

On March 14, this year, 今年3月14日
I posted this poster on Facebook. 我在Facebook上发了这张海报
This is an image of me and my daughter holding the Israeli flag. 一张我和女儿的相片(海报上写着:伊朗的朋友们, 我们爱你们) 她手里拿着一面以色列国旗
I will try to explain to you about the context of why and when I posted. 让我来解释一下是什么事情促使我做这张海报 和我在什么样时候贴出这张海报的
A few days ago, I was sitting waiting on the line at the grocery store, and the owner and one of the clients were talking to each other, and the owner was explaining to the client that we're going to get 10,000 missiles on Israel. 几天前我在一家杂货店 坐着排队 当时杂货店的老板和一名顾客 正在闲聊 老板对顾客说 以色列迟早将会遭受一万枚导弹的轰炸
on the line:处于危险中;模棱两可;在电话线上; grocery:n.食品杂货店;食品杂货; clients:n.委托人;当事人;客户机;(client的复数) missiles:n.导弹;发射物;投掷物;(missile的复数)
And the client was saying, no, it's 10,000 a day. 顾客说:不,是每天一万枚
(Laughter) (笑声)
("10,000 missiles") This is the context. This is where we are now in Israel. ( 一万枚导弹 )这就是这张海报的来由 这就是以色列的现状
We have this war with Iran coming for 10 years now, and we have people, you know, afraid. 十年来 我们和伊朗之间的战争阴云一直驱之不散 这让人们的心中充满了...恐惧
It's like every year it's the last minute that we can do something about the war with Iran. 这些年我们总觉得如果我们不为和平作一些努力 战争将会一触即发
It's like, if we don't act now, it's too late forever, for 10 years now. 我们总觉得如果我们现在不采取行动 我们将追悔莫及 这种状况已经持续了整整10年了
So at some point it became, you know, to me, 他们的对话触动了我
I'm a graphic designer, so I made posters about it and I posted the one I just showed you before. 我是一个平面设计师 所以我设计了一些呼吁和平的海报 刚才你们看到的就是其中之一
graphic:adj.形象的;图表的;绘画似的; posters:n.海报;巨幅装饰画;发布消息的人;(poster的复数)
Most of the time, I make posters, I post them on Facebook, my friends like it, don't like it, most of the time don't like it, don't share it, don't nothing, and it's another day. 通常 我做好这些海报后就贴在 Facebook上就完事了 我的朋友的有的喜欢我的海报 有的不喜欢 我大部分的作品都没人喜欢 也没人分享 没人关心 直到有一天
So I went to sleep, and that was it for me. 我上完贴后就睡了 想着这些海报只是做给自己看
And later on in the night, I woke up because I'm always waking up in the night, and I went by the computer and I see all these red dots, you know, on Facebook, which I've never seen before. 可到半夜 我醒了过来 我常在半夜醒来 经过电脑时 我看到屏幕上有密密麻麻的红点 要知道 这在我的Facebook 上是从来没有过的情况
(Laughter) (笑声)
And I was like, "What's going on?" 我当时的反应是:“什么情况?”
So I come to the computer and I start looking on, and suddenly I see many people talking to me, most of them I don't know, and a few of them from Iran, which is -- What? 我坐到电脑前看发生了什么 我看到很多留言 他们当中绝大多数人我都不认识 里面竟然有伊朗人 真的太令人难以置信了
Because you have to understand, in Israel we don't talk with people from Iran. 因为你要知道 在以色列 我们从不和伊朗人交谈
We don't know people from Iran. 我们也不认识任何伊朗人
It's like, on Facebook, you have friends only from -- it's like your neighbors are your friends on Facebook. 以色列人在 Facebook 上的好友圈子 基本上也就是以色列人
And now people from Iran are talking to me. 但是现在我竟然在和伊朗人对话
So I start answering this girl, and she's telling me she saw the poster and she asked her family to come, because they don't have a computer, she asked her family to come to see the poster, and they're all sitting in the living room crying. 于是 我和这名伊朗女孩交谈起来 她告诉我 她看到海报之后叫全家人一起看了 因为她们家只有一台电脑 看完后一家人坐在客厅里哭了
living room:n.客厅;起居室;
So I'm like, whoa. 我当时觉得,“哇,太惊讶了。”
I ask my wife to come, and I tell her, you have to see that. 我叫醒妻子 跟她说 你一定要看看这个
People are crying, and she came, she read the text, and she started to cry. 有一家伊朗人被我的海报弄哭了 我妻子看完留言后也哭了
And everybody's crying now. (Laughter) 大家全哭了 (笑声)
So I don't know what to do, so my first reflex , as a graphic designer, is, you know, to show everybody what I'd just seen, and people started to see them and to share them, and that's how it started. 我有点手足无措 而我作为一名平面设计师, 我的直接反应就是----让别人也看到我刚才所看到的一切 后来, 关注我的海报的人越来越多 并且开始分享转发我的海报 故事就这样开始了
The day after, when really it became a lot of talking, 第二天,围绕着该话题的讨论越来越多
I said to myself, and my wife said to me, 我妻子对我说
I also want a poster, so this is her. (Laughter) 也给我做张海报”-----我们的想法不谋而合 瞧 这就是她 (笑声)
Because it's working, put me in a poster now. 我的海报引起了人们的关注
But more seriously, I was like, okay, these ones work, but it's not just about me, it's about people from Israel who want to say something. 但是细想一下 海报之所以引起关注 不是因为我自己,而是以色列公民 想要表达自己的想法
So I'm going to shoot all the people I know, if they want, and I'm going to put them in a poster and I'm going to share them. 于是我开始寻找身边愿意上海报的人 给他们拍照 做成海报 放到网络上分享这些海报
So I went to my neighbors and friends and students and I just asked them, give me a picture, I will make you a poster. 所以,我对我的邻居、朋友、学生说 “给我一张照片 我为你制一张海报
And that's how it started. And that's how, really, it's unleashed , because suddenly people from Facebook, friends and others, just understand that they can be part of it. 就这样,我们开始做这些海报 可没想到,事情竟一发不可收拾 我Facebook 上的朋友、身边的朋友还有其他人 在意识到他们也可以为此做些事后全参与进来了
It's not just one dude making one poster, it's -- we can be part of it, so they start sending me pictures and ask me, "Make me a poster. Post it. 这并不是做一张海报的事情 而是人人都可以参与其中 所以他们开始给我发照片 并要求我,“帮我做张海报,贴出来。”
Tell the Iranians we from Israel love you too." “告诉伊朗人我们以色列人爱他们。”
It became, you know, at some point it was really, really intense . 一下子做海报的工作量大得惊人
I mean, so many pictures, so I asked friends to come, graphic designers most of them, to make posters with me, because I didn't have the time. 我收到的照片太多了 所以我请了很多也是做平面设计的朋友 和我一起做海报 因为我实在应付不过来
It was a huge amount of pictures. 照片的数量非常巨大
So for a few days, that's how my living room was. 所以 那些天我的客厅就是这个样子的
And we received Israeli posters, Israeli images , but also lots of comments, lots of messages from Iran. 我们不仅收到以色列人的海报和照片 我们也收到很多伊朗人的评论和留言
And we took these messages and we made posters out of it, because I know people: They don't read, they see images. 然后 我们将这些留言做成海报贴出来 因为我深知: 人们都喜欢看图片,厌恶阅读文本
If it's an image, they may read it. 如果把留言做成图片,他们可能会去看。
So here are a few of them. 下面 我们来看一下我们做的一些海报
("You are my first Israelian friend. I wish we both get rid of our idiot politicians , anyway nice to see you!") (很高兴认识你!你是我第一个以色列人朋友。我希望我们不要被我们两国愚蠢的政客们操控着去做傻事了
idiot:n.笨蛋,傻瓜;白痴; politicians:n.政治家;(蔑)政客;(美)政治贩;(politician的复数)
("I love that blue. I love that star. I love that flag.") This one is really moving for me because it's the story of a girl who has been raised in Iran (“我喜欢你们以色列国旗上的蓝色,喜欢那个六角星,喜欢这面旗帜。”)这条评论真的让我很触动,因为这条评论来自于 这是一个在伊朗长大的
to walk on an Israeli flag to enter her school every morning, and now that she sees the posters that we're sending, she starts -- she said that she changed her mind, and now she loves that blue, she loves that star, 每天上学都踩踏着以色列国旗进入校园的小姑娘的留言 而现在她看了我们张贴的海报后 她说这改变了她的看法 她现在喜欢它(以色列国旗)的蓝色和它的六角星
and she loves that flag, talking about the Israeli flag, and she wished that we'd meet and come to visit one another, and just a few days after I posted the first poster. 她喜欢这面象征着以色列的旗帜, 她还希望我们能够有机会见面和互访 这些留言是在我贴出第一张海报几天之后留的
The day after, 这张海报贴出后的第二天
Iranians started to respond with their own posters. 伊朗人开始贴出他们自己的海报回应我们
They have graphic designers. What? (Laughter) 他们也有平面设计师。不是吧?(笑声)
Crazy, crazy. 这真是太不可思议了
So you can see they are still shy, they don't want to show their faces, but they want to spread the message. 你能看到他们还比较谨慎,他们没有把脸露出来, 但是他们想要表达他们的想法
They want to respond. They want to say the same thing. 他们想回应我们,他们的想法跟我们的是一样的。
So. And now it's communication. 现在,对话渠道已经建立起来了。
It's a two-way story. It's Israelis and Iranians sending the same message, one to each other. 这是双边对话,以色列人和伊朗人 相互给对方传达了同样内容的信息。
two-way:adj.双向的;相互的;两路的; Israelis:以色列人,以色列国民(Israeli的名词复数);
("My Israeli Friends. I don't hate you. I don't want War.") (“我的以色列朋友们。我不恨你们。我不希望和你们打战。”)
This never happened before, and this is two people supposed to be enemies, we're on the verge of a war, and suddenly people on Facebook are starting to say, "I like this guy. I love those guys." 这种对话在以前是从来没有过的事。我们一直处在战争边缘, 彼此都视对方为敌人 但是突然间他们开始在 Facebook 上相互说 “我喜欢这个人,我喜欢那些人。”
supposed:adj.误信的;所谓的;v.认为;假设;设想;(suppose的过去分词和过去式) on the verge of:濒临于;接近于;
And it became really big at some point. 某种意义上这是一个很大的改变。
And then it became news. 后来,我们在网上的这些事引起了媒体的关注,成了新闻
Because when you're seeing the Middle East , you see only the bad news. 因为如果你关注中东,你会发现新闻中充斥着各种负消息
Middle East:n.中东(包括亚洲西南部和非洲东北部);
And suddenly, there is something that was happening that was good news. So the guys on the news, they say, "Okay, let's talk about this." 然后突然间,爆出了一条这样正面的消息 所以记者们开始关注 他们说,“嘿! 我们要报导这件事。”
And they just came, and it was so much, 然后记者们就来采访了,很多很多记者
I remember one day, Michal, she was talking with the journalist , and she was asking him, "Who's gonna see the show?"And he said, "Everybody." 我记得有一天,米哈尔, 记者在采访她。她问记者, “谁会看这条新闻?” “所有人。”记者回答。
So she said, "Everybody in Palestine, in where? Israel? 她又问,“所有巴勒斯坦人?所有以色列人?”
Who is everybody?""Everybody." “所有人是哪些人?” “就是所有人。”他们回答。
They said, " Syria ?""Syria." “包括叙利亚?” “有叙利亚。”
'" Lebanon ?""Lebanon." “包括黎巴嫩?” “有黎巴嫩。”
At some point, he just said, "40 million people are going to see you today. 过了一会儿,他说,“今天估计有4000万人看你的新闻。”
It's everybody." The Chinese. “所有人。” 包括中国人。
And we were just at the beginning of the story. 而我们的故事才刚刚开始。
at the beginning of:在…的开始;
Something crazy also happened. 更疯狂的事情还在后头。
Every time a country started talking about it, like Germany, America, wherever, a page on Facebook popped up with the same logo with the same stories, so at the beginning we had "Iran-Loves-Israel," which is an Iranian sitting in Tehran , saying, "Okay, Israel loves Iran? 当任何一个国家的人开始谈论这个话题时, 无论是德国人,美国人,还是别的国家的人, 他们的Facebook上都会弹出一个有着统一图标 有着相同表达的页面 来看看这张 伊朗爱以色列 海报。一个在德黑兰的伊朗人看到我们的 以色列爱伊朗 后 他说 以色列爱伊朗吗?
logo:n.标志; Tehran:n.德黑兰;
I give you Iran-Loves-Israel." 那好,我来做一张“伊朗爱以色列”。
You have Palestine-Loves-Israel. 后来,还出现了“巴勒斯坦爱以色列”。
You have Lebanon that just -- a few days ago. 几天之前,又出现了黎巴嫩的版本。
And this whole list of pages on Facebook dedicated to the same message, to people sending their love, one to each other. 这是 Facebook 上有关这类信息的 网页的列表。 当我看到人们相互表达着他们的爱,
dedicated:adj.献身的; v.把…奉献给; (dedicate的过去分词和过去式)
The moment I really understood that something was happening, a friend of mine told me, " Google the word 'Israel.'" 那一刻我真正感觉到有些事情正在改变。 我的一个朋友跟我说, “Google一下‘以色列’这个单词”
And those were the first images on those days that popped up from Google when you were typing, "Israel" or "Iran." 这些图片就是那一段时间 你在谷歌中搜索“伊朗”或者“以色列” 排在最靠前的搜索结果。
We really changed how people see the Middle East. 我们真的改变了人们对中东的看法。
Because you're not in the Middle East. 由于你们并不住在中东地区
You're somewhere over there, and then you want to see the Middle East, so you go on Google and you say, "Israel," 而住在其它地区,当你想要了解中东的时候, 你就会登录Google网站,搜索“以色列”,
and they give you the bad stuff . 然后搜到的都是坏消息。
And for a few days you got those images. 但是有那么一段时间你看到的是这些正面的图片。
Today the Israel-Loves-Iran page is this number, 80,831, and two million people last week went on the page and shared, liked, I don't know, commented on one of the photos. 今天浏览“以色列爱伊朗”活动的页面 的人数达到80831人.。而上周超过两百万人 访问了该网页,浏览图片, 发表评论并分享了它们。
So for five months now, that's what we are doing, me, Michal, a few of my friends, are just making images. 这就是我们过去五个月做的工作, 我、米哈尔、我的几个朋友,每天就只做这些海报。
We're showing a new reality by just making images because that's how the world perceives us. 我们通过制作照片海报 向全世界展示我们的一些转变 照片是世界认识我们的主要方式。
They see images of us, and they see bad images. 他们看到的照片,基本上都是负面新闻的照片。
So we're working on making good images. End of story. 所以我们制作正面的照片。在故事的结尾,
Look at this one. This is the Iran-Loves-Israel page. 我们一起来看这幅照片,这是“伊朗爱以色列”版本的,
This is not the Israel-Loves-Iran. This is not my page. 不是“以色列爱伊朗”版本的。这不是我做的。
This is a guy in Tehran on the day of remembrance of the Israeli fallen soldier putting an image of an Israeli soldier on his page. 这是住在德黑兰的一个伊朗人在以色列 阵亡士兵纪念日那天 将一幅以色列士兵的照片贴在自己的页面上。
remembrance:n.回想,回忆;纪念品;记忆力; soldier on:继续服役;坚持着干;迎着困难干;
This is the enemy. 那可是敌兵的相片啊!
What? 怎么会这样?
("Our heartfelt condolences to the families who lost their dearests in terror attack in Bulgaria") (“我们向在保加利亚恐怖袭击中失去至亲的家庭表示诚挚的慰问”)
heartfelt:adj.衷心的;真诚的;真心真意的; condolences:n.吊唁;慰唁;(condolence的复数)
And it's going both ways. 这并不是单向的。
It's like, we are showing respect, one to each other. 我们互相表达对对方的尊重,
And we're understanding. And you show compassion . 我们能理解,你们有热诚
And you become friends. 那我们就能成朋友。
And at some point, you become friends on Facebook, and you become friends in life. 过了一段时间,你们成了 Facebook 上的好友, 接着成为生活中的朋友。
You can go and travel and meet people. 你可能去旅行,去拜会他们。
And I was in Munich a few weeks ago. 我几周前去了慕尼黑。
I went there to open an exposition about Iran and I met there with people from the page that told me, "Okay, you're going to be in Europe, 我去举办一个关于伊朗的展览会 我在那里见到了 Facebook 上认识的新朋友 他们说: 如果你去欧洲
I'm coming. I'm coming from France, from Holland , from Germany," of course, and from Israel people came, and we just met there for the first time in real life. 我也要过来见你,我从法国过来,我从荷兰过来, 我从德国过来,”当然还有以色列的朋友 在慕尼黑我们第一次见到了真实的对方。
I met with people that are supposed to be my enemies for the first time. And we just shake hands, and have a coffee and a nice discussion, and we talk about food and basketball. 我第一次见到了那些曾经被认为是我们的敌人的人。 我们相互握手, 我们一起喝咖啡,聊得很愉快, 我们聊食物和篮球。
And that was the end of it. 这是我们会面结束时的样子。
Remember that image from the beginning? 还记得一开始的那张海报么?
At some point we met in real life, and we became friends. 生命中某个时刻我们相遇,并成为了朋友。
And it goes the other way around. 又或者我们先在网络上成为朋友,再在现实中相遇。
Some girl that we met on Facebook never been in Israel, born and raised in Iran, lives in Germany, afraid of Israelis because of what she knows about us, 我在 Facebook 上认识一个女孩 她在伊朗出生、长大,现在住在德国, 从没去过以色列,曾经很害怕以色列人, 因为从小获得的知识就是这样的。
decides after a few months of talking on the Internet with some Israelis to come to Israel, and she gets on the plane and arrives at Ben Gurion and says, "Okay, not that big a deal." 在网上跟一些以色列人聊了几个月之后 她决定到以色列看看。 她坐飞机抵达了本·古里安机场(以色列最大的机场) 然后说,“其实以色列人没那么可怕啊。”
So a few weeks ago, the stress is getting higher, so we start this new campaign called "Not ready to die in your war." 几周前,局势又变得紧张起来, 于是我们发起了一个的新的运动 叫做“我们不愿刀兵相见”
I mean, it's plus/minus the same message, but we wanted really to add some aggressivity to it. 这个跟之前要传达的信息没有太大的差别, 但是我们这次想要表现的更加的激进一点。
And again, something amazing happened, something that we didn't have on the first wave of the campaign. 跟之前一样,很多令人惊奇的事情发生了。 并且出现了上次活动没有出现过的奇妙的事情。
Now people from Iran, the same ones who were shy at the first campaign and just sent, you know, their foot and half their faces, now they're sending their faces, and they're saying, "Okay, no problem, we're into it. We are with you." 来自伊朗的人,在上次的活动中还很小心谨慎地 只是在网上贴出他们自己的脚 和半张脸的相片, 现在他们露了全脸,并且宣布, “OK,没问题,我们加入,让我们一起努力。”
Just read where those guys are from. 看看这些人来自哪里。
And for every guy from Israel, you've got someone from Iran. 现在我们看到有多少以色列人发贴 就有多少伊朗人跟贴
Just people sending their pictures. 人们不断地互发相片
Crazy, yes? 太疯狂了,不是么?
So -- 所以 ——
(Applause) (掌声)
So you may ask yourself, who is this dude? 你可能会好奇,做演讲的这个家伙是谁?
My name is Ronny Edry, and I'm 41, I'm an Israeli, 我叫罗尼·艾德里,41岁,以色列人,
I'm a father of two, I'm a husband, and I'm a graphic designer. I'm teaching graphic design. 是两个孩子的父亲,米哈尔的丈夫 我是一名平面设计师,也教平面设计课
And I'm not that naive , because a lot of the time 最后我想澄清一下我并不如人们说的那样很太真。因为有很多时候
I've been asked, many times I've been asked, "Yeah, but, this is really naive, sending flowers over, I mean ?? " 人们问我,“想法挺不错的,但是, 你不觉得向敌人抛橄榄枝的做法很幼稚吗?” 我并不这样认为
I was in the army. I was in the paratroopers for three years, and I know how it looks from the ground. 我曾服过役,在伞兵部队呆过三年时间, 我深知地面上的人看伞兵是什么感受。
I know how it can look really bad. 我知道感觉可能会非常的糟糕。
So to me, this is the courageous thing to do, to try to reach the other side before it's too late, because when it's going to be too late, it's going to be too late. 所以对我而言,这件事情非常值得去做, 赶在一切都太迟之前,促进相互的了解。 因为有些事情一旦发生了,就没有办法再回头。
And sometimes war is inevitable , sometimes, but maybe [with] effort, we can avoid it. 有时,战争无法避免,但是有些时候 或许可以用我们的努力来避免。
Maybe as people, because especially in Israel, we're in a democracy . We have the freedom of speech, and maybe that little thing can change something. 或许作为一个公民,特别是作为以色列的公民, 因为我们是民主国家,我们有言论自由, 或许一点点的努力,真的能够改变一些事情。
especially:adv.尤其;特别;格外;十分; democracy:n.民主,民主主义;民主政治;
And really, we can be our own ambassadors . 我们每个人都是自己的外交大使。
We can just send a message and hope for the best . 我们可以发出我们的信息,期待最好的结果。
for the best:出于好意;
So I want to ask Michal, my wife, to come with me on the stage just to make with you one image, because it's all about images. 现在我想请我的妻子,马哈尔,到舞台上来, 我俩会跟你们一起合一张影, 因为今天我们讲的全是相片的事
on the stage:在舞台上;现阶段;当演员;
And maybe that image will help us change something. 或许这张合影能够帮助我们改变一点什么。
Just raise that. Exactly. 请大家(把手里的心型图片)举高一点,很好,就这样。
And I'm just going to take a picture of it, and I'm just going to post it on Facebook with kind of "Israelis for peace" or something. 我现在要拍一张照片, 我要把它贴到 Facebook 上 放在“以色列爱和平”或类似的分类下。
Oh my God. 天啊。
Don't cry. 不要哭。
Thank you guys. 谢谢你们。
(Applause) (掌声)