

Hi. 大家好,
My name's Sarah, and I've been priced out of the housing market. 我是萨拉。 我买不起市场上出售的房子。
In fact, 事实上,
I'm one of the majority of my generation who can't afford a home. 我只是我这一代大多数 买不起住房的 许多人中的一个。
majority:n.大部分:大多数:多数票:成年人: afford:v.给予,提供;买得起;
And in 2017, home ownership amongst young Australians has fallen to the lowest level in recorded history. 2017年,澳大利亚 年轻人中的房屋拥有率 已经降至了有史以来的最低水平。
So, foolishly or otherwise, 也许因为一时糊涂, 或者正相反,
I decided to build my own home. 我决定自己盖房子。
But the prognosis wasn't good there, either. 但预算不容乐观。
Architects cater for the one percent, builders are scarce , so service is inconsistent and prices are high. 一方面要满足建筑师(的要求), (然而)建筑者却十分稀缺, 导致了服务不连贯, 价格也十分高昂。
Architects:n.建筑师;设计师;创造者;(architect的复数); cater:v.提供饮食,承办酒席;迎合;n.(骰子,纸牌的)四点; builders:n.[建]施工人员(builder的复数);生成器; scarce:adv.勉强;刚;几乎不;简直不;adj.缺乏的;不足的;稀少的; inconsistent:adj.不一致的;前后矛盾的;
The single biggest investment in my life, and I was amazed how little self-determination , choice and, ultimately , control I had. 这是我人生中目前为止 最大的一笔投资, 我惊讶于自己拥有的自我决定, 选择, 以及最终的控制权,是如此有限。
investment:n.投资;投入;封锁; self-determination:n.民族自决;自我决定; ultimately:adv.最终;最后;归根结底;终究;
What's more, I was doubly surprised at how vulnerable this made me feel. 除此之外,我也惊讶于 它带给我的脆弱感。
doubly:adv.双重地;加倍地;双摺地; vulnerable:adj.易受攻击的,易受…的攻击;易受伤害的;有弱点的;
Frankly, I felt trapped . 坦白的说,我觉得自己被困住了。
So, I reflected on this for quite some time. 因此,我花了很长时间反思,
And I realized what I wanted was democratized design and construction . 我意识到 我想要的,是将设计与建筑民主化。
democratized:vt.使民主化;使大众化;vi.民主化;大众化; construction:n.建设;建筑物;解释;造句;
And that led to me asking one very simple question: 这就让我想到了 一个十分简单的问题:
What is building a house? 什么是盖房子?
What is it? 它(的定义)是什么?
Well, it turns out that building a house is making a series of decisions, some with physical consequences , within a defined set of parameters . 事实证明,建造一栋房屋 其实是基于指定的参数集合, 做出一系列的选择, 其中一些选择会带来 物理上的后果。
series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; physical:adj.[物]物理的;身体的;物质的;符合自然法则的;n.体格检查; consequences:n.后果,结果;影响(consequence的复数); defined:adj.有定义的,确定的; v.使明确; parameters:n.决定因素;规范;范围;(parameter的复数)
Now, having worked in software applications for some time now, this all sounded very familiar to me. 在软件应用领域工作了一段时间后, 这种描述听起来 让我觉得十分熟悉。
I also couldn't understand why we build on-site . 我也不了解为什么非要实地施工,
No other major assembly in our lives is constructed like this. 我们生命中的其它主要装配皆非如此。
assembly:n.装配;集会,集合; constructed:v.修建;建造;组成;编制,绘制;(construct的过去分词和过去式)
Your car doesn't come to you in pieces with an extra 10 percent just in case , to be assembled at the mercy of the elements . 你的汽车又不会以 一堆零件的形式呈现在你面前, 留出10%的额外部分备用, 在零件的摆布下进行装配。
extra:adj.额外的:n.额外的事物:adv.额外:另外: just in case:以防万一;作为准备; assembled:v.聚集;集合;收集;装配;组装;(assemble的过去分词和过去式) mercy:n.仁慈,宽容;怜悯;幸运;善行; elements:n.要素;基本部分;少量;一群;(element的复数)
So why should your house? 为什么你们的房子就该那样呢?
So I built a computer game . 于是,我创造了一款电脑游戏。
computer game:n.电脑游戏;
A game that allows you to design your home and have it delivered to you. 你可以自主设计自己的家, 并把最终成品寄送过来。
A game that puts the home builder back at the center of the largest purchase in their life, elevating them from spectator to player. 一个将家园设计者 放到了他们一生中 最大采购活动的中心, 将他们的角色从观众提升到了玩家。
purchase:n.购买;采购;购买的东西;购买项目;v.购买;采购; elevating:adj.引人向上的;n.升降机构;v.使升高(elevate的现在分词形式);提起; spectator:n.观众;旁观者;
A game with full visibility of the costs and environmental impact of each new attribute you add. 这个游戏展现了 可视化的开销和你所增加的 每个部分所产生的环境影响。
visibility:n.可见性;能见度;能见距离 impact:n.影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力;v.挤入,压紧;撞击;对…产生影响; attribute:n.属性;象征;v.把…归因于;认为…属于;认为某人(某物)具有某种特性;
Using modular components , players select items from their library and drag them into their world. 玩家通过模块化的部件 从他们的仓库里选择(条目), 并拉入他们的设计世界。
modular:adj.模块化的;模数的;有标准组件的; components:n.部件;组件;成份(component复数); items:n.项目;一件商品(或物品);一则,一条(新闻)(item的复数) drag:v.拖曳;生拉硬拽;拖动;n.拖累;令人厌烦的人;累赘;绊脚石;
Each item, be it a wall, a solar battery or even an armchair , contains all of the information for the system to calculate costs, environmental impact and even a happiness tally for the player. 例如一堵墙,一块太阳能电池, 甚至一个单人沙发, 皆包含系统需要的 所有信息来计算开销, 环境影响, 甚至为玩家设定的 一个幸福指数器。
battery:n.[电]电池,蓄电池;n.[法]殴打;n.[军]炮台,炮位; armchair:n.扶手椅;足不出户的;
Eighty-three percent of home builders said that next to cost, environmentally friendly features were the most important things to them. 83%的房屋建造者 声称除了合适的开销, 坏境友好的特征对他们 而言也十分重要。
environmentally friendly:adj.对环境无害的;保护生态环境的;
So out of the gate, homes are integrated with solar systems. 所以一开始,房屋就与 太阳能系统结合。
integrated:adj.综合的; v.整合; (integrate的过去式和过去分词)
Born green. 绿色的开始。
Sustainable housing is often associated with wealth and affluence , but that shouldn't be the case. 可持续的住房经常与 财富充足相联系, 但这不是必须的。
Sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的; associated:adj.有关联的; v.联想; (associate的过去分词和过去式) wealth:n.财富;大量;富有; affluence:n.富裕;丰富;流入;汇集;
In fact, truly sustainable housing should be available to everyone and affordable for all. 事实上,真正意义上的 可持续住房对所有人来说 都应该是可实现, 能支付得起的。
So, I had found a way to get the control back that I was craving and give it to others. 因此,我发现了一个能够获得 我一直渴望的控制感的途径, 并授人以渔。
But something was still bugging me, something was still keeping me up at night. 但仍然有东西困扰着我, 使我夜不能寐。
What about those people who have genuinely no control over where they live? 那些对自己的房屋 完全没有控制权的人呢?
Every hour -- in the space of your intermission -- 4,000 new homes are needed in the world. 每小时——在你休息的时候—— 世界上对新房屋的 需求量会增加4000栋。
Wrap your head around that number. 想象一下那个数字。
That's an astonishing 35 million homes globally, every year. 每年的全球房屋需求量将会 增加惊人的3500万。
And in Australia alone, we have a shortfall of 250,000 dwellings . 单是澳大利亚, 我们就有25万的住房缺口。
shortfall:n.差额;缺少; dwellings:n.民居;住处(dwelling的复数);
And in addition to that, we have 190,000 families on the assisted-housing wait list; families in need of a home. 除此之外, 将会有19万户家庭出现 在住房补贴名单上; 他们迫切需要一个家。
in addition to:除…之外;
Between now and 2050, when the global population is set to move from today's 7.6 billion to tomorrow's 9.8 billion people, hundreds of millions of people will experience security, health and safety issues . 从现在到2050年, 当全球人口从今天的76亿 变成明天的98亿, 数以亿计的人 会面临安全,健康等问题。
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; issues:n.重要议题;争论的问题;v.宣布;公布;发出;(issue的第三人称单数和复数)
Imagine if you can not feeling secure in your home -- not from crime, not from theft, but from the fact that the building you're in -- the building you're in -- might not be structurally sound or built from nontoxic components or meet local natural disaster standards . 试想,如果家不能 使你感到安全—— 不是因为犯罪或者偷盗, 而是因为事实上, 你所在的房屋—— 你所住的房屋—— 也许不够结实, 或者使用了有害的建筑材料, 亦或者没有满足本地预防 自然灾害的标准。
structurally:adv.在结构上; nontoxic:adj.无毒的; disaster:n.灾难,灾祸;不幸; standards:n.标准,水平,规格(standard的复数)
It's the 21st century. 现在是21世纪。
And this just isn't good enough. 但上述这一切还远不够完善。
What if -- what if -- we could restore control and dignity to those indivi duals by givi ng them a home, b ut not just any home: their home, and a home of their design. 如果——如果—— 我们能帮助那些(居无定所的) 人们恢复控制权和尊严, 为他们提供住房, 但不是随便一栋房屋: 他们自己的房子, 一个由他们设计的家。
What if:如果…怎么办?
We're currently adapting our game so that when a player builds a home, they're contributing to a home for someone in need. 我们最近正在改良 这款游戏,当一个玩家盖房子时, 他们是在为需要房屋的 人们贡献自己的力量。
currently:adv.当前;一般地; adapting:v.使适应,使适合;适应;改编;改写;(adapt的现在分词) contributing:v.捐献,捐赠(尤指款或物);捐助;增加;增进;(contribute的现在分词)
And I know this sounds like a lofty goal, and it is ridiculously ambitious , but today, our current operating model operates at a ten-to-one ratio . 我知道这听起来像是 一个崇高的目标, 野心勃勃, 但在当今,我们目前的运营模式 已经能够满足10比1的需求比例。
lofty:adj.高的;崇高的;高级的;高傲的; ridiculously:adv.可笑地;荒谬地; ambitious:adj.野心勃勃的;有雄心的;热望的;炫耀的; ten-to-one:很可能; ratio:n.比率;比例;v.用比例方式表达;求出…的比值;使…成比例;
So for every 10 homes we build, we can build a home for someone in need. 也就是说,每设计出10栋房屋, 我们就可以为需要的人 建造一栋房屋。
(Applause) (鼓掌)
This is made possible because today, with design for manufacture and assembly, which uses light gauge steel frame construction, shipped and assembled on-site, we can decrease construction costs by 20 percent and environmental waste by 15 percent, saving time, money and keeping tons of waste out of landfills . 使这一切成为可能的, 正是由于今天, 通过制造和装配的设计, 结合运输并实地装配的 轻量钢框架, 我们可以节约20%的建筑成本, 以及15%的环境垃圾, 省时省钱, 还能避免几吨的污染填埋。
manufacture:v.(用机器)大量生产; n.大量制造; gauge:n.计量器;标准尺寸;容量规格;vt.测量;估计;给…定规格; frame:n.框架; v.设计; adj.有木架的; decrease:v.降低;减少;缩小;减弱;n.减少;减小量;所减少的总量;减缩位置; landfills:n.废物填埋地(或场);废物填埋;填埋的废物;(landfill的复数)
The power in modular construction is that you can build year-round with confidence in your costs, in your quality, and in your delivery date, in your build date. 模块建筑的力量在于 你可以整年的建造, 花销无忧, 质量无忧, 交付日期无忧,工时无忧。
year-round:adj.(开放,使用或运转等)一年到头的;整年;全年;全年的; confidence:n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的; delivery:n.[贸易]交付;分娩;递送;
Now, wouldn't that be crazy? Wouldn't that be great? 现在看来,那是不是很疯狂? 是不是很棒?
But -- that doesn't get me to my goal. 但是—— 那并不是我梦想的终点。
My goal is one-for-one . 我的目标(比率)是1比1。
So I've been traveling the world, looking at different alternatives of construction 3-D printing, trying to find technology that will help me deliver on my ambition . 因此我环游世界, 观摩不同的3-D建筑打印选择, 试着寻找能帮助我实现 宏伟目标的科技。
alternatives:n.可供选择的事物;(alternative的复数) technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; ambition:n.追求的目标;野心;志向;抱负;
3-D printing is so exciting and so promising, offering a 40 percent reduction in cost and near zero waste. 3D打印的效果十分惊艳, 降低了40%的建筑成本, 而且几乎无污染。
And this is just to name a few, but some of the really exciting innovations happening all over the world are happening in Italy, France, Dubai and Australia. 这只是冰山一角, 真正令人激动的创新 发明正在全世界发生着, 例如意大利,法国, 迪拜和澳大利亚。
innovations:n.创新(innovation的复数);改革; Dubai:n.迪拜(阿拉伯联合酋长国的酋长国之一);
And they use robotic arms to print everything from solid stone to concrete , to wax . 他们运用机器臂打印固态结构, 水泥,涂蜡。
robotic:adj.机器人的,像机器人的;自动的;n.机器人学; concrete:n.混凝土;adj.混凝土制的;确实的,具体的;vt.用混凝土覆盖 wax:n.蜡; v.给…打蜡; adj.蜡制的;
In Italy, they have developed a technique using sorel cement . 意大利利用苏鲁水泥 发明了一项技术。
technique:n.技巧,技术;手法; sorel:n.三岁的雄鹿; cement:n.水泥;(干燥后硬化的)水泥;胶合剂;胶接剂;v.加强;胶合;
Sorel cement was originally invented in 1867, and it's the beautiful chemical marriage of magnesium oxide and local sand, which they can now use to print solid stone walls. 苏鲁水泥早在1867年 就被发明出来, 它是氧化镁和本地沙土 完美的化学结合, 人们现在可以用它来 打印坚固的石墙。
originally:adv.原来;起初; chemical:n.化学制品,化学药品;adj.化学的; magnesium:n.[化学]镁; oxide:n.[化学]氧化物;
And in France, they have a regulator-approved although still experimental process where they print two parallel tracks of foam insulation and pour concrete in the middle to create solid stone. 在法国, 他们有了一个得到监管机构批准的 程序,虽然仍处于试验阶段。 他们成功打印出了 两条泡沫绝缘体, 并在中间浇上水泥以 制造坚固的石头。
experimental:adj.实验的;根据实验的;试验性的; process:v.处理;加工;列队行进;n.过程,进行;方法,adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的; parallel:adj.平行的; v.与…相似; n.极其相似的人(或情况、事件等); tracks:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;(track的第三人称单数和复数) foam:n.泡沫;水沫;灭火泡沫;v.起泡沫;吐白沫;起着泡沫流动; insulation:n.绝缘;隔离,孤立; pour:v.倒; n.流出; (已熔金属的)一次浇注量;
And in Dubai, sitting at the foot of those two glorious Emirates Towers, is a vision of the future in the middle of the desert. 我坐在迪拜辉煌的双子塔酒店下, 获得了在沙漠中心的远见卓识。
at the foot of:在…(山)脚下;在…的下部; glorious:adj.光荣的;辉煌的;极好的; Emirates:n.阿联酋航空公司; vision:n.视力;美景;幻象;想象力;v.想象;显现;梦见;
They've got their experimental office of the future, which is constructed using 3-D printed concrete which was printed in China and shipped and assembled on location in Dubai. 他们打造了未来的实验室, 由3D打印聚合体建造而成, 在中国打印, 并运输至迪拜进行实地装配。
And not to be outdone , in Australia, we've pioneered an amazing technology that allows you to print wax molds and pour concrete over the top of them, allowing you to create really intricately beautiful and cost-effective facades that you can see in person the next time you travel the London Underground. 澳大利亚也不甘落后, 我们开辟了一个惊人的技术, 可以打印出蜡模, 并将混凝土从上方浇下, 就可以创造出物美价廉的外表, 下次你们乘坐 伦敦的地铁, 就能看到类似的地铁装饰。
outdone:v.胜过;优于(outdo的过去分词); molds:n.[机]模具;霉菌;鞋模(mold的复数); over the top:adj.过多的;言过其实的;夸大其词的; intricately:adv.杂乱地; cost-effective:adj.划算的;成本效益好的(等于cost-efficient); facades:n.外立面(facade的复数);
But all of these things are tools -- hammer of tomorrow, if you like. 但所有这些东西都是工具—— 你们也可以叫 明日之锤。
hammer:n.锤子; v.锤打;
And the one common thread that connects all these things is computer-aided design. 将所有事物联系在一起的 是计算机辅助设计。
thread:n.螺纹;线索;思路;脉络;v.穿过;穿(针);纫(针);(使)穿过; computer-aided:adj.[计]计算机辅助的,电脑辅助;
We will need models to build using these techniques , models like the ones being developed by players in our game. 为实现这些技术,我们需要模型, 我们游戏中的玩家所创造的模型。
I want to put every person that wants one in a home of their own design. 我想号召每个需要 自己设计房屋的人。
And there are many more applications still. 还有更多的应用有待探索。
We could usher in an entirely new empowered experience of special needs or aged-care accommodation . 我们可以以全新被 赋予的经验开辟 不同年龄的特殊需求。
usher:v.引入;引领;引导;把…引往;n.引座员;(法院的)传达员,门卫;男傧相; empowered:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;(empower的过去分词和过去式) special needs:n.(智力或身体障碍者的)特殊需求; accommodation:n.住处;办公处;住宿;调解;
And we could provide rapid, on-site assistance in emergency housing situations. 我们可以为紧急住房需求 提供迅速的, 实地的辅助。
In the words of one of my players, "I want to take matters into my own hands and live by example." 用一名玩家的话来说: “我想亲自播种, 亲自收获。“
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)