

I am the daughter of a forger , not just any forger ... 我是一个赝造者的女儿 不是一般的赝造者
When you hear the word "forger," you often understand " mercenary ." 当听到“赝造”这个词 你会想到“唯利是图”
You understand " forged currency ," " forged pictures." 会想到“赝币” “赝画”
forged:v.艰苦干成;努力加强;假冒;制作;(forge的过去分词和过去式) currency:n.货币;通货;
My father is no such man. 我父亲不是这样的人
For 30 years of his life, he made false papers -- never for himself, always for other people, and to come to the aid of the persecuted and the oppressed . 曾经有30年 他从事文件伪造工作 从来不为自己 只为别人 为了受迫害和压迫的人
persecuted:v.迫害,残害,压迫;骚扰;打扰(persecute的过去分词和过去式) oppressed:adj.受压制的,受压迫的;v.压迫;折磨(oppress的过去分词);
Let me introduce him. 请允许我介绍他
Here is my father at age 19. 这是我父亲19岁的时候
It all began for him during World War II, when at age 17 he found himself thrust into a forged documents workshop . 一切开始于二战期间 年仅17岁的他 被带进一个伪造文件的作坊
thrust into:强行闯入;投身于…之中;把…插进; workshop:n.车间;研讨会;讲习班;工场;v.学习;
He quickly became the false papers expert of the Resistance . 很快他成为抵抗运动一方的文件伪造专家
And it's not a banal story -- after the liberation he continued to make false papers until the 70s. 这不是个平庸的故事 解放后他一直 伪造文件直到70年代
banal:adj.陈腐的;平庸的;老一套的; liberation:n.释放,解放;
When I was a child 当我还是孩子的时候
I knew nothing about this, of course. 当然什么都不懂
This is me in the middle making faces. 中间做鬼脸那个就是我
I grew up in the Paris suburbs and I was the youngest of three children. 我在巴黎郊区长大 是三个孩子里最小的
I had a "normal" dad like everybody else, apart from the fact that he was 30 years older than ... 我以为他像其他爸爸一样“平凡” 除了他(比妈妈)大30岁
well, he was basically old enough to be my grandfather. 差不多可以做我祖父了
Anyway, he was a photographer and a street educator, and he always taught us to obey the law very strictly. 他是一个摄影师 一个街头教育者 他总是教育我们要遵纪守法
And, of course, he never talked about his past life when he was a forger. 当然他从没透露过他的过去 关于他是赝造者的事
There was, however, an incident I'm going to tell you about, that perhaps could have led me suspect something. 但是 下面我要讲一件事 这件事差点让我起疑
I was in high school and got a bad grade, a rare event for me, so I decided to hide it from my parents. 我上高中时 有一次考得非常差 那不是我的常态发挥 所以我决定藏起来不让父母知道
In order to do that, I set out to forge their signature . 为此我着手伪造他们的签名
I started working on my mother's signature, because my father's is absolutely impossible to forge. 我开始研究我母亲的签名 因为我父亲的绝对没法伪造
So, I got working. I took some sheets of paper and started practicing, practicing, practicing, until I reached what I thought was a steady hand, and went into action. 于是我掏出几张纸 开始练习 练习 练习 直到我觉得有把握了 就开始行动
sheets:n.床单;被单;薄片,薄板;(sheet的复数) steady:adj.稳定的; v.使稳定; v.稳定地; n.关系固定的情侣;
Later, while checking my school bag, my mother got hold of my school assignment and immediately saw that the signature was forged. 后来 在检查我书包的时候 我母亲翻出我的作业 立刻看到了伪造的签名
She yelled at me like she never had before. 她史无前例地大声责备我
I went to hide in my bedroom, under the blankets, and then I waited for my father to come back from work with, one could say, much apprehension . 我躲到房里 藏在毯子底下 等着父亲下班回家 很是提心吊胆
I heard him come in. 我听见他进来
I remained under the blankets. He entered my room, sat on the corner of the bed, and he was silent, so I pulled the blanket from my head, and when he saw me he started laughing. 但仍裹在毯子里 他进了屋 坐在床角 一声不吭 我就拉开毯子 他看着我 开始大笑
He was laughing so hard, he could not stop and he was holding my assignment in his hand. 他笑得停不下来 手里还拿着我的作业
Then he said, "But really, Sarah, you could have worked harder! Can't you see it's really too small?" 他说 “莎拉 你还不够努力 没发现签得太小了吗?”
Indeed, it's rather small. 确实是挺小的
I was born in Algeria. 我出生于阿尔及利亚
There I would hear people say my father was a "moudjahid" 在那里我听见别人说我父亲是个 moudjahid
and that means "fighter." 意思是“斗士”
Later on, in France, I loved eavesdropping on grownups' conversations, and I would hear all sorts of stories about my father's previous life, especially that he had "done" World War II, that he had "done" the Algerian war. 后来在法国 我喜欢偷听大人们讲话 我听到各种各样的关于我父亲过去的故事 特别是他“参与”二战 及阿尔及利亚战争的事
eavesdropping:v.偷听,窃听(其他人谈话)(eavesdrop的现在分词) previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; Algerian:adj.阿尔及利亚的;n.阿尔及利亚人;
And in my head I would be thinking that "doing" a war meant being a soldier. 在我的认知里参与战争就是成为士兵
But knowing my father, and how he kept saying that he was a pacifist and non-violent , 但我父亲一直宣称他是非暴力的和平主义者
pacifist:n.和平主义者;adj.非战主义的; non-violent:adj.非暴力的;
I found it very hard to picture him with a helmet and gun. 很难想象他戴着头盔扛着枪
And indeed, I was very far from the mark. 确实 我完全猜错了
One day, while my father was working on a file for us to obtain French nationality, 有天 我父亲在做一份证件 为了给我们申请法国国籍
I happened to see some documents that caught my attention. 我正好看见一些文件 引起了我的注意
These are real! 这些都是真的
These are mine, I was born an Argentinian. 这些是我的 我成了阿根廷人
But the document I happened to see that would help us build a case for the authorities was a document from the army that thanked my father for his work on behalf of the secret services. 但我看到的那份 足够当局做立案证据的文件 是一份来自军方 代表特情处 向我父亲致谢的文件
authorities:n.权力;威权;职权;批准;(authority的复数) on behalf of:代表;为了;
And then, suddenly, I went "wow!" 我一看 “哇”出了声
My father, a secret agent ? 我父亲是特工?
secret agent:n.特务;特工人员;间谍;
It was very James Bond. 特有007的范儿
I wanted to ask him questions, which he didn't answer. 我有很多问题想问 不过他没回答
And later, I told myself that one day I would have to question him. 后来我想 总有一天我得问出来
And then I became a mother and had a son, and finally decided it was time -- that he absolutely had to talk to us. 后来我做了母亲 有了一个儿子 终于我觉得是时候了 他必须如实告诉我们
I had become a mother and he was celebrating his 77th birthday, and suddenly I was very, very afraid. 我当上母亲时 他正庆祝他的77岁生日 我突然非常害怕
I feared he'd go and take his silences with him, and take his secrets with him. 害怕他离开 把他的沉默带走 把他的秘密带走
I managed to convince him that it was important for us, but possibly also for other people that he shared his story. 我让他知道 他的故事对于我们 或许还有别人 都是很重要的
He decided to tell it to me and I made a book, from which I'm going to read you some excerpts later. 他决定告诉我他的故事 我将其写成一本书 一会儿我会为各位读些摘录
So, his story. My father was born in Argentina . 关于他的故事 他出生于阿根廷
His parents were of Russian descent . 父母是俄裔
The whole family came to settle in France in the 30s. 全家人在30年代搬到法国
His parents were Jewish , Russian and above all very poor. 他的父亲是俄裔犹太人 非常贫穷
So at the age of 14 my father had to work. 所以我父亲14岁就得开始干活
And with his only diploma , his primary education certificate , he found himself working at a dyer - dry cleaner. 而他的学历 仅仅到小学水平 只能到染洗店做工
diploma:n.毕业证书,学位证书;公文,文书;奖状;vt.发给…毕业文凭; primary education:初等教育; certificate:n.证明;证明书;合格证书;文凭;v.发给结业证书;(尤指)发给职业培训证书; dyer:n.染工,染色工;染房;
That's where he discovered something totally magical, and when he talks about it, it's fascinating -- it's the magic of dyeing chemistry. 在那儿他发现了奇妙的东西 他把那东西说得引人入胜 那就是神奇的染色化学
fascinating:adj.极有吸引力的;迷人的;v.深深吸引;迷住;(fascinate的现在分词) dyeing:v.给…染色;染;n.染料;染液(dye的现在分词)
During that time the war was happening and his mother was killed when he was 15. 正值战时 他母亲在他15岁时就被杀害了
This coincided with the time when he threw himself body and soul into chemistry because it was the only consolation for his sadness. 于是就在这时 他开始全身心投入到化学中去 这是他排解悲伤的唯一方式
coincided:v.同时发生;相同;相符;重叠;(coincide的过去式和过去分词) body and soul:整个;身体与灵魂;灵与肉;全心全意; consolation:n.安慰;慰问;起安慰作用的人或事物;
All day he would ask many questions to his boss to learn, to accumulate more and more knowledge, and at night, when no one was looking, he'd put his experience to practice. 每天他有一堆问题问老板 不断学习 积累越来越多的知识 夜深无人的时候 他将积累的经验用于实践
He was mostly interested in ink bleaching . 他最感兴趣的是墨水脱色
All this to tell you that if my father became a forger, actually, it was almost by accident. 说这么多的意思是 我父亲成为一个赝造者 其实是无心之为
His family was Jewish, so they were hounded . 他的家人都是犹太人 所以遭到追捕
Finally they were all arrested and taken to the Drancy camp and they managed to get out at the last minute thanks to their Argentinian papers. 最终他们被捕带往德兰西集中营 多亏有阿根廷证件 他们得以离开
Well, they were out, but they were always in danger. The big "Jew" stamp was still on their papers. 虽然他们出来了 但仍然危险 证件上还盖着“犹太人”的章
It was my grandfather who decided they needed false documents. 我祖父决定他们得弄到假证件
My father had been instilled with such respect for the law that although he was being persecuted, he'd never thought of false papers. 我父亲一直被教导要做守法公民 虽然他受到迫害 但从没想过办假证件这回事
But it was he who went to meet a man from the Resistance. 但他去见了一个来自抵抗军的人
In those times documents had hard covers, they were filled in by hand, and they stated your job. 那时文件是硬皮的 手写的信息 上面还要填写工作
In order to survive, he needed to be working. He asked the man to write "dyer." 为了生存 他需要工作 他让那个人写上 “染匠”
Suddenly the man looked very, very interested. 突然那个人很感兴趣地看着他
As a "dyer," do you know how to bleach ink marks? 你是染匠 那你知道怎么去掉墨迹吗?
Of course he knew. 他当然知道
And suddenly the man started explaining that actually the whole Resistance had a huge problem: even the top experts could not manage to bleach an ink, called " indelible ," 突然那个人开始解释 抵抗军面临一个大问题 即使是顶级专家 也无法去除一种“不可磨灭”的墨迹
the " Waterman " blue ink. 即“威迪文”蓝墨水
And my father immediately replied that he knew exactly how to bleach it. 我父亲立刻回答说他知道 怎么去除
Now, of course, the man was very impressed with this young man of 17 who could immediately give him the formula , so he recruted him. 这下 那个人当然对这个17岁的年轻人刮目相看 他能立刻给出方法 所以那个人雇了他
impressed:adj.印象深刻; v.使钦佩; (impress的过去分词和过去式) formula:n.公式; adj.(赛车)方程式的(指赛车要符合规定的体积,重量及汽缸容量等);
And actually, without knowing it, my father had invented something we can find in every schoolchild's pencil case : the so-called " correction pen." 实际上 我父亲自己都不知道 他发明了 如今在每个学生笔盒里都能找到的东西 所谓的“涂改液”
pencil case:铅笔盒;铅笔袋 so-called:adj.所谓的;号称的; correction:n.校正;修正;改正;处罚;
(Applause) (鼓掌)
But it was only the beginning. 但那只是开始
That's my father. 我的父亲
As soon as he got to the lab, even though he was the youngest, he immediately saw that there was a problem with the making of forged documents. 他刚到实验室 虽然他是最年轻的 却立刻意识到伪造文件存在一个问题
As soon as:一…就;
All the movements stopped at falsifying . 所有工程都停在了篡改这一步
But demand was ever-growing and it was difficult to tamper with existing documents. 篡改已有的文件已经不易 而且需求一直在增长
ever-growing:n.不断增长的; tamper:v.篡改;干预;损害;玩弄;贿赂;n.填塞者;捣棒;
He told himself it was necessary to make them from scratch . 他告诉自己一切要从零开始
from scratch:白手起家;从头做起;
He started a press. He started photoengraving. 他安置印刷机 开始修照片
He started making rubber stamps. 做橡胶印章
He started inventing all kind of things -- with some materials he invented a centrifuge using a bicycle wheel . 发明各种各样的东西 他用一个自行车车轮和其他材料造出离心分离机
centrifuge:vt.用离心机分离;使…受离心作用;n.离心机;[机][化工]离心分离机; wheel:车轮,转动
Anyway, he had to do all this because he was completely obsessed with output . 总之 他必须这么做 因为这一切生死攸关
obsessed:v.使痴迷;使迷恋;使着迷;(obsess的过去式和过去分词) output:n.(人、机器、机构的)产量;输出;输出功率;输出量;v.输出;
He had made a simple calculation: 他做了一个简单计算
In one hour he could make 30 forged documents. 他一个小时能做30份文件
If he slept one hour, 30 people would die. 如果他睡上一个小时 就会有30个人死去
This sense of responsibility for other people's lives when he was just 17 -- and also his guilt for being a survivor, since he had escaped the camp when his friends had not -- stayed with him all his life. 从17岁起 这种对他人生命的责任感 以及没能带朋友一起逃出集中营 而带来的愧疚感 便跟随了他一生
And this is maybe what explains why, for 30 years, he continued to make false papers at the expense of all kinds of sacrifices . 这也许是他30年间 不断赝造文件的根源 不惜任何代价
at the expense of:以…为代价;由…支付费用; sacrifices:n.牺牲,损失; v.牺牲,损失(sacrifice的单三形式);
I'd like to talk about those sacrifices, because there were many. 我想谈谈那些代价 因为那是很大的牺牲
There were obviously financial sacrifices because he always refused to be paid. 首先是经济上的牺牲 他总是拒绝接受报酬
To him, being paid would have meant being a mercenary. 对他而言 接受报酬就意味着他的行为有功利性
If he had accepted payment , he wouldn't be able to say "yes" or "no" 如果他收了钱 他就失去了选择做或者不做的权利
depending on what he deemed a just or unjust cause. 不管是否正义都要照做
deemed:v.认为;视为;相信;(deem的过去分词和过去式) unjust:adj.不公平的,不公正的;非正义的;
So he was a photographer by day, and a forger by night for 30 years. 他白天摄影 晚上造假 持续了30年
He was broke all of the time. 一生都穷困不堪
Then there were the emotional sacrifices: 同时他也付出了情感上的代价
How can one live with a woman while having so many secrets? 一个人怎么能带着这么多秘密与妻子生活在一起?
How can one explain what one does at night in the lab, every single night? 他要怎么解释每晚在实验室做什么?
Of course, there was another kind of sacrifice involving his family that I understood much later. 当然 还有另一个牺牲 这牵扯到他的家庭 我过了很久才知道
One day my father introduced me to my sister. 有天父亲把我介绍给我姐姐
He also explained to me that I had a brother, too, and the first time I saw them I must have been three or four, and they were 30 years older than me. 他说我还有个哥哥 我头次见他们的时候大概三四岁 而他们比我长30多岁
They are both in their sixties now. 现在都已经60多了
In order to write the book, 为了写这本书
I asked my sister questions. I wanted to know who my father was, who was the father she had known. 我向姐姐询问 想了解父亲 她眼中的父亲
She explained that the father that she'd had would tell them he'd come and pick them up on Sunday to go for a walk. 她说她眼里的父亲 总是告诉他们周日会带他们去散步
They would get all dressed up and wait for him, but he would almost never come. 他们会穿得整整齐齐地等他 但他几乎从来不出现
He'd say, "I'll call." He wouldn't call. 他说他会给他们打电话 但他没有
And then he would not come. 后来他不回家了
Then one day he totally disappeared . 有天他再也不出现了
Time passed, and they thought he had surely forgotten them, at first. 时光飞逝 他们觉得他一定早就忘记他们了 一开始是那样想
Then as time passed, at the end of almost two years, they thought, "Well, perhaps our father has died." 再后来 时光匆匆 大概两年后 他们想 也许父亲已经死了
And then I understood that asking my father so many questions was stirring up a whole past he probably didn't feel like talking about because it was painful . 然后我明白了 问父亲那么多问题 是在勾起他不愿重提的旧事 因为那是很痛的回忆
stirring:adj.激动人心的; n.开始,出现,酝酿; v.搅动; (stir的现在分词) painful:adj.痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的;
And while my half brother and sister thought they'd been abandoned , orphaned , my father was making false papers. 正当我的姐姐哥哥以为他们被抛弃 成为了孤儿的时候 我父亲却在伪造文件
abandoned:adj.被抛弃的放纵的;v.抛弃;丢弃,离开;放弃;(abandon的过去分词和过去式) orphaned:v.使成为孤儿;(orphan的过去分词和过去式)
And if he did not tell them, it was of course to protect them. 他没告诉他们 当然是为了保护他们
After the liberation he made false papers to allow the survivors of concentration camps to emigrate to Palestine before the creation of Israel . 解放后 他伪造文件 帮助集中营的幸存者移民到巴勒斯坦 那时以色列还未建国
concentration:n.浓度;含量;集中;专心; emigrate:vi.移居;移居外国;vt.移民; creation:n.创造,创作;创作物,产物; Israel:n.以色列(亚洲国家);犹太人,以色列人;
And then, as he was a staunch anti-colonialist, he made false papers for Algerians during the Algerian war. 后来他成为坚定的反殖民主义者 在阿尔及利亚战争期间帮助阿尔及利亚人伪造文件
After the Algerian war, at the heart of the international resistance movements, his name circulated and the whole world came knocking at his door. 阿战后 在国际抵抗运动的中心 流传着他的名字 越来越多人找他帮忙
In Africa there were countries fighting for their independence : 在非洲 有些国家在为独立而战
Guinea , Guinea-Bissau, Angola. 几内亚 几内亚比绍 安哥拉
And then my father connected with Nelson Mandela's anti-apartheid party. 后来我父亲接触到尼尔森·曼德拉的反种族隔离党派
He made false papers for persecuted black South Africans. 他为受迫害的南非黑人伪造文件
There was also Latin America . 还有拉丁美洲人
Latin America:n.拉丁美洲(以西班牙语或葡萄牙语为主要语言的美洲地区);
My father helped those who resisted dictatorships in the Dominican Republic, Haiti , and then it was the turn of Brazil , Argentina, Venezuela , El Salvador , Nicaragua , 我父亲帮助那些不屈从独裁统治的人 先是在多米尼克共和国 海地 然后是巴西 阿根廷 委内瑞拉 厄尔萨瓜多尔 尼加拉瓜
resisted:v.抵制;阻挡;反抗;回击;抵抗;忍住;(resist的过去分词和过去式) dictatorships:n.专政;独裁权;独裁者职位; Dominican:adj.多明尼加共和国的;n.多明尼加共和国的居民; Haiti:n.海地; Brazil:n.巴西(拉丁美洲国家); Venezuela:n.委内瑞拉; Salvador:n.萨尔瓦多(巴西东部港市); Nicaragua:n.尼加拉瓜(拉丁美洲一国家);
Colombia, Peru, Uruguay, Chile and Mexico. 哥伦比亚 祕鲁 乌拉圭 智利和墨西哥
Then there was the Vietnam war. 后来越战期间
My father made false papers for the American deserters who did not wish to take up arms against the Vietnamese . 我父亲为美国逃兵伪造文件 因为他们不想对越南人使用暴力
deserters:n.逃兵;开小差的人;(deserter的复数) take up arms against:拿起武器反对; Vietnamese:n.越南人;越南语;adj.越南的;越南人的;
Europe was not spared either. 欧洲也没被漏掉
My father made false papers for the dissidents against Franco in Spain, Salazar in Portugal, against the colonels' dictatorship in Greece, and even in France. 我父亲为持不同政见者伪造文件 有西班牙反弗朗科者 葡萄牙反萨拉萨尔者 希腊反上校团独裁统治者 甚至在法国
dissidents:公开大唱反调者;持异议者;持不同政见者; Franco:adj.[交]运费准免的;免费的;
There, just once, it happened in May of 1968. 只有一次 那是1968年的5月
My father watched, benevolently, of course, the demonstrations of the month of May, but his heart was elsewhere , and so was his time because he had over 15 countries to serve. 我父亲看到了五月游行 但他仅仅是看而已 他的心不在那 也没时间理会 因为他要为15个国家服务
demonstrations:n.示范,展示(demonstration复数); elsewhere:adv.在别处;到别处;
Once, though, he agreed to make false papers for someone you might recognize . 有次 他同意给一个人伪造文件 这个人你们也许认识
(Laughter) (笑声)
He was much younger in those days, and my father agreed to make false papers to enable him to come back and speak at a meeting. 那时候他还很年轻 我父亲同意做假证件 使他可以回国到一个会议上发言
He told me that those false papers were the most media-relevant and the least useful he'd had to make in all his life. 他告诉我那是他做过的最和媒体相关 也是最没用的证件
But, he agreed to do it, even though Daniel Cohn-Bendit's life was not in danger, just because it was a good opportunity to mock the authorities, and to show them that there's nothing more porous than borders -- and that ideas have no borders. 但他还是同意了 尽管丹尼尔·科恩·本迪没有生命危险 只是因为 那是个嘲弄政府的 好机会 并且能告诉他们国界线有多不严实 思想是没有国界的
mock:n.英国模拟考试;adj.仿制的,虚假的;v.嘲笑;不尊重; porous:adj.多孔渗水的;能渗透的;有气孔的;
All my childhood , while my friends' dads would tell them Grimm's fairy tales, my father would tell me stories about very unassuming heroes with unshakeable utopias who managed to make miracles . 我小的时候 朋友们的爸爸都会给他们讲格林童话 我父亲却给我讲低调的英雄 他们怀抱建立乌托邦的坚定理想 创造出奇迹
childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期 fairy:n.仙子;adj.美丽的;优雅的;妖精(一样)的; unassuming:adj.谦逊的;不装腔作势的;不出风头的; unshakeable:adj.不可动摇的;坚定不移的; utopias:n.乌托邦(书名); miracles:n.奇迹;奇人;不平凡的事;(miracle的复数)
And those heroes did not need an army behind them. 那些英雄不需要军队
Anyhow, nobody would have followed them, except for a handful men and women of conviction and courage. 本来也没有人愿意跟随他们 除了少数有信仰和勇气的人
I understood much later that actually it was his own story my father would tell me to get me to sleep. 我后来才知道 他哄我睡觉时讲的都是他自己的故事
I asked him whether, considering the sacrifices he had to make, he ever had any regrets. 我问他 牺牲了这么多 他是否后悔过
He said no. 他说不
He told me that he would have been unable to witness or submit to injustice without doing anything. 他说他无法 对非正义行为视而不见
witness:n.证人;目击者;证据;v.目击;证明;为…作证; submit:vt.使服从;主张;呈递;vi.提交;服从; injustice:n.不公正;不讲道义;
He was persuaded , and he's still convinced that another world is possible -- a world where no one would ever need a forger. 他曾受过迫害 但他仍然相信 有这样一个世界 那里不需要赝造者
persuaded:v.劝说;说服;使信服;使相信;(persuade的过去式和过去分词) convinced:adj.坚信; v.使确信; (convince的过去分词和过去式)
He's still dreaming about it. 他现在仍如此期望
My father is here in the room today. 我的父亲 今天就在这个房间
His name is Adolfo Kaminsky and I'm going to ask him to stand up. 他的名字是阿道夫?卡明斯基 我将请他站起来
(Applause) (鼓掌)
Thank you. 谢谢