary school:中等学校;
There I learned different things. 我在那裡學到了很多。
Brazil was starting to urbanize , industrialize , and I knew the politics . I became a little bit radical , 巴西開始邁向城市化和工業化, 我了解當時的政治。我變的有點激進,
urbanize:vt.使都市化;使文雅; industrialize:v.(使国家或地区)工业化; politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数) radical:n.自由基;激进分子;游离基;adj.根本的;彻底的;完全的;全新的;
I was a member of leftist parties, and I became an activist . 我是一名左翼份子, 接著我變成一名活躍人士。
leftist:n.左派;急进派;左翼的人;左撇子;adj.左派的;左撇子的;急进派的; activist:n.积极分子;激进主义分子;
I [went to] university to become an economist. 我想成為一名經濟學家,所以我上了大學。
I [did] a master's degree in economics. 並且我拿到了經濟學碩士學位。
And the most important thing in my life also happened in this time. 而我人生中最重要的一件事 也在那時發生。
Brazil radicalized very strongly. 當時,巴西非常的激進。
We fought very hard against the dictatorship , in a moment it was necessary to us: 我們和當時的獨裁進行了艱苦的鬥爭 就在那時,我們必須要:
dictatorship:n.专政;独裁权;独裁者职位; in a moment:立刻;
Either go into clandestinity with weapons in hand, or leave Brazil. We were too young, and our organization thought it was better for us to go out, and we went to France, where I did a PhD in economics, 武裝起來,秘密活動 或者離開巴西。我們當時太年輕, 我們的組織以為離開是最好的選擇, 所以我們去了法國, 我在那裡拿到了經濟學的博士學位,
I worked after for an investment bank . 我在一家投資銀行工作。
investment bank:n.投资银行;商业银行;
We made a lot of trips, financed development, economic projects in Africa with the World Bank . 我們經常出差,協同世界銀行 在非洲建設金融項目。
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; World Bank:n.世界银行(向处于困境需要资助的成员国贷款的国际机构);
And one day photography made a total invasion in my life. 有一天,攝影闖進,並完全佔據了我的生活。
photography:n.摄影;摄影术; invasion:n.武装入侵;侵略;侵犯;涌入;干预;
I became a photographer, abandoned everything and became a photographer, and I started to do the photography that was important for me. 我成為了一名攝影師, 放棄了當時擁有的一切, 成為一名攝影師,開始攝影 那對我來說很重要。
Many people tell me that you are a photojournalist , that you are an anthropologist photographer, that you are an activist photographer. 很多人對我說:你是一名攝影記者, 一名人類學攝影師, 一名激進派攝影師。
photojournalist:n.新闻摄影记者; anthropologist:n.人类学家;人类学者;
But I did much more than that. 我做的其實比上述更多。
I put photography as my life. 我把攝影視為我的生命。
I lived totally inside photography doing long term projects, and I want to show you just a few pictures of -- again, you'll see inside the social projects, that I went to, I published many books on these photographs, but I'll just show you a few ones now. 我生活在攝影裡 從事長期項目 我想向你們展示幾幅作品 你們會再次看見這些社會項目的內在 我出版了很多本書 書裡面是我拍攝的照片, 但是我現在只展示幾張。
In the '90s, from 1994 to 2000, 90年代,從1994年到2000年,
I photographed a story called Migrations . 我用攝影記錄一個叫做《遷徙》的故事
It became a book. It became a show. 我把它出版成了書,也辦過了展覽。
But during the time that I was photographing this, 在那期間,我在拍攝這個,
I lived through a very hard moment in my life, mostly in Rwanda. 我人生中有過一段很艱難的歲月,大部分時間在盧旺達。
I saw in Rwanda total brutality . 我目睹了在盧旺達的暴行,
I saw deaths by thousands per day. 我每天都目睹上千人死去。
I lost my faith in our species . 我對人類失去了信心,
faith:n.信心;信任;宗教信仰; species:n.[生物]物种;种类;
I didn't believe that it was possible for us to live any longer, and I started to be attacked by my own Staphylococcus . 我當時覺得人類已經快要滅亡了, 病菌開始侵入我的身體。
I started to have infection everywhere. 我全身都感染,
When I made love with my wife, I had no sperm that came out of me; 我和我妻子親熱的時候,射不出精液;
I had blood. 是血。
I went to see a friend's doctor in Paris, told him that I was completely sick. 我去巴黎找一個朋友的醫生, 我告訴他我病的很嚴重。
He made a long examination, and told me, "Sebastian, you are not sick, your prostate is perfect. 他檢查了很長時間,然後和我說: Sebastian,你沒有病,你的前列腺沒有問題。
What happened is, you saw so many deaths that you are dying. 你病的這麼嚴重,是因為你目睹那麼多死亡,
You must stop. Stop. 你必須停下來,停下來。
You must stop because on the contrary , you will be dead." 你必須要停下來,不然,你會死去。
on the contrary:正相反;
And I made the decision to stop. 我決定要停下來。
I was really upset with photography, with everything in the world, and I made the decision to go back to where I was born. 攝影令我心煩意亂 世界上的一切令我心煩意亂, 我決定要回到我出生的地方。
upset:adj.沮丧; v.打乱; n.苦恼; (意外的)混乱;
It was a big coincidence . 很巧,
It was the moment that my parents became very old. 那時我的父母年紀也大了。
When we received this land, this land was as dead as I was. 當我接手這塊土地的時候,它和我一樣,都病入膏肓了。
When I was a kid, it was more than 50 percent rainforest. 當我還是個孩子的時候,農場至少有一半的土地是雨林
When we received the land, it was less than half a percent rainforest, as in all my region . 當我們接手的時候, 雨林的面積連0.5%都不到, 就和我的國家一樣。
To build development, Brazilian development, we destroyed a lot of our forest. 在巴西,為了開發, 我們摧毀了很多雨林。
As you did here in the United States, or you did in India, everywhere in this planet. 就像你們在美國或印度, 和世界上的其他地方所作的一樣。
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
To build our development, we come to a huge contradiction that we destroy around us everything. 我們為了開發, 碰到了一個很大的矛盾 我們摧毀身邊的一切。
This farm that had thousands of head of cattle had just a few hundreds, and we didn't know how to deal with these. 這個曾經飼養上千頭牛的農場 只剩下了幾百頭, 我們不知道該如何面對這些問題。
She said, why don't you put back the rainforest that was here before? 她說,你為什麼不把消失的雨林重新種回來呢?
You say that you were born in paradise . 你說,你出生的地方是個天堂。
Let's build the paradise again. 那我們就重建天堂。
And I went to see a good friend that was engineering forests to prepare a project for us, and we started. We started to plant, and this first year we lost a lot of trees, second year less, and slowly, slowly this dead land started to be born again. 我去拜訪了一個好友 他從事森林設計工程 我們請他幫我們建立重建項目 然後我們就開始了。我們開始種植。 第一年,死了很多樹。第二年,情況好轉。 然後慢慢的,這片土地死而復生。
We started to plant hundreds of thousands of trees, only local species, only native species, where we built an ecosystem identical to the one that was destroyed, and the life started to come back in an incredible way. 我們開始種植上百上千棵樹, 我們只種本土本國的樹種, 我們建造了一個生態系統,就像以前的那邊土地一樣, 生命奇蹟般的開始好轉。
native:adj.本国的;土著的;天然的;与生俱来的;天赋的;n.本地人;土产;当地居民; ecosystem:n.生态系统; identical:adj.同一的;完全相同的;n.完全相同的事物;
It was necessary for us to transform our land into a national park . 我們當時覺得有必要 把我們的土地變成國家公園。
transform:v.使改变;使改观;使转换;n.[数]变换式;[化]反式; national park:n.国家公园;
We transformed . We gave this land back to nature. 我們轉化了這片土地,將它還給了大自然。
It became a national park. 它變成了國家公園。
We created an institution called Instituto Terra , and we built a big environmental project to raise money everywhere. 我們成立名為Instituto Terra的機構, 我們發起了一個很大的環境計畫,並四處籌款。
institution:n.制度;建立;(社会或宗教等)公共机构;习俗; Terra:n.地;地球;土地;
Here in Los Angeles, in the Bay Area in San Francisco, it became tax deductible in the United States. 在洛杉磯,或者舊金山的灣區 捐款在美國可以用來抵稅。
We raised money in Spain, in Italy, a lot in Brazil. 我們在西班牙,意大利和巴西籌款。
We worked with a lot of companies in Brazil that put money into this project, the government. 我們和巴西的很多公司合作 它們為這個計畫注入資金
And the life started to come, and I had a big wish to come back to photography, to photograph again. 其他生物也來了,我有一個強烈的願望 重新拾起攝影,重新拍照。
And this time, my wish was not to photograph anymore just one animal that I had photographed all my life: us. 這次,我的願望不再是 拍攝我至今一直拍攝的物種:我們人類。
I wished to photograph the other animals, to photograph the landscapes , to photograph us, but us from the beginning, the time we lived in equilibrium with nature. 我想拍攝其他的物種, 拍攝其他的風景 拍攝人類,原始的我們 和大自然共生的我們。
landscapes:n.风景; v.从事庭园设计; equilibrium:n.均衡;平静;保持平衡的能力;
And I went. I started in the beginning of 2004, and I finished at the end of 2011. 我從2004年的年初開始 在2011年的年末結束。
And what we want with these pictures is to create a discussion about what we have that is pristine on the planet and what we must hold on this planet if we want to live, to have some equilibrium in our life. 我們對這些照片的期望 是激起一場討論:地球上,還有什麼原始存在 以及我們必須堅持什麼 如果我們想生存下去,我們必須在生活中保持一定的平衡。
And I wanted to see us when we used, yes, our instruments in stone. 我想看到 我們使用石器。
We exist yet. I was last week at the Brazilian National Indian Foundation , and only in the Amazon we have about 110 groups of Indians that are not contacted yet. 我們存在。我上週 在巴西國立印第安基金會, 在亞馬遜,大約有110個印第安部落 我們還沒有聯繫上。
Foundation:n.基础;地基;基金会;根据;创立; Amazon:亚马逊;古希腊女战士; contacted:v.联系,联络(如用电话或信件)(contact的过去分词和过去式)
We must protect the forest in this sense. 我們必須要保護這片森林
And with these pictures, I hope that we can create information, a system of information. 對於這些照片,我希望我們能創造 信息,一個信息系統。
We tried to do a new presentation of the planet, and I want to show you now just a few pictures of this project, please. 我們想展示一個新的地球, 我現在想展示這個項目的一些照片 請展示。
Well, this 〞 (Applause) 〞 唔,這-(掌聲)-
Thank you. Thank you very much. 謝謝。非常感謝。
This is what we must fight hard to hold like it is now. 我們必須為之奮鬥 來保持現狀。
But there is another part that we must together rebuild, to build our societies, our modern family of societies, we are at a point where we cannot go back. 但是有另外一個部分,需要我們一起重建 重建我們的社會,我們的現代家庭社會, 我們已經無法回頭。
But we create an incredible contradiction. 我們製造了一個很大的矛盾。
To build all this, we destroy a lot. 為了建立這些,我們摧毀了很多。
Our forest in Brazil, that antique forest that was the size of California, is destroyed today 93 percent. 我們巴西的森林,古老的森林 差不多和加利福尼亞州一樣大 93%的森林已經被毀滅了。
antique:adj.古老的; n.古董; vi.觅购古玩;
Here, on the West Coast , you've destroyed your forest. 這裡,在西海岸,你們毀滅了你們的森林。
West Coast:n.美国西海岸(尤指加利福尼亚州);
Around here, no? The redwood forests are gone. 在這附近,不是嗎?紅杉樹森林已經一去不復返。
Gone very fast, disappeared . 消失的很快。
Coming the other day from Atlanta , here, two days ago, 兩天前,我從亞特蘭大州趕來
the other day:不久前某一天;几天以前; Atlanta:n.亚特兰大(美国城市);
I was flying over deserts that we made, we provoked with our own hands. 飛機在沙漠上空 我們親手創造的沙漠。
India has no more trees. Spain has no more trees. 印度沒有樹木,西班牙也是一樣。
And we must rebuild these forests. 我們必須重建樹木。
That is the essence of our life, these forests. 森林對我們的生命太重要了,
We need to breathe. The only factory capable to transform CO2 into oxygen, are the forests. 我們需要呼吸。 唯一可以把二氧化碳轉化為氧氣的 就是森林。
The only machine capable to capture the carbon that we are producing, always, even if we reduce them, everything that we do, we produce CO2, are the trees. 唯一可以吸收 我們排放出的碳的就是樹木, 即使我們嘗試減少排放,我們所做的一切 本身就在排放碳體。
capture:v.俘虏;捕获;攻占;夺得;刻画,描述;n.(被)捕获;(被)俘获 carbon:n.[化学]碳;碳棒;复写纸;adj.碳的;碳处理的;
I put the question -- three or four weeks ago, we saw in the newspapers millions of fish that die in Norway. 我三四周前提出一個問題 我們在報紙上看到 在挪威,數百萬條魚死去。
A lack of oxygen in the water. 因為水裡的氧氣不夠。
I put to myself the question, if for a moment, we will not lack oxygen for all animal species, ours included -- that would be very complicated for us. 我問我自己,如果有那麼一刻, 所有的物種都不會缺氧 包括我們的 -- 那將會變得很複雜。
For the water system, the trees are essential . 樹木對於水資源是至關重要的。
I'll give you a small example that you'll understand very easily. 我舉個小例子,你們就會很容易了解了。
You happy people that have a lot of hair on your head, if you take a shower, it takes you two or three hours to dry your hair if you don't use a dryer machine. 你們這些滿頭豐髮的幸運人, 如果你洗澡 頭髮大約要兩三個小時才會乾 如果你不用吹風機。
Me, one minute, it's dry. The same with the trees. 我,一分鐘,就乾了。 樹木也是一樣的。
The trees are the hair of our planet. 樹木就像是地球的頭髮。
When you have rain in a place that has no trees, in just a few minutes, the water arrives in the stream, brings soil, destroying our water source , destroying the rivers, and no humidity to retain . 如果一個沒有樹木的地方在下雨, 幾分鐘後,雨水成流 帶來泥沙,摧毀我們的水源, 摧毀河流, 無法保持濕度。
source:n.来源;水源;原始资料; humidity:n.[气象]湿度;湿气; retain:v.保留;保持;持有;继续拥有;
When you have trees, the root system holds the water. 如果有樹木,樹根會留住雨水。
All the branches of the trees, the leaves that come down create a humid area, and they take months and months under the water, go to the rivers, and maintain our source, maintain our rivers. 樹枝樹葉下垂 營造一個濕潤的環境, 它們需要幾個月的時間匯入河流, 保持我們的水源,維護我們的河流。
This is the most important thing, when we imagine that we need water for every activity in life. 這是最重要的 當我們想像我們每天的生活都離不開水。
I want to show you now, to finish, just a few pictures that for me are very important in that direction. 結束之前,我必須要展示 另外一些對於我來說很重要的照片 在那個方面。
You remember that I told you, when I received the farm from my parents that was my paradise, that was the farm. 還記得我說過 當我接手我父母的農場的時候 曾經的對於我來說是天堂的農場。
Land completely destroyed, the erosion there, the land had dried. 已是一片乾枯,荒涼。
But you can see in this picture, we were starting to construct an educational center that became quite a large environmental center in Brazil. 但是你看這張照片, 我們開始建立一個教育中心 後來成為了巴西一個很大的環境中心
construct:v.建造;创建;建筑;修建;n.概念;构筑物;结构体;建造物; educational:adj.教育的;有关教育的;有教育意义的
But you see a lot of small spots in this picture. 你看這些照片上一些小點,
In each point of those spots, we had planted a tree. 我們在每一個小點所在的地方種一棵樹
There are thousands of trees. 有上千棵樹。
Now I'll show you the pictures made exactly in the same point two months ago. 現在我展示給你們看一下兩個月前 在同一個位置拍攝的照片。
(Applause) (掌聲)
I told you in the beginning that it was necessary for us to plant about 2.5 million trees of about 200 different species in order to rebuild the ecosystem. 開始我就說了 我們需要種植大約250萬棵樹 大約200種不同的樹種 以便重建我們的生態系統。
And I'll show you the last picture. 我展示最後一張照片。
We are with two million trees in the ground now. 我們已經種植了200萬棵樹,
We are doing the sequestration of about 100,000 tons of carbon with these trees. 我們的樹林吸收了 大約10萬噸的碳。
My friends, it's very easy to do. We did it, no? 我的朋友們,真的很簡單,我們做到了,不是嗎?
By an accident that happened to me, we went back, we built an ecosystem. 因為一個發生在我身上的事故, 我們回去,並建造了一個生態系統。
We here inside the room, 我們現在在室內,
I believe that we have the same concern , and the model that we created in Brazil, we can transplant it here. 我相信我們有同樣的擔憂, 我們在巴西建立的模式, 我們可以移植到這裡。
concern:v.涉及,关系到;使担心;n.关系;关心;关心的事; transplant:v.移植;迁移;使移居;n.移植;移居者;
We can apply it everywhere around the world, no? 我們可以將它應用於世界各地,不是嗎?
And I believe that we can do it together. 我相信,我們齊心協力,一定可以做到。
Thank you very much. 非常感謝。
(Applause) (掌聲)