

(Guitar) (吉他声)
(Singing) (歌声)
Rollercoaster , carousel . 过山车, 转啊转,
Rollercoaster:n.过山车; carousel:n.旋转木马;行李传送带;
Where the highs are heaven, but the lows, oh, they can be hell. 在高处犹如天堂, 而在低处, 又宛如地狱。
You can grab the ring, you can ring that bell, when the ride is over, you can never tell. 你可以抓住圆环。 你能摇响铃铛, 当旅程结束, 你注意不到。
People tell you this one thing — will make your life complete. 人们告诉你一件 能使你生命圆满的事。
So you, you give it everything you got and you wind up on the street. 所以啊, 你倾尽所有来换取, 结果你露宿街头。
Then one day you wake up, and they tell you "you're a queen," 当有一天你醒来, 他们会告诉你“你是女王,”
but then you find that someone else is pulling on the strings . 但你有紧接着发现有别人 正在操控一切。
Rollercoaster, carousel. 过山车, 转啊转。
Where the highs are heaven, but the lows, oh, they can be hell. 在高处犹如天堂, 而在低处, 啊,那可能是地狱。
You can grab the ring, you can ring that bell, when the ride is over, you can never tell. 你可以抓住圆环, 你能摇响铃铛, 当旅程结束。 你注意不到。
The one you love, until the end of time. 你所爱之人 直到时间尽头。
But lose your edge or lose your cool , they will drop you like a dime . 但在你失势或气得发疯时, 他们又将你抛弃。
lose your cool:大发雷霆; dime:n.一角硬币;
Everyone is crowding 'round when fortune is your friend. 人们会将你簇拥, 只要金钱与你同在。
When your luck is running out, you're all alone again. 当财富逐渐耗尽, 你又将孤身一人。
Rollercoaster, carousel. 过山车, 转啊转。
Where the highs are heaven but the lows, oh, they can be hell. 在高处犹如天堂, 而在低处, 啊,那可能是地狱,
You can grab the ring, you can ring that bell, when the ride is over you can never tell. 你可以抓住圆环, 你能摇响铃铛, 当旅程结束, 你注意不到,
Well, maybe I'm just cynical , and all these words are lies, but experience keeps telling me that the cautious one is wise. 好吧,也许是我太悲观, 我所说的都是谎言, 但经验不断告诉我们 谨慎之人才是聪明的。
cynical:adj.愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的; cautious:adj.谨慎的;十分小心的;
But caution makes you hesitate , and hesitate you're lost, so take your opportunities and never count the cost. 但谨慎使你犹豫, 当你犹豫时你就输了, 所以抓住机会 别想后果。
Rollercoaster, carousel. 过山车 转啊转。
Where the highs are heaven, but the lows, oh, they can be hell. 在高处犹如天堂, 而在低处, 啊,那可能是地狱,
You can grab the ring, you can ring that bell, when the ride is over — over, over, you can never, ever tell. 你可以抓住圆环, 你能摇响铃铛, 当旅程结束, 当它已结束, 你永远注意不到。
Rollercoaster, carousel, rollercoaster, yeah, yeah, yeah, carousel. 过山车, 转啊转, 过山车, 是啊,是啊,是啊, 转啊,
Carousel, carousel, carousel, carousel. 转啊, 转啊, 转啊, 转啊。
(Applause) (掌声)
Michael Pemberton. 迈克尔·彭博顿
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you so much. 非常感谢。
Thank you. 谢谢。