

Do you know why you're here? 你知道你来这的原因吗
I was ordered to be here. 是上头要我来的
That's not what I meant. 我不是这个意思
Oh, yeah, well, look, my new C.O. thinks that he's gonna make admiral one day with his pioneering approach to the management of combat stress. 我的新指挥官认为 有一天他会以他 超前的战斗压力管理方式 被擢升为上将
admiral:n.海军上将;舰队司令;旗舰; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理; management:n.管理;管理人员;管理部门;操纵;经营手段; combat:v.战斗;防止;减轻;与…搏斗;n.战斗;搏斗;打仗;
So you're not a fan of psychotherapy ? 你不喜欢心理治疗吧
No. 没错
So... 那么
what should we talk about? 我们该聊什么呢
I don't know. It's your nickel . 我不知道 由你主导
Your time. 你来定
All right. Tell me about Nate. 好吧 跟我聊聊内特
Jack... pot. 头...奖
You know... 就算...
even if I wanted to talk about that night-- the op, and what happened-- 我想跟你聊那个夜晚 那次行动 所发生的事
I don't think you would be cleared. 我认为你没这个权限
Mr. Hayes, 海斯先生
I read the after action reports. 我读了战后报告
I know about the weapons on the ship and where they were going. 我知道船上的武器 还有它们要运往哪里
I'm cleared to know anything you do. 你所有的任务我都有权知道
TOC, we have confirmed jackpot-- I'm looking at 14 Javelin missiles . 作战中心 头奖已找到 我眼前有十四枚标枪导弹
Javelin:n.标枪,投枪; missiles:n.导弹;发射物;投掷物;(missile的复数)
Request permission to move to demo . 请求准许执行拆毁
Copy, Bravo 1. Wait one. 收到 B1 稍等
Bravo 1 standing by. B1待命中
War on terror, baby. 反恐战争 宝贝
War on terror. 反恐战争
TOC did give you the authorization to move to demolition . 作战中心准许你 执行拆毁
authorization:n.授权,认可;批准,委任; demolition:n.拆除(等于demolishment);破坏;毁坏;
You set the charges, but instead of proceeding immediately to exfil... 你弄好了爆炸装置 但却没有立即撤离....
Bravo 2, this is Bravo 4. B2 我是B4
Go for 2. - What's the story on those skiffs ? B2请说 -那些小艇什么情况
Still out of our hair for the moment. 目前没有靠近我们
Beautiful. 漂亮
There's no reason we can't look inside that safe on the bridge. 我们不该看看桥上的保险库吗
Bridge safe is not our mission . 桥的保险库不属于我们的任务
We get into that safe, maybe we find something lets us go after guys on both ends of the shipment . 我们进去保险库 也许我们能找到 有助于追查这批货买卖双方的线索
Bravo 1, this is Bravo 2. What's your status ? Over. B1 我是B2 你那什么情况 完毕
Bravo 2, hold one. B2 稍等
Let's do this. 开干吧
Let's go. 行动
This is Bravo 1. We're going for the ship's log . 我是B1 我们去找航海日志
We're gonna find out where these arms were headed. 我们会找出这些武器要运往哪里
Sonny, you owe me that bottle of Macharren's. 桑尼 你欠我马卡伦的酒
Nate talked him into it? 内特说服他的吗
Why do I feel like you just hustled me? 我怎么觉得刚刚被你忽悠了
'Cause I did. 你感觉对了
Nate really wanted to get a look in that safe. 内特真的很想看一下保险库里有什么
It doesn't matter what Nate wanted. 内特想要什么不重要