

First of all , for those of you who are not familiar with my work, 首先,我希望向那些不了解 我工作性質的觀眾
First of all:adv.首先; familiar:adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的;n.常客;密友;
I create multicultural characters, so characters from lots of different backgrounds. 創造多元文化人物角色, 亦即是擁有各種各樣文化背景的人物角色。
So before the present is the new future, a bit about the past is that I grew up in a family that was multi-everything -- multi-racial , multi-cultural , black and white , Caribbean , 那麼在談“現在就是新未來”之前, 我要說說過去,我成長所處的家庭 是一個凡事多元的家庭--多元種族、多元文化 黑人、白人、加勒比人
multi-racial:多种族的; multi-cultural:adj.多元文化的; black and white:adj.印刷的;黑白混合的;用笔写的; Caribbean:adj.加勒比海的;加勒比人的;加勒比语的;n.加勒比海;
Irish-American, German-American. 愛爾蘭裔美國人、德國裔美國人,
There was Dominican music blasting from stereos . 音響爆發的多米尼加音樂震耳欲聾。
Dominican:adj.多明尼加共和国的;n.多明尼加共和国的居民; blasting:v.(用炸药)炸毁,把…炸成碎片;严厉批评;(blast的现在分词) stereos:n.立体声;立体声系统;铅版;立体照片;adj.立体的;立体声的;立体感觉的;
There were Christians and Jews. 家裡既有基督教徒,又有猶太人
That's a long story filled with intrigue and interfaith guilt and shame. 我的家事錯綜複雜、信仰各異 充滿了罪過與愧疚,恥辱與遺憾。
intrigue:n.阴谋;诡计;复杂的事;私通;v.用诡计取得;激起...的兴趣;私通;密谋; interfaith:adj.不同宗教信仰者的;多种信仰的;
But I was totally immersed in this world that was filled with everybody, and then I went on to the United Nations school, and that just completely — 但我當時完全沉浸在 充滿了各種角色的世界裡, 然後我就去了聯合國的學校讀書, 而這樣的經歷完全就——
immersed:adj.沉入的; v.浸没; (immerse的过去分词和过去式) United Nations:n.联合国;
So I began sort of developing these voices and these people, all of whom were loosely based on people I really know, and so, for example, in performing them, 因此我開始建立這些聲音 建立這些人物角色, 這些人物都來自於我生活中認識的真實人物, 所以比方說,為了扮演他們
loosely:adv.宽松地;放荡地;轻率地; performing:adj.表演的;演奏的;v.做;执行;演出;运转(perform的现在分词)
I would really try to inhabit them. 我會真正嘗試進入他們的角色。
And for example, 給大家一個例子,
I don't really talk like that, but that was one of my people, and I'm going to bring a few of my friends -- 事實上我一般不會那樣講話, 但那是我其中一個人物的說話方式, 而我即將把幾個朋友——
I think of them as my friends — to this stage, in this spirit of the idea that the present is the new future, in sort of a meta way, because I thought about it, and the future, for me, what can be so frightening is that I don't know what's coming. 我視他們為我的朋友—— 帶到台上,從變化轉換的角度來看 “現在就是新未來” 因為有時我考慮現在和未來 對於我而言,可怕的是 我不知道將來會發生什麼。
meta:pref.表示"变化""变换"之义; frightening:adj.可怕的;骇人的;引起恐惧的;v.使惊吓;使惊恐(frighten的现在分词)
I don't know if that's true for other people, but that notion of thinking about how we can understand the future and predict outcomes , for me, it's terrifying to not know what might be coming. 我不知道其他人會不會有同樣的想法 但是我的想法是 思考我們如何能夠理解未來、 預測未來, 對於我而言,對未來的無知是相當可怕的。
notion:n.观念;信念;理解; predict:v.预报;预言;预告; outcomes:n.结果;成果;后果;出路;(outcome的复数) terrifying:adj.令人恐惧的;骇人的;极大的;v.使害怕,使恐怖;(terrify的现在分词)
And so the idea that there are questions that I've never seen that my people are going to answer, and some of these characters have been with me for ages, some of them don't even have names, 一想到會有許多問題 我從來沒見過的問題 但我的人物朋友要回答這些問題, 其中一些人物與我一起很多年了, 其中一些甚至連名字都沒有,
I don't know what's going to happen. 我不知道會發生什麼事情,
I don't know what's coming, and all I can do is remind myself that I told Chris I'd fly by the seat of my pants, and now that I'm up here it sort of feels like that dream where you don't have any pants on, and so I suppose I'm going to be flying by the seat of my ass. 我不知道會有什麼問題, 我可以做的就是提醒自己, 我跟克里斯說,我要像武松那樣赤手空拳試試 現在我站在台上 感覺彷彿在夢中變成武大郎, 所以我想我只能是 憑著武大的炊餅試試。
remind:v.提醒;使想起; suppose:v.推断:假定:假设:设想:
That said, let's just see who comes out. 既然這麼說了,那就看看誰先出場。
May we have the first question: "Do you ever get headaches from the microchips implanted in your brain?" 我們可以看第一個問題嗎: 『你有沒有試過 因為大腦植入的芯片而頭疼?』
microchips:n.微芯片(microchip的复数形式); implanted:植入的;
Right. 沒錯
Well first of all, I'll just say that I hope you can hear me okay. 首先,我會說 我希望在座各位都能聽見我說話。
My name is Lorraine Levine, and the idea of microchips implanted in my brain, frankly, just putting on my glasses reminds me of thank God I'm not wearing the Google Glasses. 我叫羅琳·萊文 一想到我大腦裡植入的芯片, 老實說,單單讓我戴上眼鏡
reminds:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的第三人称单数) Google:谷歌;谷歌搜索引擎;
No offense to them. I'm glad that you all enjoy them, but at my age, just putting on the regular ones I have already gives me too much information. 我無心冒犯。我樂意你們都喜歡這些眼鏡, 但是到了我這個年紀, 單單讓我戴上普通的眼鏡, 就已經帶來多得不得了的資訊。
Do you understand what I'm saying to you? 大家理解我的話嗎?
I don't need to know more. I don't want to know. 我不要知道更多。我不想知道。
That's it. That's enough. 就是這樣。這就夠了。
I love you all. You're wonderful. 我愛各位。你們太好了。
It's fabulous to be here with such big machers again this year. Mwah! 今年可以再次跟這些大人物同台 真是無與倫比,嘸哇!
Okay, next question. (Applause) 好,下一個問題 。(掌聲)
Next, please. 下一個,謝謝
'"Is dating boring , now that humans reproduce asexually ?" 『約會是否太無聊了, 既然現在人類都進行無性繁殖?』
boring:adj.无聊的;令人厌烦的;n.钻孔;v.使厌烦;钻孔;(bore的现在分词) reproduce:v.繁殖;复制;再现;生育; asexually:adv.无性地;无性生殖地;
Who do we got? 我們有誰呢?
Hi, um, okay, hi everybody. (西班牙文口音)大家好,唔,大家好。
My name is Nereida. 我叫樂蕊達
I just want to say first of all that dating is never boring under any circumstance . 我想說的是 無論如何約會都不無聊。
But I am very excited to be here right now, so I am just trying to remind myself that, you know, like, the purpose of being here and everything, 但是來到這裡我覺得很興奮, 我在努力地提醒自己 今天上來的目的之類。
I mean, trying to answer these questions, it is very exciting. 我是說,試著回答這些問題,真的很刺激。
But I also, I just need to acknowledge that TED is an incredible experience right now in the present, like, I just need to say, like, 但是我也必須承認 TED就是現今不可多得的體驗 就像、我只是需要說、就像
Isabel Allende. Isabel Allende! 伊莎貝·阿言德、伊莎貝·阿言德!(智利女小說家,04年獲選美國文學藝術院院士)
Okay, maybe it doesn't mean, of course it means something to you, but to me, it's like, another level, okay? 好吧,或者這沒什麼意義, 當然這對於你們來說是有意義的, 但對於我來說,這就像,另一種意義,好吧?
Because I'm Latina and I really appreciate the fact that there are role models here that I can really, 因為我是拉美裔,我真的很欣慰 現在有一些楷模讓我真的可以,
I don't know, I just need to say that. 我不知道。我只是需要說這些。
That's incredible to me, and sometimes when I'm nervous and everything like that, 這真讓我不可置信,有時我一緊張遇到那樣的情況,
I just need to, like, say some affirmations that can help me. 我只需要,比如,說一些肯定的話 來幫助自己。
I usually just try to use, like, the three little words that always make me feel better: 通常我就只會試著用,譬如,那三個詞 會讓我感覺好一點的三個詞:
Sotomayor, Sotomayor, Sotomayor. (Laughter) 索托馬約爾、索托馬約爾、索托馬約爾 (笑聲)(美國聯邦最高法院第一位拉丁裔法官)
Just, it really helps me to get grounded. 就是,這真的會幫助我鎮定下來。
Now I can use Allende, Allende, Allende, and, you know, I just need to say it, like, it's so incredible to be here, and I knew that we were going to have these questions. 現在我可以用阿言德、阿言德、阿言德 你們都知道,我就是需要說出來,好像是, 來到這裡太不可置信了,我知道我們要回答一些問題
I was so nervous and I was thinking just, like, oh my God, oh my God, and reminding me, because I've had, like, some very, especially since the last time we were here at TED, it was, like, unbelievable , and then right after that, like, so many crazy things happened, like, we ended up going to the White House to perform. 我就是太緊張,一直想著,就像,噢,老天爺、老天爺, 一直提醒自己,因為我一直都想一些非常 特別是在上次來了TED之後, 那就像,真不可置信, 在那之後 馬上就發生了那麼多瘋狂的事情,比如, 我們竟然去了白宮表演。
reminding:v.提醒;使想起;(remind的现在分词) especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; unbelievable:adj.(非正式)难以置信的;不可信的 White House:n.白宫(美国总统官邸,位于首都华盛顿);
That was, like, amazing, and I'm standing there, and I was just like, please don't say, "Oh my God." 那簡直就是太神奇了。 我站在那裡 我只是想,千萬不要說『我的老天爺』
Don't say, "Oh my God." 不要說『我的老天爺』
And I just kept saying it: "Oh my God. Oh my God." 然後我就一直說不要說『我的老天爺、我的老天爺』
And, you know, I kept thinking to myself, like, 那你知道,我在一直跟我自己說,比如
President Obama has to come up here at the same podium , and I'm standing here saying, "Oh my God." 奧巴馬總統都要上來同一個講台 而我卻站在這裡喊『我的老天爺』
It's like, the separation of church and state. 就像,要分裂教堂和國家的關係
It's just, I couldn't, like, I couldn't process . 這就是,我,我要當機了
It was really too much. 處理不了
So I think I've lost my way. 所以我想我已經不知所云了
But what I wanted to say is that dating, for me, you know, as far as I'm concerned , however you reproduce, as long as you're enjoying yourself and it's with another consenting asexual -- I don't know. 但是我想說,約會,對於我來說, 你知道嗎,就我所知, 無論你怎麼繁殖,只要你享受這個過程, 而且是跟另一位合意的無性人——我不知道。
as far as:至于…; concerned:adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心;与…有关;(concern的过去时和过去分词) as long as:conj.只要;长达;如果;既然; consenting:adj.同意的;准许的;v.允许;赞成(consent的现在分词);
You know where I'm going with that. 你知道我要說什麼
Okay, ciao , gracias. 好了,再見,(西班牙文)謝謝。
Okay, next question. (Applause) 好,下一個問題。(掌聲)
What are your top five favorite songs right now? 目前你最喜愛的五首歌曲是?
All right, well first of all, I'mma say, you know what I'm saying, I'm the only dude up here right now. (紐約口音)好,首先,我要說 你知道我要說什麼。我是台上的唯一一位老友
My name is Rashid, and I never been at TED before, you know what I'm saying. 我叫拉希德 我從未來過TED 你知道我說什麼
I think, Sarah Jones, maybe she didn't want me to come out last time. 我想薩拉·瓊斯,也許她上次不想讓我出場
I don't know why. You know what I'm saying. 我不知道為什麼。你懂我說啥
Obviously I would be like a perfect fit for TED. 很明顯我就相當適合TED的舞台。
You know what I'm saying. 你懂我說啥
First of all, that I'm in hip hop , you know what I'm saying. 首先,我是玩街舞的,你懂我說啥。
I know some of y'all may be not really as much into the music, but the first way y'all can always know, you know what I'm saying, that I'm in hip hop, is 'cos I hold the microphone in an official emcee posture . 我知道在場的有些人 也許不是那麼喜歡音樂 但首先所有人都可以理解 你懂我說啥,我玩的是街舞 因為我拿麥克風的姿態 就是主持人拿麥的風格
microphone:n.麦克风;传声器;话筒; official:adj.官方的;正式的;公务的;n.官员;公务员;高级职员; emcee:vt.主持;做司仪;介绍(演出的节目等);n.主持人;司仪;vi.做主持人;担任司仪; posture:n.姿势;态度;看法;立场;处理方式;v.故作姿态;装样子
Y'all can see that right there. 大家坐着都可以看到
That's how you hold it. 這就是你拿麥的標準姿勢
All right, so you get your little tutorial right there. 好,那大家都上了一門小課。
But when Sarah Jones told me we was gonna come up here, 但是當薩拉·瓊斯跟我說我們要上台
I was like, betch, you know what I'm saying, 我就,操,你懂我說啥
TED is real fly, I got a whole lot of dope , you know what I'm saying, shit going on and everything, but she was like, yeah, we're going to have to answer, like, some random questions, just like, and I was like, what the hell is that? TED不是開玩笑的,我討了一大堆藥, 你懂我說啥,老天無時無刻都在下狗屎, 但是她就像,沒錯, 我們要回答一些比較隨意的問題 就像,然後我就想,這搞什麼鬼?
dope:n.笨蛋;麻醉药物;涂料;v.上涂料;服药;吸毒; random:adj.[数]随机的;任意的;胡乱的;n.随意;adv.胡乱地;
You know what I'm saying, just stand up there and answer some random questions? 你懂我說啥,就要我站在那裡, 回到一些隨意的問題?
I don't want to, 我才不要
I mean, it's like an intellectual stop-and-frisk. 我是說,這活脫脫就是停下來搜身
You know what I'm saying? (Laughter) 你懂我說啥?(掌聲)
I don't want to be standing up there just all getting interrogated and whatnot . 我才不想愣站在那裡 被人審問莫名其妙的問題。
interrogated:v.审问;盘问;查询,询问;(interrogate的过去分词和过去式) whatnot:n.放古董的架子;不可名状的东西;
That's what I'm trying to leave behind in New York. You know what I'm saying? 那就是為什麼我想要留在紐約 你懂我說啥?
leave behind:留下,丢下
So anyway, I would have to say my top five songs right now is all out of my own personal catalogue , you know what I mean? 不管怎樣,我得說現在我最喜愛的五首歌曲 就是我個人專輯的所有歌曲 你懂我說啥?
personal:adj.个人的;身体的;亲自的;n.人事消息栏;人称代名词; catalogue:n.目录;目录簿;一连串(糟糕)事;v.编入目录;记载,登记;
So if you want to know more about that, you know what I'm saying, we could talk about the anti-piracy and all that, but as far as I'm concerned, you know, I believe in creative commons, and I think it's really important that, you know, that needs to be sustainable and everything, and I mean, as far as I'm concerned, 所以如果你想知道更多 你懂我說啥 我們可以談談反盜版問題 但對於我來說 你知道,我贊成知識共享 相當要緊的是,你知道 這玩意必須能養活人 我是說,對於我來說
anti-piracy:反盗版; creative:adj.创造性的; sustainable:adj.可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的;可持续的;
I mean, this right here, this environment, I would like to sustain. 我是說,就是在這裡 這個環境下,我要養家活口
You know what I mean? 你懂我說啥?
But I'm just saying, if y'all are interested in the top five songs, you need to holler at me. 我不過是說,如果大家 對這五首歌感興趣,你就得支持我
You know what I'm saying? 你懂我說啥?
Aight? In the future or the present. Yeah. 得了?無論是將來還是現在,沒錯
Enjoy the rest of it. 請繼續享受。
Okay, next question. 好,下一個問題
What do you got? 你有什麼問題?
'"How many of your organs have been 3D printed?" 你身上有多少個器官已被3D打印?
(Laughter) (笑聲)
Well I have to say that I don't know about how many of my organs have been 3-D printed as such, but I can tell you that it is so challenging to me, kind of thinking about this concept of the future and that, you know, all around the world parents are kind of telling their small children, please, you have to eat that, you know, (印度口音)我必須說,我珍惜不知道 我有多少個器官 已經被3D打印過 但我可以跟你說,真正有挑戰性的是 考慮『將來』這個概念 想到世界各地的父母 都跟他們的小孩說 『拜託,你一定要吃,你知不知道
I have slaved over a hot 3D printer all day so that you can have this meal. 我整天在高溫3D打印機旁賣命 就是為了讓你吃上這一頓飯』
You know, that kind of thing. 你知道,諸如此類的事情。
And of course now that we have changed, you know, from the global South, there is this total kind of perspective shift that is happening around the -- 當然,既然我們現在已經 從南半球轉到北半球, 就有某種視覺轉移到處蔓延——
global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的; perspective:n.观点;远景;透视图;adj.透视的; shift:n.移动;变化;手段;轮班;v.移动;转变;转换;
You can't just say to them, well, there are starving children. 你就是不可以跟他們說 現在有很多小孩在忍受飢餓
Well, it is the future. 在未來
Nobody is starving anymore, thank God. 不會再有人忍受飢餓,謝天謝地
But as you can tell I have kind of that optimism , and I do hope that we can continue to kind of 3D print, well, let us just say I like to think that even in the future we will have the publication , kind of, you know, all the food that's fit to print. 但是你聽得出我比較樂觀 我真心希望 我們可以繼續做這3D打印 我願意想像 即使在未來,我們會有文章發表 你知道,所有的食物都可以打印出來。
optimism:n.乐观;乐观主义; publication:n.出版物;发表;公布;发行;
But everybody, please do enjoy that, and again, I think that you do throw a cracking good party here at TED. 但是各位輕慢用 我得再次說, 你們在TED的確有夠好玩的。
Thank you. 謝謝
Next question. (Applause) 下一個問題(掌聲)
What has changed? Okay, it's like, 有什麼改變了?好,這就像,
I have to think about that. 我得想想這個問題。
'"What has changed now that women run the world?" 『女人掌控的世界裡發生了什麼變化?』
First of all, 首先
I really, like, I just want to say, and my name is Bella, 我只想說 我叫貝拉
I just want to, like, identify myself, that, like, as a feminist , 我只想認清自己 作為一位女權主義者
identify:v.识别:鉴定:确认:发现: feminist:n.男女平等主义者;adj.主张男女平等的;
I, like, I really find that, like, because I was born in the '90s, and, like, there were a lot of women who were as far as feminism was concerned, like, maybe they didn't understand that, like, a feminist like me, like, 我真心覺得 因為我出生在九十年代 街上有大把大把的女人 都是女權主義者 或者他們不理解 但是像我這樣的女權主義者,
I don't think it's required that you have to have a certain kind of voice, or, like, a certain way of presenting yourself to be feminist, because I think that, like, feminism can be really hot, and I think actually that it's really vital and important. 我想是你不一定需要有 某種發言權 或者某種特定的方式 來表現自己是個女權主義者,因為我認為 女權主義也可以很性感 我認為這才是最重要的。
Like, the quotation I'm wearing is from, like, 比如說我身上穿的這句話
Gloria Steinem, and, like, I'm named Bella for, like, Bella Abzug, who's, like, obviously, like, a really important feminist from, like, history, and like, I just think that those women, like, really represent , like, that you can, like, be vital and, like, amazing, like, a-mazing, and you don't have to wear, like, an Eileen Fisher caftan , just to, like, prove that you are a feminist. 是葛羅莉亞·斯坦能的話(二十世紀中婦女解放運動的代表人物) 而我的名字也是隨貝拉·阿布朱格而起的 這個人也是女權主義歷史上的大人物 我就想,這些女性 真的很能說明 你可以變得很重要,真的很神奇 超級神奇 你也不用穿 一件艾琳·費雪的褶皱背心 來證明你是一位女權主義者
represent:v.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送; Fisher:n.渔夫;渔船;食鱼貂; caftan:n.有带子的长袖衣服;
Like, not that there's anything wrong with that, but my mom, she's like, like, why do you have to wear pants that, like, objectify your body? I like my pants. 穿這麼的衣服沒有錯 但我媽媽,她就問 你幹嘛非得穿褲子 穿褲子來體現自己的身體?我喜歡我的褲子
Like, I like my voice. 我也喜歡我的聲音
Like, she's like, why do you have to talk like — 她就說為什麼你非得這樣說話
Talk like what? Like, I'm expressing myself, and I think that we have to, like, reach out, like, not only across, like, the different generations of feminists , but also across the, like, vocal ranges, so that, like, we, because otherwise it's just, like, restriculous within feminism, which is just, like, a word that I created that means, like, so strict it's ridiculous . 說成這樣?我,我不過是在表達自己 我認為我們必須 不僅要跨越不同年代的女權主義者 聯繫各個年代的女權主義者 還有跨越不同的聲域 這樣我們才能—— 不然這樣不過是 女權主義的局笑 這是我創的一個詞 意思是,局限得可笑
expressing:v.表示;表达;表露;显而易见;(express的现在分词) feminists:n.女权运动者(feminist的复数); vocal:adj.嗓音的;发声的;大声表达的;直言不讳的;n.(乐曲中的)歌唱部分; ridiculous:adj.可笑的;荒谬的;
So that's my feeling about that. 這就是我的想法
You guys are a-mazing, by the way . 你們這幫人真是超級神奇
by the way:顺便说一下;
Okay. Next question. 好。下一個問題
(Applause) (掌聲)
["They've discovered a cure for cancer , but not baldness ? What's up with that?"] 『他們發現了癌症解藥,但不治禿頭?到底是怎麼回事?』
cancer:n.癌症;恶性肿瘤; baldness:n.光秃;率直;枯燥;
Yeah, you know what, so my name is Joseph Mancuso. 好,你們知道嗎? (粗啞的聲音)我叫喬瑟·曼庫索
First of all, I just want to say that I appreciate that TED in general has been a pretty orderly crowd, a pretty orderly group. 首先我要說 我非常感謝TED組織了這麼一幫有秩序的傢伙 非常有秩序
in general:总之,通常;一般而言; orderly:adj.有秩序的;整齐的;值班的;n.勤务兵;传令兵;护理员;adv.顺序地;依次地;
And, you know, I just have to say, the whole thing with baldness, and, you know, here's the thing. 你知道,我得說 這個禿頭的問題 你知道,這就是問題。
As long as the woman, in my case -- because it's a modern world, do whatever you want to do, I don't have any problem with anybody, enjoy yourself, LGBTQLMNOP. All right? 只要是女人,在我看來—— 因為這是一個現代世界 你就可以做你想做的,跟任何人都沒有衝突 享受自我,LGBTQLMNOP(一個同/雙性戀社區),好吧?
But as far as I'm concerned, attractiveness , women don't really care as much as you think they do about the, you know. 就我所知 比起魅力 女人其實並不像人們想的那樣
I mean, I remember hearing this woman. 我是說,我記得有一個女人
She loved her husband, it was the sweetest thing. 她很愛她的丈夫,真是羨煞旁人
It's a pretty young girl, you know? 她又漂亮又年輕,你懂嗎?
And this guy's older. 而這男人比她老
And, you know, she said she would love him even if he had snow on the roof or even if melted and disappeared altogether. 你知道嗎,她說她愛她的男人 就算他頭上頂雪 就算頭頂的雪化了消失了,她也照樣愛。
melted:v.(使)熔化,融化;(使)软化,变得温柔;(melt的过去分词和过去式) disappeared:adj.消失的;消失了的;v.消失,失踪;(disappear的过去式和过去分词)
As far as I'm concerned, it's about the love. 就我所知,這就是愛。
Am I right, or am I right? 我說對了,還是我說對了?
So that's it. That's it. That's it. 所以就是這樣。就是這樣。就是這樣。
I don't got nothing more to say. 我沒有更多要說的
Keep your noses clean. 潔身自愛
All right, next question. 好,下一個問題
'"Have you ever tasted meat that's not lab grown?" 『你曾否嚐過不是實驗室培養出來的肉?』
Um, well, I, (中文口音)呃,我
I want to start by saying that this is a very difficult experience for a Chinese-American. 我希望首先說 對於美籍華人來說 這是相當困難的體驗
I don't know what to call myself now, because I have really my Chinese identity , but my kids, they are American-Chinese, but it's difficult to try to express myself in front of audience of people like this. 我現在都不知道怎麼叫自己 因為我是千真萬確的中國人 但是我的小孩,他們就是華裔美國人 但是要試著表達自我,實在是很困難 特別是面前有這麼一群觀眾
But if had to give my opinion about meat, 要是我必須得說說對肉的想法
I think first, the most important thing is to say that we don't have to have perfect food, but maybe it can also not be poison. 我想首先,最重要的是 我們不是一定要有完美的食物 但是也許我們吃的食物也可以不是毒藥
Maybe we can have some middle ground for that. 也許在這兩者之間可以有第三種選擇
middle ground:n.中间立场;中间观点;
But I will continue to consider this idea, and I will report back maybe next year. 我會繼續考慮這個問題 或許下一年我會回來做報告
Next. 下一個
Next. Next. (Applause) 下一個、下一個 (掌聲)
'"Will there ever be a post-racial world?" 『會否有後種族世界?』
Thank you for having me. (聲音粗啞)謝謝大家邀請我過來
My name is Gary Weaselhead. Enjoy that. 我叫咖哩·偉蘇海。好好享受。
I'm a member of the Blackfeet Nation. 我是黒腳族國的一員
I'm also half Lakota, but that is my given name , and no, even though it would have seemed like an obvious choice, no, I did not go into politics . 我一半血統是拉科塔族,但那就是我的名字 沒有,雖然看上去 會是必然的選擇 但是沒有,我沒有進入政治界
given name:na.名字; obvious:adj.明显的;显著的;平淡无奇的; politics:n.政治;钩心斗角;政治观点;v.(贬)从事政治活动;(politic的第三人称单数)
Tough crowd. 這幫觀眾不易對付
(Laughter) (笑聲)
But I always like to just let people know when they ask about race or those kinds of things, you know, as a member of the First Nations community , you know, I'm probably not your typical guy. 但是當有人問我關於種族之類的話題 我經常喜歡告訴他們 你懂的,作為第一國家社區的成員 你懂的,也許啊 我不是你們想的典型人物
First Nations:n.土著居民(不包括因纽特人或米提人); community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体; typical:adj.典型的;特有的;象征性的;
For example, in addition to being an activist , 打個比方,我是一個激進分子,除此之外
in addition to:除…之外; activist:n.积极分子;激进主义分子;
I'm also a professional stand-up comedian . 我還是一個專業的棟篤笑喜劇演員
professional:adj.专业的;职业的;职业性的;n.专业人员;职业运动员; stand-up:起立 comedian:n.滑稽演员;喜剧演员;
(Laughter) (笑聲)
And, you know, I'm most popular on college and university campuses . 你懂的,我是頂受歡迎的 特別是在中學和大學校園
You know, whenever they want to do a diversity day, or hey-we're-not-all-white week, then I'm there. (Laughter) 你懂的,他們要是哪一天想要搞個“多彩文化日” 或者辦個“我們並不全是白人”週 我就會到那裡(笑聲)
Do I think there will ever be a post-racial world? 你問我未來會不會有一個後種族世界?
I think, really, I can't talk about race without remembering that it is a construct in certain respects, but also that, you know, until we redress the wrongs of the past, we're going to be turned around. 我想,的確,我不能談種族 一談種族我就想起 在某些方面的一些構建 我就想到,你懂的 我們不正視過去的過失 就們就要原地踏步
construct:v.建造;创建;建筑;修建;n.概念;构筑物;结构体;建造物; redress:vt.救济;赔偿;纠正;重新调整;n.救济;赔偿;矫正;
I don't care if the present is the new future. 我才不管你們說什麼現在就是新的未來
I think there's a lot of great people here at TED who are working to address that, so with that, if anything I've said today makes you feel uncomfortable, you're welcome. 我想今天TED來了很多大人物 他們不斷努力正視過去的過失 既然這樣,如果我今天說了什麼 讓你覺得不舒服,不用謝。
(Applause) (掌聲)
I think we have time for one more. 我想我們還有時間請多一位。
'"What's the most popular diet these days?" 『現在最流行的飲食是什麼?』
Who's here? 誰在?
Okay, well, I'm just gonna answer this really fast, as, like, three or four different people. 好,我會代表三四個人 簡短回答這個問題
I mean really fast. 非常簡短
I'm just gonna let y'all know that, as far as diet is concerned, if you don't love yourself inside, there is no diet on this Earth that is going to make your behind small enough for you to feel good, so just stop wasting your time. 我只想跟大家說,說到飲食 如果你不愛自己 地球上就沒有什麼飲食 可以讓你的小屁股 嬌小得讓你歡心 所以別再浪費時間了
I would just like to say as an African woman that I believe the diet that we need is really to remove the crazy belief that there is anything wrong with a nice backside . 我只想說作為一個非洲女性 我相信我們所需的飲食 就是真正改變一個瘋狂的想法: 一個漂亮的臀部 其實是罪過。
No, I am teasing about that. 這樣的想法很可笑
There is nothing wrong with a woman of size. 女人臀部有多大,一點都不是問題
That is what I am trying to say. 這就是我想說的
Women, celebrate your body, for God's sake. 女人啊,為你的身材慶賀吧,老天爺。
Stop running around starving. 不要再空着肚子到處跑來
You are making yourselves and other people miserable . 你這不過是在讓你自己和其他人痛苦。
Last answer. 最後一個回答
So we're talking about what's the most popular diet? (紐約口音)我們在談什麼是最流行的飲食?
I'm gonna start off by telling y'all that this is my first time here at TED. 我得先告訴你們 我第一次上來TED
I might not be your typical person you find on this stage. 我不是
My dental work not as nice as some people. 我的牙醫不像有些人的那麼好
But I made Sarah Jones promise she gonna bring me this time, 'cause she didn't bring me before, but you know, I just want to say, there's a lot of things more important than counting calories , and as somebody living on the streets in New York, 但是我要薩拉·瓊斯保證 她這一次一定要帶我過來 因為她從來都沒帶我過來 但是你懂的,我只想說 世界上有一大堆的事情 比數卡路里重要 作為一個紐約街頭流浪女人
and getting to come here, hear y'all ideas worth spreading, 我來到這裡聽你們說這些值得傳播的想法
I want to tell y'all I believe in this idea that the present is the new future, that where you sit, you create everything that's gonna come, for better or worse. 我想告訴大家,我相信這個想法 我相信現在就是新的未來 你所到之處,處處生花 創造力源源不斷
And for me, I think homeless is the wrong word for it anyway. 對於我來說,我覺得“無家可歸” 不是正確的用詞。
You know, I might not have me no place to lay my head at night, but that just makes me houseless. 你懂的,也許我就是找不到地方 讓我在晚上躺下我的腦袋 但這不過是無屋可歸
I have me a home. You do too. 我有自己的家。你們也有自己的家
Find it and try to find yourself in there. 找到這個地方,嘗試為自己找到一個家
Make sure you know, it's not just about virtual reality in space. 確保自己知道 這不是單單的空間上的虛擬現實
virtual reality:n.(计算机创造的)虚拟现实;
That's wonderful, but it's also about the actual reality here on Earth. 這是很美妙的事情, 這也是地球上的真實現實。
How are people living today? 現今人們如何生活?
How can you be part of the solution ? 你怎樣才能成為解決方案的一分子?
Thank y'all for thinking about that right now in the present moment to influence the future. 謝謝大家 現在就在這個時刻 考慮如何影響未來。
I appreciate it. Bye-bye. 我非常感謝各位。再見。
(Applause) (掌聲)
Thank you all very, very much. 謝謝大家,非常感謝
Thank you for trusting me, Chris. 謝謝你相信我,克里斯
(Applause) (掌聲)