

My dear, I think we're going the wrong way. 亲爱的 我们是不是走错路了
Nonsense , my dear, this is the way. 胡说 亲爱的 就是这条路
You'll see I'm right. 相信我不会错
Hold tight, dear. That's the way. 抓紧 亲爱的 就是这条路
Look, Charlotte . 快看 夏洛特
Who can that be? 那会是谁呢
They need to slow down. They're going too fast for that track . 他们必须减速 那条小路不能跑那么快
Quick, Alison. Quickly, boys! 快 艾莉森 快跟上 孩子们
Are you all right? 你们还好吗
Good boy. - Is anybody hurt? 听话 -有人伤着了吗
Here we are. 好了
No harm done. 毫发无损
Careful, Charlotte. 当心 夏洛特
Steady . Here, let me help. 慢点 来 让我帮你
Steady:adj.稳定的; v.使稳定; v.稳定地; n.关系固定的情侣;
Thank you, miss. 谢谢你 小姐
Very kind of you to risk yourself. 谢谢你不顾安危救我们
Not at all , ma'am. 不用谢 夫人
Not at all:毫无;一点也不;不用谢;
This is the most exciting thing to happen in Wellingden for years. 这是威灵顿多年以来最刺激的事了
I'm fine, thank you, miss. 我没事 谢谢你 小姐
Well... Neat as ninepence. 安然无恙
Oh, it's nothing. Nothing at all. 没事 我真的没事
Give me your arm, sir. Our house is close by. 扶着我 先生 我们家就在附近
Well, thank you, miss. 十分感谢 小姐
What kindness. I see we have fallen amongst friends. 多善良的人 我们定是遇到朋友了
This really is so kind of you. 真是太感谢你们了
We were in search of a physician , you know, sir. 我们正在寻找一位医师 先生
For Sanditon. 为桑迪顿
Is Sanditon a relative , sir? 桑迪顿是某位亲属吗 先生
No, no, a place. 不不 是个地方
And what a place. 一个好地方
Sanditon is, or very soon will be, the finest seaside resort on the whole of the south coast. 桑迪顿是 或说即将成为 全南海岸最好的海滨度假村
resort:n.度假胜地;诉诸;采取;旅游胜地;v.去;凭藉; on the whole:基本上,大体上;就全体而论;
Then I should very much like to see it, sir. 我很期待去一探究竟 先生
And so you shall. I just... 你会的 我只是...
Thank you. 谢谢
What a glorious sight it is. 多么壮观的景象
You see, Miss Heywood, hotel here, shops, new terraces here. 你看 海伍德小姐 这是酒店 商店 新建的联排别墅在这儿
terraces:n.[地质]阶地; v.成阶地;
Cliff walk and the assembly rooms... here. 悬崖栈道和礼堂... 在这儿
Cliff:n.悬崖;绝壁; assembly:n.装配;集会,集合;
Do you plan to have dancing there, sir? 您打算在那里举办舞会吗 先生
We are holding our first ball next week. 下周我们会举办首场舞会
You're really building all this? - I am. 您真的在建造这一切啊 -是的
Well, causing it to be built. 准确地说 是推动它建成
Mr Heywood, our carriage is quite repaired now, and I insist you must come and sample the delights of Sanditon without delay. 海伍德先生 我们的马车修好了 我诚邀您一同前往 即刻体验桑迪顿的乐趣
carriage:n.运输;运费;四轮马车;举止;客车厢; delights:n.高兴; v.使高兴; (delight的第三人称单数和复数)
Forgive me, sir, I make it a principle never to go more than five miles away from home. 原谅我 先生 我有个原则 离家绝不超过五英里
Forgive:v.原谅;免除(债务,义务等); principle:n.原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉;
Ah, but for Sanditon, sir. 但是为了桑迪顿 先生
For Sanditon, with all its charms , you must make an exception . 为了桑迪顿及其魅力 您必须破例一次
charms:n.符咒;护身符(charm的复数形式);吸引力; exception:n.例外;异议;
My husband is ever the enthusiast . 我丈夫总是这么热情
Nothing wrong with that, madam, but he cannot tempt me. 那没什么错 夫人 但我不为所动
Then one of your daughters perhaps, in return for your kindness. 为报答您的善意 或许您的某位女儿愿意前往
in return for:作为…的报答;
Papa, might I go? - Really, Charlotte. 爸爸 我能去吗 -别闹 夏洛特