

My students often ask me, "What is sociology ?" 我的学生常问我 “什么是社会学?”
And I tell them, "It's the study of the way in which human beings are shaped by things that they don't see." 我说,“社会学研究的是 人类是如何被 无形的东西所塑造。”
And they say, "So how can I be a sociologist ? 然后他们问,“怎么才能成为社会学家?
How can I understand those invisible forces?" 怎样才能理解那些看不见的力量?”
And I say, " Empathy . 我说:“换位思考。”
Start with empathy. 由此开始
It all begins with empathy. 一切源自换位思考
Take yourself out of your shoes, put yourself into the shoes of another person." 从你自己的立场走出 从别人的立场看问题
Here, I'll give you an example. 举个例子
So I imagine my life, if a hundred years ago 我曾设想 如果一百年前
China had been the most powerful nation in the world and they came to the United States in search of coal, and they found it, and, in fact, they found lots of it right here. 中国成为了世界第一强国 他们来了美国 搜寻煤矿 后来他们发现了,还发现了不少
United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
And pretty soon, they began shipping that coal, ton by ton, rail car by rail car, boat load by boat load, back to China and elsewhere around the world. 他们就很快开始了运输那些煤 一吨又一吨 一车接一车 一船挨一船 运回中国和世界各地
And they got fabulously wealthy in doing so. 他们由此而发家
And they built beautiful cities all powered on that coal. 他们靠着煤炭 建起了美丽的城市
And back here in the United States, we saw economic despair , deprivation . 然后回头看看美国 这里经济萧条不景气
economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; despair:v.绝望;失去希望;丧失信心;n.绝望; deprivation:n.剥夺;损失;免职;匮乏;贫困;
This is what I saw. 我看到了这些
I saw people struggling to get by, not knowing what was what and what was next. 人们勉强糊口度日 无助而没有未来
And then I asked myself the question. 然后就问问自己
I say, "How's it possible that we could be so poor here in the United States, because the coal is such a wealthy resource , it's so much money?" “美国怎么变这么穷了? 煤炭是多么值钱的资源 值这么多钱呢。”
And I realized, because the Chinese ingratiated themselves with a small ruling class here in the United States who stole all of that money and all of that wealth for themselves. 然后我意识到 是中国讨好了 一小部分美国的统治阶级 而这一小部分人得到了所有的好处
ingratiated:v.讨好;巴结;迎合;(ingratiate的过去式和过去分词) wealth:n.财富;大量;富有;
And the rest of us, the vast majority of us, struggle to get by. 其余的大部分人,我们大多数人 都是挣扎糊口
And the Chinese gave this small ruling elite loads of military weapons and sophisticated technology to ensure that people like me would not speak out against this relationship. 中国给这些统治阶级精英们 大量的军备武器和尖端科技 以保证我们这样的普通民众 不敢公然表示不满
elite:n.精英;精华;杰出人物; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; sophisticated:adj.复杂的;老练的;见多识广的;水平高的; technology:n.技术;工艺;术语; ensure:vt.保证,确保;使安全; speak out:畅所欲言;大胆地说;大声地说;
Does this sound familiar ? 这个故事听着挺耳熟吧?
And they did things like train Americans to help protect the coal. 然后他们就训练了一帮美国人 来保护煤矿
And everywhere, were symbols of the Chinese -- everywhere, a constant reminder. 到处都是中国的标志- 遍布每一个角落
And back in China, what do they say in China? 再说说中国 中国人对此这么看呢?
Nothing. They don't talk about us. They don't talk about the coal. 只字不提。他们不谈论我们,不谈论煤矿
If you ask them, they'll say, "Well, you know the coal, we need the coal. 你要是问问中国人 他们会说:“这个,煤很重要啊,我们需要煤。
I mean, come on, I'm not going to turn down my thermostat . 你可别指望我调低我家暖气的温度
You can't expect that." 那绝对不可能。”
And so I get angry, and I get pissed , as do lots of average people. 于是我火了 气愤了 大多数人都会
And we fight back, and it gets really ugly . 我们就开始抗议 愈演愈烈
And the Chinese respond in a very ugly way. 中国的回应方式也很不友好
And before we know it, they send in the tanks and then send in the troops, and lots of people are dying, and it's a very, very difficult situation. 我们还没回过神他们就把坦克派过来了 然后派来了军队 很多人战死 状况越来越糟
Can you imagine what you would feel if you were in my shoes? 你能换位思考 想象我的感受吗?
Can you imagine walking out of this building and seeing a tank sitting out there or a truck full of soldiers? 你能想象走出大门 见外面停了一辆坦克 或者一卡车士兵?
And just imagine what you would feel. 想象你的感受
Because you know why they're here, and you know what they're doing here. 你知道他们冲什么来,清楚他们的所为
And you just feel the anger and you feel the fear. 你肯定感到又气又悲了
If you can, that's empathy -- that's empathy. 如果你能感受到这一点-这就是换位思考了
You've left your shoes, and you've stood in mine. 你从自己的立场转换到我的立场
And you've got to feel that. 你就能换位思考了
Okay, so that's the warm up. 这是个热身
That's the warm up. 只是热身
Now we're going to have the real radical experiment. 现在我们就要开始 真正激进的试验
And so for the remainder of my talk, what I want you to do is put yourselves in the shoes of an ordinary Arab Muslim living in the Middle East -- in particular , in Iraq. 下面我希望你们 从一个 居住在中东的普通穆斯林的 角度出发 具体点,就是伊拉克
remainder:n.[数]余数,残余; adj.剩余的; vt.廉价出售; vi.廉价出售; Middle East:n.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部); in particular:尤其,特别;
And so to help you, perhaps you're a member of this middle class family in Baghdad -- and what you want is the best for your kids. 为了让你进入状态 假设你就来自一个住在巴格达的中产家庭 你希望你的孩子有好的环境
middle class:adj.中产阶级的;中层社会的; Baghdad:n.巴格达(伊拉克首都);
You want your kids to have a better life. 你希望孩子有更好的生活
And you watch the news, you pay attention, you read the newspaper, you go down to the coffee shop with your friends, and you read the newspapers from around the world. 你看新闻关心时事 你看报纸,和朋友去咖啡厅 阅读世界各地的报纸
coffee shop:na.咖啡店;(一般的)小餐馆;
And sometimes you even watch satellite, 有时候还看看卫星电视
CNN from the United States. 美国的CNN
So you have a sense of what the Americans are thinking. 你大概知道美国人的一般观点
But really, you just want a better life for yourself. 但是,你也就只是希望自己过得好点
That's what you want. 那才是你想要的
You're Arab Muslim living in Iraq. 你是住在伊拉克的阿拉伯穆斯林
You want a better life for yourself. 你想过更好的生活
So here, let me help you. 现在 让我帮你
Let me help you with some things that you might be thinking. 让我来帮你整理一下 你的思绪
Number one: this incursion into your land these past 20 years, and before, the reason anyone is interested in your land, and particularly the United States, it's oil. 第一,在过去的二十年中 甚至更早,你的祖国遭受入侵 是因为所有人,特别是美国人都盯住了 石油
incursion:n.入侵;侵犯; particularly:adv.特别地,独特地;详细地,具体地;明确地,细致地;
It's all about oil; you know that, everybody knows that. 根源就在石油 天下皆知
People here back in the United States know it's about oil. 美国人也知道是因为石油
It's because somebody else has a design for your resource. 因为别人在打着 你的资源的算盘
It's your resource, it's not somebody else's. 这资源是你的不是别人的
It's your land, it's your resource. 这是你的国土 你的资源
Somebody else has a design for it. 有人动了心眼儿
And you know why they have a design? 他们为什么要打这个算盘?
You know why they have their eyes set on it? 他们为什么动这个心眼儿?
Because they have an entire economic system that's dependent on that oil -- foreign oil, oil from other parts of the world that they don't own. 因为他们的经济体系 建于石油之上 进口石油 从别的国家抢过去的石油
dependent on:依赖于;依靠;
And what else do you think about these people? 你对这些人有什么想法
The Americans, they're rich. 这些美国人真有钱
Come on, they live in big houses, they have big cars, they all have blond hair, blue eyes, they're happy. 住着大房子 开着好车 个个金发碧眼 快乐似神仙
You think that. It's not true of course, but that's the media impression , and that's like what you get. 你这么想么,这不一定是真的 但这是媒体传递的印象,这是你听到看到的
media:n.媒体;媒质(medium的复数);血管中层;浊塞音;中脉; impression:n.印象;影响;效果;感想;
And they have big cities, and the cities are all dependent on oil. 美国有大都市 这些大都市都依靠石油
And back home, what do you see? 回了自家,看到是什么?
Poverty , despair, struggle. 贫穷,绝望,挣扎
Look, you don't live in a wealthy country. 你的国家不富裕
This is Iraq. 这是伊拉克
This is what you see. 这是你每日所见
You see people struggling to get by. 人们勉强糊口度日
I mean, it's not easy; you see a lot of poverty. 过日子不容易,到处是贫困
And you feel something about this. 对此你肯定有自己的想法
These people have designs for your resource, and this is what you see? 这些人盘算着你的资源 而这是他们的样子
Something else you see that you talk about -- 这些你谈论的话题
Americans don't talk about this, but you do. 美国人并不谈起
There's this thing, militarization of the world, and it's centered right in the United States. 比如,世界的军事化 是以美国为中心
And the United States is responsible for almost one half of the world's military spending -- four percent of the world's population. 而且美国的军费 占世界军费开支的 二分之一 他们才有世界人口的四分之一
And you feel it, you see it every day. 你每天都能看到感受到这些
It's part of your life. 这是你生活的一部分
And you talk about it with your friends. 你和朋友聊起这些
You read about it. 你读到这些东西
And back when Saddam Hussein was in power, the Americans didn't care about his crimes. 萨达姆?侯赛因当权的时候 美国人可没关心他的罪行
When he was gassing the Kurds and gassing Iran, they didn't care about it. 他对库尔人和伊朗人用毒气的时候 他们可一声没吭
When oil was at stake , somehow , suddenly things mattered. 一旦出现了石油危机 美国人就突然开始大发慈悲
stake:n.桩,棍子;赌注;火刑;奖金;v.资助,支持;系…于桩上;把…押下打赌; somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地;
And what you see, something else, the United States, the hub of democracy around the world, they don't seem to really be supporting democratic countries all around the world. 你就看到了 美国 这个世界民主的中心 他们并不总是 世界各民主国家的后盾
hub:n.中心;毂;木片; democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治; democratic:adj.民主的;民主政治的;大众的;
There are a lot of countries, oil producing countries, that aren't very democratic, but supported by the United States. 很多产油国 他们不民主,但这不妨碍美国支持他们
That's odd . 这就奇怪了
Oh, these incursions , these two wars, the 10 years of sanctions , the eight years of occupation , the insurgency that's been unleashed on your people, the hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths, all because of oil. 这么多次入侵,两次战争 十年制裁 八年占领 对人民发动的反叛 成百上千的 平民死亡 只因石油
incursions:n.入侵;侵犯; sanctions:n.制裁; v.许可; (sanction的第三人称单数和复数) occupation:n.职业;占领;占用;工作; insurgency:n.叛乱;暴动;叛乱状态; unleashed:v.发泄;突然释放;使爆发(unleash的过去分词和过去式) civilian:adj.民用的;百姓的,平民的;n.平民,百姓;
You can't help but think that. 你无法不去想这些
You talk about it. 谈起这些
It's in the forefront of your mind always. 在你脑中开始占据主要
You say, "How is that possible?" 你说:“怎么能这样?”
And this man, he's every man -- your grandfather, your uncle, your father, your son, your neighbor, your professor, your student. 这个人,他可以是任何人- 你的祖父,你的叔叔, 你的父亲,你的儿子, 你的邻居,你的教授,你的学生
Once a life of happiness and joy, and suddenly pain and sorrow. 曾经有着幸福和快乐 都化为了悲伤和痛苦
Everyone in your country has been touched by the violence , the bloodshed , the pain, the horror , everybody. 你的国家的每一个人 都生活在暴力的阴影下 流血 痛苦 恐惧,笼罩每一个人
violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; bloodshed:n.流血;杀戮; horror:n.恐惧;厌恶;震惊;对某事物的强烈畏惧(或憎恨);
Not a single person in your country has not been touched. 你的国家里 无一个人可置身事外
But there's something else. 还有件事
There's something else about these people, these Americans who are there. 在伊拉克的这些美国人 这些人还有个特征
There's something else about them that you see -- they don't see themselves. 这个特征你看到了而他们没有意识到
And what do you see? They're Christians. 你发现了吗,他们是基督徒
They're Christians. 他们是基督徒
They worship the Christian god, they have crosses, they carry Bibles . 他们崇拜基督教之神,他们带着十字架和圣经
worship:n.崇拜;崇敬;爱慕;阁下;v.崇拜(上帝或神);做礼拜;热爱;崇拜; Bibles:圣经;
Their Bibles have a little insignia that says "U.S. Army" on them. 他们的圣经上有一个 写着“美军”的徽章
And their leaders, their leaders: before they send their sons and daughters off to war in your country -- and you know the reason -- before they send them off, 他们的领导者 在他们把他们的儿女 送上你的国家的战场- 而你深知原因- 在他们出发之前
they go to a Christian church, and they pray to their Christian god, and they ask for protection and guidance from that god. 他们去教堂,向基督的神祈祷 祈求他们的神的指引和保护
Why? 为什么?
Well, obviously, when people die in the war, they are Muslims, they are Iraqis -- they're not Americans. 显然,战争肯定会死人 死的是穆斯林,是伊拉克人- 他们不是美国人
You don't want Americans to die. Protect our troops. 他们可不希望美国人死,得祈求保护他们的军队
And you feel something about that -- of course you do. 你会感受到这些- 肯定会
And they do wonderful things. 美军做了些好事
You read about it, you here about it. 你读到听说了
They're there to build schools and help people, and that's what they want to do. 他们建造学校,帮助人们,这是他们想做的
They do wonderful things, but they also do the bad things, and you can't tell the difference. 他们做了好事,但也做了坏事 你看不出区别
And this guy, you get a guy like Lt. Gen. William Boykin. 当你看到一个像这个威廉姆?博金上尉的人
I mean, here's a guy who says that your god is a false god. 说你的神是虚假的
Your god's an idol , his god is the true god. 你的神只是个偶像,他的神才是真正的神
The solution to the problem in the Middle East, according to him, is to convert you all to Christianity -- just get rid of your religion. 他的解决中东问题的方案 就是把你们所有人都变成基督徒- 背弃你自己的宗教
solution:n.解决方案;溶液;溶解;解答; according to:根据,据说; convert:v.转换; n.改变宗教(或信仰、观点)的人; Christianity:n.基督教;基督教精神,基督教教义;
And you know that. Americans don't read about this guy. 你知道这些 美国人不知道
They don't know anything about him, but you do. 他们对他一无所知,但你知道
You pass it around. You pass his words around. 你告诉别人他说的话
I mean this is serious. 你十分害怕
He was one of the leading commanders in the second invasion of Iraq. 这个人是第二次对伊拉克入侵的一个指挥官
commanders:n.指挥官(commander的复数); invasion:n.武装入侵;侵略;侵犯;涌入;干预;
And you're thinking, "God, if this guy is saying that, then all the soldiers must be saying that." 你想:“天啊,要是这个家伙这么想 那他的手下肯定也都是这么想的。”
And this word here, 这个词
George Bush called this war a crusade . 乔治?布什称这场入侵为十字军东征
Bush:n.灌木; v.以灌木装饰; adj.如灌木般长得低矮的; crusade:n.运动;(中世纪的)十字军东征;v.长期坚定不移地奋斗;
Man, the Americans, they're just like, "Ah, crusade. 美国人一听,“哦,圣战啊
Whatever. I don't know." 管他呢。”
You know what it means. 但你知道圣战意味着什么
It's a holy war against Muslims. 这是对穆斯林的圣战
Look, invade , subdue them, take their resources . 看着吧,侵略了他们,降服他们,夺走他们的资源
invade:v.侵犯;侵略;侵袭;干扰; subdue:vt.征服;抑制;减轻; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数);
If they won't submit , kill them. 不屈就杀
That's what this is about. 这就是圣战
And you're thinking, "My God, these Christians are coming to kill us." 你想,“天哪,这些基督徒要来取我们性命。”
This is frightening . 这是多么可怕
You feel frightened . Of course you feel frightened . 你吓坏了,肯定吓坏了
And this man, Terry Jones: 这个人,泰瑞?琼斯:
I mean here's a guy who wants to burn Korans. 他要烧了所有的古兰经
And the Americans: "Ah, he's a knucklehead . 美国人说:“他是个蠢货。
He's a former hotel manager; he's got three-dozen members of his church." 他以前是个酒店经理, 他的教堂只有三十来个人。”
They laugh him off. You don't laugh him off. 他们付之一笑,你不会
Because in the context of everything else, all the pieces fit. 因为在那个环境下 这说辞十分有道理
I mean, of course, this is how Americans take it, so people all over the Middle East, not just in your country, are protesting . 当然那只是美国人的想法 但在中东,不仅仅是你的国家 都在抗议
'"He wants to burn Korans, our holy book. “他要烧了我们的圣经古兰经
These Christians, who are these Christians? 这些基督徒当他们是谁?
They're so evil , they're so mean -- this is what they're about." 他们太邪恶卑鄙了- 这些人就是这样的。”
This is what you're thinking as an Arab Muslim, as an Iraqi. 这就是你作为一个阿拉伯穆斯林的想法 作为一个伊拉克人
Of course you're going to think this. 你当然会这么想
And then your cousin says, "Hey cuz, check out this website. 然后你堂兄弟说 “兄弟,看看这个网站
You've got to see this -- Bible Boot Camp . 圣经训练营
Boot Camp:n.新兵训练营;(青少年犯的)改造营;
These Christians are nuts. 这些基督徒真是疯了
They're training their little kids to be soldiers for Jesus . 他们在训练自己的小孩成为上帝的士兵
And they take these little kids and they run them through these things till they teach them how to say, "Sir, yes, sir," 他们把那些想法灌输给小孩子 让他们只会言听计从
and things like grenade toss and weapons care and maintenance . 还教他们怎么扔手榴弹和维护武器
grenade:n.手榴弹;灭火弹;v.扔手榴弹;用催泪弹攻击; toss:v.扔,抛,掷;甩(使)摇摆,挥动,颠簸;摇匀;n.掷硬币决定;向上甩头;投掷 maintenance:n.维护,维修;保持;生活费用;
And go to the website. 然后继续看网站
It says "U.S. Army" right on it. 上头写着”美国军队“
I mean, these Christians, they're nuts. How would they do this to their little kids?" 这些基督徒真是疯了,他们怎么能这么对待孩子?”
And you're reading this website. 你看着这个网站
And of course, Christians back in the United States, or anybody, says, "Ah, this is some little, tiny church in the middle of nowhere ." 而美国的基督徒,或者随便谁 只会说:“这是个荒唐名不见经传的小小教堂”
nowhere:v.无处; n.无处; adj.不存在的;
You don't know that. 但你可不知道
For you, this is like all Christians. 对你来说这就代表了所有基督徒
It's all over the Web, Bible Boot Camp. 网上铺天盖地都是,圣经训练营
And look at this: they even teach their kids -- they train them in the same way the U.S. Marines train. 再看看这个 他们甚至教小孩子 他们用美国海军陆战队的方法来训练小孩
Isn't that interesting. 这真是开了眼了
And it scares you, and it frightens you. 这吓坏你了
So these guys, you see them. 你看到这些人
You see, I, Sam Richards, I know who these guys are. 我,山姆?理查茲,我知道这些人
They're my students, my friends. 他们是我的学生,我的朋友
I know what they're thinking: "You don't know." 我知道他们在想什么,但你一无所知。
When you see them, they're something else, they're something else. 你看到他们 就变成了别的什么
That's what they are to you. 他们对你来说是这个
We don't see it that way in the United States, but you see it that way. 在美国我们不这么看 但是你会
So here. 那么
Of course, you got it wrong. 当然,你意会错了
You're generalizing . It's wrong. 你一般化了你的推理,你错了
You don't understand the Americans. 你不了解美国人
It's not a Christian invasion. 这不是基督徒入侵
We're not just there for oil; we're there for lots of reasons. 我们取那儿不光为了石油,还有其他很多原因
You have it wrong. You've missed it. 你想错了
And of course, most of you don't support the insurgency; you don't support killing Americans; you don't support the terrorists. 当然,很多人不支持武装暴动 你并不支持杀掉美国人 也不支持恐怖分子
Of course you don't. Very few people do. 你当然不,很少有人支持暴力
But some of you do. 但有些人支持
And this is a perspective . 这是一个看法
Okay, now, so here's what we're going to do. 好的,现在我们要做的
Step outside of your shoes that you're in right now and step back into your normal shoes. 就是放开 你现在的立场 回到你正常的角色中
So everyone's back in the room, okay. 大家都回到这个屋子来
Now here comes the radical experiment. 激进的试验来了
So we're all back home. 我们都回了家
This photo: this woman, man, I feel her. 这张照片,这个女人 我能感受她的感受
I feel her. 我理解她
She's my sister, my wife, my cousin, my neighbor. 她是我的姐妹 我的妻子,我的堂姐,我的邻居
She's anybody to me. 她是我周围的人
These guys standing there, everybody in the photo. 照片里的每一个人
I feel this photo, man. 我都能设身处地地理解他们
So here's what I want you to do. 接下来我要你们做的
Let's go back to my first example of the Chinese. 就是回到第一个中国的例子
So I want you to go there. 希望你想像一下
So it's all about coal, and the Chinese are here in the United States. 中国人在美国攫取煤矿
And what I want you to do is picture her as a Chinese woman receiving a Chinese flag because her loved one has died in America in the coal uprising . 你们把她想像成一个中国女人 她正在接收中国国旗 因为她爱的人在美国的煤矿起义中 死去了
And the soldiers are Chinese, and everybody else is Chinese. 士兵都是中国人 其他也是中国人
As an American, how do you feel about this picture? 作为一个美国人,你对这样照片作何感想?
What do you think about that scene? 你怎么去看这个场景?
Okay, try this. Bring it back. 好的 我们再回来
This is the scene here. 这个场景
It's an American, American soldiers, 一个美国人,美国士兵
American woman who lost her loved one in the Middle East -- in Iraq or Afghanistan . 一个在中东-伊拉克或阿富汗 失去了爱人的美国女人
Now, put yourself in the shoes, go back to the shoes of an Arab Muslim living in Iraq. 现在把你自己 放回到 一个伊拉克的阿拉伯穆斯林角度去看
What are you feeling and thinking about this photo, about this woman? 你对这张照片的 和这个女人 有何看法
Okay. 好的
Now follow me on this, because I'm taking a big risk here. 现在跟着我 因为我在冒很大的险
And so I'm going to invite you to take a risk with me. 我也邀请你和我一起冒险
These gentlemen here, they're insurgents . 这两名男子,他们是叛乱分子
They were caught by the American soldiers, trying to kill Americans. 他们要杀美国士兵 被抓住了
And maybe they succeeded. Maybe they succeeded. 也许他们成功了,也许没有
Put yourself in the shoes of the Americans who caught them. 把你自己想像成 抓他们的士兵
Can you feel the rage ? 你感到愤怒吗?
Can you feel that you just want to take these guys and wring their necks? 你会想抓住他们 并扭断他们的脖子吗?
Can you go there? 你能做到吗?
It shouldn't be that difficult. 这并不会太难
You just -- oh, man. 你就是恨得牙痒痒
Now, put yourself in their shoes. 现在,假设你是叛乱者
Are they brutal killers or patriotic defenders ? 他们是野蛮的杀手 亦或是爱国者?
brutal:adj.残忍的;野蛮的,不讲理的; patriotic:adj.爱国的; defenders:n.后卫;防御者(defender的复数);
Which one? 哪个?
Can you feel their anger, their fear, their rage at what has happened in their country? 能感受到他们的愤怒 恐惧 还有愤慨吗 对发生在他们国家的一切的怒火吗?
Can you imagine that maybe one of them in the morning bent down to their child and hugged their child and said, "Dear, I'll be back later. 你能否想像 也许他们中的一个 早上弯下身拥抱自己的孩子 说:“宝贝,待会儿见。
I'm going out to defend your freedom, your lives. 我要去保护你的自由,你的生命。
I'm going out to look out for us, the future of our country." 我去保护我们自己 保护国家的未来。”
look out for:当心,提防
Can you imagine that? 你能想象吗?
Can you imagine saying that? 你能想象去说这些吗?
Can you go there? 能吗?
What do you think they're feeling? 你觉得他们是怎么想的
You see, that's empathy. 你看,这就是换位思考
It's also understanding. 也是理解
Now, you might ask, "Okay, Sam, why do you do this sort of thing? 现在你也许会问 “山姆,你这么干是为什么?
Why would you use this example of all examples?" 为什么要用这两个例子?”
And I say, because ... because. 我说,因为
You're allowed to hate these people. 你可以憎恨这些人
You're allowed to just hate them with every fiber of your being. 你可以用全身每一点力气 去恨他们
And if I can get you to step into their shoes and walk an inch, one tiny inch, then imagine the kind of sociological analysis that you can do in all other aspects of your life? 如果我能让你们 设身处地 从他们的角度 做些许思考 那么假设你能把这样的社会学分析 运用到你生活的各方面
sociological:adj.社会的(等于sociologic);社会学的;针对社会问题的; analysis:n.分析;分解;验定; aspects:n.方面;相位;面貌(aspect的复数);
You can walk a mile when it comes to understanding why that person's driving 40 miles per hour in the passing lane , or your teenage son, or your neighbor who annoys you by cutting his lawn on Sunday mornings. 你就能做到更多 如果你能理解 为什么那人以四十迈的速度 超车 或者你十来岁的儿子 或者你的邻居 在周日早上割草烦到了你
passing lane:n.(高速公路等靠近路中央的)超车车道; annoys:vt.骚扰;惹恼;打搅;vi.惹恼;令人讨厌;打搅;n.烦恼(等于annoyance); lawn:n.草地;草坪;
Whatever it is, you can go so far. 不管是什么,你能运用换位思考
And this is what I tell my students: step outside of your tiny, little world. 这就是我告诉学生的 走出你自己的小世界
Step inside of the tiny, little world of somebody else. 走进别人的 小世界
And then do it again and do it again and do it again. 不停地尝试
And suddenly all these tiny, little worlds, they come together in this complex web. 最终这些小世界 就会交织成一张大网
And they build a big, complex world. 他们构成了一个巨大的复杂的世界
And suddenly, without realizing it, you're seeing the world differently. 突然间,不知不觉中 世界在眼中就不同了
Everything has changed. 一切都变了
Everything in your life has changed. 你生命里的每一件事都变了
And that's, of course, what this is about. 这当然是我的目的所在
Attend to other lives, other visions . 关注别人的生活 别人的视角
visions:n.愿景; v.想像;
Listen to other people, enlighten ourselves. 倾听别人 启迪自我
I'm not saying that I support the terrorists in Iraq, but as a sociologist, what I am saying is I understand. 我不是说 我支持伊拉克的恐怖分子 而是作为一名社会学家 我是说 我能够理解
And now perhaps -- perhaps -- you do too. 也许,也许,现在你也可以了
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)