

I haven't told many people this, but in my head, I've got thousands of secret worlds all going on all at the same time . 我还没有告诉很多人一件事, 在我的脑海中, 会有成千上万的秘密词语, 在同一时间涌出。
at the same time:同时;另一方面;与此同时;
I am also autistic . 我是一名自闭症患者。
People tend to diagnose autism with really specific check-box descriptions , but in reality, it's a whole variation as to what we're like. 人们一般在诊断自闭症时, 都会有很详细的描述。 但是现实是,每个自闭症患者都会有完全不同的情况。
diagnose:vt.诊断;断定;vi.诊断;判断; autism:n.[心理][内科]孤独症;自我中心主义; specific:adj.特殊的,特定的;明确的;详细的;[药]具有特效的;n.特性;细节;特效药; descriptions:n.摘要;说明,说明书;描述(description的复数形式); variation:n.变异;变体;变奏;变种;
For instance , my little brother, he's very severely autistic. 举个例子,我的弟弟, 他是一名严重的自闭症患者。
instance:n.实例;情况;建议;v.举...为例; severely:adv.严重地;严格地,严厉地;纯朴地;
He's nonverbal . He can't talk at all. 他不能使用语言,他不能说话。
But I love to talk. 但是我却喜欢说话。
People often associate autism with liking maths and science and nothing else, but I know so many autistic people who love being creative . 人们经常把自闭症 和只喜欢数学、科学联想在一起。 但是我知道很多自闭症患者, 他们都喜欢创新。
associate:v.联合:联想:交往:adj.非正式的:副的:联合的:n.伙伴:同事: maths:数学(课) creative:adj.创造性的;
But that is a stereotype, and the stereotypes of things are often, if not always, wrong. 但那只是刻板印象, 而所谓的刻板印象 大多时候都是错误的。
stereotypes:n.模式化观念(或形象); v.对…形成模式化(或类型化)的看法; (stereotype的第三人称单数和复数)
For instance, a lot of people think autism and think "Rain Man" immediately. 举个例子,很多人 听到自闭症时,会立刻联想到电影《雨人》。
That's the common belief, that every single autistic person is Dustin Hoffman, and that's not true. 大家都认为 每一个自闭症患者都是电影里的「达斯汀·霍夫曼」, 但这不是真的。
But that's not just with autistic people, either. 而且也不是只对自闭症患者,
I've seen it with LGBTQ people, with women, with POC people. 对 LGBTQ(男、女同性恋、双性恋、跨性别和对性别有疑问)也这样, 对女人、有色人种也有刻板印象。
People are so afraid of variety that they try to fit everything into a tiny little box with really specific labels . 人们很害怕不同类型的人, 所以只想把任何东西放在一个「小盒子」里, 再把这个小盒子上贴上特定的标签。
variety:n.多样;种类;杂耍;变化,多样化; labels:n.标签;分类(label的复数形式);v.贴标签于;把…称为(label的三单形式);
This is something that actually happened to me in real life: 这其实是现实中 发生在我身上的
I googled "autistic people are ..." 我谷歌了一下:「自闭症患者是...」
and it comes up with suggestions as to what you're going to type. 然后出现了很多建议 猜测你接下来要打什么字。
I googled "autistic people are ..." 我查了查,
and the top result was " demons ." 第一条出现的是「恶魔」,
That is the first thing that people think when they think autism. 那是人们每当想起自闭症患者, 第一个想到的事。
They know. 他们知道。
(Laughter) (笑声)
One of the things I can do because I'm autistic — it's an ability rather than a disability — is I've got a very, very vivid imagination . 身为自闭者,我可以做的其中一件事, 因为自闭是能力而非残疾, 我有很生动的想像力,
disability:n.残疾;无能;无资格;不利条件; vivid:adj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的; imagination:n.想象;想象力;创造力;想象的事物;
Let me explain it to you a bit. 让我来解释一下。
It's like I'm walking in two worlds most of the time. 就像我经常走在两个世界
There's the real world, the world that we all share, and there's the world in my mind, and the world in my mind is often so much more real than the real world. 一个是真正的世界,我们共享的世界。 还有一个就是我脑海中的世界, 而我脑海中的世界比真正的世界 要更加现实。
Like, it's very easy for me to let my mind loose because I don't try and fit myself into a tiny little box. 就像,我很容易就能放鬆我的大脑, 因为我从来不把我自己逼到那个小盒子里。
loose:adj.宽松的; v.释放; v.松散地; n.放纵;
That's one of the best things about being autistic. 那是身为自闭症患者最好的一件事。
You don't have the urge to do that. 你不需要敦促自己这么做。
You find what you want to do, you find a way to do it, and you get on with it. 你会找到你想做的, 然后找到一个方法去实现它。
get on with:v.在…获得成功,于…友好相处;继续干;
If I was trying to fit myself into a box, 如果我把自己逼到那个「盒子」里,
I wouldn't be here, I wouldn't have achieved half the things that I have now. 我就不会在这里,我也不会成就 我现在拥有的一半。
There are problems, though. 但是还是有很多问题。
There are problems with being autistic, and there are problems with having too much imagination. 身为自闭症患者所产生的问题。 有很多人的想像力过度丰富了。
School can be a problem in general , but having also to explain to a teacher on a daily basis that their lesson is inexplicably dull and you are secretly taking refuge 学校虽然也是一个问题, 但是自闭症患者要每天 跟老师解释, 他们的课堂是莫名的无聊, 他们的注意力一般不在课堂
in general:总之,通常;一般而言; inexplicably:adv.说不清的;无法说明地;令人难以理解地; dull:v.减轻; adj.枯燥无味的; refuge:n.避难所;庇护;慰藉;庇护者;v.避难;(古)庇护;
in a world inside your head in which you are not in that lesson, that adds to your list of problems. 而在自己的世界里秘密避难, 也成为了一个大问题。
(Laughter) (笑声)
Also, when my imagination takes hold, my body takes on a life of its own. 还有,当我的想像力控制住了我, 我的身体就没有主人了。
When something very exciting happens in my inner world, 当一些很激动人心的事情发生我在的内部世界时,
I've just got to run. 我就开始跑,
I've got to rock backwards and forwards, or sometimes scream. 我就前后不停地晃, 或者甚至尖叫,
This gives me so much energy, and I've got to have an outlet for all that energy. 这样可以给我很大的力量。 但我也需要一个地方去释放那些能量。
outlet:n.出口;(感情、思想、精力发泄的)出路;表现机会;专营店; for all that:尽管;虽然如此;
But I've done that ever since I was a child, ever since I was a tiny little girl. 我从小就这样, 从我是个小女孩开始。
And my parents thought it was cute, so they didn't bring it up, but when I got into school, they didn't really agree that it was cute. 我的父母认为这样很可爱,所以他们什么也没说。 但是当我上学之后, 他们不认为这样是可爱。
It can be that people don't want to be friends with the girl that starts screaming in an algebra lesson. 他们不想和一个在代数课上 突然尖叫的女孩做朋友。
And this doesn't normally happen in this day and age, but it can be that people don't want to be friends with the autistic girl. 但是现在都不经常发生了, 但是还会有人不想和一个自闭症女孩做朋友,
It can be that people don't want to associate with anyone who won't or can't fit themselves into a box that's labeled normal. 不想和一个不能把自己装进 那个贴着「正常」标签小盒子里的人 做朋友。
associate with:v.联合;与…联系在一起;和…来往; labeled:adj.有标签的; v.示踪; (label的过去分词和过去式)
But that's fine with me, because it sorts the wheat from the chaff , and I can find which people are genuine and true and I can pick these people as my friends. 但是对我来说都没关系, 因为物以类聚嘛, 所以我能找到那些对我真诚的人, 然后和那些人交朋友。
chaff:n.糠;谷壳;无价值的东西;vi.开玩笑;打趣;vt.开玩笑;逗趣; genuine:adj.真实的,真正的;诚恳的;
But if you think about it, what is normal? 但是当你想一想,什么是正常?
What does it mean? 正常的意思是什么?
Imagine if that was the best compliment you ever received. 想像一下,如果你收到最好的表扬是:
'"Wow, you are really normal." 「哇,你真的很正常。」
(Laughter) (笑声)
But compliments are, "you are extraordinary " 但是真正的表扬是 「你真的很非凡」,
compliments:n.赞扬;问候;祝贺;v.赞美;钦佩;(compliment的第三人称单数和复数) extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的;
or "you step outside the box." 或者「你突破了常规」,
It's "you're amazing." 「你真的很惊人」。
So if people want to be these things, why are so many people striving to be normal? 所以如果人们想成为这样的人, 为什么他们还在努力成为正常的人?
Why are people pouring their brilliant individual light into a mold ? 为什么人们要把自己的个人才华倒入一个模具中?
pouring:v.倾倒;倾泻;连续流出;倒出;喷发;(pour的现在分词) individual:n.个人;有个性的人;adj.单独的;个别的; mold:n.模具;模型;霉菌;类型;v.用可塑材料塑成;浇铸;发霉;
People are so afraid of variety that they try and force everyone, even people who don't want to or can't, to become normal. 人们很害怕各种不同的人,所以他们尝试逼迫一些 不能或不想成为正常人的人去变正常。
There are camps for LGBTQ people or autistic people to try and make them this "normal," 有很多 LGBTQ 的人或者自闭症患者 都尝试把自己变正常。
and that's terrifying that people would do that in this day and age. 而这才是让人害怕的。
All in all , I wouldn't trade my autism and my imagination for the world. 总之,我不会和任何人交易我的想像力和自闭症。
All in all:总而言之;头等重要的东西;
Because I am autistic, 正是因为我的自闭症,
I've presented documentaries to the BBC, 我出现在英国广播电视台的纪录片里,
I'm in the midst of writing a book, and one of the best things that I've achieved, that I consider to have achieved, is I've found ways of communicating with my little brother and sister, who as I've said are nonverbal. They can't speak. 我也正在写一本书。 然而这中间最好的一件事, 就是当我想到我成就了什么, 就是我找到了可以和我弟弟妹妹 沟通的方法。 而就像我刚才说的,他们没有说话的能力。
And people would often write off someone who's nonverbal, but that's silly, because my little brother and sister are the best siblings that you could ever hope for. 但是很多人都放弃了那些没有语言沟通能力的人。 这样很愚蠢, 因为我的弟弟和妹妹 是你能想到最棒的兄弟姊妹。
They're just the best, and I love them so much and I care about them more than anything else. 他们是最棒的, 我也很爱他们, 我世界上最在乎的就是他们。
I'm going to leave you with one question: 我要给你们留下一个问题:
If we can't get inside the person's minds, no matter if they're autistic or not, instead of punishing anything that strays from normal, why not celebrate uniqueness and cheer every time someone unleashes their imagination? 如果你无法了解到一个人在想什么, 无论是不是自闭症患者, 不要惩罚一切不正常的东西, 何不庆祝他们的独一无二? 何不为他们每一次绽放想像力而欢呼?
strays:v.迷路;偏离;走失;有外遇;(stray的第三人称单数) uniqueness:n.独特性;独一无二;单值性; unleashes:v.发泄;突然释放;使爆发(unleash的第三人称单数)
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (欢呼)