

I want us to start by thinking about this device , the phone that's very likely in your pockets right now. 一开始,我们就先来想想这个装置, 现在你们的口袋里 很可能就有一支手机。
Over 40 percent of Americans check their phones within five minutes of waking up every morning. 超过 40% 的美国人, 每天早上起床后的五分钟内 就会去看他们的手机。
And then they look at it another 50 times during the day. 且一天当中,他们 大约要看手机 50 次。
Grownups consider this device to be a necessity. 成人认为这个装置是必需品。
But now I want you to imagine it in the hands of a three-year-old, and as a society, we get anxious. 但,我想请各位想像一下, 当三岁孩子持有它时, 身为一个社会,我们会感到焦虑。
in the hands of:由…掌握;在…掌握中;
Parents are very worried that this device is going to stunt their children's social growth; that it's going to keep them from getting up and moving; that somehow , this is going to disrupt childhood . 父母非常担心 这个装置会妨碍他们的孩子 在社交方面成长; 会他们的孩子不想起来动一动; 他们总觉得, 这个装置将会扰乱孩子的童年。
stunt:n.特技;噱头;特技表演;危险举动;vt.妨碍发展;遏制 somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; disrupt:vt.破坏;使瓦解;使分裂;使中断;使陷于混乱;adj.分裂的,中断的;分散的; childhood:n.童年;幼年;孩童时期
So, I want to challenge this attitude . 所以,我想要挑战这种态度。
I can envision a future where we would be excited to see a preschooler interacting with a screen. 我可以想像一个未来, 在这个未来中,我们会很高兴 看到学龄前儿童与萤幕互动。
envision:v.想象;预想; preschooler:n.(美)学龄前儿童; interacting:v.交流;沟通;合作;相互影响;(interact的现在分词)
These screens can get kids up and moving even more. 这些萤幕能让孩子们 更常起来动一动。
They have the power to tell us more about what a child is learning than a standardized test can. 比起标准化的测验, 这些萤幕能告诉我们更多 孩童学习状况的资讯。
standardized:adj.标准的; v.使合乎标准;
And here's the really crazy thought: 还有一个相当疯狂的想法:
I believe that these screens have the power to prompt more real-life conversations between kids and their parents. 我相信,这些萤幕有办法可以 促进孩子与父母之间的 真实生活对话。
prompt:n.提示; v.提示; adj.迅速; v.准时地; real-life:adj.现实的;实在的;
Now, I was perhaps an unlikely champion for this cause. 我可能不太像个 理想的提倡者或拥护者,
I studied children's literature because I was going to work with kids and books. 我学的是儿童文学, 因为我打算做 和孩子及书本相关的工作。
But about 20 years ago, 但大约二十年前,
I had an experience that shifted my focus. 有一项经历转变了我重视的焦点。
I was helping lead a research study about preschoolers and websites. 我当时在领导一项关于 学龄前儿童及网站的研究。
And I walked in and was assigned a three-year-old named Maria . 我走进去,一个名叫玛莉亚的 三岁小孩被分配给我。
assigned:v.分配(某物);分派;指定;委派;(assign的过去分词和过去式) Maria:n.母驴;母马;[天文学]海(指月亮,火星表面的阴暗部分);
Maria had actually never seen a computer before. 玛莉亚以前从来没有看过电脑。
So the first thing I had to do was teach her how to use the mouse, and when I opened up the screen, she moved it across the screen, and she stopped on a character named X the Owl . 所以我要做的第一件事, 就是教她用滑鼠, 当我打开萤幕, 她在萤幕上移动滑鼠, 接着她停在一个叫做 「猫头鹰X」的角色上。
And when she did that, the owl lifted his wing and waved at her. 当她这么做时, 猫头鹰举起牠的翅膀,向她挥手。
Maria dropped the mouse, pushed back from the table, leaped up and started waving frantically back at him. 玛莉亚丢下滑鼠, 推开桌子,整个人跳起来, 开始疯狂地向牠挥手回应。
leaped:v.跳跃;急速移动;剧增;突然移动; frantically:adv.疯狂似地;狂暴地;
Her connection to that character was visceral . 她与那个角色的连结 是发自内心本能的。
This wasn't a passive screen experience. 这并不是一次被动的萤幕体验。
This was a human experience. 这是一次人类的体验。
And it was exactly appropriate for a three-year-old. 且这对三岁孩子来说是很适合的。
I've now worked at PBS Kids for more than 15 years, and my work there is focused on harnessing the power of technology as a positive in children's lives. 我在「PBS Kids」(公共电视孩童台) 我在那里的工作, 主要是利用科技的力量, 来对孩童的生活产生正面的影响。
harnessing:v.给(马等)装上挽具(harness的现在分词);治理,利用; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; positive:adj.积极的;[数]正的,[医][化学]阳性的;确定的;n.正数;[摄]正片;
I believe that as a society, we're missing a big opportunity. 我相信,身为一个社会, 我们错过了一个大机会。
We're letting our fear and our skepticism about these devices hold us back from realizing their potential in our children's lives. 我们允许我们对这些装置的 恐惧以及怀疑, 造成我们不愿去了解 它们在我们孩子生活中 能够发挥什么潜力。
skepticism:n.怀疑论;怀疑的态度; devices:n.[机][计]设备;[机]装置;[电子]器件(device的复数); potential:n.潜能;可能性;[电]电势;adj.潜在的;可能的;势的;
Fear about kids and technology is nothing new; we've been here before. 与孩子和科技相关的恐惧 并不是新鲜事; 我们以前就会如此。
Over 50 years ago, the debate was raging about the newly dominant media : the television. 至少五十年前,人们就在猛烈地 辩论着新兴的优势支配媒体: 电视。
debate:n.辩论;争论;考虑;v.辩论;争论;考虑; raging:adj.愤怒的,狂暴的;v.发怒,恼火(rage的现在分词); dominant:adj.显性的;占优势的;支配的,统治的;n.显性; media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉;
That box in the living room ? 客厅里的那个盒子?
living room:n.客厅;起居室;
It might be separating kids from one another. 它可能会将孩子们彼此隔离。
It might keep them away from the outside world. 可能会让他们不愿接触外面的世界。
But this is the moment when Fred Rogers, the long-running host of "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood ," 但就在这个时刻,佛瑞德罗杰斯, 他长期主持 《罗杰斯先生的邻居》,
long-running:adj.长期上演的;连续上演很长时间的; Neighborhood:n.附近;地区;街坊;adj.附近的;
challenged society to look at television as a tool, a tool that could promote emotional growth. 提出了挑战,他要这个社会 将电视视为是一种工具, 一种能够促进情绪成长的工具。
promote:v.促进;推动;促销;提升;晋升; emotional:adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的;
Here's what he did: he looked out from the screen, and he held a conversation, as if he were speaking to each child individually about feelings. 他当时这么做: 他从萤幕向外看, 然后开始进行对话, 彷佛他是在对每位孩童个别说话, 跟他们谈感受。
And then he would pause and let them think about them. 接着,他会暂停, 让孩童们去思考这些感受。
You can see his influence across the media landscape today, but at the time, this was revolutionary . 现今,你们都知道他在 整个媒体界的影响力, 但在当时,他的做法 是很具革命性的。
influence:n.影响;势力;感化;有影响的人或事;v.影响;改变; landscape:n.景观;乡村风景画;(文件的)横向打印格式;v.对…做景观美化;美化…的环境; revolutionary:adj.革命性的;革命的;彻底变革的;n.改革者;革命者;
He shifted the way we looked at television in the eyes of children. 他改变了我们如何看待 小孩生命中电视造成的影响。
Today it's not just one box. 现今的科技已经不再只是个盒子。
Kids are surrounded by devices. 孩子的身边都是装置。
And I'm also a parent -- I understand this feeling of anxiety . 我也为人父母── 我了解焦虑的感觉。
But I want us to look at three common fears that parents have, and see if we can shift our focus to the opportunity that's in each of them. 但我希望大家能看看 父母最常见的三种恐惧, 并试试看我们能否把我们 对于每一种恐惧的焦点 转移到它们所带来的机会。
So. 就来看看。
Fear number one: "Screens are passive. 第一种恐惧: 「萤幕是被动的。
This is going to keep our kids from getting up and moving." 它会让我们的孩子 不愿意起来动一动。」
Chris Kratt and Martin Kratt are zoologist brothers who host a show about animals called "Wild Kratts." 克里斯克拉特和马丁克拉特 是一对动物学家兄弟, 他们主持的动物节目叫 「克拉特的动物世界」。
And they approached the PBS team to say, "Can we do something with those cameras that are built into every device now? 他们与公共电视的团队商量: 「我们能不能用现在每个装置里 都有内建的那种相机来做点什么?
Could those cameras capture a very natural kid play pattern -- pretending to be animals?" 那些相机能否捕捉到一种 非常自然的孩童玩乐模式── 假扮动物?」
So we started with bats. 所以,我们从蝙蝠开始。
And when kids came in to play this game, they loved seeing themselves on-screen with wings. 当孩子们来节目里玩这项游戏, 他们很爱看到自己在萤幕上展翅。
But my favorite part of this, when the game was over and we turned off the screens? 但我最喜欢的部份是, 当游戏结束,我们关了 萤幕之后,会怎么样?
The kids kept being bats. 孩子们仍然继续当蝙蝠。
They kept flying around the room, they kept veering left and right to catch mosquitoes . 他们继续在房间里到处飞, 他们一下转左一下转右, 想去抓蚊子。
veering:adj.犹豫的; n.顺时针转向; v.转变方向; mosquitoes:n.蚊子(mosquito的复数);
And they remembered things. 而且他们会记得一些事。
They remembered that bats fly at night. 他们记得蝙蝠是在晚上飞行。
And they remembered that when bats sleep, they hang upside down and fold their wings in. 他们记得当蝙蝠睡觉时, 会倒挂着,并把翅膀折进来。
upside down:adj.颠倒的;乱七八糟的; fold:v.折叠;包;可叠平(以便贮存或携带);裹;n.褶;褶层;折叠部分;褶痕;
This game definitely got kids up and moving. 这个游戏绝对能让 孩子们起来动一动。
But also, now when kids go outside, do they look at a bird and think, "How does a bird fly differently than I flew when I was a bat?" 此外,现在当孩子们到外面去时, 他们是否会看着鸟儿并心想: 「为何那只鸟的飞行式和我当蝙蝠时 有所不同?」
The digital technology prompted embodied learning that kids can now take out into the world. 数位科技促成了体感学习, 孩子能把这种学习 带到外面的世界里。
digital:adj.数字的;手指的;n.数字;键; prompted:v.促使;导致;提示;给(演员)提词;(prompt的过去分词和过去式) embodied:v.呈现(embody的过去式及过去分词形式);具体表达;
Fear number two: "Playing games on these screens is just a waste of time. 第二种恐惧: 「在萤幕上玩游戏是浪费时间。
It's going to distract children from their education." 孩子会分心而无法专注在教育上。」
Game developers know that you can learn a lot about a player's skill by looking at the back-end data: 游戏开发者知道, 你可以从后端资料中看到很多 关于玩家技巧的资讯:
developers:n.开发商;发展者;[摄]显影剂(developer的复数); back-end:n.后端;adj.后期的;
Where did a player pause? 玩家在哪儿停顿了一下?
Where did they make a few mistakes before they found the right answer? 他们在哪儿犯了些错误, 然后才找到正确答案?
My team wanted to take that tool set and apply it to academic learning. 我的团队想要把这套工具 拿来用在学术学习上。
apply:v.申请;涂,敷;应用;适用;请求; academic:adj.学术的;理论的;学院的;n.大学生,大学教师;学者;
Our producer in Boston , WGBH, created a series of Curious George games focused on math. 我们在波士顿的 公共电视台 (WGBH) 制作人 创作了一系列的 《好奇猴乔治》游戏, 游戏主题是数学。
Boston:n.波士顿(美国城市); series:n.系列,连续;[电]串联;级数;丛书; Curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的;
And researchers came in and had 80 preschoolers play these games. 研究者让 80 位 学龄前儿童玩这些游戏。
They then gave all 80 of those preschoolers a standardized math test. 接着,他们让全部 80 位儿童 都去做一项标准化的数学测验。
We could see early on that these games were actually helping kids understand some key skills. 在初期可以发现, 这些游戏确实能协助孩子 了解一些关键技能。
But our partners at UCLA wanted us to dig deeper. 但我们在洛杉矶加大的 合作伙伴还想再深入研究。
They focus on data analysis and student assessment . 他们把焦点放在 资料分析与学生评估。
analysis:n.分析;分解;验定; assessment:n.评定;估价;
And they wanted to take that back-end game-play data and see if they could use it to predict a child's math scores. 他们想要用后端那些 与玩游戏相关资料, 来尝试预测孩子的数学分数。
So they made a neural net -- they essentially trained the computer to use this data, and here are the results. 他们建了一个类神经网路 ──他们训练电脑 来使用这些资料, 结果在这里。
neural:adj.神经的;神经系统的;背的;神经中枢的; essentially:adv.本质上;本来;
This is a subset of the children's standardized math scores. 这是孩子的标准化数学 分数的子集合。
And this is the computer's prediction of each child's score, based on playing some Curious George games. 而这个, 是电脑针对每个孩子预测的分数, 预测的根据就是他们玩 《好奇猴乔治》的资料。
The prediction is astonishingly accurate , especially considering the fact that these games weren't built for assessment. 预测的准确度高得惊人, 更何况这些游戏还不是为了评估 而打造的。
astonishingly:adv.令人惊讶地; accurate:adj.精确的; especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分;
The team that did this study believes that games like these can teach us more about a child's cognitive learning than a standardized test can. 这项研究的团队相信, 比起标准化测验, 像这样的游戏反而能够 告诉我们更多关于孩童在 认知学习方面的资讯。
What if games could reduce testing time in the classroom? 假如游戏能够减少 在教室中的测验时间呢?
What if:如果…怎么办?
What if they could reduce testing anxiety? 假如游戏能减少测验的焦虑呢?
How could they give teachers snapshots of insight to help them better focus their individualized learning? 游戏如何能提供简要的 洞察资讯给老师, 来协助他们更聚焦在 个别化的学习上?
snapshots:n.[摄]快照(snapshot的复数);v.拍快照(snapshot的三单形式); insight:n.洞察力;洞悉; individualized:adj.个人的; v.使…个性化;
So the third fear I want to address is the one that I think is often the biggest. 我想说明的第三种恐惧, 是我认为一般人最大的恐惧。
And that's this: "These screens are isolating me from my child." 它就是: 「这些萤幕把我和 我的孩子隔离了。」
Let's play out a scenario . 我们来做一下情境模拟。
Let's say that you are a parent, and you need 25 minutes of uninterrupted time to get dinner ready. 比如说,你是为人父母, 你需要 25 分钟不被打断的时间, 才能把晚餐准备好。
And in order to do that, you hand a tablet to your three-year-old. 为了做到这一点,你把一台 平板电脑拿给你的三岁孩子。
Now, this is a moment where you probably feel very guilty about what you just did. 这个时刻,你可能会对自己的行为 很有罪恶感。
But now imagine this: 但,现在想像一下:
Twenty minutes later, you receive a text message . 二十分钟后,你的手机 收到一个文字讯息。
text message:n.文本信息;短信息;
on that cell phone that's always within arm's reach. 你的手机总是放在 手臂可及的距离之内。
And it says: "Alex just matched five rhyming words. 讯息是:「艾力克斯刚刚 配对出了五个押韵的字。
Ask him to play this game with you. 叫他跟你一起玩这个游戏。
Can you think of a word that rhymes with 'cat'? 你能不能想出一个和 「cat(猫)」押韵的字?
Or how about 'ball'?" 或是「ball(球)」?
In our studies, when parents receive simple tips like these, they felt empowered . 在我们的研究中,当父母 收到像这样简单的提示, 他们会有被赋予能力的感觉。
tips:n.尖端; v.(使)倾斜,翻覆; (tip的第三人称单数和复数) empowered:v.授权;给(某人)…的权力;(empower的过去分词和过去式)
They were so excited to play these games at the dinner table with their kids. 他们会非常兴奋, 想要和他们的孩子 在餐桌上玩这些游戏。
dinner table:n.餐桌;同一桌进餐;
And the kids loved it, too. 他们的孩子也很爱玩。
Not only did it feel like magic that their parents knew what they had been playing, kids love to play games with their parents. 一方面,他们觉得很神奇, 因为他们的父母 知道他们刚在玩什么, 另一方面,孩子热爱和父母玩游戏。
Just the act of talking to kids about their media can be incredibly powerful. 单单是和孩子谈论 他们的媒体,这个动作的力量 就是非常强大的。
Last summer, Texas Tech University published a study that the show "Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood" could promote the development of empathy among children. 去年夏天,德州科技大学 发表了一项研究, 显示《老虎丹尼尔的邻居们》 这个节目能够促进 孩童们之间的同理心发展。
But there was a really important catch to this study: the greatest benefit was only when parents talked to kids about what they watched. 但这项研究中有个非常重要的条件: 最大的好处,只有发生在 当父母和孩子谈到 他们看了什么的时候。
Neither just watching nor just talking about it was enough; it was the combination that was key. 单单只有看、 或单单只有谈,都不足够; 关键是两者的结合。
So when I read this study, 当我读到这项研究时,
I started thinking about how rarely parents of preschoolers actually talk to kids about the content of what they're playing and what they're watching. 我开始想, 学龄前儿童的父母有多么不常 和他们谈论他们刚刚玩的游戏 或是看的节目的内容。
rarely:adv.很少地;难得;罕有地; content:n.内容,目录;满足;容量;adj.满意的;vt.使满足;
And so I decided to try it with my four-year-old. 所以我决定用我的四岁孩子来实验。
I said, "Were you playing a car game earlier today?" 我说: 「你刚刚是不是在 玩一个汽车游戏?」
And Benjamin perked up and said, "Yes! And did you see that I made my car out of a pickle ? 班杰明活泼起来,并说: 「是的!你有没有看到 我用酱瓜做出我的车?
perked:vi.振作;昂首;vt.使振作;打扮;竖起;n.小费;额外收入; pickle:n.泡菜;腌菜;菜酱;v.腌渍;
It was really hard to open the trunk." 要打开后车厢还蛮困难的。」
(Laughter) (笑声)
This hilarious conversation about what was fun in the game and what could have been better continued all the way to school that morning. 那天早上我们一直继续 愉快地对话,谈论游戏中的趣味、 怎样做可能会更好, 一路开开心心地到学校。
I'm not here to suggest to you that all digital media is great for kids. 我并不是说所有的数位媒体 都对孩子是很好的。
There are legitimate reasons for us to be concerned about the current state of children's content on these screens. 我们之所以会忧心目前这些萤幕上 呈现出哪些给儿童看的内容, 是有正当理由的。
legitimate:adj.合法的;正当的;合理的;正统的;v.使合法;认为正当(等于legitimize); concerned:adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心;与…有关;(concern的过去时和过去分词)
And it's right for us to be thinking about balance: 我们是应该要去想平衡的议题:
Where do screens fit against all the other things that a child needs to do to learn and to grow? 该如何将萤幕纳入到 孩子学习和成长过程中 所需要的东西之中?
But when we fixate on our fears about it, we forget a really major point, and that is, that kids are living in the same world that we live in, the world where the grownups check their phones more than 50 times a day. 但当我们一心想着对它的恐惧, 我们就会忘了真正的重点, 重点就是,孩子所生活的世界 和我们生活的世界是一样的, 在这个世界中,成人每天会 看手机至少五十次。
Screens are a part of children's lives. 萤幕是孩童生活的一部份。
And if we pretend that they aren't, or if we get overwhelmed by our fear, kids are never going to learn how and why to use them. 如果我们要假装不是这样, 或如果我们的恐惧 大到让我们不知所措, 孩子就永远不会学到如何 以及为什么要使用它们。
What if we start raising our expectations for this media? 如果我们现在就开始
What if we start talking to kids regularly about the content on these screens? 如果我们现在就开始常常与孩子 谈论这些萤幕的内容呢?
What if we start looking for the positive impacts that this technology can have in our children's lives? 如果我们现在就开始寻找这些科技 对我们孩子的生活 有哪些正向影响呢?
impacts:n.影响; v.有影响,有作用;
That's when the potential of these tools can become a reality. 能做到这些时, 这些工具的潜力就能实现。
Thank you. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)