

The question today is not: 在今天我们的问题不是:
Why did we invade Afghanistan ? 为什么我们要侵略阿富汗?
invade:v.侵犯;侵略;侵袭;干扰; Afghanistan:n.阿富汗(国家名称,位于亚洲);
The question is: why are we still in Afghanistan one decade later? 真正的问题是: 十年之后,为什么我们仍然 呆在那儿?
Why are we spending 为什么我们花费
$135 billion? 1350亿美金?
Why have we got 130,000 troops on the ground? 为什么我们仍然有13万地面部队?
Why were more people killed last month than in any preceding month of this conflict ? 为什么在 上个月被杀的人 比这次冲突之前的 任何一个月都要多?
preceding:adj.在前的;前面的;v.在…之前发生;先于;走在…前面(precede的现在分词) conflict:n.冲突;矛盾;争执;抵触;v.抵触;
How has this happened? 这为什么会发生?
The last 20 years has been the age of intervention , and Afghanistan is simply one act in a five-act tragedy . 过去的20年 已经成为了介入干预的20年 并且阿富汗只是 五个灾难当中的其中一个。
intervention:n.介入;调停;妨碍; tragedy:n.悲惨的事;不幸;灾难;悲剧作品;
We came out of the end of the Cold War in despair . 我们绝望的 走出了冷战。
We faced Rwanda; we faced Bosnia , and then we rediscovered our confidence . 我们面对卢旺达内战; 我们面对波黑战争; 然后我们重新找到了我们的自信。
Bosnia:n.波斯尼亚;波士尼亚; rediscovered:v.重新发现,重新找到;(rediscover的过去分词和过去式) confidence:n.信心;信任;秘密;adj.(美)诈骗的;骗得信任的;
In the third act, we went into Bosnia and Kosovo and we seemed to succeed. 在第三个行动中,我们进入了波斯尼亚和科索沃 并且我们看起来似乎成功干预了。
In the fourth act, with our hubris , our overconfidence developing, we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, and in the fifth act, we plunged into a humiliating mess . 在第四个行动中,我们带着傲慢, 和我们过度的自负 入侵了伊拉克和阿富汗。 在第五个行动中, 我们深陷令人蒙羞的困境。
hubris:n.傲慢;狂妄自大; overconfidence:n.自负;过分相信; invaded:v.入侵;拥入;遍布(invade的过去分词);adj.被侵入的; plunged:投入;跳进;使陷入;使投入(plunge的过去式和过去分词); humiliating:adj.让人出丑的;丢脸的;v.羞辱;使丧失尊严;(humiliate的现在分词) mess:n.混乱;餐厅;杂乱;肮脏;v.使不整洁;弄脏;弄乱;随地便溺;
So the question is: What are we doing? 所以真正的问题是:我们到底在干什么?
Why are we still stuck in Afghanistan? 为什么我们仍然被困在阿富汗?
And the answer, of course, that we keep being given is as follows: we're told that we went into Afghanistan because of 9/11, and that we remain there because the Taliban poses an existential threat to global security. 当然,我们 被给予的答案是 以下几个。 我们说我们进入阿富汗 是因为9/11事件 并且我们仍然呆在那里 因为塔利班对国际安全 构成了生死存亡的威胁。
Taliban:塔利班; poses:姿势; existential:adj.存在主义的;有关存在的;存在判断的; global:adj.全球的;总体的;球形的;
In the words of President Obama, "If the Taliban take over again, they will invite back Al-Qaeda , who will try to kill as many of our people as they possibly can." 引用奥巴马总统的话说, “如果塔利班夺回主权的话, 他们会把基地组织请回来, 他们会杀掉 他们能杀掉的所有人。”
take over:接管;继承;接收;接任;接替; Al-Qaeda:n.基地组织;
The story that we're told is that there was a "light footprint " initially -- in other words, that we ended up in a situation where we didn't have enough troops, we didn't have enough resources , that Afghans were frustrated -- they felt there wasn't enough progress and economic development and security, and therefore the Taliban came back -- that we responded in 2005 and 2006 with troop deployments , but we still didn't put enough troops on the ground. 我们被告知的故事 在一开始就是一个缺少充分的理由-- 换句话说,我们处在一个 没有足够军队 没有足够资源 阿富汗人都很挫败的绝境之下。 他们觉得情况 与经济和社会安全都没有得到足够的发展 因此塔利班即将回来。 所以我们回应在2005与2006年 军队的部署问题, 但是我们仍然没有部署足够多的地面部队。
footprint:n.足迹;脚印; initially:adv.最初,首先;开头; resources:n.[计][环境]资源; v.向…提供资金(resource的第三人称单数); frustrated:adj.失意的,挫败的;泄气的;v.挫败;阻挠;(frustrate的过去式和过去分词) economic:adj.经济的,经济上的;经济学的; responded:v.回答,回应;作出反应;响应;反应灵敏;(respond的过去式和过去分词) deployments:部署;
And that it wasn't until 2009, when President Obama signed off on a surge , that we finally had, in the words of Secretary Clinton, "the strategy , the leadership and the resources." 并且一直持续到2009年, 当奥巴马签下了扩军合约, 我们终于拥有了, 用国务卿克林顿的话来说, “战略,领导力和资源,”
surge:n.汹涌;大浪,波涛;汹涌澎湃;巨涌;v.汹涌;起大浪,蜂拥而来; finally:adv.终于;最终;(用于列举)最后;彻底地; strategy:n.策略;行动计划;部署;战略;
So, as the president now reassures us, we are on track to achieve our goals. 所以,就像美国总统保证我们的一样, 我们已经在实现目标的正轨上。
reassures:vt.使…安心,使消除疑虑; track:n.小道;足迹;车辙;轨道;v.追踪;跟踪;
All of this is wrong. 上述所有的这些都是错误的。
Every one of those statements is wrong. 每一个声明都是错误的。
statements:n.说明; v.(英国)对儿童进行特殊教育评估认定; (statement的第三人称单数和复数)
Afghanistan does not pose an existential threat to global security. 阿富汗并没有 构成对 国际社会生死存亡的威胁。
It is extremely unlikely the Taliban would ever be able to take over the country -- extremely unlikely they'd be able to seize Kabul. 塔利班会夺回政权 是极度不可能的。 他们可以夺取喀布尔也是极度不可能的。
extremely:adv.非常,极其;极端地; unlikely:adj.不大可能发生的;非心目中的;非想象的;难以相信的; seize:v.抓住;夺取;理解;逮捕;
They simply don't have a conventional military option . 他们根本没有常规的军事解决途径。
conventional:adj.符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的; military:adj.军事的;军人的;适于战争的;n.军队;军人; option:n.选择;可选择的东西;
And even if they were able to do so, even if I'm wrong, it's extremely unlikely the Taliban would invite back Al-Qaeda. 并且即使他们可以这么做,如果我说错了, 塔利班会请基地组织回来 也是几乎不可能的。
From the Taliban's point of view , that was their number one mistake last time. 从塔利班的角度来看, 这是他们以前犯得第一大错误。
point of view:观点;见地;立场;
If they hadn't invited back Al-Qaeda, they would still be in power today. 如果他们没有请回基地组织, 他们今天还会仍然执政。
And even if I'm wrong about those two things, even if they were able to take back the country, even if they were to invite back Al-Qaeda, it's extremely unlikely that Al-Qaeda would significantly enhance its ability to harm the United States or harm Europe. 并且如果对于这两件事我仍然错了, 如果他们甚至夺回了政权, 并且请回了基地组织, 基地组织会显著提高 对美国 或者欧洲的伤害能力 这也是不可能的。
significantly:adv.意味深长地;值得注目地; enhance:v.提高;增强;增进; United:adj.联合的; v.联合,团结; (unite的过去分词和过去式)
Because this isn't the 1990s anymore. 因为现在已经不是90年代了。
If the Al-Qaeda base was to be established near Ghazni, we would hit them very hard, and it would be very, very difficult for the Taliban to protect them. 如果阿富汗 在Ghazni附近建立基地的话, 我们会狠狠地打击他们, 并且对于塔利班来说 去保护他们是很困难的。
Furthermore , it's simply not true that what went wrong in Afghanistan is the light footprint. 此外, 在阿富汗的失误 是缺少充分的理由,这根本就不是真的。
In my experience, in fact, the light footprint was extremely helpful. 根据我的经验,事实上, 这缺少充分的理由是非常有帮助的。
And these troops that we brought in -- it's a great picture of David Beckham there on the sub-machine gun -- made the situation worse, not better. 并且我们带去的这些更多的军队-- 这是一张贝克汉姆 和轻机枪的图片-- 让这个情况更糟,并不是更好。
sub-machine gun:n.冲锋枪;轻型自动枪;
When I walked across Afghanistan in the winter of 2001-2002, what I saw was scenes like this. 当我在2001-2002冬天 走访阿富汗时, 我看到的画面是这个。
A girl, if you're lucky, in the corner of a dark room -- lucky to be able to look at the Koran . 一个女孩,如果你幸运的话, 在一个黑暗房间的角落-- 幸运的可以看到古兰经。
But in those early days when we're told we didn't have enough troops and enough resources, we made a lot of progress in Afghanistan. 但是在当我们说 我们没有足够的军队与资源时, 我们在阿富汗却取得了很多进展。
early days:初期;为时尚早;前期;
Within a few months, there were two and a half million more girls in school. 在几个月之内, 有多于250万的女孩进入了学校。
In Sangin where I was sick in 2002, the nearest health clinic was within three days walk. 2002年当我在Sangin生病时, 最近的诊所 是在3天的步行路程内。
Today, there are 14 health clinics in that area alone. 而今天,仅仅在那个区域 就有14家诊所。
There was amazing improvements . 这是不可思议的发展。
We went from almost no Afghans having mobile telephones during the Taliban to a situation where, almost overnight , three million Afghans had mobile telephones. 在塔利班执政期间,从阿富汗几乎没有人 拥有手机 转眼间到现在, 3百万的阿富汗人拥有手机。
mobile:n.手机;汽车;移动电话;adj.活跃的;可动的; overnight:adj.夜间的; v.在夜间; n.(美)前一天的晚上;
And we had progress in the free media . 并且我们在媒体自由方面取得了进步。
We had progress in elections -- all of this with the so-called light footprint. 我们在选举上取得了进步-- 所有的这些都是与所谓的“缺少充分的理由”联系在一起的。
But when we began to bring more money, when we began to invest more resources, things got worse, not better. How? 但是当我们开始带来更多的钱, 当我们开始投资更多的资源, 事情反而变得更糟,而不是更好。这是怎么了?
Well first see, if you put 125 billion dollars a year into a country like Afghanistan where the entire revenue of the Afghan state is one billion dollars a year, you drown everything. 好,我们来看, 如果我们把每年1250亿美金 投入一个像阿富汗这样的国家 一个总收入 每年只有10亿美金的国家, 你就毁坏了所有的事情。
revenue:n.收益;营业额;税务署; drown:v.淹没;溺死;浸透;浸泡;
It's not simply corruption and waste that you create; you essentially replace the priorities of the Afghan government, the elected Afghan government, with the micromanaging tendencies of foreigners on short tours with their own priorities. 这不仅仅是你创造了 腐败与浪费; 你本质上取代了阿富汗政府的优先权, 当选的阿富汗政府 以及外国短途旅行团的 微观管理倾向 以及他们的优先权。
corruption:n.贪污,腐败;堕落; essentially:adv.本质上;本来; priorities:n.优先事项;优先权;重点;(priority的复数) micromanaging:微观管理;微观处理;管头管脚地监控(micromanage的现在分词); tendencies:趋势;
And the same is true for the troops. 并且这同样适用于军队。
When I walked across Afghanistan, 当我走访阿富汗时,
I stayed with people like this. 我与这些人呆在一起。
This is Commandant Haji Malem Mohsin Khan of Kamenj. 这是卡门吉的Haji Malem Mohsin Khan司令官。
Commandant:n.司令官,指挥官;军事学校的校长; Haji:n.赴麦加朝圣过的伊斯兰教徒; Khan:n.可汗(对最高统治者的尊称);商队客店;
Commandant Haji Malem Mohsin Khan of Kamenj was a great host. 他是一个很好的主人。
He was very generous , like many of the Afghans I stayed with. 他非常的慷慨大方 就如同很多与我一起呆过的阿富汗人一样。
But he was also considerably more conservative , considerably more anti-foreign, considerably more Islamist than we'd like to acknowledge. 但是他也是相当的保守, 相当的不喜欢外国人 相当的伊斯兰化 比我们所了解到的还要多。
considerably:adv.相当地;非常地; conservative:adj.保守的;n.保守派,守旧者; Islamist:n.伊斯兰教主义者;回教教徒;
This man, for example, Mullah Mustafa, tried to shoot me. 举例来说,这个男人,Mullah Mustafa 曾尝试杀了我。
And the reason I'm looking a little bit perplexed in this photograph is I was somewhat frightened , and I was too afraid on this occasion to ask him, having run for an hour through the desert and taken refuge in this house, why he had turned up and wanted to have his photograph taken with me. 并且在这张照片中我看起来比较困惑的原因是 我有一点害怕 而且我非常的恐惧在这样的场合下 去问他,在沙漠中行进了一小时 然后庇护在这个房子里, 为什么他转变了并且想与我照一张相。
perplexed:adj.困惑的;不知所措的; somewhat:n.几分;某物;adv.有点;多少;几分;稍微; frightened:adj.害怕的;受惊的;惊吓的;v.使惊吓;使惊恐;(frighten的过去分词和过去式) refuge:n.避难所;庇护;慰藉;庇护者;v.避难;(古)庇护;
But 18 months later, I asked him why he had tried to shoot me. 但在18个月后,我问他 为什么他尝试着要杀我。
And Mullah Mustafa -- he's the man with the pen and paper -- explained that the man sitting immediately to the left as you look at the photograph, 然后Mullah Mustafa--他是那个拿着纸和笔的男人-- 解释到如这幅图中大家看到的坐在他左边的那个男人,
Nadir Shah had bet him that he couldn't hit me. Nadir Shah 跟他打赌他不能打我。
Nadir:n.最低点,最底点;[天]天底; bet:n.打赌;赌注;预计;估计;v.下赌注(于);用…打赌;敢说;八成儿;
Now this is not to say 我这儿并不是想说
Afghanistan is a place full of people like Mullah Mustafa. 阿富汗是一个到处都有像Mullah Mustafa这种人的地方。
It's not; it's a wonderful place full of incredible energy and intelligence . 它不是;它是一个充满 不可思议的能量与智慧的地方。
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; intelligence:n.智力;智慧;才智;(尤指关于敌国的)情报;
But it is a place where the putting-in of the troops has increased the violence rather than decreased it. 但是这个 投入军队的地方 反而增加了暴力,而不是减少。
violence:n.暴力;侵犯;激烈;歪曲; decreased:v.减少,减小,降低;(decrease的过去分词和过去式)
2005, Anthony Fitzherbert, an agricultural engineer, could travel through Helmand, could stay in Nad Ali, Sangin and Ghoresh, which are now the names of villages where fighting is taking place. 2005年,Anthony Fitzherbert 一个农业工程师, 可以经过赫尔曼德省, 可以呆在Nad Ali, Sangin和Ghoresh, 这些都是战斗发生时村庄的名字。
Today, he could never do that. 今天,他再也不能这样做了。
So the idea that we deployed the troops to respond to the Taliban insurgency is mistaken . 所以展开军事行动 去回应塔利班叛乱的想法 是错误的。
deployed:v.部署(deploy的过去式);展开; insurgency:n.叛乱;暴动;叛乱状态; mistaken:adj.错误;不正确;被误解的;v.弄错;误解;误会;(mistake的过去分词)
Rather than preceding the insurgency, the Taliban followed the troop deployment, and as far as I'm concerned , the troop deployment caused their return. 而不是开始叛乱, 塔利班反而开始军队部署。 并且就我而言, 军队部署反而造成了他们的返回。
as far as:至于…; concerned:adj.有关的;关心的;v.关心;与…有关;(concern的过去时和过去分词)
Now is this a new idea? 所以这是不是一个新的主意?
No, there have been any number of people saying this over the last seven years. 不,在过去的7年当中 有无数人说过这样的话。
I ran a center at Harvard from 2008 to 2010, and there were people like Michael Semple there who speak Afghan languages fluently , who've traveled to almost every district in the country. 在2008到2010年 我在哈佛大学运营一个中心 并且它有像Michael Semple 可以流利的说阿富汗语, 几乎去过这国家里每一个角落的人。
Harvard:n.哈佛大学;哈佛大学学生; fluently:adv.流利地;通畅地;
Andrew Wilder, for example, born on the Pakistan-Iranian border, served his whole life in Pakistan and Afghanistan. 再举例,Andrew Wilder, 在巴基斯坦和伊朗的边界上出生, 有生之年 都呆在了巴基斯坦和阿富汗。
Paul Fishstein who began working there in 1978 -- worked for Save the Children, ran the Afghan research and evaluation unit. Paul Fishstein,他1978年开始 为救助儿童在那儿工作, 他负责阿富汗研究和评估单位。
These are people who were able to say consistently that the increase in development aid was making Afghanistan less secure, not more secure -- that the counter-insurgency strategy was not working and would not work. 这些人, 他们都会始终如一地说 那些增加的援助 只让阿富汗变得安全性较差,更加不安全-- 那个反叛乱策略 并没有奏效并且不会奏效。
consistently:adv.一贯地;一致地;坚实地; counter-insurgency:n.反叛乱;
And yet, nobody listened to them. 但是,没有人听他们的。
Instead, there was a litany of astonishing optimism . 取而代之的是, 却有无数惊人的乐观面。
litany:n.冗长而枯燥的陈述;连祷; astonishing:adj.令人十分惊讶的;v.使十分惊讶;使吃惊;(astonish的现在分词) optimism:n.乐观;乐观主义;
Beginning in 2004, every general came in saying, "I've inherited a dismal situation, but finally I have the right resources and the correct strategy, which will deliver," 从2004年开始, 每一个将军都说, “我继承了一个惨淡的现状, 但是最终我会有正确的资源与策略 交付给大家。”
inherited:v.继承(金钱、财产等);接替(责任等);继任;(inherit的过去式和过去分词) dismal:adj.凄凉的,忧郁的;阴沉的,沉闷的;n.低落的情绪;
in General Barno's word in 2004, the " decisive year." 2004年,巴诺将军说道 这是“决定性的一年”。
in General:总之,通常;一般而言; decisive:adj.决定性的;果断的,坚定的;
Well guess what? It didn't. 猜猜看?它并不是决定性的。
But it wasn't sufficient to prevent General Abuzaid saying that he had the strategy and the resources to deliver, in 2005, the "decisive year." 但是这并不能足以防止Abuzaid将军在2005年说 他拥有策略和资源 给大家一个交付。 这是“决定性的一年”。
Or General David Richards to come in 2006 and say he had the strategy and the resources to deliver the " crunch year." 或看看在2006年大卫·理查兹将军 说道他有策略和资源 去交付给大家“粉碎(塔利班)之年”。
crunch:n.咬碎,咬碎声; vt.压碎; vi.嘎吱作响地咀嚼;
Or in 2007, the Norwegian deputy foreign minister , Espen Eide, to say that that would deliver the "decisive year." 再看在2007年, 挪威外交部副部长,Espen Eide 说道这会是“决定性的一年”。
Norwegian:adj.挪威的;挪威人的;挪威语的;n.挪威人;挪威语; deputy:n.代理人,代表;adj.副的;代理的; minister:n.部长;大臣;牧师;vi.执行牧师职务;辅助或伺候某人;
Or in 2008, Major General Champoux to come in and say he would deliver the "decisive year." 2008年,少将Champoux 说道他会给大家一个“决定性的一年”。
Major General:n.陆军少将;(美)空军少将;
Or in 2009, my great friend, 2009年,我的好朋友,
General Stanley McChrystal, who said that he was " knee-deep in the decisive year." 斯坦利·麦克里斯特尔将军, 他说道他“身陷在这决定性的一年”。
Or in 2010, the U.K. foreign secretary , David Miliband, who said that at last we would deliver the "decisive year." 2010年, 英国的外交部长大卫·米利班德 他说道2010年会是“决定性的一年”。
foreign secretary:n.(英国)外交大臣;
And you'll be delighted to hear in 2011, today, that Guido Westerwelle, the German foreign minister, assures us that we are in the "decisive year." 并且你将会高兴地听到在2011年,现在, 德国外交部长基多·威斯特威勒 向我们保证这是“决定性的一年”。
delighted:adj.高兴的; v.使高兴; (delight的过去分词和过去式)
(Applause) (掌声)
How do we allow any of this to happen? 我们是 怎么允许这些事情发生的?
Well the answer, of course, is, if you spend 125 billion or 130 billion dollars a year in a country, you co-opt almost everybody. 当然,答案是 如果你花费每年1250亿或1300亿 美金在一个国家上, 你会串通几乎每个人,
Even the aid agencies , who begin to receive an enormous amount of money from the U.S. and the European governments to build schools and clinics, are somewhat disinclined to challenge the idea that Afghanistan is an existential threat to global security. 甚至救援部门-- 它们开始收到从美国和欧洲政府 过来的大量的资金 去建设学校和诊所-- 它们有点不愿意服从 去挑战这种 阿富汗是国际安全 生死存亡的威胁的看法。
agencies:n.代理;代理处(agency的复数); enormous:adj.庞大的,巨大的;凶暴的,极恶的; disinclined:adj.不想的,不愿的;v.使讨厌,不感兴趣;(disincline的过去式和过去分词)
They're worried, in other words, that if anybody believes that it wasn't such a threat -- 换句话说,它们很担心, 如果每个人都相信阿富汗不是一个威胁--
Oxfam, Save the Children wouldn't get the money to build their hospitals and schools. 牛津饥荒救济委员会,一个救助孩子的机构- 将不会拿到资金 去建造他们的医院和学校。
It's also very difficult to confront a general with medals on his chest. 而且去面对一个胸前挂有勋章的将军时, 这是非常困难的。
It's very difficult for a politician , because you're afraid that many lives have been lost in vain . 对于政客来说这是很困难的, 因为你害怕许多人丧失了生命是徒劳的。
politician:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩; vain:adj.徒劳的;自负的;无结果的;无用的;
You feel deep, deep guilt. 你有种深深,深深的罪恶感。
You exaggerate your fears, and you're terrified about the humiliation of defeat. 你夸大你的恐惧 并且你惧怕失败 给你带来的羞耻。
exaggerate:v.夸大;夸张;言过其实; humiliation:n.丢脸,耻辱;蒙羞;谦卑;
What is the solution to this? 那么什么是解决这些的方案呢?
Well the solution to this is we need to find a way that people like Michael Semple, or those other people, who are telling the truth, who know the country, who've spent 30 years on the ground -- and most importantly of all, the missing component of this -- 解决的方法是 我们需要找到一种方法 让像Michael Semple这样的人,和更多的 说实话,了解这个国家, 在这儿土地上呆了30多年的人 而且最重要的是 这是被遗漏的一部分--
and most importantly:最主要的是…; component:n.成分;部件;组成部分;adj.构成的;
Afghans themselves, who understand what is going on. 让阿富汗他们自己人, 他们最知道什么才是出路。
We need to somehow get their message to the policymakers . 我们需要以某种方法得到他们的想法 并告诉政策的制定者。
somehow:adv.以某种方法;莫名其妙地; policymakers:n.决策人;(policymaker的复数)
And this is very difficult to do because of our structures . 这是非常困难去做到的 因为我们的政府结构。
structures:n.结构; v.建造(structure的第三人称单数形式);
The first thing we need to change is the structures of our government. 我们需要改变的第一件事 就是我们政府的结构。
Very, very sadly, our foreign services, the United Nations , the military in these countries have very little idea of what's going on. 非常非常可悲的是, 我们的外交服务,联合国, 在国外的军队 他们都不知道发生了什么。
United Nations:n.联合国;
The average British soldier is on a tour of only six months; 一个普通的英国士兵的服役只有六个月;
Italian soldiers, on tours of four months; the American military, on tours of 12 months. 意大利士兵服役4个月; 美国士兵服役12个月。
Diplomats are locked in embassy compounds . 外交官被困在与大使馆的和解当中。
Diplomats:外交官; embassy:n.大使馆;大使馆全体人员; compounds:n.混合物,化合物;大院(compound的复数形式);
When they go out, they travel in these curious armored vehicles with these somewhat threatening security teams who ready 24 hours in advance who say you can only stay on the ground for an hour. 当他们出来时,他们坐在这些奇怪的装甲车当中 与在24小时前就准备好 告知你只能在周边待上一小时 的这些有点让人感到恐吓的安全部队随行在一起。
curious:adj.好奇的,有求知欲的;古怪的;爱挑剔的; armored:adj.装甲的; vehicles:n.车辆;飞行器;运行工具;(vehicles是vehicle的复数) in advance:adv.预先,提前;
In the British embassy in Afghanistan in 2008, an embassy of 350 people, there were only three people who could speak Dari, the main language of Afghanistan, at a decent level. 英国驻阿富汗大使馆 在2008年, 350人的大使馆 只有3个人可以像样的说达利语, 而达利语是阿富汗的主要语言。
And there was not a single Pashto speaker. 而且没有一个说普什图语的人。
In the Afghan section in London responsible for governing Afghan policy on the ground, 在伦敦的对阿富汗机构 它们是负责控制在阿富汗地面政策的,
I was told last year that there was not a single staff member of the foreign office in that section who had ever served on a posting in Afghanistan. 去年有人告诉我 那个对外机构 没有一个人 曾经在 阿富汗服役过。
foreign office:un.外交部;
So we need to change that institutional culture. 所以我们需要改变这种制度文化。
And I could make the same points about the United States and the United Nations. 同时我可以对美国 和联合国提出相同的观点。
Secondly, we need to aim off of the optimism of the generals. 其次,我们需要将目标瞄准在那些将军身上的乐观面。
We need to make sure that we're a little bit suspicious , that we understand that optimism is in the DNA of the military, that we don't respond to it with quite as much alacrity . 我们需要确定我们要有多疑的态度, 我们理解乐观 是随军队的DNA而来的, 但我们不 那样乐观地回应他们。
suspicious:adj.可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的; alacrity:n.敏捷;轻快;乐意;
And thirdly, we need to have some humility . 第三,我们需要有谦卑之心。
We need to begin from the position that our knowledge, our power, our legitimacy is limited . 我们需要从 我们的知识,权利, 我们的合法性 是有限制的位置开始思考。
legitimacy:n.合法;合理;正统; limited:adj.有限的; n.高级快车; v.限制; (limit的过去分词和过去式)
This doesn't mean that intervention around the world is a disaster . 这并不表示 世界各地的干预是一场灾难。
It isn't. 它并不是。
Bosnia and Kosovo were signal successes, great successes. 波斯尼亚和科索沃 它们是显著的成功, 极大的成功。
Today when you go to Bosnia it is almost impossible to believe that what we saw in the early 1990s happened. 今天,当你去波斯尼亚 你将几乎不可能相信 你在1990年代所看到的一切。
It's almost impossible to believe the progress we've made since 1994. 你几乎不可能相信我们从 1994年所取得了的进展。
Refugee return, which the United Nations High Commission for Refugees thought would be extremely unlikely, has largely happened. 难民返回, 联合国难民高级委员会 认为这是不可能 但这已经在很大程度上发生了。
High Commission:n.(英联邦国家相互派驻的)高级专员公署; Refugees:n.避难者;逃亡者;难民;(refugee的复数) largely:adv.主要地;大部分;大量地;
A million properties have been returned. 一百万财产被退还。
Borders between the Bosniak territory and the Bosnian-Serb territory have calmed down. 在波斯尼亚人领地和 波斯尼亚-塞尔维亚人领地的边界平静了下来。
The national army has shrunk . 国家军队已经缩小。
The crime rates in Bosnia today are lower than they are in Sweden. 现波斯尼亚的犯罪率 已经比瑞典的还要低。
This has been done by an incredible, principled effort by the international community , and, of course, above all, by Bosnians themselves. 这些成就都是 通过令人难以置信的、原则性的努力 通过国际社会的帮助, 当然,最重要的是 通过波斯尼亚人自己创造的。
principled:adj.有原则的;有操守的; community:n.社区;[生态]群落;共同体;团体;
But you need to look at context . 但是你需要看看周围的环境。
And this is what we've lost in Afghanistan and Iraq. 这些都是我们在阿富汗和伊拉克已经失去的。
You need to understand that in those places what really mattered was, firstly , the role of Tudman and Milosevic in coming to the agreement, and then the fact those men went, that the regional situation improved , that the European Union could offer Bosnia something extraordinary : the chance to be part of a new thing, a new club, a chance to join something bigger. 我们需要去理解在这些地方 什么是真正重要的 首先Tudman和米洛舍维奇 达成了协议, 然后事实上,那些军队撤了, 地区形势改善, 欧盟可以给波斯尼亚提供 一些不同寻常的东西: 一个机会去成为 一个新事物,新团体的一部分, 一个机会去加入一些更大的事情。
firstly:adv.首先(主要用于列举条目,论点时);第一; regional:adj.地区的;局部的;整个地区的; improved:adj.改良的:v.改进:改善(improve的过去分词和过去式) European Union:n.欧洲联盟; extraordinary:adj.非凡的;特别的;离奇的;临时的;特派的;
And finally, we need to understand that in Bosnia and Kosovo, a lot of the secret of what we did, a lot of the secret of our success, was our humility -- was the tentative nature of our engagement . 最终,我们需要明白在波斯尼亚和科索沃, 我们所做的秘密 我们成功的秘密, 是我们的谦卑之心-- 是我们与生俱来的承诺。
tentative:adj.试验性的,暂定的;踌躇的;n.假设,试验; engagement:n.婚约;约会;交战;诺言;n.参与度;
We criticized people a lot in Bosnia for being quite slow to take on war criminals. 我们因为相当缓慢地处理战犯的事 而批评在波斯尼亚的人们。
We criticized them for being quite slow to return refugees. 我们因为太缓慢地返回难民的事 也批评他们。
But that slowness , that caution, the fact that President Clinton initially said that American troops would only be deployed for a year, turned out to be a strength, and it helped us to put our priorities right. 但是这种缓慢,这种谨慎, 事实上如同克林顿总统一开始说过 美国军队只会在那里部署一年, 这都转化为一种力量, 它帮助我们纠正我们的优先权利。
One of the saddest things about our involvement in Afghanistan is that we've got our priorities out of sync . 关于我们参与阿富汗事件 最让人难过的事情之一 就是我们把我们的优先权脱离了正规。
saddest:adj.悲伤的(sad的最高级); involvement:n.牵连;包含;混乱;财政困难; sync:n.同步,同时;vi.同时发生;vt.使同步;
We're not matching our resources to our priorities. 我们不匹配我们的资源和我们的优先权。
Because if what we're interested in is terrorism , 因为如果我们感兴趣的是恐怖主义,
Pakistan is far more important than Afghanistan. 巴基斯坦比阿富汗要重要的多。
If what we're interested in is regional stability , 如果我们感兴趣的是地区稳定,
Egypt is far more important. 埃及要重要的多。
If what we're worried about is poverty and development, sub-Saharan Africa is far more important. 如果我们都很担心是贫困和发展, 撒哈拉以南的非洲要重要的多。
poverty:n.贫困;困难;缺少;低劣; sub-Saharan:撒哈拉以南地区;
This doesn't mean that Afghanistan doesn't matter, but that it's one of 40 countries in the world with which we need to engage. 这并不是说阿富汗不重要, 但它只是世界上40个 需要我们帮助的国家之一、
So if I can finish with a metaphor for intervention, what we need to think of is something like mountain rescue . 所以如果我们可以以一个关于干预的隐喻作为结尾, 我们需要思考地是 有点像山峰紧急救援。
metaphor:n.暗喻,隐喻;比喻说法; rescue:n.救援;抢救;营救;获救;v.抢救;营救;援救;
Why mountain rescue? 为什么是山峰紧急救援呢?
Because when people talk about intervention, they imagine that some scientific theory -- the Rand Corporation goes around counting 43 previous insurgencies producing mathematical formula saying you need one trained counter-insurgent for every 20 members of the population. 因为当人们谈干预时, 他们认为一些科学的理论依据-- 围绕着兰德集团 计算43个已有的叛乱 造出数学公式 说你需要对每20个人口的成员 配有一个训练有素的反叛乱的战士。
scientific:adj.科学的,系统的; Rand:n.兰特(南非的货币单位);边缘;垫皮,衬底(鞋后根与鞋底中间的); Corporation:n.法人;(大)公司;法人团体;市政委员会; previous:adj.以前的;早先的;过早的;adv.在先;在…以前; insurgencies:n.起义;叛乱;造反;(insurgency的复数) mathematical:adj.数学的,数学上的;精确的; formula:n.公式; adj.(赛车)方程式的(指赛车要符合规定的体积,重量及汽缸容量等);
This is the wrong way of looking at it. 这是一个错误的方法去看干预。
You need to look at it in the way that you look at mountain rescue. 你需要用你看山地紧急救援的眼光去看它。
in the way:妨碍;挡道;
When you're doing mountain rescue, you don't take a doctorate in mountain rescue, you look for somebody who knows the terrain . 当你在山地紧急救援时, 你不会带一个博士生同行, 而是寻找一个知道地形的人。
doctorate:n.博士学位;博士头衔; terrain:n.[地理]地形,地势;领域;地带;
It's about context. 这是关于环境的。
You understand that you can prepare, but the amount of preparation you can do is limited -- you can take some water, you can have a map, you can have a pack. 你知道你是可以做提前准备的, 但你所能做的准备 却是有限的。 你可以带上水,一个地图, 你可以有一个背包。
But what really matters is two kinds of problems -- problems that occur on the mountain which you couldn't anticipate , such as, for example, ice on a slope , but which you can get around , and problems which you couldn't anticipate and which you can't get around , like a sudden blizzard or an avalanche or a change in the weather . 但是真正重要的是 两种问题-- 一种在上山时 你不能预料到的问题, 例如,坡上的冰, 但你可以绕过去, 还有一种问题是你没能预料到 并且你不可以绕过去的问题, 就像突然暴雪或雪崩 或天气突变。
occur:v.发生;出现;存在于;出现在; anticipate:v.预期,期望;占先,抢先;提前使用; slope:n.斜坡;坡度;坡地;山坡;v.倾斜;有坡度;悄悄地走;潜行; get around:到处走走;逃避;说服;传开来(等于getround);有办法应付;有办法应付局面;
And the key to this is a guide who has been on that mountain, in every temperature, at every period -- a guide who, above all, knows when to turn back , who doesn't press on relentlessly when conditions turn against them. 这种问题的解决方法是 一个在任何温度 任何时间 都来过这个山的向导-- 一个首先 知道当条件不利时 何时该回头, 不屈不饶的向导。
turn back:往回走;阻挡;翻回到; relentlessly:adv.残酷地,无情地; turn against:反对;背叛;(使)变成和…敌对;
What we look for in firemen , in climbers , in policemen, and what we should look for in intervention, is intelligent risk takers -- not people who plunge blind off a cliff , not people who jump into a burning room, but who weigh their risks, weigh their responsibilities. 我们在 救火员,登山者,警察当中寻找, 关于介入干预,我们需要寻找的 是聪明的甘于冒险的人-- 不是盲目地深陷于悬崖的人, 不是一头跳进熊熊大火房间里的人, 而是权衡风险, 权衡责任的人。
firemen:n.消防员(fireman的复数); climbers:n.登山者(climber的复数);[植]攀缘植物;脚扣; intelligent:adj.有才智的;悟性强的;聪明的;有智力的 takers:n.接受者;购买者(taker的复数); cliff:n.悬崖;绝壁;
Because the worst thing we have done in Afghanistan is this idea that failure is not an option. 因为我们在阿富汗做过的最糟的事情 就是这个想法: 失败不是一个选项。
It makes failure invisible , inconceivable and inevitable . 这让失败成为了隐形的, 不可思议的且不可避免的。
invisible:adj.看不见的;n.看不见的人或物; inconceivable:adj.不可思议的;难以置信的;不能想象的;非凡的; inevitable:adj.必然的,不可避免的;
And if we can resist this crazy slogan , we shall discover -- in Egypt, in Syria , in Libya , and anywhere else we go in the world -- that if we can often do much less than we pretend, we can do much more than we fear. 并且如果我们可以 抵抗这些疯狂的标语, 我们就会发现-- 在埃及,在叙利亚,在利比亚, 和世界上任何一个地方-- 如果我们可以经常做的比我们假装的要少, 我们就可以做的比我们所恐惧的要多。
resist:v.抵制;阻挡;反抗;回击;抵抗;忍住;n.防染剂;防蚀用涂料;防腐剂; slogan:n.口号;标语; Syria:n.叙利亚共和国; Libya:n.埃及以西的北非地方古名;利比亚;
Thank you very much. 谢谢。
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. Thank you very much. 谢谢。非常感谢。
Thank you. Thank you very much. 谢谢。非常感谢。
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢。谢谢 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Thank you. 谢谢
Thank you. Thank you. 谢谢。谢谢
Thank you. 谢谢
(Applause) (掌声)
Bruno Giussani: Rory, you mentioned Libya at the end. 布鲁诺·朱萨尼:罗里,你在演讲的最后提到了利比亚。
Just briefly , what's your take on the current events there and the intervention? 请大致地讲一下,你对当前在那里发生的事件 和干预的看法?
Rory Stewart: Okay, I think Libya poses the classic problem. 罗里·斯图尔特:好的,我认为利比亚显示了一个很传统的问题。
The problem in Libya is that we are always pushing for the black or white. 在利比亚的问题 是我们总是争取不是黑就是白。
We imagine there are only two choices: either full engagement and troop deployment or total isolation. 我们想象一下只有两种选择: 要不全部投入和部署军队 要不就完全孤立起来。
And we are always being tempted up to our neck. 但是无论我们如何选择。
tempted:adj.想做…的; v.引诱; (tempt的过去分词和过去式)
We put our toes in and we go up to our neck. 我们都无法得到最好的结果。
What we should have done in Libya is we should have stuck to the U.N. resolution . 我们在利比亚应当做的是 我们应该坚持联合国的决议。
We should have limited ourselves very, very strictly to the protection of the civilian population in Benghazi. 我们应该非常、非常的严格限制我们自己 去保护在班加西的平民。
We could have done that. 我们应该这样做。
We set up a no-fly zone within 48 hours because Gaddafi had no planes within 48 hours. 我们在48小时之内建立了禁飞区 因为卡扎菲Gaddafi在48小时之内 没有飞机。
no-fly zone:n.禁飞区(禁止别国飞机飞行的地区);
Instead of which, we've allowed ourselves to be tempted towards regime change. 相反的,我们允许我们自己受到 对政权变更的诱惑。
In doing so, we've destroyed our credibility with the Security Council , which means it's very difficult to get a resolution on Syria, and we're setting ourselves up again for failure. 在这样做时,我们已经摧毁了我们与联合国安理会的信誉 这也说明这是非常困难 去找到一个叙利亚的解决方案, 并且我们让自己又一次失败了。
credibility:n.可信性;确实性; Security Council:安理会;
Once more, humility, limits, honesty, realistic expectations and we could have achieved something to be proud of. 再一次,谦卑, 极限,诚实, 切实的期望 以及我们可以做到值得骄傲的事。
realistic:adj.现实的;现实主义的;逼真的;实在论的; expectations:n.预料;预期;期待;希望;指望;(expectation的复数)
BG: Rory, thank you very much. BG:罗里,非常感谢。
RS: Thank you. (BG: Thank you.) RS:谢谢!(BG:谢谢)