

Back in five, we are streaming live from Bubble HQ. 五分钟后 我们在泡泡总部现场直播
It's launch day at Bubble. 今天泡泡公司将会举办发表会
launch:v.发射(导弹,火箭等); n.发射;
What incredible tech are they about to unveil ? 他们会推出什么样的高科技呢?
incredible:adj.难以置信的,惊人的; unveil:n.揭幕;计划公布;v.为…揭幕;(首次)展示,介绍;
We're going in. 真是让人期待 -我们去看看
Have you ever felt completely alone? 你曾经觉得孤单寂寞吗?
Standing on the edge of things, so awkward , not daring to approach anyone? 感觉站在世界的边缘 超尴尬 也没有勇气接近任何人?
on the edge of:adv.几乎;濒于;在…边缘; awkward:adj.尴尬的;笨拙的;棘手的;不合适的; approach:n.方法;路径;v.接近;建议;着手处理;
What if you could have one perfect friend who thinks you're awesome , who can help you find friends and make it all easy? 如果你能够拥有一个完美朋友 它总是给你肯定 还会幫你交朋友 让你事半功倍?
What if:如果…怎么办? awesome:adj.令人敬畏的;使人畏惧的;可怕的;极好的;
All staff to the launchitorium. 请全体人员进入发表会场
Marc , they're ready. 马克 准备好了
Marc? 马克
So, this is it. 好 就要开始了
This is finally it! 真的就要开始了
The day that we at Bubble give the whole world a new best friend! 今天泡泡公司 要送给全世界一个崭新的好朋友
Marc! Marc! Marc! 马克…
Aw! We did this together, guys! 这是团队的成就 各位
This is what it's all been for. 是泡泡达成的梦想
Right back to the time in the garage where Bubble started. 而车庫是所有梦想开始的地方
My garage, folks. My garage. 是我的 各位 我的车庫
Of course, yes, Andrew. 当然了 对 安德鲁
Thanks. Uh... 谢谢
But today, we take a huge leap from Bubble's phones and tablets and watches to a whole new world of connection. 但今天 我们往前迈了一大步 从泡泡手机、平板和手表 进步到跟新世界产生连结
leap:n.跳越;跳跃;跳高;骤变;v.跳;跳跃;跳越;猛冲; tablets:n.药片;片剂;(固定于墙上作纪念的)牌,碑,匾;(tablet的第三人称单数和复数)
And at its heart, my code. 它的核心 我的程式码
My algorithm for friendship. 我的友谊演算法
The code that drives your new best friend, the Bubble Bot. 它能启动你的新朋友 B宝
Welcome to the future of friendship. 欢迎体验 (我爱程式码) 未来的友谊模式
You wanna meet it? 你们想见它吗?
Okay! 来吧
Me! Me! Me, me! Over here! 选我… -快看 快看
Pick me! Please! 选我 拜托 -选我 选我
Do we have an "EllieB9"? 幸运儿是艾莉B9
Oh, my gosh! 不公平
That's me, that's me! 天啊 是我 是我 -宝贝快 快上去
So, that's your posts, and friends, and photos, right? 这些是妳的贴文 好友和照片 对吗?
Yeah. - Okay. 对 -很好
Ellie, this is for you. 艾莉 这个要送给妳
The world's very first Bubble Bot. 世上首创第一台B宝
Go ahead. 试试吧
What's happening? 怎么回事啊?
It's getting to know you! 它正在认识妳
Everything about you. 想对妳瞭若指掌
Hi, Ellie. 嗨 艾莉
Danger-Bunny! That's my favorite show! 《危险兔兔》 我最爱的节目
Mine, too! 我也是